Fallout 2

Fallout 2

same voice actor
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5 Kommentare
Kaiserpinguin 22. Apr. um 16:43 
Also the voice of Marcus in Fallout 2 and New Vegas
MiddayEnglishman 17. Jan. um 12:24 
It appears that way.. neat, says he was in Fallout New Vegas as well.

MiddayEnglishman 17. Jan. um 12:22 
"Michael Dorn" is the name of the actor that plays Worf, will have to check he credits of Fallout see what it says.
SamTheSasquatch 14. Aug. 2023 um 8:46 
Holy shit, that's awesome.
IL PALLINO 6. Mai 2023 um 21:29 
Ah yes, damned extremist officers!