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install Krita on Linux Ubunto
Max 님이 작성
Fix why Krita steam version won't run on Ubunto.
즐겨찾기 해제
Ubunto [updated 22.10]
1- run this command in terminal
sudo apt install libfuse2

2- run Krita from steam

why this?
Appimage requires "libfuse2", and Ubuntu doesn't have it in default unlike other distro
Install the Non-steam version for ubunto
just use this command
sudo apt-get install krita
Fedora [38]
  1. open the terminal.
  2. install steam (official non-free fedora repo)
    sudo dnf install steam

    type "yes" to download and install.

  3. after you finish the install process run Steam by typing on the terminal.

  4. now you can run Krita
댓글 1
-ˏˋNamiˎˊ- 2023년 12월 14일 오전 9시 47분 
*psst* Its called Ubuntu :3