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Holy Flame Belt Slot
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24.897 KB
2022년 2월 16일 오후 9시 54분
2022년 3월 3일 오후 12시 38분
변경 사항 5개 ( 보기 )

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Holy Flame Belt Slot

This simple mod makes the Holy flame 2x2 squares, and enables the ability to wear it as a belt.

Unfortunately the game does not recognize it as a Holy Flame when it is in the belt slot. If Prayer Day is on the way to your outpost, quickly put the Holy Flame into your inventory again, otherwise the priest will think you don't have one.
댓글 4
✬Rustic Fox✬ 2024년 3월 15일 오후 9시 19분 
does it function from the belt slot for prayer day?
Paan De God 2023년 5월 11일 오전 9시 57분 
Im playing Holy Nation Crusade mod and I also have mod that gives every HN NPC a Holy Flame.
Your mod is the best for HN Playthrough.
Thank You so much for doing this. :)
Macropod 2022년 2월 19일 오전 3시 31분 
It would be very cool if, without this item on your character, merchants in the cities of the Holy Nation would refuse to trade with it.
kaikitten  [작성자] 2022년 2월 17일 오후 2시 13분 
@aR8Ve0IKjz That sounds lit, I'd love to try