Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Otillräckligt med betyg
Deleting steam cloud saves
Av BleedingRose
Have you ever been tired of whenever you delete your saves and steams cloud is like "don't worry fam i got you" and then proceeds to reinstall all those deleted saves, well instead of going through a painstaking process of forcing it to delete everything through weird code commands and other weird techno lingo, I'll show you the easiest way I found out how to do it! only took me an entire day of trying the painstaking way to decide screw it ima do this instead and it worked. so here ya go my incorrect grammer and no punctuation filled guide shall guide you to cleaner saves!
Step 1
Make sure your steam cloud is enabled for your game and steam itself.

Great step 1 complete.
Step 2
Open up file explorer and proceed to go into your documents folder find mount and blade 2:bannerlord and go to the "game saves" folder inside of it.

Delete everything inside of it besides "steam_autocloud.vdf"
don't delete any save you wanna keep though.
step 2 complete!
step 3
now go to where your STEAM folder is.
To find the steam games ID go to its store page and it's in the search bar, this game id is for bannerlord (obviously)

So through it like this

Drive>Steam>userdata>(personal steam ID folder)>261550

Then open 261550 and you should see "remotecache.vdf" Delete that.

Step 4
That's it I hope this helps people fix game files that they can't seem to get rid of.
2 kommentarer
BleedingRose  [skapare] 3 nov, 2022 @ 10:29 
@ydyp I didn't find that solution before, if it works than your way is much faster! thanks. i'll leave this way up as well just in case though. You never know what will work for others and not someone else.
Ydyp 28 okt, 2022 @ 16:43 
Another way is just to open the game launcher and then delete the saves in your save folder, no need to go look for the steam folder withthe game id. This will sync with steam cloud when you close the launcher or if you want to play the game and close then..