Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Modo de jogo: Ponto de Controlo
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14 jan. 2023 às 22:27
14 jan. 2023 às 23:03
1 nota de alteração ( ver )

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Staredown was the original name of the map we now know as Powerhouse. A version of staredown from the early 2010s was just released onto the internet, but it wasn't the 5 CP version that the map originally was. In spite of this, it had a LOT of leftover bits to it that allowed for recreation of its older layout. After a few days of work, I present 5Staredown. The name is pretty self explanatory.

This version of the map includes the water route, as expected, as well as the spawnroom FOR said water route. The original 30 second setup timer has been reintroduced, along with the text that appears on screen. The administrator's starting voice line is reimplemented as well. All in all, I think I did a pretty good job with this one.

Included in the map is a navigation file for bots and images for the level load. Pick up your copy today!
2 comentários
Wolfcl0rk (Wolfcl0ck)  [autor] 6 fev. 2023 às 18:47 
Oh yes, I was able to tell as much while working on this. The spawn in this version is clearly slabbed over the original.
poincare 6 fev. 2023 às 13:45 
this is an edited version of the map not the original you may notice that the river area and the unused backroom spawn poorly block in, becuase this was an alt version (most likely an koth map) so it not what its meant to look like you seeing here, also the river area is bit of a jack if you ask me