Duck Game
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Puro [Changed]
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22 juin 2022 à 3h07
1 note de changement ( voir )

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Puro [Changed]

It's a Puro from a game called Changed!

!!! WARNING !!!
For particles and rock to work, and to play with this hat in online, you need to follow this steps:
1. Go to the directory: %SteamLibraryDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\content\312530\2824345919\PuroHat\content
2. Copy file: Puro.hat (not .png, but exactly .hat)
3. Paste this file in Duck Game directory (%SteamLibraryDirectory%\steamapps\common\DuckGame)

(%SteamLibraryDirectory% for example, might look like this: D:\Games\SteamGames)

tags: Furry, hat
2 commentaires
Cosmi 18 juil. 2022 à 11h15 
Nice one :PuroAmazed:
PabloCA 28 juin 2022 à 11h42 