HonkaiImpact 3rd

HonkaiImpact 3rd

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Honkai Impact 3rd basics: Fu Hua
Készítő: Táiga Rivers
A simple combined (gigantic) guide on how to use all of Honkai Impact 3rd coolest character's battlesuits. This guide is meant for players who want to know how to play Fu Hua and just want to play the actual game, not the numbers, so do not expect this guide to include specific numbers for every skill or something else.
I do not want to spam with my guides, so here is one big guide on one character's battlesuits.

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The battle mechanics of Fu Hua
Fu Hua is quite a complicated valkyrie because she requires pressing two buttons in the right order to perform certain attacks or even one after another for better SP gathering, to quickly get close to an enemy or something else.
I will give the basic attack and ultimate skill buttons shorter names:
B — the basic attack button;
U — the ultimate skill button.
You must remember these. It is important.
Night Squire

Rank: A Type: Biologic Damage type: physical, melee Weapon: gauntlet Recommended rank: SSS
Night Squire is a single-target bully that requires filling up the Ripple bars to utilise several passive skills. Ripple is not necessary to perform combo attacks, but with Ripple, Night Squire will deal much more damage and gain additional damage bonuses. Despite being an old A-rank, she is still insane for an A-rank even nowadays.
The Ripple bars:

Basic attacks: Iron Strike
Ri-Ki: Darting Kite: B-B-B
Good for closing gaps, but takes some time to perform. Use only when needed.

Ri-Ki: Phoenix Soar: U-U-U
Fast attack in a small range. Good for recharging Ripple.

Combo attacks: Aurora
Ri-Ki: Raptor Strike: B-B-U
A powerful uppercut that can easily throw an enemy flying.

Ri-Ki: Rending Claw: B-U-U
A heavy kick downwards. Despite looking cool, usually is not recommended to use.

Ri-Ki: Talon Storm: U-U-B
MUDA-MUDA-MUDA, but using a leg. Good for SP farming and quickly getting high combo count for certain stigmatas.

Ri-Ki: Moon Anseri: U-B-B
An attack similar to Ri-Ki: Phoenix Soar, but stronger. Not recommended to use.

Ultimate skill: Thousand Stars
Hold the ultimate attack button at 100 SP to enter Burst mode where Night Squire literally becomes a single-target berserk. During this state, press any attack button rapidly and watch Night Squire non-stop beating the candy out of the enemy until Burst mode ends (duration: 8 seconds).

During Burst mode, Night Squire gains a huge attack speed bonus and at SSS-rank, enemies around Night Squire take more damage and are bleeding, which gives this berserk valkyrie additional damage bonus. After all, she is known by old players as «Buttler Fu Hua».

Evasion skill: Blink
Triggers global time fracture. During time fracture, Night Squire gains 25% (!) crit rate.

Optimal strategy
Use Ri-Ki: Phoenix Soar to get Ripple, then use the Ri-Ki: Raptor StrikeRi-Ki: Talon Storm combo attacks sequence repeatedly until you get enough SP to enter Burst mode. Night Squire is very reliant on her ultimate skill. Keep that in mind.
Also Night Squire has a lot of built-in physical damage and even some crit rate.

Recommended equipment

Keys of Oblivion/Domain of Sentience
While Keys of Oblivion might not be the best in terms of damage output, they heavily help Night Squire with getting SP to enter Burst mode sooner. Domain of Sentience gives even more SP and adds some crit rate and has high base ATK which are always welcome bonuses.
I do not recommend to get Skoll and Hati since this weapon does not have a 6★ version and does not solve the issue with getting SP. Also its crit rate bonus is not really stable to consider.

The Dirac set.
Gives crit rate, total damage and physical damage, SP regeneration after ultimate evasion and Impair. This set is Burst mode-related, so it is a perfect fit for Night Squire. And it is craftable now!

If you do not have these, use anything that gives physical/total/crit damage. Most notable stigmata set would be Marco Polo for obvious reasons. As for weapon, Grips of Tai Xuan is a decent option which gives total damage.
Valkyrie Accipiter

Rank: A Type: Psychic Damage type: physical, melee Weapon: gauntlet Recommended rank: SSS (to unlock Hawk of the Fog's full potential)
Valkyrie Accipiter is a shield breaker and a healer with incredibly-looking attacks, and she is fun to play, but there is a problem with her: she does not see any use nowadays. Like, at all. She is very inconvenient to use and cannot deal lots of damage. She can break shields, enhance the team and heal, yes, but there are way better and overall useful valkyries for these tasks.

Basic attack: Whitetiger Dashing
Quite boring six-hit sequence. Used to connect into combo attacks.

Combo attacks: Azure Dragon
Ki: Shattering Fist: B-B-U-U
Fu Hua leaps into the air, then strikes downwards.

Ki: Zenith: B-B-B-U-U-U
Stronger version of Ki: Shattering Fist. Fu Hua throws an enemy into the air, hits it several times, then slams the ground bringing a local earthquake.

Ki: Barrage: U-U-U
A weak barrage of hadoukens fireballs.

Ki: Nova: hold U or press U several times, then hold U
Fu Hua launches a giant fireball, just like in that anime I do not the name of.

Ultimate skill: Amber Dragon
Ki: Avalanche: at 25 SP or more, B-B-U + hold U while in mid-air
Enhanced version of Ki: Shattering Fist which slams the ground even harder. Plays a screeching sound which notifies you that you used Ki: Avalanche and not Ki: Shattering Fist. Quite easy to fail, actually.

Ki: Impact: at 25 SP or more, B-B-B-U-U + hold U while in mid-air or B-B-B-B-B-B-U-U + hold U while in mid-air
Slightly stronger version of Ki: Avalanche.

Ki: Nova EX: at 25 SP or more, hold U or press U several times, then hold U
Enhanced version of Ki: Nova which deals almost two times more damage.

Evasion skill: Vermillion Dance
Triggers global time fracture. Can be connected into a combo attack by pressing U.

If you really want to use Valkyrie Accipiter… Uh, you can use literally anything that gives physical/total/crit damage, but keep in mind that this valkyrie is combo user and does not have Burst mode. Anyhow, I do not recommend to use Valkyrie Accipiter without her «core» that converts her into a powerful lightning damage dealer.
Hawk of the Fog

Rank: A Type: Psychic Damage type: lightning, melee Weapon: gauntlet Recommended rank/core stars: SSS/6★
Formerly one of the most powerful valkyries in the game. Still strong and would be a good pick, if you do not have Herrscher of Thunder or Fallen Rosemary with her PRI-scythe.
Hawk of the Fog excels at beating the oil out of groups of MECH-type enemies and has a lot of invincibility frames.

Basic attack: Thunder Wyrm
The same as Valkyrie Accipiter's basic attack sequence. Used to connect into combo attacks.

Combo attacks: Lightning Panther
Kei: Whipping Sparks: B
Launches a lightning blade at an enemy and, upon hit, triggers the Tigris Elektra passive skill which accelerates SP farming and enhances the basic attack sequence. Can be connected into Kei: Lightning Pounce.

Kei: Lightning Pounce: B or U after Kei: Whipping Sparks hits an enemy
Very useful for closing gaps. However, has a very limited range.

Kei: Taranic Talons: B-U
Quick and powerful kick. You can spam this attack to beat the electricity out of the enemy until it dies.

Kei: Six-Sided Shock: B-B-B-U or B-B-B-B-B-B-U
Literally six-sided shock. Excellent for farming SP and dealing area-of-effect damage. Can be connected into Kei: Blasting Palm or Kei: Tunneling Blossom.

Kei: Blasting Palm: B after Kei: Six-Sided Shock hits the ground
A heavy attack that can throw away enemies.

Kei: Tunneling Blossom: U after Kei: Six-Sided Shock hits the ground
A penetrating attack that is necessary to connect into the ultimate skill. Can help you to get out when surrounded by enemies.

Ultimate skill: Raging Tomato Tiamat
At 50 SP or more, hold U after Kei: Tunneling Blossom or ultimate evasion
A powerful double strike. Paralyses enemies upon hit and gives Fu Hua a considerable lightning damage bonus while activating Elektrance again.

Evasion skill: Storm Phoenix
Triggers global time fracture and enhances the first basic or combo attacks, also allowing it to paralyse an enemy. Can be connected into Raging Tiamat by holding U at sufficient SP.

Optimal strategy
Use Kei: Whipping Sparks to activate Elektrance state, then spam Kei: Six-Sided Shock for SP and to deal area-of-effect damage. Use the ultimate when Elektrance is running out to deal massive damage and refresh Elektrance. Spam Kei: Taranic Talons at single target.

Recommended equipment

Nuada's Grief/Nuada's Revenge
There is just no other option beside this one, though it is actually made for Shadow Knight.

Monet (T), Ishikawa Goemon (M), Ishikawa Goemon (B)
A good combination that provides everything Hawk of the Fog needs.
«Why not Ishikawa Goemon (T)?» The (T) part of that set is too weak.
«Why not Shakespeare (T)?» Read my another guide to find out why.

Naw. Waitstop.
The Zhenyi and Handel sets or a mix of them probably might be stronger than good old Monet (T) + Ishikawa Goemon (M) + (B).
Until you get the best equipment, do not spend resources on the Darwin set! It is very weak and inconvenient to use!
Shadow Knight

Rank: S Type: Mech Damage type: lightning, melee Weapon: gauntlet Recommended rank: SS
My favourite Fu Hua's battlesuit. A former powerhouse that got outdated, especially after miHoYo HoYoVerse released Mobius. Anyway, still might be used for some situations and is ultra-fun to play. Gets significantly better at SS rank which unlocks a passive skill that makes the enemies around Fu Hua bleed during Burst mode to trigger Shadow Knight's passive damage bonus.
It is important to always keep the New Moon skill active. Why? Simple: New Moon = more damage.

Basic attack: Wasteland Panther
A standard six-hit sequence.

Combo attacks: Shadow Dragon
Ki: Riptide: B-U-U or B-B-U-U
Fu Hua throws herself towards an enemy and deals some damage. Good for closing gaps and collecting SP. Also activates or refreshes the New Moon skill.

Ki: Pulverise: B-B-B-U-U or B-B-B-B-B-B-U-U
More powerful, but time-consuming version of Ki: Riptide. Not recommended to use.

Ki: Seismic Slam: U
Just a weak ground strike. Not recommended to use.

Shi-Ki: Crescent: at 60 SP or more, hold U
Now we are getting to the most interesting part: Shadow Knight's Burst mode also known as ZA CRESCENTO!!! or the WRYYY! mode. Now your enemies are bonked up! Also activates or refreshes the New Moon skill.

Ultimate skill: Raging Tiger
Shi-Ki: Charged Palm: B-U-U or B-B-U-U
Fu Hua throws herself at an enemy and deals a heavy strike. Good for closing gaps and re-activating/refreshing the New Moon skill.

Shi-Ki: Onslaught: B-B-B-U-U-U
The MUDA-MUDA-MUDA-MUDA-MUDA! attack which is Shadow Knight's main source of damage. Pulls in nearby enemies during the attack. It is recommended to cancel the final hit by using evasion to quickly start MUDA-MUDA-MUDA-ing again.

Shi-Ki: Crescent: hold U
Places a circle around Fu Hua which gives lightning damage bonus to her while she is within the circle. Can be moved to another place by holding U again. The circle is automatically placed around Fu Hua when she enters Burst mode.

Evasion skill: Dark Sparrows
Triggers area-of-effect lightning strikes that restore 2 SP for every enemy hit and make them bleed. Can be connected into the last hit of Ki: Riptide or immediately start MUDA-MUDA-MUDA during Burst mode by pressing U-U or U-U-U.

Optimal strategy
Spam Ki: Riptide to collect SP and chase the enemy, then cast Shi-Ki: Crescent to enter Burst mode and spam Shi-Ki: Onslaught dash-cancelling its final hit that takes too much of your precious time. Always keep the New Moon skill active using Ki: Riptide/Shi-Ki: Charged Palm.

Recommended equipment

Nuada's Grief/Nuada's Revenge
Obviously made for Shadow Knight. Provides some lightning damage bonus. Nuada's Revenge further enhances Shadow Knight's Burst mode.

Monet (T), Ishikawa Goemon (M), Ishikawa Goemon (B)
A good combination that provides everything Shadow Knight needs.
«Why not Ishikawa Goemon (T)?» The (T) part of that set is too weak.
«Why not Shakespeare (T)?» Read Enduhchi's guide to find out why.

Naw. Stopwait.
The Zhenyi and Handel sets or a mix of them probably might be stronger than good old Monet (T) + Ishikawa Goemon (M) + (B).
Until you get the best equipment, do not spend resources on the Darwin set! It is very weak and inconvenient to use!

Rank: S Type: Pyschic Damage type: fire, melee Weapon: gauntlet Recommended rank: SS
Phoenix is another old battlesuit that does not see much use when you can have Azure Empyrea. However, Phoenix still can be viable as an elemental support, but it is recommended to get her to SS rank to unlock a passive skill that makes enemies take more elemental damage after Phoenix leaves the field.
Phoenix heavily depends on the Prajna bars. More Prajna = stronger damage bonuses for the team. Note that Prajna depletes over time and can be refilled by using different combo attacks and the ultimate skill.
The Prajna bars:

Basic attacks: Rectrix
Sen-Ki: Darting Swift: B-B-B-B-B
A five-hit basic attack sequence with final a heavy kick downwards.

Sen-Ki: Phoenix Soar: U-U-U
Familiar skill, is it not? Just some kicks. Hitting an ignited enemy drops a SP pack which restores 15 SP for the entire team. Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Combo attacks: Flame Gust
Sen-Ki: Simurgh: B-B-U-U
Cool-looking kick upwards. Restores Prajna, ignites the enemy and applies a Firebrand mark.

Sen-Ki: Dashing Tern: B-B-B-U-U or B-B-B-B-U-U
A penetrating attack. Restores Prajna, ignites all enemies in its path and applies the Firebrand mark.

Sen-Ki: Moon Anseri: Immortal Form: U-U-B-B
Some nice acrobatics. Restores Prajna, ignites the enemy and applies the Firebrand mark.

Ultimate skill: Spirit of Cinder
At 100 SP or more, hold U
Deals area-of-effect damage, detonates all firebranded enemies upon hit, restores 200 Prajna, time-locks enemies and ignites all enemies after it ends (unlocked at SS-rank).

Evasion skill: Fairy Dance
Ultimate evasion restores 100 Prajna, gives fire damage bonus and inflicts time-lock in a small are of effect. Can be connected into the last hit of Sen-Ki: Dashing Tern by pressing U which can be used two times in a row.

Optimal strategy
It is quite simple: use different combo attacks to restore Prajna, then, when at full Prajna, leave the field, so your damage dealer will gain an elemental damage bonus.

Recommended equipment
[any gauntlets]

The Fu Hua: Margrave set.
Overall an excellent elemental support set, but requires casting the ultimate skill.
Azure Empyrea

Rank: S Type: Pyschic Damage type: fire, melee Weapon: gauntlet Recommended rank: S, but higher rank is always welcome
Azure Empyrea is one of the best, if not the best, elemental support in the game. She significantly enhances the team and provides Elemental Breach (read my another guide to find out why it is so important).
Azure Empyrea uses the Yin and Yang marks to perform combo attacks.

Basic attacks: Yin and Yang
Yang: B (three times to get all three marks or mix with Yin)
White marks. Can be stacked without hitting any targets.

Yin: U (three times to get all three marks or mix with Yang)
Black marks. Can be stacked without hitting any targets.

Combo attacks: Yin-Yang Tempo
Senpo: Empyrean Fir: with three Yang marks (white), hold B
Quickly restores SP and ignites the enemy.

Senpo: Magma Melt: with three Yin marks (black), hold B
Provides 30% elemental damage bonus to the team upon hitting the target for 15 seconds.

Senpo: Snaring Flame: with mixed marks, hold B
Pulls nearby enemies in, restores 1 SP/s for the team for 15 seconds upon hitting an enemy with this combo attack.

Ultimate skill: Empyrean Sunder
At 125 SP or more, hold U
Pulls in enemies in a big range, makes them take more elemental damage, provides Elemental Breach, increases team's elemental damage, restores 1 SP/s for the team for 15 seconds, immobilises enemies.

Evasion skill: Taichi of Inertia
Triggers global time fracture and provides a spirit shield.

Optimal strategy
Due to one of her passive skills, using different combos is more efficient for farming SP than using the same combos. Lads from HoYoLab say that repeating the Tempo: Snaring Flame + Tempo: Empyrean Fir sequence is the best way to farm SP quickly. After casting the ultimate skill, switch to a damage dealer and beat the ink out of the enemy with the help of various effects from Azure Empyrea.

Recommended equipment

Nebulous Duality/Cosmic Duality

The Fu Hua: Margrave set.
These are Azure Empyrea's signature equipment, so they they are perfect for her.
Herrscher of Sentience

Rank: S Type: Biologic Damage type: physical, melee Weapon: gauntlet Recommended rank: S, but higher rank is always welcome
Herrscher of Sentience is one of the best physical support valkyries and an almost necessary valkyrie for any physical team to function properly (© The Keebster), but actually can do big numbers all herself, if you want her to. Provides a lot of utility for the team, including area-of-effect Impair (read my another guide to find out why Impair is so important).

Basic attacks: Trial of Trinity
Uses the sword/spear/chain blades to attack.
Press U to switch between the three.

Combo attacks: Transcendence of Trinity
Each combo consumes «kinetic energy» to perform and restores SP.

The sword: at full «kinetic energy», hold B
Gathers and time-locks enemies and deals 1390% ATK of physical damage.

«Get disliked!»

The spear: at full «kinetic energy», hold B
Sticks a spear in the enemy's… back and deals quite a big amount of damage.

If you perform this combo when the enemy is far away, Herrscher of Fun will throw the spear into the enemy and just teleport to the them to complete the attack.

The chain blades: at full «kinetic energy», hold B
An area-of-effect attack that sends the enemies into coma and temporarily makes them take more physical damage with the help of a passive skill.

UItimate skill: A Worldful of Woes
At 125 SP or more, hold U
ZA WARUDOes the in-game timer, deals huge area-of-effect damage and Impairs ALL existing enemies. Herrscher of Fun enters Burst mode/Herrscher form where you can hold B and repeatedly press it to perform a MUDA-MUDA-MUDA with her skateboard dealing a ton of damage.
Gives a ton of power-ups to any physical attacker and allows to do millions of damage (literally). Can apply debuffs like Isaac Newton (B) while off-field thanks to joint attacks.

Press U during Herrscher form to summon a pillar with huge area-of-effect gather.

Hold B during Herrscher form and repeatedly press it to bonk the enemy to death. Use this attack only if you are using Herrscher of Yatta as the main damage dealer.

Evasion skill: A Wraith without Trace
Can be activated at will. Creates a shadow clone that explodes upon taking damage (including the damage from the summoner) and triggers global time fracture. If the explosion hits an enemy, the clone leaves a feather that can be picked up to restore 15 SP for the whole team and 150 HP for the valkyrie.

Create the clone close to the enemy and attack it to gain the free 15 SP! Also you can use the clone right before activating the ultimate skill, so the clone explodes right after the animation of the ultimate skill ends, and you instantly gain 15 SP. Noice.

Also, Sentiently Insane Fu Hua can attack the enemies with her skateboard by ramming into them. To have some fun only.

Recommended equipment (physical support)

Keys of Oblivion/Domain of Sentience
The signature weapon. Perfect for Herrscher of Fun for obvious reasons.

The Shattered Swords set.

Recommended equipment (attacker)

Keys of Oblivion/Domain of Sentience

Sirin: Ascendant (T), Dirac (M), Dirac (B)
Dirac (T) was replaced with Sirin: Ascendant (T) because Herrscher of Pranks already has a lot of crit rate and just does not need more, so it is better to give her more damage instead.

In short about how the Herrscher of Sentience is important for physical damage dealers, even without her signature stigmata set.
Fully geared SS-rank F2P Twilight Paladin with the help of almost-fully-geared SSS-rank F2P Starlit Astrologos and S-rank F2P Herrscher of Sentience equipped with Theresa: Gluttony (T), Mei: Beach Party (M), Isaac Newton (B) and Domain of Sentience simply annihilates poor Dark Jixuanyuan on the Memorial arena.

Even Blueberry Blitz managed to blow a 871272 damage strike, and shortly afterwards she can strike for half a million with her ultimate skill:

With the help of the old good Celestial Hymn (SS1), the result is about a whole lot worse.

Hail the true queen of Honkai!
The end of the beginning of the middle (wat)
Please give this guide a thumb up, so it will be more popular and more players will easily find it.

Related guides:
Attack types and game mechanics
How damage multipliers and stigmata affixes work
How to find crit rate
4 megjegyzés
genghisjayder szept. 7., 20:50 
I love Sentience's ability to hit people with bricks. So satisfying
Chiyo Watanabe 2023. máj. 24., 11:38 
pls recommend f2p eqipment in future guides. like stigmas you can craft.
Volty 2022. júl. 19., 17:40 
You're guides are so helpful, god bless these
ヨハネ | Maple 2022. jan. 14., 8:47 
Very Helpful!