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Vanilla Animals Expanded
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
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Vanilla Animals Expanded

En 2 colecciones creadas por Oskar Potocki
Vanilla Expanded
102 artículos
Vanilla Expanded - Empire playthrough
148 artículos

1.1.0 (10/06/2022): 1.4 Update


Vanilla Animals Expanded is a large mod that contains almost all previous Vanilla Animals Expanded modules, this time merged into one big mod. Fear not, however - last thing we want is to bloat your game: you can now disable individual animals in mod options! You can only enable the animals that appear in your biome if you want.

The reason we merged all the animal mods is because they are finished - the only new animals we have planned fit into standalone packs. We have already covered all the biomes, so it’s only proper we clean it up and make it into one big mod.

No, we have no plans to merge any other mods together.

This mod adds dozens of new animals that fit RimWorld aesthethic, from house cats and rottweilers to anacondas and indian elephants, it really breathes a lot of life into the game and makes every biome feel very, very unique.

The Waste, Endangered and Royal animals mods will remain independent, as they add special mechanics and events that stray a bit from this type of mod.

Vanilla Animals Expanded adds following animals to the base game:


For balance reasons, we have made a VERY comprehensive animal spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19wyuEqVvMIIO717o8eZq81Nkh-5ZISwAsPtjOxoDdeQ/edit?usp=sharing

Q: Do the animals spawn randomly in biomes?
A: Yes, a majority of them are guaranteed to spawn in Temperate Forest biome, with some of them also spawning in other biomes.

Q: Can I disable X animal?
A: Yes! Use mod options to disable any or all animals if you so desire. This will disable them from spawning in the wild.

Q: Is X a pack animal?
A: Pack animals are marked on infographics.

Q: Why is X animal white?
A: It’s only white as a texture, but ingame, code applies colour to it. It’s a little trick that mod authors do to have a bit more control over how an animal looks.

Q: Can I suggest a feature?
A: Absolutely, leave a comment down below!

Q: Will you keep updating the mod with new animals?
A: No. I will focus on other modules, adding new animals, but this mod is complete as is.

Q: Is this mod save game compatible?
A: Yes, you can add it whenever you want. Please remember: removing mods causes issues!

Q: Can you add /this/ animal?
A: Feel free to suggest it!

Q: CE compatible?
A: No idea.

Q: Are you doing this with any other VE mods?
A: No.

Q: But my load list is clogging!
A: This may come as a surprise to you, but your modlist is not a toilet. The impact of loading 14 mods is basically the same as loading a single mod that includes those 14.

Graphics are created by Oskar Potocki.

Steam Infographics inspired by Planet Zoo. Love that game.

Code work created by Sarg Bjornson.

Lemur made by Luizi!

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.

(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)[creativecommons.org]

Discusiones populares Ver todo (2)
13 JUL a las 7:02
FIJO: Suggestions
Sarg Bjornson
13 JUL 2023 a las 23:41
FIJO: Vanilla Expanded animal mods that are separate from this one
Sarg Bjornson
578 comentarios
Sarg Bjornson  [autor] 6 SEP a las 22:52 
These are nice kangaroos
iamnotawindmill 6 SEP a las 17:26 
Hey Sarg & co, love the mods! Just wanted to point something out: Kangaroos in this mod have 0 chance at retaliation when hunted or tamed, which seems inaccurate to real kangaroos. They can be pretty mean! I think they should have at least some chance of fighting back, you really don't want to pick a fight with one irl.

Have a great day!
Boopiedoop 30 AGO a las 10:06 
I love you <3
dragonsphotoworks 30 AGO a las 2:57 
Lol oh ya I forgot to mention the link. Was focused on verbal terminology to use i forgot about the link lol People tend to forget you guys "and 99% of all modders" do this for free on own time. And while might seem a bit kiss ass lol Positive interactions and requests tend to get better responses.

Its old saying but my grand dad used to tell me it all the time. Catch more flies with honey then vinegar :-) Though when I asked why I would want flies I got bonked on my head lol

As for marriage.. "southern bell voice" Why sir I am flattered. But my wife might object lmao
Sarg Bjornson  [autor] 30 AGO a las 2:51 
Yes!!! 100% Kiss this man. Will you marry me?

It's also the best if you guys report things using the linked report system, as that allows us to have all bugs on the same place, which is essential to fix things in the more than 100 mods we have now!
dragonsphotoworks 30 AGO a las 2:46 
Heres a tip for next time..
Hey Sarg, love the mod but noticed a oddity. The Welish Terrier seems around 10% larger then the Rottweiller :-) Any chance you could check it out and see if could shrink it a little? It be greatly appreciated. And keep doing great with your mods! Love them.

Wording such as that works a lot better to get things fixed or possibly changed if they willing. Which I admit atm they likely wont lol
Sarg Bjornson  [autor] 30 AGO a las 2:19 
If that single issue is enough for you to not use a mod, then yes, please, don't use any of my mods at all XDD
Kyle 29 AGO a las 16:28 
The welsh terrier is about 10% bigger than the rottweiler? The little dog I can punt 20 yards is bigger than the big ass guard dog? k... Think I'll pass on this silliness.
TrueWolves 24 AGO a las 12:05 
I find it odd that the cats are often omnivores and some of the canines are carnivores when all felines are obligate carnivores while canines vary from non-obligate carnivore to omnivore.

Though this (and the very different sizes from their real world counter parts) can be explained by being the rimworld-modern counterparts after untold generations of evolution and adaptation. People sized Maine Coons are definitely a dream.
DeNayTan 19 AGO a las 8:54 
Fun fact: In real life, Hippos have pink milk

Would be funny if y'all added the ability to milk hippos for that strawberry-lemonade-esque goodness lmao