Iron Sky Invasion

Iron Sky Invasion

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Iron Sky - Broken Achievements
By SBrind
Broken achievements bugging you? Try these methods to fix them
How to resolve
This game is well established as having very buggy achievements which do not unlock as they should. The problem occurs with to both story progression and the "counter" achievements. No help or fix is forthcoming from the developer.
if you really like to get all achievements and its causing problems; try the things detailed here.

For background: The probable root cause has been identified by a steam user and listed in this topic:

I've worked out why theres an issue with the achievements. If you replay and get an achievement you aleady have then the game tries to unlock it again, causing an error that removes all progress and causes the game to 'hang' on exit. This is the same for every achievement and makes replaying the levels to obtain the ones you've missed really hard - especialy when its a kill number one which can pop up at anytime. If you do replay a level and get an achievement you already have, check the progress and guess what its reset, you have to save as quickly as possible then quit game and restart from saved progress, all progess will be upto date untill you get to next achieve you have unlocked then u need to save and restart again - a real pain but its the only way. And it would prolly be an easy fix as well now the issue has been found. ~"Bongo"

The first thing to know is your saves are located here (if you're using windows):
C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Iron Sky
These get overwritten any time the game saves, so if you want a way to go back to earlier saves, take a manual copy regularly.

The easiest method is to keep regular saves and keep an eye on your progress as you play through the game - if you meet the criteria and an unlock fails; quit, go back to the most recent save and try it again. This minimises the amount of rework (since you would presumably already be close to unlock), and also means fewer other achievements to "dodge" during the replay so they don't block the unlock. Sometimes several attempts might be needed.
Do your best to unlock the side-mission and optional quest ones here as they can be painful otherwise.

If this fails repeatedly, or you didn't take backups or get to the end of the game then you will likely need to clear the save files and start completely fresh (or using chapter select). This works best for the progression achievements (especially early ones). Again if possible take a save backup as close to the unlock point as possible in case it doesn't proc. Failure? Quit, retry (reboot? think it helped with one of mine).

Using the above was eventually successful for me. Best of luck