Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!

Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!

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[中/Eng] CSD2: Full Achievement Guide (全成就指南)
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A guide to “Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!”. This guide is arranged by each item of achievement acquirements. Besides, it also outlines the general flow and some specific techniques of the gameplay.
一篇按条目撰写的、以获取成就为核心内容的《Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!》指南。除了对每个成就分别说明、还概括了获取全成就的流程、技巧。
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Introduction (前言)
Recommended Materials (推荐阅读)
As a typing game, the difficulty of getting achievements is mainly caused by the fault tolerance of recipes. Compred to the previous game (CSD1), the main difference is the 33 restaurants with different difficulties. The core gameplay, 【Cook for Hire (C4H)】, is to work in these restaurants.
作为一部以打字为核心卖点的游戏,本作成就获取的主要难度,就来源于菜品的容错率。相较前作《Cook, Serve, Delicious!》,本作最大的变化之一、就是提供了33家难度由低到高的餐厅。玩家在这些餐厅里打工的过程,就是本作的核心玩法【Cook for Hire (C4H)】

C4H requires players to forgo their familiar recipes and try to master each restaurant's preset and challenging menus. Many achievements need to be acquired during C4H. Therefore, familiarity with these preset recipes has become critical for clearance in this game. In this regard, I strongly advise players to read this excellent article, which is written by "just a baby drinking coffee", and contains an in-depth explanation of all restaurants and all game modes:
在C4H的过程里,玩家不得不离开自己熟悉的菜品、去掌握每家餐厅预设好的、颇有挑战性的菜单。而大量成就的获取,都在C4H的玩法中。因此,熟悉每家餐厅的菜品,就成了本作通关的关键。这一点,推荐玩家阅读这一鸿篇巨著,由“just a baby drinking coffee”撰写的、事无巨细的全餐厅、全模式详解: Although the above guide is not written in Chinese, however, considering that the game itself is not in Chinese, language should not be a barrier for those Chinese players who can to enjoy this game.

Additionally, although the author of the above guide has attached walkthrough videos for the highest difficulty in each restaurant, some of the video content may differ slightly from the experience of the current game version. This is because this guide is constantly updated with the game's updates. That guide's author has updated the text explanation w.r.t. game updates, but the video are not re-recorded. Nonetheless, these walkthrough videos are quite useful. In most cases, the difficulty in the old version is higher.

Let's start our guide now!

Goal (目标)
After the recommendation, let me discuss the objectives that have to be achieved during the full accomplishments:
  • At least, reach level 78.
  • Complete at least 200 different shifts in different restaurants with no more than 7 imperfect orders, i.e. get 200 bronze medals.
  • Complete all shifts of 15 different restaurants perfectly.
  • Perfectly clear the Stress Mode of the CSD mode once.
    基本以完美状态通关过一次主线的Stress Mode(压力模式)。
  • Played Zen Mode at least once in the CSD mode and in any restaurant respectively.
    在主线、和任意餐厅各进行过至少一次Zen Mode(禅模式)。
  • Clear the CSD mode with some specific menus.

To help visualize the process of full accomplishments, here is a map of the entire gameplay.

Each number in the figure is explained as below:
Color (颜色)
The level required by unlocking the final shift of a restaurant.
The total number of shifts of a specific restaurant.
The number of the shift with an achievement.
Among them, the restaurants with red boxes are required be played for some achievements. Therefore, players are recommended to include these restaurants in the 15 restaurants that need to be fully cleared.

Gameplay (流程)
Finally, this guide will write item-by-item descriptions of the achievements in each category, along with the recommended methods to get them. The whole gameplay is roughly like this:
  1. First, go for C4H directly. Do not play CSD mode.
  2. After unlocking a few recipes in the early stages and making some money through C4H, go back to the CSD mode and get all achievements requiring random menus.
  3. Then put the CSD mode on hold again. Try to clear as many C4H restaurants as possible. During this process, the money was mostly spent on improving dishwashers, and garbage services.
  4. In the late gameplay, around level 65, buy "Ham Slices" and try to get the "20-day in CSD mode" achievement within Stress Mode. Simultaneously, the stress mode will enable players to reach level 78 and make a lot of money.
    在游戏后期、约65级左右,购买Ham Slices (火腿肉片),主要通过Stress Mode完成20天CSD餐厅服务的成就,并借此机会升到78级以上、同时赚取大量的钱。
  5. At last, get the two most challenging achievements: 【Espresso Chef】, and 【Secret Ninja】.
    最后回收【Espresso Chef (浓缩咖啡大厨)】【Secret Ninja (秘密忍者)】这两个最难成就。
About level (与等级相关的成就)
This chapter mainly includes those achievements automatically unlocked during the level up and the gameplay. Players are not required to unlock them paricularly.

01: Chef School (厨师学校)
Took a class with Chef Risotto!
Complete each tutorial once. Not all tutorials require you to enter practice mode.

02: Justice Dispensed! (替天行道!)
Lethal Knives, Lethal Fists.
A probabilistic event. Defeat a robber once in a daily service.

03: Brave New World (勇闯新世界)
Receive a Historical Object.
With the gameplay, somebody will send the historical object by mail.

04: Rank Up! (升级!)
The First Step in a Long Journey
This achievement requires only one level up. Either through the mainline (CSD Mode) or through C4H.
只需要升一级即可获得此成就。无论在主线(CSD Mode)还是在C4H均可。

05: Half Star (半星)
Not half bad!
Each half star in CSD2 is equivalent to a five-level upgrade, while also means a restaurant rank up. In other words, this achievement only requires upgrading to Lv 5.
CSD2每半星代表升5级,每得到半星、相当于餐厅评价升一级。换句话说,此成就只需达到Lv 5即可。

06: Full Star (满星)
Got a Full Star Upgrade
Each full star in CSD2 is equivalent to two half starts. In other words, this achievement only requires upgrading to Lv 10.
CSD2每颗星相当于2颗半星。换句话说,此成就只需达到Lv 10即可。

07: The Big 1-5 (大1-5)
Got Rank 15.
达到Lv 15。
As the name suggests, reach Lv 15.
顾名思义,达到Lv 15即可。

08: Second Star (双星)
Add another one to the apron!
As the name suggests, reach Lv 20.
顾名思义,达到Lv 20即可。

09: Quarter Rank (四分级)
Got Rank 25.
达到Lv 25。
As the name suggests, reach Lv 25. This is also equivalent to a quarter of the full level in game design.
顾名思义,达到Lv 25即可。这也相当于游戏设计里满级的四分之一。
About medals (与奖章相关的成就)
This chapter mainly includes those achievements related to medals in C4H. In each shift, the conditions for getting 3 medals are as follows,
  • Bronze: No more than 7 average / bad orders.
    : 不多于7个不完美订单。
  • Silver: No more than 4 average / bad orders.
    : 不多于4个不完美订单。
  • Gold: All perfect orders.
    : 全部完美订单。
The medals are not awarded in Zen Mode.

10: Gold Medal Ribbon (金章绶带)
Got a Gold Medal.
Complete a perfect day in C4H. Required to be in Standard Mode.

11: Chef Novice (新人大厨)
Earn 10 Bronze Medals.
Required to achieve at least Bronze review in 10 different shifts.

12: Perfection (完美)
Earn 10 Gold Medals.
Required to achieve Gold review in 10 different shifts.

13: The Bronze Chef (青铜大厨)
Earn 25 Bronze Medals.
Required to achieve at least Bronze review in 25 different shifts.

14: A Strong Start! (开门大吉)
Earn 25 Silver Medals.
Required to achieve at least Silver review in 25 different shifts.

15: Just Getting Started (才刚上道)
Earn 25 Gold Medals.
Required to achieve Gold review in 25 different shifts.

16: Copper Spatula Award (铜锅铲奖)
Earn 50 Bronze Medals.
Required to achieve at least Bronze review in 50 different shifts.

17: The Silver Spoon (白银汤匙)
Earn 50 Silver Medals.
Required to achieve at least Silver review in 50 different shifts.

18: Too Easy (小菜一碟)
Earn 50 Gold Medals.
Required to achieve Gold review in 50 different shifts.

19: Going All The Way (一路向前)
Earn 75 Gold Medals.
Required to achieve Gold review in 75 different shifts.

20: Bronze Bowl (铜钵盂奖)
Earn 100 Bronze Medals.
Required to achieve at least Bronze review in 100 different shifts.

21: Silver Bullet (白银子弹)
Earn 100 Silver Medals.
Required to achieve at least Silver review in 100 different shifts.

22: Bronzetacular (青铜器)
Earn 200 Bronze Medals.
Required to achieve at least Bronze review in 200 different shifts.

23: Employee of the Week (周度最佳员工)
Get golds on all shifts in a single restaurant.
Required to achieve Gold review in all shifts of a restaurant.

24: Employee of the Month (月度最佳员工)
Get golds on all shifts in six different restaurants.
Required to achieve Gold review in all shifts of 6 restaurant.

25: Employee of the Year (年度最佳员工)
Get golds on all shifts in fifteen different restaurants.
Required to achieve Gold review in all shifts of 15 restaurant.

About C4H: Early Stage (C4H前期)
Here we frankly start our full accomplishment walkthrough. The first goal is to achieve all gold medals in all shifts of the first restaurant 【Max Wieners】 and the second restaurant 【Biggs Burget】. To find details of each restaurant, players could check the "Restaurant Guide" mentioned in the introduction part. Here we only discuss the shifts related to achievments:
以下内容正式开始全成就攻略。首先以攻略第一家餐厅【Max Wieners】和第二家餐厅【Biggs Burget】为目标,要求是拿到全部的金奖章。两家餐厅的具体攻略,直接参考前言提到的《餐厅指南》即可。这里只提及与成就有关的回目:

26: Burger Times (汉堡时间)
Get a Gold Medal on Biggs Burgers Shift 09.
在Biggs Burgers的09回拿到金奖章。
Biggs Burger's Final Shift. This is a very shocking level. As the clearance occurs fairly early in the game, it may become the first obstacle that players have to overcome. Because there are no sides, the guests' patience is severely low. A trick is to utilize the only change for resetting order patience with the holding station.
Biggs Burger的最后一个Shift。极具冲击力的一关,因为这一关的攻略位置,发生在相当前期,可能会成为玩家需要克服的第一个难点。因为没有小菜,客人的耐心都非常低。通关的诀窍是利用在工作台制作餐点时,能得到的一次订单重置机会。

27: Chinese Finger Trap (中式指铐)
Get a Gold Medal on Chinese Food Shift 01.
在Chinese Food的01回拿到金奖章。
Because this is the first shift of an early restaurant, I think it is not necessary to record the video for such a simple level. Most entries take a long time to prepare, so it is nearly impossible to miss an order.

28: Dancin' the Day Away (日日笙歌)
Get a Gold Medal on Breakfast and Breakloose Shift 10.
在Breakfast and Breakloose的10回拿到金奖章。
Although this is not the restaurant's final shift, this level is not easy. However, in comparison to the subsequent restaurants, this shift is not overly challenging. The only difficulty is caused by 【omelette】, which is the "father" of (Japanese) Omurice. There are two confusing options: Mozzarella (Z) vs. Mushroom (M), and Sausage (S) vs. Spinach (S) (P).
About CSD Mode: Early Stage, about Lv 35 (主线前期, Lv 35左右)
Following the completion of 【Breakfast and Breakloose】, the player's level should be at least 35. Now it is time to consider acquiring the achievements related to random menus in CSD mode. Because new recipes will be unlocked along with the gameplay, it will be more difficult to obtain these achievements later.
在通关【Breakfast and Breakloose】之后,玩家的等级应该已经达到35以上,这时候可以考虑回收主线(CSD模式)的几个跟随机菜谱有关的成就。因为随着游玩、陆续会解锁新的菜谱,这些成就越拖到后期去拿、越不利。

On the other hand, attempting to obtain these achievements too early is impossible, because the player's level may not meet the requirements. Additionally, upgrading one or two levels of restaurant equipment, particularly the dishwasher, would be beneficial for acquiring these achievements.

29: Stress Mode (压力模式)
Play a day of Stress Mode (CSD Restaurant).
30: Twenty-four Angry Customers (24怒客)
Complete a day with fewer than 25 average/bad orders and missed chores using 6 random entrees and any sides/drinks in Stress Mode (CSD Restaurant).
These two achievements could be acquired together.

The second achievement should be named after the well-known old film "12 Angry Men." As implied by the name, players should not complete Stress Mode in CSD with more than 24 imperfect orders.
第二个成就的名字应该来自于知名老电影《十二怒汉(12 Angry Men)》。顾名思义,玩家不能以多于24个非完美订单的状态、在CSD下通关Stress Mode(压力模式)。

There is no reason for players to particularly reduce restaurant capacity before attempting this achievement, as there is a sneaky way to obtain it. That is, at the start of the day, when the first wave of customers arrives, intentionally allowing several orders to be missed out, causing today's Buzz to fall sharply, and may even fall below an ordinary buzz in non-Stress Mode. Additionally, doing so can help players avoid entering two 【Super Rush Hours】. In short, this achievement has a high fault tolerance; it appears to be bluffing, but it is actually quite simple to get.
玩家没有必要在拿这个成就的时候刻意减少餐厅容量,因为获取它有一个讨巧的办法。那就是在一天的开头、第一波客人来到的时候,刻意放任大量订单错过,这会使得本日的Buzz急剧下降、甚至可能比非Stress Mode还低。这样做的另一个好处是,可以不必进入两次【Super Rush Hour(超级繁忙时段)】。总之,本成就的容错率相当高,看起来唬人、但实际上完成起来可谓游刃有余。

31: Box o' Chocolates (巧克力礼盒)
Complete a perfect day using 4 random entrees in Standard or Classic Mode (CSD Restaurant).
Here is a photograph of 【Box o' Chocolates】 for everyone to enjoy (this photograph is from flickr[], licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)。
这里随意放一张【巧克力礼盒】的图大家感受下(此图来自flickr[],按CC BY-NC-ND 2.0许可)。

Probably the most difficult of the three achievements about random menu. The acquisition is totally dependent to players' technique. Therefore, players may need to reduce restaurant capacity to an appropriate level. If you meet an unfamiliar and extremely difficult recipe, it is better to abandon the current round and begin another shift.

32: Zen Mode (禅模式)
Play a day of Zen Mode (CSD Restaurant).
33: Chaos in Meditation (难入禅定)
Complete a perfect day using 6 random entrees, 3 random sides and 2 random drinks in Zen Mode (CSD Restaurant).
这两个成就就非常容易拿了,准备好【Chaos in Meditation (难入禅定)】的条件,可以一口气拿到两个成就。相比其他模式,禅模式顾客的耐心值可以设为不下降。而且,由于没有Rush Hour,时间流速也不会在每日12点和18点减慢,细心的玩家会发现禅模式一局的游戏时间、比正常模式短1分20秒左右。
About C4H: Middle Stage, about Lv 40 (C4H中期,Lv 40左右)
From now on, players need to completely finish many different restaurants in C4H, attempt 200 different shifts, and earn all gold medals in 15 restaurants. On the other hand, if players do not play CSD mode, it will be difficult to reach level 78. So, players are advised to put the two most challenging restaurants 【Contrast Coffee】 and 【Sushi Nest】 on hold.
从这一段时间开始,玩家需要全力攻克C4H的各家餐厅,冲击200个不同的Shift,并拿到15家不同餐厅的全金奖章。但另一方面,如果完全不玩主线(CSD模式),那么玩家很难在攻克15家餐厅之后,升到78级。故而,建议玩家将【Contrast Coffee】和【Sushi Nest】这两家餐厅的最高难度稍稍搁置。

34: Tower of Zen (禅之塔)
Complete a Zen Shift in any restaurant other than Cook, Serve, Delicious!
A very simple achievement. Since the patience is infinite and there is no Rush Hour, it can be acquired in any restaurant easily. There is no need to record a video for it.
非常简单的成就。由于耐心无限、以及没有Rush Hour,随便挑一家餐厅就行。这里就不录视频了。

35: Fun Beta Memories (回忆有趣的Beta版)
Get a Gold Medal on The World Tour Shift 10.
在The World Tour Shift的10回拿到金奖章。
This restaurant appears to be related to the game's beta version. As I am not a player who has supported this game from that time, I have little knowledge of this aspect.

The menu of this restaurant is exactly as the brand implies. Its selling point is the fusion of overseas foods. As a result, in the menu, both traditional steak and orthodox Chinese cuisine Momo (especially compared to【Chinese Food】) can be found. Fortunately, the difficulty of the recipes is not high. The only challenge is the Indian food 【Samosas】. Although the steps in the recipe are few, there are numerous options that have to be chosen twice for each order. Players have to be careful about some confusing options such as S. Potato.
这家餐厅就跟它的名字一样,卖点是世界各国的菜品杂七杂八弄到一起。因此,在这一关里既可以看到经典的牛排、又可以看到比那家【Chinese Food】还要正经的中国菜Momo。好在这一关的菜品难度都相当亲民。唯一的难度来自于印度菜【Samosas (三角炸饺)】,虽然按键不多,但花样繁多的选项要进行两次,需要格外小心将S. Potato这样的选项看走眼。

36: Burrito Bandito (卷饼大盗)
Get a Gold Medal on Burrito Time Shift 6.
在Burrito Bandito的06回拿到金奖章。
This restaurant provides one of the most challenging foods in the game: Mexican cuisine. The recipes at this restaurant will educate players that, although 【Taco】 and 【Burrito】 are both made of rolled tortilla, they are actually two different foods. Taco, in my opinion, is more popular in North America. Burrito is a reference to a *FC's 【墨西哥鸡肉卷】 (a food once served in Chinese *FC restaurants).

Taco itself has a very tricky recipe with a lot of options; pay special attention to the "R. Corn" on the final page. The key is neither R nor C, but O.
Taco本身就是一道很坑的菜、选项繁多,尤其要小心最后一页的玉米R. Corn,按键既不是R也不是C,而是O。

Beef Burrito is also very challenging. The first page provides two different options: "Chicken Faj." and "B. Chicken", corresponding to buttons K and C respectively. The latter option is easily confused with "Beef Faj.". This recipe also needs to be divided into two parts. When serving, remember to press W and F to roll up at the final steps. When Burrito and Taco appear at the same time, one needed to roll and the other didn't, it was really and extremely disgusting...
牛肉Burrito也很坑,第一页提供了两种不同的鸡肉Chiken Faj.和B. Chicken,分别对应按键K和C,而且后者还容易和牛肉Beef Faj.混淆。这个菜谱还需要分成两段完成。上菜的时候,最后一页还要记得按W和F卷起来。和Taco同时出现的时候,一个需要卷、一个不用卷,真的相当酸爽……

37: Slammy's Way (Slammy之路)
Get a Gold Medal on Slammy's BBQ Shift 14.
在Slammy's BBQ的14回拿到金奖章。
Perhaps the first mid-term restaurant where players have to overcome the final shift. Despite this, its actual difficulty is not great. Especially after experiencing the torment of Mexican cuisines, the recipes at this restaurant are even could be called "child-friendly". The soup is the only one that has a complex recipe; however, it is a Hold Station entry. The only possibility of making mistakes is with the 【Brisket Sandwich】, but its recipe is so straightforward that it's nearly impossible for players to do wrong.
可能是玩家首个需要面对的中期餐厅的最高难度。虽然如此,它的实际难度并不高。尤其是经过墨西哥菜的折磨以后,这家餐厅的几个菜难度都是宝宝级别的。唯一一个按键比较多的汤、还是Hold Station菜。唯一出错的机会其实是【牛腩三明治 (Brisket Sandwich)】,但它的菜谱非常简单,玩家几乎不可能在这里出错。

38: Waterlogged (浸泡)
Get a Gold Medal on Planet Blue Shift 2.
在Planet Blue的02回拿到金奖章。
It may be one of the first high-class restaurants with which players come into contact. Its final shift cannot be unlocked until Lv. 84. However, it is interesting that the achievement is configured at Shift 02 which is unlocked at Lv. 38. In other words, players do not need to pull themselves into trouble; it is simply required to win a gold medal in Shift 02. Rather than struggling with this restaurant, it is preferable to select an easier restaurant to earn all gold medals.

Since the achievement is in Shift 02, the menu is quite straightforward. The most difficult "steak" only has few options. I had no intention of recording a video. However, after working in this shift, I found that the buzz is quite high, and the actual playing experience is not easy. Therefore, players are once again advised not to attempt to totally finish this restaurant.
About CSD Mode: Final Stage, about Lv 60 (主线后期, Lv 60左右)
After obtaining the achievement in 【Planet Blue】, the player's level is approximately 60. At the same time, the goal of 200 different shifts is not far. At this point, the player can return to CSD mode and obtain several difficult or specific-recipe-required achievements.
在拿到【Planet Blue】的成就以后,玩家的等级大概在60左右,也离200回目的目标不远了。这个时候,玩家可以回到主线,拿到几个高难度、或需要固定菜谱的成就。

It is because players have spent most of their money on upgrading equipment before. At this time, I had upgraded 【dishwasher】 and 【trash service】 to Lv. 10 (full level). This will make the next CSD mode much easier.
这样做是因为,在此之前,玩家已经将大部分的资金都用来升级设备。笔者在这个时候,已经将【洗盘机 (dishwasher)】和【垃圾运输服务 (trash service)】升到了满级Lv. 10。这会使得接下来的CSD模式玩起来轻松得多。

39: You Can Never Go Back (昔日不再)
Complete a day using an Active Menu with six All Time Classic entrees and any sides/drinks in Classic Mode (CSD Restaurant).
在CSD(主线)经典模式下,使用任意6个All Time Classic主菜和任意配菜/饮料,完成一天(不需要完美)。
An achievement related to the old-style gameplay recalling the sense of CSD1 in CSD2. Players are required to choose six recipes inherited from CSD1. Naturally, the goal of selecting the menu needs to take the simplicity into consideration. This achievement can be achieved in advance; as long as players collect six simple "All Time Classic" entries, they can immediately begin working on it. On the left a reference is shown.
一个与怀旧相关的成就,大致的意思是在CSD2里追忆CSD1的感觉。这里需要选择6种从CSD1继承下来的菜谱。当然了,选择的目标肯定是尽可能去找那些容易的菜谱。这个成就可以适当提前,只要收集齐6种简单的All Time Classic主菜,就可以马上着手完成。一个参考菜谱已经放在了左边。

Note that this achievement does not require a perfect day, although the shift in the following video is perfectly done.

40: Fun PAX Memories (回忆有趣的PAX游戏展)
Complete a perfect shift in CSD using the following menu in Standard Mode: Espresso shots, Hot Lattes, Smoothies, Cookies, Fruit Spread, and the Juice Bar.
在CSD(主线)餐厅的标准模式下,使用以下菜单: Espresso Shots(浓缩美式咖啡), Hot Lattes(热拿铁), Smoothies(沙冰), Cookies(小甜饼), Fruit Spread(水果沙拉), the Juice Bar(果汁机),完成完美的一天。允许追加其他菜品。
This menu appears to have been displayed in Penny Arcade Expo (PAX). However, it is necessary to point out that this menu is extremely challenging. If players are bold enough for on only serving these six items, the Buzz at the start can reach an incredible 100% or more. This will make the difficulty comparable to that of the achievement 【Espresso Chef】. Fortunately, obtaining this achievement allows for the addition of other items. In other words, selecting dishes that are both simple to prepare and effective at reducing Buzz has become critical to ensuring an easy clearance.
看样子这个菜单曾经参加过PAX游戏展(Penny Arcade Expo)。但不得不说的是,这一菜单的难度巨高。如果玩家真的头铁地只上这六种菜品,那么开局Buzz能达到惊人的100%以上。这会让这一场的难度和成就【Espresso Chef】有得一拼。好在获取这个成就允许添加其他菜品,因此,选择那些制作简单、又能有效降低Buzz的菜品,就成了稳妥通关的关键。

The menu that I use is shown on the left. Three different kinds of meat slices have been added, significantly lowering the game's difficulty; even if you begin at full capacity, there is no pressure at all. It is critical to remember that the game is required to start in Standard Mode! Starting the game in Classic Mode will cause the achievement to fail to get.

41: Super Rush Hour (超级繁忙时段)
Survive a Super Rush Hour.
42: Stress Chef Supreme (超级压力大厨)
Maintain 150% buzz for an entire shift in Stress Mode (CSD Restaurant).
在CSD(主线)压力模式下持续维持150% buzz。
If the Buzz reaches more than 150% when entering the 【Rush Hour】, the 【Super Rush Hour】 will come instantly. Any sides will be useless in this state, because the patience of all customers will be forced to set zero. Obviously, this achievement should be gotten together with 【Maintaining 150% Buzz】.
当进入【繁忙时段 (Rush Hour)】时的Buzz达到150%以上,就会自动进入【超级繁忙时段 (Super Rush Hour)】。在这一状态下,任何小菜都会没用,所有顾客的耐心会直接降到0秒。这个成就显然应当与【维持150%Buzz】一起拿。

This involves the game's most important trick, that is to begin with a single "Meat Slice". The best option is 【Ham Slices】, which take less time to prepare than 【Turkey Slices】, have fewer buttons, and yield more than 【Sausage Slices】. When combined with large-amount but simple sides (the optimal choice is 【Egg Drop Soup】, which is not used in this example), players can quickly earn a large number of Delicious Orders and Perfect Orders.
这就涉及到了本作最大的一个套路,那就是以一个单肉片开局。最好的选择就是【火腿切片 (Ham Slices)】,它的制作时间比【火鸡切片 (Turkey Slices)】短,按键简单,制作出来的数量又比【香肠切片 (Sausage Slices)】多。再配以分量大、制作简单的小菜(最优选择是【蛋花汤 (Egg Drop Soup)】,这个例子里没有用到),可以让玩家快速赢得海量的Delicious Order和Perfect Order。

The following video records my first gameplay with this trick. Certainly, I am not very proficient at this point. Later on, once becoming more familiar, I could provide more than 700 Perfect Orders and 300 Delicious Orders per day. Compared to this trick, it could be not easier to achieve daily goals.
以下视频是笔者第一次使用这个套路,还不怎么熟练。后来做到纯熟以后,一天能提供超过700份Perfect Order和300份Delicious Order,完成每日目标简直不要太简单。

43: The Good Ol' Days (美好追忆)
Complete 20 Days of Service with any mode in the CSD Restaurant.
Not that this achievement does not require playing a specific mode for 20 days; rather, as long as it is in CSD mode, regardless of which specific mode, it is only required to serve 20 days. This information can be checked in the daily goals.

The optimal strategy is to repeat all works for the achievement No. 42 until the twenty-day-goal is reached. Players are not required to ensure perfect days. Even though, players can make a lot of profits and upgrade rapidly. To be specific, players can get a level up and earn approximately $5,000 per day. Additionally, players can use this opportunity to upgrade their equipment, making the gameplay gradually simple.
About C4H: Final Stage, about Lv 78 (C4H后期,Lv 78左右)
Following the rapid upgrade during the previous twenty days, the player should easily have leveled up to 78 at this point. It is time to get the final two most difficult achievements now.

Their difficulty is undeniable; just look at the completion rate of global players. Despite this, the achievement 【Secret Ninja】 is somewhat bluffing, as it is significantly easier than the other achievement 【Espresso Chef】. In the following part, the two restaurants will be carefully discussed.
它们的难度毋庸置疑,只需要看看玩家的完成率就知道了。虽然如此,成就【Secret Ninja】其实有点名不副实,难度明显低于另一个成就【Espresso Chef】。接下来会好好谈谈对应的这两家餐厅。

44: Secret Ninja (秘密忍者)
Get a Gold Medal on Sushi Nest Shift 10.
在Sushi Nest的10回拿到金奖章。
Obviously, this achievement requires players to complete the game on the final shift. Considering that this is already a high-class restaurant, the highest difficulty level is indeed challenging. Interestingly, the menu of this restaurant educates players on the distinction between 【Sushi】 and 【Sashimi】.
显然,这一成就又要求玩家通关最高难度。鉴于这已经可以算一家后期餐厅,它的最高难度确实还是有一定挑战性的。有意思的是,这家餐厅的菜单,让人意识到,【寿司 (Sushi)】和【刺身 (Sashimi)】是两种东西。

On the other hand, this level is actually not very difficult. The primary strategy for clearing the level is to consciously control the rhythm of incoming orders. In other words, it means always avoid delivering two orders simultaneously during Rush Hour; instead, let these orders delivered one-after-one. By this way, the reduce of customers' patience will be controlled sequentially, thus enabling the players to always focus on one or two orders during Rush Hour. If not doing this, managing more than five Sashimi alarms at the same time will be nearly impossible.
但另一方面,这一关其实没有那么难。通关的主要诀窍是有意识地控制订单来到的节奏。换句话说,就是尽可能不要在Rush Hour交付两个订单,让这些订单一个一个地出去、也就意味着顾客地耐心会一个一个地警报,玩家就可以在Rush Hour期间,永远将精力放在一到两个订单上。否则的话,若是同时出现5个以上的Sashimi告警,那几乎就会无法管理。

Another trick (which is not demonstrated in the video) is to switch the recipe of 【Onigiri】 from RISHN to adjacent keys such as QWERT. This will simplify the preparation of sides.
另一个诀窍(没有用在视频里),是在开始之前,将【饭团 (Onigiri)】的按键从RISHN分别改为QWERT这样的连续按键。这会让准备小菜的过程变得轻松一点。

45: Espresso Chef (浓缩咖啡大厨)
Get a Gold Medal on Contrast Coffee Shift 14.
在Contrast Coffee的14回拿到金奖章。
This is the most outrageous achievement in the gameplay. The difficulty is absurdly high, even the difficulty has been reduced after one update of the game. There is no trick or strategy; all that is required is familiarity with the recipes.

Even so, there is one tip: use the preparation period of 【Frozen Lattes】 or 【Smoothies】. There is a considerable amount of time between the ready state and the burned-out state. What players have to do is, to postpone the delivery of these orders as long as possible. Once finish the recipes of these orders, players are recommended to concentrate on the more complicated orders like 【Hot Lattes】 or 【Iced Lattes】.
虽然这样说,但还是有一个注意事项,就是活用【Frozen Lattes (冰盖拿铁)】和【沙冰 (Smoothies)】的准备时间。这两个菜在进入可以上菜的状态以后、到糊掉之前、都有相当长的间隔。玩家要做的就是,遇到这些订单,就能拖则拖,一做好它们以后,就把全副精力放在按键复杂的【热拿铁 (Hot Lattes)】和【冰拿铁 (Iced Lattes)】上。

Another difficulty is caused by the 【Espresso Shot】. Once getting ready, the preparation period of this entry is surprisingly short. In most cases, players should delay them as much as possible. However, if they start to prepare them, they need to pay much attention to the status of its completion. Even if the players are preparing difficult entries like 【Iced Latte】, they are required to deliver the espresso immediately.
另一个大坑是【浓缩美式咖啡 (Espresso Shot)】,这道菜一做好、到糊掉之前的间隔短得出奇。玩家要么拖着不做这个、一开始做,就要密切关注它的完成状态,哪怕正在忙着做【冰拿铁】这种硬菜,也得马上腾出手来把它给上菜了。

If it is lucky, when Rush Hour arrives, there will be a lot of donuts orders, which will make players feel very good. However, if it's exclusively 【Hot Lattes】 or 【Iced Lattes】, it's unavoidable to struggle a lot. I practiced this shift about 20 times before I could complete it perfectly.
运气好一点、到Rush Hour的时候,全是甜甜圈,那就很爽了。但如果全是【热拿铁】或【冰拿铁】,免不了要喝一壶。这一关练习了我少说20次左右、才能做到完美通关。
3 bình luận
flowfayefly 3 Thg12, 2024 @ 10:13am 
Mn₂O₇ 15 Thg05, 2023 @ 10:15pm 
Super Rush Hour and Stress Chef Supreme were so easy thanks to your guide :necroheart:
cainmagi  [tác giả] 14 Thg03, 2022 @ 10:40pm 
Finally, I did it!:csdsmile: