Mirror's Edge
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How to change FOV permanently and disable FPS cap in Mirrors Edge!
От λ ThePowerarmor76 λ
This guide will help you to change FOV and disable the FPS cap with a really handy tool!

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The only thing you will need is a copy of Mirror's Edge (obviously) you can find the game for cheap in a sale.


Also, get Winrar for extracting the tool

First, you have to go to this ModDB page, and download the tool.

It will come in a winrar archive, just extract it and get the .exe

Open the Mirror's Edge Tweaks.exe, it will open a window.

You will first need to find the Engine.u file to apply the tweaks, you can find that file in the main Mirror's edge Folder, you can get to it if you go to your steam library and right click the game, go to Properties/Local Files/Browse.

The Engine.u file is in this path:

D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\mirrors edge\TdGame\CookedPC

Now, we can change the FOV, the default value, as far as i know is 90, i played with 120, but having a really high value can make your in game model to start looking weird, i would suggest you put 110, since it a good balance between your viewmodel not looking weird and not having a low FOV.

DON'T use the custom aspect ratio option, since the creator of this tool says this is an experimental feature.
The Physx simulation FPS lets you change the FPS value of cloth simulations, here's the explanation from the ModDB page.

And finally, there's an FPS limit, i would suggest that you disable the FPS limiter and put your own custom value if you want to.

And that 's it! you can now enjoy mirror's edge with a good FOV and without a FPS cap!

I was also gonna include a fix to the Physx performance bug, but since I have an AMD GPU, I can't test the possible fixes for this problem, since this feature is not compatible with AMD cards.

Here are a few guides that (might) help you with that problem:



You can also check the PC gaming wiki page of this game if you have any other issues.


I hope this guide helps you, and have fun with the game!

1 коментара
Lazy 14 апр. в 12:58 
Get 7-zip instead