Sundered: Eldritch Edition

Sundered: Eldritch Edition

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Eschatonian Transcript
Por Sempiternox
A transcript of the spoken Eschatonian in the game.
Greetings, children of the Eschaton!
The game's been out for quite a while and, while the community has figured out written Eschatonian aka the Eschatonian cypher, no one has solved the mystery of spoken Eschatonian... UNTIL NOW.
That's right: what you’re about to read is a transcript of the Eschatonian spoken in the game. It’s not 100% accurate or complete, but I still had a lot of fun working on this project! What helped me a lot with piecing the dialogue together and figuring out the spelling of most Eschatonian words was Kai Le Caroff’s vocab list[] shown in Thunder Lotus’s article about Eschatonian[] and the game’s .txt file containing the English subtitles among other things (yup, I did some datamining as well ^^)

But before we start, here's some general info about the transcript plus a pronunciation guide:
General Info
The structure of this transcript is as follows:

Eschatonian line*
Literal translation*
In-game subtitles*
* = additional notes

Words I couldn’t make out or translate are marked as (?).
Whenever I was unsure if I translated/transcribed/spelled a word correctly, I marked it as [word?] or [word1_word2?].
About the second square bracket example: There were some points where I had to connect two words with an underscore because without it, I would get this: []. Haven't yet figured out why that is, but I'm working on it.

Pronunciation guide

A = as in “father” or “umbrella”, depending on the length
E = as in “yes” (sometimes it’s also pronounced like the first "e" in the German word “Leben”)
I = as in “is” or like the “ee” in “see”, depending on the length
O = as in “lock”
U = like the “oo” in “book” or “tool”, depending on the length
Ä = like the “a” in “that”
Ö = as in the German word “böse”
Ü = as in the German word “Glück” or “Lüge”, depending on the length (sometimes it’s also pronounced as a semivowel[], for example in the word "üexliau" (=you))
AH = as in “Ah crap!”
AR = like the “a” in “father”. Sometimes TST rolls the R.
AU = like the “ou” in “loud”
EI = like the English letter “I”
EU = like the “oy” in “boy”
ER = can either be pronounced as in the German word “besser” or like the word “air” (non-rhotic[]). Sometimes TST rolls the R. That little disco crystal really loves rolling their Rs!
IE = like the “ee” in “see”. The only exception is the word “θieθ” (=taken), in which the “ie” is pronounced like the “ye” in “yes”.
IER = like the word “ear” (non-rhotic)
C = like the “ch” in the German word “Licht”
G = always hard, as in “gravity”
R = can either be rolled or pronounced like the German / European French R
W = like the “v” in “very”
X = like the “ch” in “Loch Ness”
θ = “th”
NG = as in “strong”
SCH = like the “sh” in “shiver”
SP = as in “speed”
ST = “sht”, as in the German word “Stein” (TST pronounces it as in “stone” at a few points, for example when they use the word “kelenstax”=“place”)
° = click consonant, but I don’t know which one T_T
^ = glottal stop[]
‘ = indicates an elision[] or contraction[]. I also used apostrophes to divide some vowel clusters into seperate syllables for better readability (Example: I spelled the Eschatonian word for “Valkyrie” as “we’eilic” = vay-eye-liç ) or to match the spelling in the vocab list (Example: the word for “home” is spelled “m’xat”)
B, D, F, H, K, L, M, N, P, S, T, V and Z are pronounced as they would be in English.

NOTE: since I had a hard time distinguishing the Eschatonian “-er” and short “-a” at the end of certain words, I spelled the respective verbs and adjectives with -a (e.g. kliezekta (= good) or beita (= work)) and (pro)nouns with -er (e.g.stüleuker (= human) or mekrer (=my)).


With that out of the way, let's take a look at the spoken Eschatonian in Sundered!
Intro Scene
Helvi Eshe...
Hello Eshe
Hello Eshe...

Tan leschtagen eidax stüleuker [wesk?] üexliau kesis tan ferkelenstax.
How interesting (?) human (?) you [is?] so/such place
How interesting that a human like you should find herself in such a place.

Mekrer m’xat. Li'e, θa... wek reümek li'e heθa.
My home. Or, well, what remain(s) [of?] this
This is my home. Or, well... what remains of it.

Schwa, üexliau xa θieθ sensch um xahetagen.
Surely, you no(t) taken here for nothing
Surely, you weren’t taken here for nothing.

En kan schn’ser stalek fauschek le üexliau fax°ale.
I can sense dark purpose in you future/fate
I can sense a dark purpose in your future,

Teks xa θehat, ol* en, Schetzing Alθakepz,
But not fear, for I, Shining Trapezohedron
But fear not, for I, the Shining Trapezohedron,
* = “ol” is probably a variation of “um” (=for)

Schra zei xelaf ek l’weitsch üexliau fexlkeit.
Will be weapon that lead(s) you freedom
Shall be the weapon that leads you to freedom.

En schra lest üesch mekrer krafst, um ek üexliau kamps le het ferkelenstax.
I will lend you my power(s), for that you fight in this place
I shall lend you my powers, so that you can fight in this place.
Region 1 Vista
Xe krantz li Ishaela Bha’gor, [el?] me’her li e’eskaetli.
To glory of Ishaela Bha’gor, (?) mother of Eschaton
In honor of Ishaela Bha’gor, the Eschaton Mother.
First Ability Shrine
Ausche [tarke?] xe klauva mlex pfiewrisch.
Use shrine(s) to gain more power
Use these shrines to gain more power.

Ta schra schaufk um tsei [fal?] zei.
It will suffice for [time?] (?) be
They will suffice for the time being.

En schra [xelschwie?] üex [wa xe?] hel stark.
I will (?) you (?) [to?] real strong
Return with an Elder Shard, and I will show you true power.*
* = according to the .txt file, the subtitle for this line used to be “I will later show you how to get real strong.”
Deflecting Shield
Het schra kes auschwax.
This will is useful
This will be useful.

Nox-inlekta mi’ eifster starlikt, i en ksa [har?] üex wie um [taschis?] het starka.
Return with Elder Shard, and I will show you how for make this stronger
The valkyries had some redeeming qualities.*
* = according to the txt. file, the subtitle for this line used to be “Return with an Elder Shard, and I will show you how to make it stronger.”
Region 1 Switches
Senschüa kes pfie deschü.
[Here?] is/are two switch(es)
There are two switches.

Ta schra inlekt pfiewrisch nax ein, i taks enein [i_schlewäst?]
It will turn power back on, and but activate (?) [defense?]
They turn the power back on, but also activate the defense systems.

Het kes wie! M’hetagen sensch schra beita hüt.
this is how! Everything here will work [now?]
This is it! Everything should work now.
First Death
Nüex teik fietsele kliemxeθ he’ fax.
We have finally come this point/chance
We have finally arrived at this point.

Het kes schlauke li [mi’kraxle?], ü alθakepz.
this is source(s) of my power, [tree?] trapezohedron
This is one of the sources of my power, the Trapezohedron’s tree.*
* = according to the txt. file, the subtitle for this line used to be "This is the source of my power, the Trapezohedrons’s Tree.”

Xrei [ferli_schlüxte?] üex, spensta üeschli starlikt um kliesekte üeschli fax’ale.
[When?] death find(s) you, spend your shards for improve your fate
When death finds you, spend your shards to improve your fate.

^xlau en. Üexliau nexek’ ta.
trust I, you need it
Trust me, you’ll need it.

He’ θas’ kes fau kliemhagle xe üeschli eix.
This world is full different to your own
This world is completely different from your own.

Ta xanglesch [klinstaxle?]. Ta teik ühe li eix.
It change(s) constantly. It has life of own
It changes constantly. It has a life of its own.

Blei eidax. [staxar?] kes üsch nah.
stay alert, danger is always near
Stay alert, as danger is always near.
Waters keseθ hälθ pfielaresch.
Waters was old fool
Waters was an old fool.

Het we’eilic aprat auscha xe kraufsat eifster starlikt.
This Valkyrie contraption use(d) to destroy Elder Shard(s)
This Valkyrie contraption was used to destroy Elder Shards.

An hertigkeit xa schra [keseieθ?].
such profanity not will [tolerated?]
Such profanity will not be tolerated.
Region 1 Lore Room 1
Apxan hete θäst inlekteθ xe letz,
Before this world turned to ruin
Before this place turned to ruin,

atic Krurhal Milarh m’wei nuex. Le karuθa li mieksch,
priest Krurhal Milarh guard us. In/from corruption of men
the priest Krurhal Milarh guarded us. From the corruption of men,

le [klinguθa?] li θäst.
in/from corrosion of world
from the corrosion of the world.
Model Luther X09 Fight
Robts mit xa esch.
machines with no soul
Machines with no soul.

En liew het nik xa schra [enrüexl?].
I think/know this one not will [save?]
I think this one is beyond repair.
First Elder Shard Fragment
Pfielaresch! Het rekisch tierakau freitax um schralipsch
fools! this/these reckless creature(s) fight for scrap(s)
Fools! These reckless creatures fight for scraps

i stax eifster starlikt le xeierlictau.
and shatter Elder Shard(s) in process
and shatter Elder shards in the process.

Kliemwe fün framenstasch xe liax.
collect three fragment(s) to (?)
Collect three fragments to make them whole again.
Leaping Device
Waheilic teike’ tüksn umb robskeit.
valkyrie(s) had brain for science
The valkyries had a brain for science...

Hel wiesch ta kliemθe’ tan stürle pfielaresch.
very bad it [came?] so stubborn(ly) foolish
Too bad they were so stubbornly foolish.
Region 1 Lore Room 2
Wa keisch lik pfielaresch mieker aneθ,
when swarm(s) of foolish men went
When swarms of foolish men arrived,

knau üschliau we’eilic
call(ing) them Valkyries
calling themselves the Valkyries,

augen fau li hataθ, xere ler he liew,
eyes full of greed, heart(s) empty to belief
eyes full of greed, hearts empty of belief,

atsan nuex li xewa üschliau m’hetagen,
ask(ing) us of give them everything
asking us to give them everything,

Krurhal Milarh xralescheke’* üschliau.
Krurhal Milarh restrained them
Krurhal Milarh restrained them.
* = just seeing this word makes my throat hurt...
Arlie Waylon Fight
Fietsele! Ta skauesch en hel tüktelaux...
finally! It/he (?) I real/very stupid
Finally! A mighty foe nonetheless...
* = according to the .txt file, the subtitle for this line used to be “Finally! He was starting to get on my nerves...”
Valkyrie Cannon
Het kes leschtagen aprat.
this is interesting contraption
This is an interesting contraption.

Taks en kan kliesekte het mit eifster starlikt.
but I can improve this with Elder Shard
Though I could improve it with an Elder Shard.
Region 1 Lore Room 3
Stark keθ we’eilic wrapf; üsch waltax, schreklic.
Strong was valkyrie(s) wrath; their bullet(s), terrible
Strong was the Valkyries’ wrath; Their bullets, terrible.

I mit (?) i [me’_iglivaka?] üschliau alariwe’ [nuef?].
and with cowardice and [with?] trickery they deceived us
And with cowardice and trickery they deceived us.

Üschliau pfelekteθ nü mauer i enare’ nü [kitare?]
They pierced our wall(s) and entered our city
They pierced our walls and entered our city.

Krurhal Milarh teikeθ xaθ kseaxkeit.
Krurhal Milarh had not dominion
Krurhal Milarh had no more Dominion.
Quietus Ternion Fight
Weier li m’her, Quietus Ternion.
guardian(s) of mother, Quietus Ternion
The Mother’s bodyguards, Quietus Ternion.

Hel spies üheθ [ta’er?] krassat.
very little lived/survived [their?] attacks
Very few have survived their attacks.

Eshe, üexliau helstark en!
Eshe, you [impress?] I
You impress me, Eshe!
First Elder Shard
Eifster starlikt kes mlex walauxe altz ik takschauxl.
Elder Shard(s) is/are more valuable than any treasure
Elder Shards are more valuable than any treasure.

Wer ta xe [alkipuθara?] schesra
Bring it to ability shrine
Bring one to an Ability Shrine

I [klieva tarkik?] l’ mikrer pfiewrisch.
and [uncover?] (?) of my power
and uncover the true breadth of my power.
Laser Gauntlet
Het kelenstax tascheθ li we’eilic um [fang?] Krurhal Milarh.
This place made of Valkyrie(s) for [trap?] Krurhal Milarh
This room was built by the Valkyries to keep Krurhal Milarh trapped.

Het xa schra zei fax xe or.
This not will be easy to cross
It won’t be easy to cross.

Wa beit, Eshe. Sensch üexliau kan meot Krurhal Milarh, wei.
[good?] work, Eshe. Here you can meet Krurhal Milarh, guard(ian)
Good work, Eshe. Now you can meet Krurhal Milarh, the Guardian.
Dominion Boss Fight
Keseθ [se?] har’ xe üex?
was [this?] hard to you
Was this hard for you?

Üexliau schra gezict tan fief hel balt.
You will face so strong very soon
You will face fiercer soon enough.

En kan tasch hel faxs tax op üexliau karüfis üeschli pfierische.
I can make very easy but if you corrupt your powers
I can make it much easier though if you corrupt your abilities.
Region 2 Lore Room 1
Ling Krurhal Milarh [alariweθ?]
once Krurhal Milarh deceived
Once Krurhal Milarh (was) deceived,

het atasch [kitagle?] keseθ schwüek.
this holy city was defiled
The Holy City was defiled.

Xa-atasch robskeit i xa-xeresch tascheθ nuex schrei mit xeile.
no-holy technology and no-believers made us shiver with rage
Unholy technology and non-believers made us shiver with rage.

Taks easketli elveklaueθ.
But Eschaton held on
But the Eschaton held on.
Propulsion Engine
θa, het schra [kaski?] θei auschwax.
well, this will probably be useful
Well, that will probably be useful.

Kwarte xe üexliau auge wie stark en tax het op üexliau karüfiθ het mit eifster starlikt!
wait to you see how strong i make it if you corrupt it with Elder Shard
Wait until you see how strong I could make it if you corrupt it with an Elder Shard!
Llaeyea Fight
Het kes krantz xe meot Llaeyea, taks üexliau kan xa metex eneschli liew.
This is honor to meet Llaeyea, but you can not share my thought/opinion
It’s an honor to meet Llaeyea, although you might not share my opinion.

Eshe, üeschliau schra hel krassater.
Eshe, you will[/become?] true warrior
You’re becoming quite the warrior, Eshe.
Region 2 Lore Room 2
Nik we’eilic kliemxeθ [le?], [meθewik?] eisch xere li kank.
One Valkyrie came in, avoid(ing) (?) heart of battle
A single valkyrie snuck through, avoiding the heart of battle.

Ta keseθ miek, xa... tierakau... i ta tascheθ tüktelaux mekef.
It/He was man, no, creature/beast, and it/he made stupid[/hideous?] crime
He was a fiend, and he committed a hideous crime.*
* = according to the txt. file, the subtitle for this line used to be “He was a man, no, a beast, and he committed a hideous crime.”

Fra miekü i miekleau kes blei enrü, ta pfeistekeθ mauer rek.
[where?] women and children are stay safe, it/he painted wall(s) red
Where women and children were kept safe, he painted the walls red.
Phaztu Fight
[Riec_li’epfe?]* kes le autü...
Smell [of faith?] is in air
The smell of faith is in the air...
* = So far, I've come up with 3 possible ways to write this part and chances are they're all wrong... :-$

[Warat?] um meot ‘el scheref.
[Prepare?] for meet true [believer?]
Prepare to meet a true believer.

Sütmut lipfe xa kan enrüex üex.
sometimes faith not can save you
Sometimes even faith can’t save you.
Strength Amplifier
Xa wiesch, taks robt [li?] we’eilic ist stüleuker
No(t) bad, but machine of Valkyrie(s) is human
Not bad, but Valkyrie technology is human.

Üexliau schra nexekt mlex ek um enrüesch ü le sensch ferkelenstax.*
You will need more that for save you from here place
You will need more than that to save you from this place.
* = I’d really like to know how many takes this line took... talk about Eschatonian tongue twisters!
Itacha & Bhaloli Fight
Atischü keθ [hetel ksea?] elveklau [para?] θürgast.
Priestess(es) were [something to?] hold on / behold [before_fall?]
The priestesses were something to behold before the fall.

En kes liews ta x’lorteθ teir gliükt.
I is/am [know?] it not lost their touch
I’m sure they haven’t lost their touch.

En saxen en kes trau xe ‘ke tau ‘ner.
I admit I is/am sad to see [them?] go
I admit I’m sad to see them go.
Collecting 3 Elder Shard Fragments
Kliezekta! Üexliau teik eischwer starlikt.
Good! You have Elder Shard
Good! You have an Elder Shard.

An’ausch het ä karüf [ta kent?].
[Use?] this [and?] corrupt [it?] (?)
Bring one to an Ability Shrine.
Region 2 Lore Room 3
Het (?) keseθ ling kelüx miek.
This coward was once regular human
This coward was once a regular man.

Auge schrei ta tascheθ?
see shiver it/he made
See the pain he caused?

Le het [schetz?] li [ieschli?], Emmitt Nelson fra xe kseaschia.
in this alcove of grief Emmitt Nelson [fell?] to hysteria
In this Alcove of Grief, Emmitt Nelson fell to Hysteria.
Hysteria Boss Fight
Hüt aneθ um üex pfier het atasch hetagen li kseaschia.
Now[/time?] went for you cleanse this holy place of Hysteria
The time has come for you to cleanse this holy place of hysteria.

Aute kes üks mit kerüfkeit. Nik schew (??) nah meot schingar.
Air is thick with corruption. One (???) close meet sinner
The air is thick with corruption, we’re about to meet a sinner.

Wa kliezekta! Pfielaresch teik xa hetagen le sensch.
(?) good! Fool(s) have no place in here
Good riddance! Weak men have no place in here.
Region 3 Lore Room 1
Keüesch li [lätz?] li atasch [kitare?] kes nik we’eilic miek.
Cause of ruin of holy city is one Valkyrie man
The cause of the Holy City’s ruin is a single Valkyrie man.

Hal’ pfielaresch ek kapscheθ atasch [l’wal?] li eskaetli.
Old fool who broke holy ([ritual?] of Eschaton
An old fool who broke the Eschaton’s sacred ritual.

Ta sliekeθ θäs’ xe steierkeit.
It/He doomed world to darkness
He doomed the world to darkness.
Grappling Hook
Het waheilic aprat kes izak robskeit...
This/these Valkyrie contraption is/are fine technology
These Valkyrie contraptions are all fine technology...

Taks he’ schra teik mlexk um ühe.
But this will have more to survive
But you’ll need more than that to survive.
Herald of Doom Fight
[Taxil?] ist nah, spies xere.
trouble is near, little heart
Trouble ahead, my dear.

Hüt mut [eimrüesch?] hes starlek.
Now time (??) [steam?]
Time to blow off some steam.

Wex wex. Auge üexliau netagte ühe. Taks... [xei lipfe?]
bye bye. See you [nether?] life. But [not_hope?]
Bye bye. See you in the afterlife, though... hopefully not.
Xeim kes xa fau i ekwart.
portal is no(t) full and [await(ing)?]
The portal lies incomplete and waiting.

Hüt mut ‘m fau °ale.
Now time for full/complete ritual
It is time to complete the Ritual.
Region 3 Lore Room 2
[Lim kasta?] li kamp, kaepschael le
[in?] midst of battle, Cathedral in
In the midst of battle, he broke into the Cathedral

üθa Ishaela Bha’gor (???) [maliex?];
[where?] Ishaela Bha’gor (???) magic
where Ishaela Bha’gor was working her magic;

[kliemdau_dax°ale?] um enrüesch ücliau gaxat i kpfier θäst.
conduct(ing) ritual for save [their?] god and cleanse world
conducting the Ritual that would free our god and cleanse the world.

Aute pfieweθ mit eifster pfie’risch, ta gezicteθ apxan xeim.
Air buzzed with Elder power, it faced before portal
As the air buzzed with Eldritch energy, they faced off before the portal.

Taks üsch freitax keüescheθ °ale xe (?)*
but [they?] fight caused ritual to fail
But their fight caused the Ritual to fail.
* That last part... RIP throat.
Gravitational Boots
Tüktelaux. Eifster starlikt kes (??) enrüexkeit.
Stupid. Elder Shards is/are key [to?] salvation
Pathetic. Elder Shards are the key to salvation.
Hiram Macias
Hetagen kesis nah. Teike üeschli wei.
Something is close. Have your guard
Something is up ahead. Don’t drop your guard.
Region 3 Lore Room 3
Helkeit krassateθ, schiemliü klievtasseθ,
reality attacked, dimension(s) collided
Reality cracked; dimensions collided.

Xeim kraufsateθ le [m’hap starlet?],
portal destroyed in million shard(s)
The portal exploded into a million shards,

θürka nü θäst le steierkeit.
plunge(ing) our world in darkness/madness
plunging our world into madness.

Feltwe Leonard Waters lort’ üsch le’ei’elic,
General Leonard Waters lost their legion
General Leonard Waters lost his Legion,

atischü Ishaela Bha’gor lor’ nü zei’veiti'elic.
Priestess Ishaela Bha’gor lost our salvation
priestess Ishaela Bha’gor lost our Salvation.
Cnidaria Fight
Mlex nik dahat, ek liew wie [viel?] mlex...
more one down, that think(s)/know(s) how many more
One more down, who knows how many to go...
Region 3 Switches
Op ‘n (?) aubax, dortüa ba deschüa xe anein.
If I remember [correctly?], there four switch(es) to activate
If I remember correctly, there are four switches to activate.

Kliesekt! Pfie mlex xe aner.
Good! Two more to go
Good! Two more to go.

Eshe, üexliau s’kes dortüa. Nur nik war’.
Eshe, you almost is/are there. Only one wait(s)
Eshe, you’re almost there. Only one remains.

Kliesekt. Lea'yi'elih i Zeal'va'tielih akwart üex sensheit le kaepschael.
Good. Legion and Salvation await your presence in Cathedral.
Excellent. Legion and Salvation await your presence in the Cathedral.
Legion & Salvation Boss Fight
Wie behatz, üexliau schra meot [andere?]
How lucky, you will meet leader(s?)
How lucky, you’re going to meet the leaders.

Nuex kliemex s’ nah li esakt.
We come almost close of end
We are getting closer to the end.

Üeschli enrüeschkeit kesis nah!
Your freedom is close
Your freedom is at hand!
Nether (Neutral Path)
Ka nik anex kliemxeθ tan fern.
[No?] one [go/went?] come so far
No one has made it so far.

Sensch nox fax um enrüex ü’.
Here still chance for save you
There’s still a chance to save yourself.

[Aneklaue?] karüθ üeschli pfierwisch!
Continue corrupt(ing) your power(s)
Continue corrupting your Abilities!

Üexliau felt fiewrisch, Eshe.
You lack power, Eshe
You lack power, Eshe.

Schlürke mlex framenstasch i fauwre eifster starlikt!
Find more fragment(s) and complete Elder Shard(s)
Find more fragments and complete the Elder Shards!

Üexliau schauk hözueθ m’°k mat.
You [should?] listened every word
You should have listened to my every word.

Üexliau xa schra zei fief xenux.
You not will be strong enough
You won’t be strong enough.

Üexliau nox teik fax um tax kliesekt hetagen.
You still have chance for do good thing
You still have a chance to do the right thing.

Nox-inlekte xe [tarket?] i karüθe üeschli pfie’risch nox!
Return to shrine(s) and corrupt your power(s) still
Return to the Shrines and corrupt your remaining Abilities!
Approaching a Shrine with an Elder Shard
Het [tarke?] kes üeschli [weikling?] liepfe.
This/these shrine(s) is/are your [beacon(s)?] hope
These shrines are your beacons of hope.

Karüf (?) we’eilic awektasch mit eifster starlikt
Corrupt frail Valkyrie ability/-ies with Elder Shard
Corrupt the frail Valkyrie abilities with an Elder Shard

um klau üeschli ‘el pfiewrisch.
for [unlock?] your true power
to unlock your true potential.

Het kan zei tan mlex fax taks üexliau las m’asat üex.
This can be so more easy but you let me help you
This could be so much easier if you let me help you.

Het kes wie üexliau enrüesch ü’ li sensch, het kes wie üexliiau ühe!
This is how you save you of here, this is how you live/survive
This is how you get out of here, this is how you survive!

Eshe, en lieweθ üexliau kes’s klu’ miekü!
Eshe, I thought/knew you were clever girl
Eshe, I knew you were a clever girl!

Hausch üeschli eifster starlikt [ma’_halwarik?].
Place your Elder Shard [on?] altar
Place your Elder Shard on the altar.

[Pfiewrischa?] kes [ün?] sensch, schokrüf xe eifster starlikt.
power is (?) here, thanks to Elder Shard(s)
Freedom is ever closer, thanks to the power of the Elder shards.

Hei! Wa kliesekt!
Yes! (?) good
Yes! That’s it!

Kan üexliau [lep?] het? Pfiewrisch aner le üex?
Can you feel this? Power go(ing) in you
Can you feel it? The power flowing into you?

Izak! Xewa le xe fiewrisch li eifster starlikt!
Brilliant! Give in to power of Elder Shard(s)
Brilliant! Give in to the power of the Elder Shards!
Mi-Go Shield
Waheilic kan keseθ izak,
Valkyrie(s) can were fine
The Valkyries might have been smart,

Taks ta ka-üsch liew hel pfiewrisch!
But it no-always know real/true power
but they will never understand true power!
Z'toggua's Wings
Akaue ek eifster pfiewrisch kan [m’tseik?]?
See that Elder power can (?)
See what Eldritch power can accomplish?

Spies [xartis?] kes xahetagen xe [prat?] an starkheit!
Little sacrifice(s) is/are nothing to (??) strength
Small sacrifices are nothing in exchange for such power.
Sensch het kes wek en saxens pfiewrisch!
Now this is what I admit/[call?] power
Now this is what I call a weapon!
Ghatanothoa's Strength
Üexliau x’kan fergleic stüleuker robskeit mi’ pfiewrisch li gahat!
You not can compare human technology with power of god(s)
You can’t compare human technology with the blessing of a god!
Azathoth's Breath
En liewet üexliau weis [xal tan?] krantz het ke’ teik het pfiewrisch.
I [hope?] you know (?) [such?] honor this is have this power
I hope you realize what a great honor it is to receive this power.
Eldritch Pull
Hel kliezekt, xa liew üexliau, hei?
Very good, no(t) think you, yes
Much better, don’t you think?
Atlach-Nacha's Grip
Xanglesch üeschli eix;
change your own
Morph your body;

θürke üex li pfiewrisch li spi’ gaxat!
Plunge you of power(s) of little god(s)
cleanse yourself in the gifts of the lower deities!
Nether (Embrace Path)
Eshe! Kan üexliau auka het?
Eshe! Can you see this
Eshe! can you see it?

Xa nik kes aner tan fern!
No one is go so far
No one has ever made it this far!

Üexliau mu’t saxen, en [taxet?] em’h’tagen fax xe üesch... hei?
You must admit, I made everything easy for you... yes?
You have to admit, I made all of this easier for you... right?

En xa kan xeresch nuex [kes’el?] dortüa.
I not can believe we are [almost?] there
I can’t believe we’re almost there.

[E?] krantz li gahat!
[For?] glory of god(s)
For the glory of god!

Het kes wie! Schokrüf, Eshe.
This is how! Thank you, Eshe
This is it! Thank you, Eshe.

Üeschli enrüexkeit schra kliemxeθ balt xanux.
Your freedom will come soon enough
Your freedom will come soon enough.
Humanity Boss Fight
Fietsere! Nax [m’het_üschta’?]!
Finally! Back/After all this/these year(s)
Finally! After all these years!

Xeim keθ erneuneθ!
Portal is restored
The portal is restored!
Placing an Elder Shard in the Incinerator
Liew li ü’ enrüexkeit...
Think of your freedom
Think of your freedom.

Üeschli lüxn [e’ saxene’?] keüesch mekef [eθes’?].
Your [attitude?] (?) admit cause [annoy?] me
Your attitude is starting to upset me...

Eshe! Üexliau tüktelaux, ausch’ eischwer starlikt um karüθ üeschli pfierische!
Eshe! you stupid/imbecile, use Elder Shard(s) for corrupt your power(s)
Eshe! you imbecile, use the Elder Shards to corrupt your abilities!
Picking up an Elder Shard from the Incinerator
Eshe, en xeresch li üex!
Eshe, I believe of you
I believe in you, Eshe!

Asat enex asat üex.
help me help you
Help me help you.
Destroying an Elder Shard
Eshe! Hötzue! Üeschli stüleuker pfie’risch xa schra xenuk enrüex ü’.
Eshe! Listen! Your human power not will enough save you
Eshe! Listen! Your human strength will not be enough to save you.

Esakt! Üexliau kes slie’eθ üex!
Stop! You is/are doom(ing) you
Stop this! You are dooming yourself!

Taks üexliau xa θ’ en, en [hax sch’a?] ‘sateθ üex*!
But you not (?) I, I [not?] will help you
If you keep disobeying me, you’ll never make it out of here!
* = oh my cthulhu how are his vocal chords still intact after that

Üexliau nur kliemxeθ tan fern keüesch li en. Xa zei tüktelaux!
You only come/came so far cause of I. Not be stupid
You’ve only gotten so far because of me. Don’t be stupid!

Stalük miekü! Üexliau nexekt [liew?] eneschli asareθ taks xa?
Impetuous girl! You need [know?] my help but no(t)
Impetuous girl! Do you want my help or not?

Tüktelaux! Liew üe’ xet tascheθ?
Imbecile! Know [you?] this did/made
You fool! Do you realize what you have done?

Xaθ! Wek [e’taxs?] üexliau?
Not! What [do?] you
No! What are you doing?
After Destroying an Elder Shard

stüleuker kesis spies.
Human(s) is/are little/weak
Humans are weak.

Üexliau kes xahetagen taks [hasch_etsagentz?].
You are nothing but [utter_disappointment?]
You are nothing but an utter disappointment.
Nether (Resist Path)
Üexliau kliemxeθ sensch.
you come/came here
You made it here.

Nuex auka wie auschwa’ üexliau nox kan zei.
We see how useful you still can be
Let’s see how useful you still can be.

En schra saxen, üeschliau ke’ stur miekü.
I will admit, you is/are stubborn woman
I’ll admit, you’re a stubborn woman.

Üexliau teik xa lüs wek wart üm üec.
You have no idea what wait(s) for you
You have no idea what’s waiting for you.

Üexli [mei?] enrüesch ü’ li sensch.
Your (?) save you of here
You’ll never get out of here.
Nyarlathotep & TST Boss Fight
Eshe, meot Nyarlathotep, [ha’ θür’?] slieker.
Eshe, meet Nyarlathotep, this Crawl(ing) Chaos[/doom?]
Eshe, meet Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos.

Eshe, ener’ sic schax...
Eshe, my little pawn
Eshe, my little pawn...

Xa θagen enes’ asat, i sensch en sra [dakrei?] üex!
Not (?) my help, and here i will crush you
You refused my help, and now I shall crush you!

Tierakau üexliau auka sensch ü’ [kesen?] enes’ hel (?)!
Creature/beast you see here you is my true form
The creature you see before you is my true form!

Üexliau schra kaxat... EMEXTA’!
you will regret everything
You will regret... EVERYTHING!

Wie kan het zei?! Xaaaaa~!
how can this be? No
How could this be?! Nooooo~!
2 comentarios
Amaterrath 16 NOV 2024 a las 3:53 
太神了,我最初看到X'zea'shia、Xea'sh'kaebt等几个词完全不符合书写转化,还在facebook上联系了一下C. Le Caroff,不过他好像已经从雷莲离职了,就没有给我解惑。我从一个youtube视频看到他本人居然来steam讨论区发过对码表,再往下翻就看到你这文章,解密得八九不离十了(虽然Xea'sh'kaebt还是不清楚原型是什么XD)。感谢你的工作!
Majk 18 SEP 2022 a las 18:17 
Thank you so much for this guide!