Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How to identify a tryhard (and what to do)
By video_james
This is a guide for friendlies or friendly sympathisers/defenders that aims to help you identify and deal with a tryhard on your casual or comp server.
Hello fellow friendlies! This is your ally and the leader/founder of the infamous Friendly Defender Force (FDF for short). I would like to preface this guide buy saying that friendlies are an ENDENGERED speacies. We NEEED to protect them, and buy standing by and watching tryhads kill them and oppress them in casuel is almost as bad as doing it yourself. Remeber, SIOLENCE = VILENCE.

I hope you enjoy this guide and that it informs you or helps you in any way possible.
How to spot a tryhard!!
Tryhards are a diseise and a plage upon the TF2 community. Remember to be cautioun as they are known to be rather toxic when confronted.
Most tryhards will identify with short names in all lowercase, such as "striker", "mims" or "yuuwhi". (Do not worry about these 3 people, however. they are all high ranking soldiers in the FDF ranks, and are fighting for your freedom.)
Aditionaly, they will kill a lot of people (durh) and they will use conventional loadouts, not say sorry after killing a friendly, play classes such as:

When confronted, they will usually be very toxic so b careful!!!! Sometimes they will also play in parties to stomp casual, and might kick you for "throwing" (Even though being friendly is a gamemode. It's not possible for friendlies to be throwing when the reason TF2 was developed was for player to have fun and be friendly on casual. That is why it is called CASUAL. not TRYHARD. or WIN. or TEAM GAME. or TRY HARD TO WIN TEAM GAME. These people do not realise that TF2 is only alive becasue of friendlies like us, and that by being BUTTHOLES in servers they are decreseing the TF2 playerbase. It is a thank less job to say the least.)
How to deal with tryahard.
I personally think that being a tryhard is worthy of an instant kick. It is unacceptable and basically murder if you think about it. Like seriously. However, you do not lose anything by being kind, and it will pay to be respectful or at least polite to these people - they are people, at the end of the day, albiet people who murder innocent children in video game to cope with they're parnets devorching.

You should start by asking them POLITELY to stop. If they do not, ask them again, but be more firm and be like "If you do not stop tryharding than you will be kick. from server". If they don't not comply than kick them, or ask the other team to kick them. if the other team does not comply than idk how to help you you should probably leave the server at that point because it has become TRY HARD TO WIN TEAM GAME server and not TEAM FRIENDLY 2 server and its not worth your'e time playing on.

Your team is morally obligated to agree with you and kick the tryhard, and so is the other team. If they do not listen, you can try to convince them by stating that killing friendlies in tf2 is like a litmus test for being a IRL cereal killer, it is like harming animals but worse since it is actual people. Remind them that it is their duty to stop cyberbulling, harassment and oppression online and that you are being cyberbullied, oppression, and harassment.

If a tryhard is getitng mad on you, remember that spamming binds such as the lenny face is a great way to farm epic rections from idiot on line. If all else fails, then do this as it will show the tryhard who is boss, and that you are a bove him.
TL;DR, conclusion.
===========================================================================Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my guide. It means a lot to me and hopefully the TF2 community will now know how to deal with tryhard on casual, comp, community or what ever else. Remember to always take sides with a friendly, and if someone does not know how to identify a tryhard it would be beneficial for both me (the creater of this guide) and them (who will learn how to deal with tryhard) if you share the guide with them.


-chef, Leader/Founder of F.D.F and T.T.W, 5.6 GPA, 1899 medals on COC, 1000+ views on youtube
video_james  [author] 7 May, 2024 @ 2:58am 
thanks bro glad you enjoy
Blitzixt 5 May, 2024 @ 11:24am 
Perfect, now I can learn how to tryhard more effectively by learning directly from the source!!! :rinflipped:
video_james  [author] 23 Dec, 2023 @ 2:59pm 
blehhhh :P
Whateva brah 23 Dec, 2023 @ 2:59pm 
please do not be an insensitive troll in the comments section! this place is a safe space for all friendlies and casuals far and wide! these rude and unnecessary comments are NOT tolerated! tryhards and trolls are NOT welcome here! this is my face when i see a troll > :steammocking: XD
video_james  [author] 23 Aug, 2022 @ 3:46am 
-Aya 23 Aug, 2022 @ 3:42am 
get off casual if you want more friendly servers
-Aya 23 Aug, 2022 @ 3:42am 
guide on how to cry when people dont play how you want them to play (they should only crouch with melee out)
video_james  [author] 15 Jan, 2022 @ 9:13am 
why WOULD you
¿ 15 Jan, 2022 @ 8:53am 
Why would people not try hard when playing on a competetive server?
yuuwhi 13 Jan, 2022 @ 6:49am 
what a silly question.