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19 juin 2014 à 16h06
12 juil. 2014 à 20h08
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Dans 1 collection faite par Apathivity
HiddenTech Series
7 objets
- Part 2 of the ongoing HiddenTech series.
Don't forget to rate!

- 2 Terminals
- 1 laptop

Difficulty - Easy

- Client: Anonymous,
" As expected the data that was given to DataSec by T.T.C. was mostly junk. However, there were some encrypted files in the mix. My guess is they were sent to DataSec by mistake. Unfortunately the only information I could piece together was half of an address, some bank transactions and a company name, CloudServices. "

" Cloudservices is a cloud-computing company contracted out by the local East Point government; If CloudServices are in T.T.C.'s pockets it could explain why T.T.C. has been doing so well.

- Mission -
"I need you to head over to the new T.T.C. building and get a copy of what they've been up to. ”

- Client Requests -
" I doubt T.T.C. has prioritized their budget for the new building to also include a heavy guard presence. Try to keep your presence at a minimum to keep it that way (Ghost). Also, if you can, try to tap a less encrypted source (Laptop). It may prove useful. "

- Expert Challenge -
Achieve Ghost, Gentleman and Ninja in one run.

Level Created Using:
3 commentaires
jupiterjaeden 3 juil. 2017 à 11h28 
Is it possible to get Perfect Gentleman without using hushcracker?
Apathivity  [créateur] 5 juil. 2014 à 19h05 
Glad to hear the Expert Challenge was hard. Also glad that you managed to do it :D
I was originally worried that it would be too easy to warrant it an 'Expert Challenge'

You could have also jumped from the roof, but it does not change much from what you did. It sounds like you did just fine .
Matt 5 juil. 2014 à 18h53 
It was hard to get the ghost part of the expert challenge because you really have to use all the delays possible, and then jump OVER the final guard's field of view from the over-hang behind him. Then again, there was probably an easier way that I couldn't fathom at the time.