The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

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Helpful Links and References, Section 1 - General Information
By smr1957
Where to start - some general information
For general info regarding the game, walkthrough of quests, known bugs and possible solutions, this is an invaluable resource:

A couple of general guides for first time players:

An essential guide for new players (or low to medium experience players)

And for those who enjoy taking screenshots, there is this:
For Those New to Modding the Game
Advice to New Players Regarding Modding the Game

Skyrim SE: Guides and Resources by Ilja (PINNED TOPIC)
VERY IMPORTANT if you wish to successfully mod your game.

For information on creating a Bashed Patch for handling Leveled Lists, see Section 5.3 Wrye Bash of the following:
and its associated thread:
The Basics: Modding Skyrim SE Properly in 2022 by Vlad 254

And, for the most basic of builds - just what you absolutely need: nothing more, nothing less:

And for those of you using a widescreen setup:
Matt, the author of this guide, is extremely helpful. Should you have any questions regarding a widescreen issue, just ask in the guide's Comment section.

Unofficial Patches
These are essential patches to ensure that the game plays as bug free as possible. Though they may be called "Unofficial," they are unofficial in name only, and are accepted by the vast majority of the Skyrim gaming community (there are some who disagree, but though vocal, they are a small minority) as being necessary and as close to "official" patches as anyone not directly associated with Bethesda can create.

First and foremost is the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch:

The Unofficial Patch is a necessity when it comes to running a bug free game. It fixes literally THOUSANDS of bugs. Regardless of what you may lose by having the Patch, you gain thousands of times more by having it. Plus, if you do not have the Patch installed, we really cannot help you, as so many fixes rely upon it.

It is important to note, however, that the Patch does not fix all bugs retroactively (due to the fact that the bugs may have already been baked into the save file) - thus, it is important to install at the beginning of a new game.

If you do run into issues, the first thing we will ask is if you have the Patch - because it is invaluable when it comes to a stable game. If you take the risk of not having the Patch upon yourself, and if you run into bugs, or save bloat, or broken quests after deciding you didn't need the Unofficial Patch, then, as previously stated, there will be little we can do to help.

For more detailed information of what the Unofficial Patch fixes, as well as explanations as to why it fixes certain things, see the PINNED TOPIC:

And for those who have the Anniversary Edition DLC, or any indiviual Creation Club mods from the DLC, you should install the following:
Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patches -

A bundle of patches to fix the bugs in the Skyrim Creation Club content as well as resolve conflicts between Creation Club mods and the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (USSEP). For a list of what it fixes, see Changelogs, here:

Some Miscellaneous Information
SKSE Plugin Status
A list of known plugins for Skyrim Script Extender and the compatible game versions.
NOTE: Address Library-dependent plugins for the pre-11/11/21 version of Address Library will not work with the new version of Address Library, as the rewrite is much more substantial than was anticipated when Address Library was created.

Regarding Older Mods
The following, though extremely old and no longer maintained, is included because these mods are still available on Nexus, and the mods themselves have not necessarily been updated, so the information contained in this discussion still applies. While this was written for original 32bit Skyrim (Oldrim, as it is often referred to), some of these mods may have been ported to SSE - with all the inherent issues in the original intact. If a mod you intend to use is listed in the below linked discussion as being "Dangerous," DO NOT USE IT!. If it is listed as "Outdated" or "Superceded," check for a replacement for the mod.
Masterlist : Dangerous, Outdated and Superseded Mods by Nazenn

Some Modding Advice
One thing that we often see in the forums, is players creating mod builds that are beyond their knowledge and abilty. Skyrim is not plug and play, and if you try to do too much, you may run into serious difficulties. So, just some words of advice and caution before you embark upon your adventure of creating that perfect build.

Most importantly, start small - just add a few mods at a time, test, and then play for a while to ensure there are no issues - don't fall into the trap of adding a bunch of mods and then trying to play. And, very important!!! For most mods, once they are added, they cannot be removed and play continued on that save - you have to roll back to a save made before that removed/disabled mod was installed, or start a new game - absolutely no ifs, ands, or buts about it. So make sure you make a manual save before adding anything, and save often (manually) while playing, so you can roll back to a previous save if necessary.

Also, never forget the Golden Rule of Modding, as mentioned in the Introduction:
"No matter how good a mod may look or sound, no matter how much you may really want a mod, if the mod does not work as it should, causes issues in your game, or even seems to have the potential to cause issues, dump the mod. A game that does not work is no game at all."

Finally, if you have any questions, or are unsure of something, just ask in the forum first - it is easier to prevent a problem than it is to fix one - especially where Skyrim is concerned.