Victoria II

Victoria II

Empire of Japan 1920
즐겨찾기 해제
"Japanese borders January 1st 1920"
댓글 7
Newtz  [작성자] 2022년 4월 5일 오후 8시 17분 
yeah really vietnam was a breadbasket for me.
♥︎ Pumpkin Pie ♡ 2022년 4월 5일 오후 6시 30분 
You should also grab the Philippines, Spain usually doesn't do to good militarily and they don't ally to often.
Regarding Vietnam while I'm not to familiar with Asia myself I tend to go for it, plus it gives way for some of the most populated regions of China in the south.
Newtz  [작성자] 2022년 4월 4일 오후 7시 30분 
ah shit i guess north borneo is the oil spawn huh, this game was months ago i don't remember, and don't usually play in asia at all.
TAKUMU 2022년 4월 3일 오후 12시 36분 
keep playing the game and you will see why you are objectively wrong :)
Like you didnt even bother with the big dutch lands which is 20x more valuable than the garbage you took in borneo. Where you missed the north which has a oil spawn. Also vietnam is legit of 0 value at all. Bad rgos etc.

Also manchuria has several big iron and coal provinces which I mean you just sound dumb, its legit great provinces dude...
Newtz  [작성자] 2022년 4월 2일 오후 5시 35분 
just took what i wanted along the coast and went to the pacific for actually good land that has resources. Manchuria is bad
TAKUMU 2022년 4월 2일 오전 1시 39분 
no manchuria and not the whole that whole russian region??
Emperor_Meiji 2022년 3월 29일 오후 3시 10분 
"I raised that boy"