Arma 3
368 értékelés
TV Guided missile (SPIKE NLOS)
Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Equipment, Weapon
190.387 KB
2023. ápr. 20., 14:51
2023. ápr. 28., 23:08
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TV Guided missile (SPIKE NLOS)

1 Dankan37 készítette gyűjteményben
My mods
13 elem
TV Guided missile
This mod adds a new feature to Arma 3: TV guided missiles. You can launch these missiles from various platforms and steer them during flight using a camera view. You can also switch between different camera modes, such as thermal or night vision, to enhance your targeting.
This mod is 100% vanilla and requires no other addons.

3 New missiles are added to the game called: Titan AT, AP and KE denoted with (Seeker), you may find them in the arsenal. The Titan KE (kinetic) has no warhead and can be used for recon or as a "clean" kill system.
Also added a variant of the Skalpel to all vanilla airborne vehicles and some RHS ones.

After firing the missile, an action called Open missile FOV will appear, activate it to open the missile seeker.
You steer the missile by moving the mouse and (left) click on the position you want to target.
  • R : Toggle between zoom on/off
  • T : Toggle autolock on/off also forgets the locked target
  • N : Toggle white hot / CCD
  • F : Airburst
  • Esc: Closes the dialog
Autolock: This feature shows the lock status on the top right of the screen and lets you choose whether to let the missile automatically steer to the locked target (object) or not. With Autolock off (OVRD), you have more manual control and precision over your missile trajectory.

Adding your missiles
Any missile can be added and steered, right now they use my config but I plan on allowing broader customization.
To add a missile run the following code in the init.sqf (or any executable file):
["ammo name", "add"] call D37AT_fnc_addMissile
for example, to add the Mk4 HEAT missile you should type:
["MRAWS_HEAT_F", "add"] call D37AT_fnc_addMissile
and to remove it:
["MRAWS_HEAT_F", "remove"] call D37AT_fnc_addMissile
in case you want to skip firing the missile use the following:
_pos = position player; _pos set [2, 50]; _projectile = "M_Titan_MIL_AT" createVehicle _pos; _projectile setDir (direction player); [_projectile] spawn D37AT_fnc_handleMissile;
This will create a titan missile 50 meters above the player and will immediately put you in control.
The function D37AT_fnc_handleMissile has 3 parameters, the projectile, the offset and the speed profile, I advise you to look into the code to understand how to employ it optimally.
An example of an application is the following:
_projectile = "M_Titan_MIL_AT" createVehicle _pos; [_projectile, 0.65, [80,40, 10, 50]] spawn D37AT_fnc_handleMissile;
This script will create a Titan AT missile, place the camera 0.65m infront of the center and give the missile the speed profile.
But if you want not to use my speed logic because you want to use your own or the missile default one, then you should just use:
_projectile = "M_Titan_MIL_AT" createVehicle _pos; [_projectile, 0.65] spawn D37AT_fnc_handleMissile;
This will not use any speed logic.

Planned features
  • Tidy up stuff internally and allow customization
  • Performance optimization
  • Improved logic for speed profile
  • Vehicleborne missiles
  • More missiles

You may find the source code here:
Népszerű témák Összes megnézése (1)
ápr. 24., 0:37
110 megjegyzés
Sheliz 21 órája 
@spinosarousguy88 it works, it's a conflict between mods. Personally I got the error

-wrong 'pylonWeapon' in magazine:'PylonRack_1Rnd_MIL_scalpel' this magazine cannot be used in weapon'missiles_SCALPEL'
-unable to create weapon for missile 'PylonRack_1Rnd_MIL_scalpel', check config entry'pylonWeapon'
Sheliz nov. 21., 14:10 
Vehicleborne missiles pls, like Reaction Force's truck
IceBreakr szept. 8., 20:20 
Is it compatible in MP?
IceBreakr szept. 8., 20:16 
And chance to add this type of missile to the static Spike launcher?
spinosarousguy88 szept. 8., 16:52 
It doesn't work anymore.
sovietpeanut173 jún. 17., 16:36 
how do i make it work .i fire the missile and i cant control it
gepard_Shepard jún. 8., 4:35 
I have a problem ...stop locking a planes ?AA missile just stop locking ...and the spike detonate in air ther is some range options or what i did wrong?
rockandrolla1 márc. 23., 11:36 
excellent mod, really struggled with the "target lock" in arma vanilla game, this mod solved my problem
stonegodspeed jan. 27., 8:33 
used this missile in several missions as a beyond-the-sight-of-line man portable cruise missile. it performed excellently at sinking ships and destroying targets in the plain feature maps at medium range.

because in these maps, the ground heat clusters and features are limited, so targets are easily found, and the round was reasonably maneuverable in medium range (2-3km ish)

but using this missile in jungle and bush maps, short or long range, the experience is not rookie-friendly to say the least, can't found the target quickly enough to steering the round, and in the end, splash
stonegodspeed jan. 27., 2:15 
superb work, totally changed my gaming experience