God of War

God of War

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Tips for quickly vanquishing the nine valkyries of the realms in God Of War - *NO SPOILERS*
By TheHollowGuy
Feeling the need to TAKE heed and defeat the most villainous Valkyries, without knowing how, with the only vivid image you remember is succumbing to the likes of the first ATTACK?!!! ;) Say NO MORE, for in this enticing guide, I shall precisely explain the most beneficial ways to take down the most malicious Valkyries in the most beauteous forms of ways, and If you dare to face the most potent enemy of all, THE GAMERS RAGE, ;) join me as we obliviously charge from timidly walking to the first arena, to defeating the queen of the valkyries, which in itself has caused many RAGERS, but prehaps with enough determination, you can survive the temptation to smash your keyboard, ;) and prevail FOREVERMORE!!!
Beauteous secret vanquishing of the nine Valkyries forevermore - Revealing the unknown! ;)
Greetings! Welcome to my detailed and precise guide on how to taking down some of the most difficult and physically challenging Valkyries that hide so plainly in their chambers in god of war so that you yourself can start your very own Valkyrie wing collection with Kratos pulling them off so fast!!! ;) Please enjoy the revealing! ;)

First magnanimous tactility - God of War!!!!

Valkyrie Tip 1: - Take your time and avoid taking damage - The Valkyrie fights are ones in which your focus shouldn’t be on dishing out damage, but avoiding taking it. That’s a bit of a shift from most of the battles in the game. The Valkyries all carry a huge amount of health and deal out massive damage when they hit you, so a couple of rounds of slashing away with the Leviathan Axe isn’t going to cut it — you need to be in the fight for the long haul, and that means playing smart. Your biggest focus should be on learning each Valkyrie’s set of moves and avoiding their biggest damage dealers. There’s some overlap, but each Valkyrie has its own particular set of moves that require quick reflexes to avoid damage. You’ll find that avoiding Valkyrie attacks will usually help you find openings to strike back, but don’t over commit to attacking and leave yourself exposed. Deal a little bit of damage and stay back. Staying alive is the best way to win, or you can choose the other option.. let the boy do all the work!! ;)

Valkyrie Tip 2: - Bring the highest-level armour you can - There are a lot of stats and perks available along with weapons and armour in God of War, but the most important aspect of your equipment is always its overall level number. You’ll need powerful gear to take on the Valkyries. In all cases, the Valkyries deal a ton of damage when they hit you, and it’s unlikely you’ll be able to fully avoid their attacks as you do battle. Higher gear levels are necessary for allowing you to absorb the Valkyries’ punishment for those moments when an attack gets through. Some are tougher to obtain than others, though: The first few you can reach, in places such as Thamur’s Corpse, tend to be easier than the ones that become accessible after visiting Helheim. Generally speaking, you’ll want your Level to be at least 6 to take on the Valkyries — but a more realistic point for beating the majority of them is around Level 8.

Valkyrie Tip 3: - Focus on health-boosting equipment - Several pieces of armour, some Enchantments, and even a Runic attack or two are geared toward restoring your health. You’ll definitely want them, as well as armour that boosts your defence and vitality stats. Ivaldi’s armour, which you can craft in Niflheim, for instance, is handy because it continually restores a small amount of health (it also carries a ton of Enchantment slots and can be upgraded to Level 8). Likewise, the Gift of Apollo Heavy Runic Attack will restore some health as you rack up damage against enemies. You should also consider buying Atreus’ Runic Vestment armour, because he’ll occasionally toss Health Stones Kratos’ way in battle situations, which might mean the difference between winning and losing at a key moment. You’re going to want anything you can get to keep yourself alive in some of the toughest Valkyrie fights, so don’t leave any advantages behind, and you can bask in victory forevermore.

Valkyrie Tip 4: - Pay attention to the Valkyrie’s health - HMM!!! Your wing collection is coming along nicely, but work is to be done! If you look closely at the Valkyries’ health bars at the bottom of the screen, you’ll notice they’re heavily segmented. Pay attention to how much damage you’re dealing when you attack each Valkyrie, and how fast you can get down to those segment markers. When you do enough damage to completely empty one of those segments, the Valkyrie will drop a Health Stone, and you’re likely to need every one of them. If you can pay enough attention, you’ll know when you can expect a Health Stone and how much damage you need to do, and that information can help keep you alive. In any case, keep your eye out for the Valkyrie to drop those Health Stones, and then make sure you don’t leave yourself open when you pick them up, since that can leave you vulnerable for an attack!!! ;)

Valkyrie Tip 5: - Save your Spartan Rage for emergencies - While Runic attacks are good for dealing a lot of damage as often as possible, Spartan Rage is something you’ll probably want to save up for when you really need it. Activating the Rage makes it impossible for a Valkyrie to interrupt your attacks while you’re wailing on it, and it also restores some health. This second aspect makes it great to deploy in times of emergency, because you’ll heal up a little while you injure the Valkyrie, and you’re likely to make it drop a Health Stone or two as well. Just remember to be careful about avoiding damage as soon as your Rage has ended, less you succumb to the valkyries yourself!!!! ;)

The magnanimous few before the reverberating conclusion - Vanquishing of the Valkyries -
Valkyrie Tip 6: - Always have a Resurrection Stone on hand - After you’re able to purchase Resurrection Stones from the dwarves, you should always keep one nearby — though they’re known as essential items needed to destroy the Valkyries. These monsters have a tremendous amount of health and hit their opponents extremely hard. The odds of you dying are incredibly high, but a Resurrection Stone will help you survive. Indeed, you’ll want the best one you can get your hands on; later in the game, a purple Legendary Resurrection Stone will become available. This particular stone will restore a moderate amount of health but gives complete Spartan Rage. Your play style will indicate whether or not that stone will assist you better than a health boost when you rise again! Then the great sigrun of the valkyries shall be awaiting you! ;)

Valkyrie QUEEN guide: - Sigrun, Queen of the Valkyries -

To defeat Sigrun, the best way is to learn her moves. Learning her moves will not only help you understand when to dodge, but also help you know when to attack. Also, keep in mind that in this fight your shield will be of great help, so be prepared to use it often.

Sigrun will start attacking you using her wings, her wing attack pattern is as follows.

  • Individual wing attacks.
  • Rotary attack.
  • Wing attack + Spin attack.

After the aforementioned attacks, she can perform any of the following attacks.

  • Scythe Waves: Sigrun will sweep a wave with his scythe towards Kratos. You can dodge it by timing your roll to the sides based on the attack’s position.
  • Shoot yellow bullets and magic discs: When you see multiple incoming projectiles, you can block them. But if you see one coming, it’s best to dodge it.
  • Throw ice shards: Just like the yellow bullet, you can block many ice attacks. But if you see a large block of ice coming towards you, dodge it.
  • Scythe Spin attack: She will rush towards Kratos and use her Scythe to slash.
  • Jump on Kratos: She will jump on Kratos to try to grab him. Avoid this attack and you will gain room to hit her.
  • Making Shields for Her Wings: As the name suggests she uses her wings as a shield. Although this was not an attack in itself, she attacked after raising her wings.
  • Black Smoke Bullet: Sigrun also shoots black smoke like projectiles that you can block.
  • Fire on the ground: Sigrun will raise his hand and you will see fire burning on the ground. Dodge it because it will burn and deal a lot of damage. After dodging this attack, prepare to dodge Sigrun’s second attack.
  • Flying and making a pound of ground: She will use her staff to smash the ground.
  • Attack staff: As the name suggests Sigrun will use his staff to attack Kratos. Her attacks are also capable of blinding Kratos.
  • Fly with a dash: When you see Sigrun flying and rushing towards you, dodge it. That’s because she’s aiming for your face and if she catches it, she’ll make sure Kratos gets a taste of the dirt.
  • Crash after launch: This is one of her ground attacks as she dashes towards Kratos. And followed by a stab attack.
  • Blind attack: This will make the entire arena foggy and make you lose track of her.

Most of her close range spinning attacks can be blocked, but she may follow up with a punch attack after the flurry. You will get a red circle. You just need to roll aside here and then return fire.

Also: The Aegir's Protection Shield Talisman is VERY helpful if fully upgraded. When you get a lull in the battle, use it, as it will create a protective area which will recharge your health a bit while you stand in the circle. Keep using it as soon as it fully recharges!

In predominant generality, I hope this makes the Valkyries less tedious to defeat in the predominant run and that you are in uttermost awe forevermore! ;)

TheHollowGuy  [author] 6 Sep, 2023 @ 11:10pm 
I can try such, BUT WE MUST REMEMBER TO LET THE BOY DO ALL THE WORK!! Muahahahaha! ;)
Rtas_Lodamai 6 Sep, 2023 @ 10:59pm 
Throw your axe at the Valkyries when they leap up into the air to throw discs at you or do the blinding move, and you can stun them and knock them back down
TheHollowGuy  [author] 3 Sep, 2023 @ 2:36pm 
The tips of beauty have been shared!!! I will then hastily steal all of them for thy self!! ;) :mimir_lol:
Flynnatron 2 Sep, 2023 @ 2:09am 
Nearly a year late to this guide but another trick that's helped me steamroll a lot of the Valkyrie's is when you do go berserk, to use Atreus's wolf rune attack, it has a lot of damage, but also it locks the Valkyrie in a stun for a solid amount of time, meaning she cannot dodge any attacks during your rage. This helps for an incredible amount of damage you would usually lose chasing her around the arena. Also while the Aegir's Talisman is my favorite for the fact of it's enchantment slots on top of it's unique effect, the Talisman of Realms slows enemies considerably and is extremely helpful as well. Awesome guide!! :mimir_lol:
TheHollowGuy  [author] 29 May, 2023 @ 7:00pm 
Oh the fucking camera yeah, that's a pain in the ass, luckily it never hapened to me lol... Thats though has nothing to do with the boss, but the game itself, its just enhanced by the bosses quick movements, and since she's yellow, she may be part bumblebee!!! :mimir_lol:
THEW 29 May, 2023 @ 3:29pm 
what about the shit fucking camera man, making me MAD
TheHollowGuy  [author] 28 Jan, 2023 @ 12:52pm 
Indeed, I was more thinking for newer players who experience give me a story or give me a balenced experience, and yes it does change drastically if the enemy is a lot faster, this guide was more for beginners to the fight, and I myself, on god of war difficulty used a totally different strategy, of my own using ivaldi deadly mist armor, maxed out, the talisman of the realm to give more oppurtunity for damage when stunned and mostly using the leviathan axe to stun her when she leaps into the air, with the blades for when she is stunned taking my time to avoid damage!!! Muahahaha!! THE perfected tip!! ;)
DarkM48 28 Jan, 2023 @ 6:44am 
The advice for Sigrun will never work on max difficulty, i just beat Sigrun yesterday and there is an easier method:
First off, get Berserker's ressurection stone, Sigrun one-shots you or leaves you at 5% health. 50% hp will not cut it, this way you at least get full rage bar. Preferrably try to kill her on NG+.

The Talisman you should use is talisman of the realms. Must-use enchantments are Perfect mark of protection (talisman turned into enchantment), Perfect mark of Kvasir (another talisman turned into ench.) and recommended is to turn Travelers armor into enchantment.

Method to kill her: dodge her wing attacks to proc realm shift and use 1 runic attack during it, when she tries to jump on you, USE A RUNIC! When she stops after your attacks, be ready to aim at her if she jumps up. When you see her spinning and throwing a staff to the ground, hit her with an axe throw. After a runic, if you are safe use realm shift talisman and stab her many times with blades of chaos.
TheHollowGuy  [author] 21 Dec, 2022 @ 10:23pm 
I can try such, BUT WE MUST REMEMBER TO LET THE BOY DO ALL THE WORK!! Muahahahaha! ;)
No Exit 21 Dec, 2022 @ 9:25pm 
By all means, steal them!

Also: The Aegir's Protection Shield Talisman. VERY helpful if fully upgraded. When you get a lull in the battle, use it, as it will create a protective area which will recharge your health a bit while you stand in the circle. Keep using it as soon as it fully recharges!

Also I found that having the blue regeneration stone is best. It will restore half your health on death, which if you've got Sigrun to under 50% health by the time you need to use it, will probably get you over the line. I found the blue one more useful than the more expensive purple one that maxxes out your rage meter. It's hard to recover much health from using rage against the Valkyrie.