FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water

FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Maiden of Black Water

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20th Anniversary DLC Artbook Extraction
Door Daedalus
Use this guide to extract the Artbook images from the 20th Anniversary DLC.
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  1. Fatal Frame / Project Zero 20th Anniversary Celebration DLC
  2. 7-Zip[www.7-zip.org] to unzip the tools.
  3. Noesis[www.richwhitehouse.com] for converting the .kslt files to .png images.
  4. Noesis KSLT Library[github.com] Noesis plugin for reading the Koei Tecmo .kslt format.
  5. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NMEeihwBxvl-fVRNXsFKgM2whu9z0_wZ/view - (filename: pngRenamingScripts.zip) - scripts + gnu msys2 dot org helper utilties to rename the images, per region.
Workspace Setup
  1. On your PC, create a new directory called "Artbook Workspace"
  2. Install 7-Zip.
  3. Unzip noesisv4466.zip within "Artbook Workspace\noesis"
  4. Unzip fmt_g1m-master.zip within "Artbook Workspace\noesisKsltLibrary"
  5. Unzip pngRenamingScripts.zip within "Artbook Workspace\pngRenamingScripts"
  6. Create two new directories in the workspace, and label them "gameFiles" and "pngOutput"
  7. Verify that "Artbook Workspace" now contains 5 folders (see screenshot):
Copying Files from Installation
  1. Open Steam
  2. Verify that you have downloaded the Fatal Frame / Project Zero 20th Anniversary Celebration DLC to your Steam installation.
  3. Right-Click the Fatal Frame / Project Zero Maiden of Black Water menu item, and select Manage -> Browse local files
  4. Traverse down the following directories: "[FATAL FRAME MOBW]\binary\layout\ex_texture\dab" (see screenshot)
  5. Once in the "dab" directory, select all files by pressing Ctrl + a on your keyboard.
  6. Right-Click on the selected files -> "Copy"
  7. Navigate to the "Artbook Workspace\gameFiles" directory
  8. Right-Click -> Paste. The directory should fill with 999 files.
Converting the Image Files
  1. Within the "noesisKsltLibrary" directory, traverse to "noesisKsltLibrary\Noesis\plugins\python"
  2. Right-Click -> Copy the two files present: "fmt_g1m.py" and "tool_merge.py"
  3. Traverse to "Artbook Workspace\noesis\plugins\python"
  4. Right-Click -> Paste
  5. Open the Noesis application: "Artbook Workspace\noesis\Noesis64.exe)
  6. Using Noesis's file manager tree on the left-hand pane, navigate to "Artbook Workspace\gameFiles"
  7. The middle pane should fill with file entries of type KSLT (see screenshot)
  8. Left-Click one entry in the middle pane.
  9. From the top menu bar, select "Tools -> Batch Process"
  10. On the window that opens, set/verify the following fields:
    a) Input extension:
    b) Output extension:
    c) Output path:
  11. Click the "Folder batch" button.
  12. Within the form that opens, select the "gameFiles" directory, and press OK.
  13. The Batch Process window should fill with several rows.
  14. Click "Export". Wait until the process finishes - this can take some time.
Renaming the Image Files
  1. Traverse to "Artbook Workspace\pngRenamingScripts"
  2. Depending on your region/naming preference, traverse into either the "Fatal Frame" or "Project Zero" subdirectory.
  3. The next step depends on whether or not you would like the files renamed in accordance with the original in-game captions. The original captions contain numerous errors inconsistent with the English names, terms, and conventions used in the original game series (PS2, Xbox, etc). However, a corrected set of captions has been created through collaboration with members of the Zero Wiki Community which matches the conventions of the original games. If you would like to use the Corrected Captions for renaming the files, then traverse into the "Corrected Captions" subdirectory. If you would like the Original Captions instead, then traverse into the "Original Captions" subdirectory.
  4. Select all files by pressing Ctrl + a on your keyboard.
  5. Right-Click -> Copy
  6. Traverse to "Artbook Workspace\pngOutput"
  7. Right-Click -> Paste
  8. Verify that "pngOutput" contains 1004 files (i.e. 999 .png files + the 5 new files)
  9. Verify that you are within the "pngOutput" directory.
  10. Right-Click the "Fatal Frame.bat" / "Project Zero.bat" file you copied into this directory, then select "Open"
  11. Wait until the process finishes - this can take some time.
  12. Once finished, each .png file should be sorted and renamed according to their location and the caption set chosen. (see screenshot)
  13. Enjoy the Fatal Frame / Project Zero 20th Anniversary DLC Artbook!
Note: The total number of .png files should be 582 - which is less than the original 999. This is due to the removal of duplicates in the Artbook's files, lower resolution preview images, as well as various User Interface images.
Due to a few minor misspellings and translation errors with the 20th Anniversary Artbook as released by KT, the captions of a few images were altered.

Please leave a comment if you run into any bugs. Otherwise, enjoy the Artbook images!

Version History
  • 1.0 - Initial Release
  • 1.1 - Updated the guide with helper utilities to facilitate the renaming scripts in Windows.
  • 1.2 - Corrected Caption set scripts integrated via collaboration with Zero Wiki Community (see credits). Also eliminated Preview Image inclusion to reduce script management complexity.

If you would like to make the in-game captions of the 20th Anniversary Artbook to reflect the Corrected Captions set made available in this extraction guide, then follow my modding guide here: Mod: Corrected 20th Anniversary DLC Artbook
Bonus Guide: Game Series Logo Extraction
This bonus guide is only for those who wish to extract some of the Game Series Logos and assorted User Interface images displayed in-game while using the 20th Anniversary DLC image viewer / soundtrack player. As such, it is entirely optional, and requires an additional tool.
  1. Create new Directory: "Artbook Logo Workspace"
  2. Download "ksclUnpacker.zip": https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lJ_slH4hWm3sU0nrGGn9_v-4em9JOV0J/view
  3. Unzip "ksclUnpacker.zip" into "Artbook Logo Workspace\ksclUnpacker"
  4. Create one new directory in the workspace: "gameFiles"
  5. Verify that "Artbook Logo Workspace" now contains 2 folders:
  6. Right-Click the Fatal Frame / Project Zero Maiden of Black Water menu item, and select Manage -> Browse local files
  7. Traverse down the following directories: "[FATAL FRAME MOBW]\binary\layout\en"
  8. Once in the "en" directory, copy and paste this string into the search textbox:
  9. Once the search finishes, there should be 14 items found.
  10. Select all 14 files by pressing Ctrl + a on your keyboard.
  11. Right-Click on the selected files -> "Copy"
  12. Navigate to the "Artbook Logo Workspace\gameFiles" directory
  13. Right-Click -> Paste. The directory should fill with 14 files.
  14. Traverse to "Artbook Logo Workspace\ksclUnpacker"
  15. Right-Click -> Copy the two files present: "ksclUnpacker.exe" and "ksclUnpacker.bat"
  16. Navigate to "Artbook Logo Workspace" and Right-Click -> Paste
  17. Right-Click the "ksclUnpacker.bat" file you copied into this directory, then select "Open"
  18. Once the process finishes, navigate to the "gameFiles" directory.
  19. Extracted images will be stored inside the directories and given the file extension ".dds"
  20. Game logos in particular are stored in the following directories: "gameFiles\dab_tracklist" and "gameFiles\dab_tracklist_eu"
DDS files can be viewed/edited/converted to PNG/JPG with common image editing/viewing software:
Caption Correction Credits:

Tool Credits: