Remothered: Broken Porcelain

Remothered: Broken Porcelain

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Remothered: Broken Porcelain Achievement Guide
By Jules
A guide for some of the non collectible related achievements! I platinumed this on PS4 and really struggled with some achievements since there seems to be zero guides for this game so I've made one myself!
Not today, please... not today!
The first time you react to an enemy attack and strike back using a 'defense item'

Pick up any defense item, knife, screwdriver etc. You'll find them in drawers/cupboards. The first area to do this is when you're being chased by Andrea. Keep letting her hit you until you're grabbed and a QTE appears. Once you succeed at the QTE, you'll stab Andrea and the achievement will pop.

This one is technically story related as you have to let Andrea attack you so you can knock her out for the key later on.
There's something on your neck...
The first time you use a 'defense item' to attack an enemy from behind

Make sure you have a defense and distraction item.

I can't remember if you have to upgrade Jennifer's ability Sharpness before you do this one. There is an ability upgrade box in this area, so if you do need upgrade, run to the box and then get Andrea's attention again.

An area you can do this is outside of Andrea's office. If you stand in front of the wardrobe and throw the distraction item across the room, quickly get inside of the wardrobe, wait for Andrea to inspect the noise and quickly crouch up behind her.

Here's a video if you're struggling with it:

The first time you hit an enemy from a distance with a 'diversion item'

This one is very easy. Simply pick up a diversion item, run into another room with Andrea still chasing you, ready your diversion item and when she opens the door throw it at her.
You can't go through!
The first time you successfully defeat an enemy and prevent them from passing through the doorway.

Have Andrea chase you, run into a room and press E against the door. There will be another QTE (same as the defense items) You also get Moth Key's for doing this!
Hasta la vista!
The first time you make an enemy faint

This achievement is story related as you have to make Andrea faint to get the key. Keep letting her attack you and fighting back with your defense item. You can only carry 2 so once you've used both, run around and pick up 2 more, there is plenty around.
When you lose the basketball challenge

Just miss the basket!
Complete both possible outcomes in reference to your arch enemy's fate.

This will require 2 playthrough's if you're going for 100% as I'm pretty sure this is needed for the all cutscenes/secret video ending.

You'll be playing as Lynn and have to decide a certain character's fate. Pick the save option and then in a new game pick the kill option.
Certified loser
Witness at least 5 different Game Overs

Die 5 times.
Son of a B*tch!
Knock out all enemies in the game, at least once

You DO NOT have to knock out the Red Nun or Porcelain, they don't count for this achievement.

Andrea will be knocked out to get the key to progress the story, so there's no need to worry about her.

In Chapter 3, in the kitchens, the same place you have to grind for Blood Bath, is where you will knock out Ashmann and Elisa. It doesn't matter if you pick one of them, knock them out, then reload your save or let yourself die. This achievement is very annoying as all three enemies can chase you if you're not careful. Once you've attacked whoever you've picked first, run and hide, wait till they've stopped looking for you and then go after whoever again. It helps if you upgrade your defense item too.
Blood bath
Stab your enemies 50 times

This one is very grindy and irritating. You have to stealth stab, being grabbed and then stabbing with the QTE does not count.

A good area to do this is in the kitchens. You will have to wait in the small room with the save spot (make sure you save here) wait for Ashmann to pass by, sneak up behind him and press M1. Go back to menu, load save, repeat it 49 more times.
Survival master
Finish the game without ever dying

This is a lot easier than it sounds. Once you've played through once and know what to do + have upgraded Jennifer, it's very easy to never die, it's good to attempt this with finishing the game in under 5 hours + don't save.
Moth Lady
Unlock 100% of all moth abilities

This will require multiple playthrough's depending on how many Moth Keys you find each time. Find the Moth Keys and use the box to upgrade her abilities! You can also get Moth Keys by holding the doors so enemies can't get in, you'll automatically be given one!
Abdul-Jabbar who?
When you win the basketball challenge

Here's a helpful video I found on youtube which helps you land every shot!
[SW]Mishil 25 Dec, 2023 @ 6:26am 
Really good guide. Thanks for this.
CorvusCorax 12 Jul, 2022 @ 5:20am 
I found a way to make QTEs easier if you go to settings. On "easy" you need to press click a couple of times (this is with the left mouse button) then you finish up by pressing right click once.
Jules  [author] 12 Jul, 2022 @ 5:01am 
Pretty sure you hold it! (Haven't played it in a whlle so I could be wrong)
CorvusCorax 10 Jul, 2022 @ 4:02pm 
Fun fact: I got "strike" in the chapter with the lady having the gun and fighting against the Porcelain. Once Porcelain grabs her she shoots him in the head.
CorvusCorax 10 Jul, 2022 @ 4:00pm 
I'm surprised nobody thanked you for this!

Regarding "You can't go through!"

I understand you press E to initiate the holding the door sequence. It isn't clear if the mouse button is to be pressed during the follow-up QTE or you need to hold it?