Dota 2
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7.32e (Core) 7.32d 23SAVAGE Spectre Carry
By FonzzZ
- Use Spectral Dagger on enemys when they tank the creepwave so they tank it longer. (For example after a ranged hero attacks you)
- Try not to use Dagger too much before you reach level 2.
- Help your support by using Dagger to harass an enemy together.
- Always sneak in autoattacks to harass the enemy.
- Try to stay on lanes as long as possible.

- Kill small creeps in jungle first as soon as you have Desolate.
- If you get low, dont go to base, farm easy camp and stay near tower for regen (if possible).
- Only TP base when you can also assemble an item. Use Hount/Shadowstep after to get out of base faster.
- Use Blade Mail to farm creeps faster (e.g. ancients).

Shadow Step Build - Tutorial:
1. Use Shadow Step off cooldown to hount on an enemy heroe.
2. Immediatly after use Orchid on the target.
3. Use Manta and let the illus attack enemy.
4. Dissimilate back to where you were before using Shadow Step.
5. Watch them die from across the map. Profit.

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