

38 个评价
由 Lerik 制作
Our authoritative publication welcomes all the killamainers of this universe, and also well good suvs of the dbd world (which are no more than 10% of the entire community). This article is so important that it was translated into English by a non-English-speaking person. If you notice errors in the translation and want to present it to our editorial office - we dont give any s h i t.
Whats wrong?

All the events over the past few years (think about it, YEARS) have gradually killed the balance and atmosphere of the game. This problem has hit the killers so much that the remaining killamains now play on the red ranks not for the sake of getting pleasure and buzz from the game, but in order to at least occasionally clean the ass of toxic players for survivors. Recently, I noticed that I began to come across the fiercest genrashers without stopping, whom even I had never met. They can freakin beat one, two, maximum three times. But then you get mentally and physically tired of it. Where is the pleasure of playing with eternal nerds? Is it fun? No. Knocking down the MMR by losing games did not lead to anything, as if it was impossible to lose MMR.


After the PTB, we finally realized that maniacs are like racism towards whites, which means to what someone f u c k i n ever saying - trying to fix the obviously dead act. They will remove Bubba's masks, which have been "terrorizing" those who stink of survs for 4 years, will add information to the survs avatars, who is doing what (while making themselves a dozen survs perks to reveal the location like a diarrhea, further strengthening the GENRUSHERS perks), and they did not provide any information at all about the planned rework of the Ghostface and Legion when they teased it for a while (okay, we'll write it off to prepare for the upcoming release of a new film about him). It makes no sense to describe further what is happening in F u c k eivor, you know everything about everything yourself, especially after snowmen with 3 hits. And at the usual interval for squats at the survs, we sucked a d i c k. The developers, who themselves openly say without hesitation that they listen only to survmains, deserve a separate cauldron in the Hell.

If we want to save the game, we (the killamainers) will have to act only together. And I came up with an idea how to destroy DBD.
Protest 2022
I urge all noble killamainers to quit the usual game for a maniac in this dumpster s h i t. In return, I ask you to play according to the following scenario - you will never try to kill survivors again. In order to kill Dead by Daylight...

We need to be friends with the Survivors.
Everything is right. Be friends.

Every game you have to make it clear to the survs that you do not intend to play against them. Be friendly, spin around. If man has the ability - teabagging. If you're a piggy, let everyone boop yourself.

U may ask: s u k a, what is the protest here? The answer is simple, my dear killamain. Thoughts are broader, my friend. You're friends with survs every game. I am friends with survs every game. Another 100 maniacs are friends with survivors (and the ratio of maniacs to survs is somewhere 1:3) ((some survmains also use killers on a regular basis, too)). If there are a thousand of us, we will destroy rating games. Most of you who are gathered here now are red ranks. Roughly speaking, having even 100 killers in the world ruinings games, it will be impossible to play normally on the red ranks. Ded Bai will finally lose the main feature - survival horror (even if it is not horror for you). What the whole catch-up game was conceived for will be destroyed. There will be no more games where an evil killer would cut everyone. Survivors will never be able to fill up with snot again, throwing off a pallet for mana, f u c k i n lantern in his face, and later piss in the post-game chat. Survs will like this one, two, ten times. But then they get f u c k i n angry that every second game comes a good-natured maniac, and they can't do anything to him (take the "Lightborn" perk, I'll tell you later how to be friends correctly, this is important). Since the developers only listen to the survs, we need to bring them to the same state, and no matter how sadistic it sounds, this is not sadism, because we are friends with the survs, and do not humiliate them. Our actions are not illegal in the legislation of any country.
How to be friends correctly

In fact, it is necessary to be friends sincerely. You can hit the survs whenever you want, but just never hang them on hooks so that they feel safe.

Never respond to their request to dump pallets on you!!! They'll just pump even more blood points on you than you do. And then they'll leave you without a BP at all. Good survivors can offer to hang themselves on a hook in return for your friendship - this is a good survivor. In this case, it would be better to always agree, but for example, I always refuse, because I don't play on the BP and I don't need it. The highest gratitude to killer from surv is a voluntary sacrifice of oneself at the moment of collapse. The man fully appreciated your kindness. Also, a sign of good friendliness is leaving the object of the survs to you as a sign of regards, and if the surv is bare-assed, he will slowly T-bag in the gate. Remember - slow Tbag is regards, fast ones are humiliation. And also - never chase after the survs with whom you are friends for a long time. This is an unnecessary sucking of BP into the his bank bank, we don't need it. If one of the scum is trying to get enough of BP at the expense of your friendship - for example, by shining a flashlight (and there will be plenty of such individuals), we boldly distribute p u s s y. Adequate survs will understand why the toxic surv got beat up, and will not object or be afraid of you.

Sometimes survs can understand that you are good and will not intentionally fix the genes. The solution is simple - get up in the AFK for 5 minutes, but do not leave the screen. We never play to the tune of survs, because it is of them that the game has fallen below the baseboard. After a while, they get bored, and power is supplied to the gate. Immediately after that, immediately open the gate yourself, firstly for BP, secondly, we exclude the possibility of their even greater delay in the game.

According to the perks, I can only give recommendations: "Lightborn", "Sloppy butcher" (so that they suffer with treatment 24 \ 7), "Play with your food" (we fly around the map at a speed close to sound), "Save the best for last" (recharge the base attack, after a successful hit, a little more than 2 times faster) ((assuming all tokens and max upgrading perk))
Micheal Myers
I want to create separate rules of behavior for two killers, because this is very important. On these killers, you need to play your role as much as possible so that the survs get the maximum impression.

Mikki should be played as realistic as possible to the film. We need to find a generator that the survs are repairing, get up so that you are far away and at the same time so that the survs at the generator can see you. This will not happen immediately with the correct setting. But as soon as they notice Misha, they will run away like GENRUSHERS from the terror radius. Especially impressionable individuals s h i t themselves so much that they will hit the gas right on the Sprint.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER ALWAYS!!! You can never make sudden movements on Michael for a long time, otherwise all associations with the most dangerous killer will be torn to shreds. If the survivors saw you before you reached your destination, stop and stare at him until you and he die of old age. If surv noticed this and sat down behind a stone - look into the stone. You'll always notice when Surv runs away, and he'll get heart attacks one after another.

Play the rest of the game like that, looking from afar at the mending survivors. If one of them dares to come closer, look him in the face for a long time and only then make a hit. Sometimes you can dial the third stage and knock everyone out for fun, but again, do not hang anyone, but Mikhail's image collapses a little from such strange actions, but you will earn a lot of BP for the match. It's already your choice.

If there is a main with a good 2nd floor on the map (the best example is a Crotus Prenn Asylim). Make this place your home. Looks out of the windows of the whole map at the gene-mending survs. Don't think that they don't see you if they haven't been distracted from the gene. I watched the stream of the surv, who conducted it on Twitch at the same time playing with me, and he almost sobbed from emotions associated with laughter and horror at the same time.

Hostfeis the most interesting killa for protests. Here you need to play a role from the movie too. Recall, Gostface is a meme man, wherever he appears. There are a lot of scenarios for how to implement his meme, and each of them, in fact, will be correct. But for example, I will share my Guest Face.

Using puppeteering, we catch one survivor for vulnerability and knock him out. Then we dance on his barely breathing body, performing both fast and slow T bags. We look into the face of the surv. We nod, we spin. If the surv is lying motionless, we literally perform an imitation of rape with small movements back and forth. After lowering the surv for about a minute (preferably not less, if it is a toxic GENRACHER, he will already be in tears), we take it in our hands and spin it like a helicopter at a speed of 400 km / h around our axis. Somewhere at this moment, his teammates come, who are already fumbling for the fact that you are an unusual Gast Fice. After turning the first surv, we artistically look at the other, catch him and perform all of the above actions, including rape. With such a "helicopter-helicopter" move and having of everyone, we comb through all the survivors in the current game.
(An interesting sub-item: sometimes survs love such a Gas Face so much that they themselves will beg you to rape them for several laps in a row, based on real events). Usually, just on the 4th one, they get the last generator and go home. It is undesirable to stand with them at the gate, unless they were very friendly. It's better to kick them off the map with hits or sit on the other side of the map and break the doors to earn BP, if you want.
Epic Games S h i t
We, as noble natives of the craft of maniacs, like all adequate survomains, support a boycott against the free distribution of the game on this site. The developers did this for the sake of profit for themselves. The developers purposefully kill the game further (Just like Ubisoft, Take Two, TellTalle, etc. Too much for simple coincidences from these g o d d a m corporations). Gradually, we, like a slaves, sit and do not take any action. Having killed the game, the developers gave it away for free just in order to raise online. And the newly arrived players means profit, because who among us has not bought at least some kind of DLC to DBD?
Too much information. In short - a boycott of console players, including Epic Gamers, who began to come across in approximately equal (EQUAL, CARL) ratio with Steam players. Most likely, these are the same Steam players who created a twin account for themselves. And cross-platform bibes can't leave you an angry or good comment in your profile, this means that they are not of any interest to us.

An example of a full screwed of your maniac potential. Get out of the lobby immediately.

An example of an ideal lobby. And even with a YouTuber. The game will be interesting.

Separately, we will highlight the streamers of different platforms. Playing with them is highly desirable, because we literally display DBD problems on the big screen to the external environment. ((Okay, who are we kidding. Purely for the sake of trolling the streamer.) If there is a streamer in the lobby, and if he is also on the air, he is your main priority for the whole game. Show him all the friendliness that you have in you, honey.
Protest offering
A protest must have at least some kind of sign or symbol to declare itself to society, as well as for the concept of who we are and what goals we are achieving. I thought about it, and realized that the most unnecessary offering of CLEAR REAGENT would be ideal for this. You can also hide an allegory that we are fighting the dirt (fog) that is happening in our game. Every maniac definitely has an offering to dispel the fog and, de facto, will always be noticeable at the beginning of the game.

After a well-played protest game, we must write the ironic word "shrex" even in an empty chat. But only once!!! This word causes incomprehensibility among the already surprised by the strange game of surva. This universal word is suitable for all types of post-game chats, including empty ones. Thus, we will only strengthen the position that we were the owners of the game, and only with our permission the survivors left unharmed. Try it and see for yourself.

Exception: if you played for Michael, it is strictly forbidden to write anything in the chat.

P.S. in the screenshot, I wrote shrex for Michael because of my initial inexperience

Something worth living for
The number of good comments you have in your profile is like a balm for the soul - it shows the number of people who at least paid attention to you and your role. So, along the chain, over time, the public will also pay attention to such maniacs. In addition, sincere positive comments are always more pleasant to receive than genuinely angry ones (although they warm the soul no less pleasantly).

The Trap Plan
If you're completely f u c k i n crazy, just like me. You can crush the mind of surv-p u s s i e s.

Take the perk "Blood Warden" and also be friends for the whole game. You guessed that already?) Yes. Be sure to open the gate, go to the center of the map (if survs adore you, they will definitely not stand in the gate, and will run after you). Be sure to wait for the collapse bar went beyond the last third. We K.O. one of them and hang him the f u c k up on the hook. We get orgasm after orgasm. The results screenshooting youtself in a box of our trophies, in the lobby chat write "so ez".
The point of the protest in this case will be flushed down the toilet, and f u c k it. When else will we have so much fun!?

P.S. expect that after these moves blood warden will may be nerfed, I'm not kidding now.

The and
I wish everyone in the new year a fix of Blight rushers, nerfing Nurse, an enlarged stanning and blinding, as well as 4 hits on survs with their further stood up on his own with Unbreakable.

Check out the first article of our authoritative killer publication (only Russian):
7 条留言
#MLG #YOLO #GETREKT 2022 年 8 月 5 日 上午 2:32 
kokolya tee peeya su mi da
KnightForEyes 2022 年 2 月 7 日 上午 3:37 
Dead hard delet when
Levgan 2022 年 1 月 23 日 下午 5:29 
Lerik  [作者] 2022 年 1 月 21 日 上午 1:43 
banuno 2022 年 1 月 21 日 上午 1:17 
abgar 2022 年 1 月 16 日 上午 6:13 
а чё на английском?
#MLG #YOLO #GETREKT 2022 年 1 月 15 日 上午 5:25 
вау, шикарно!:white_pearl::white_pearl: