Coldfire Keep

Coldfire Keep

Basic Things to know
由 NighT WolF 發表
The game really lacks some explanations about the basic things, everyone should know. I will try to explain at least some of them in this guide as good as i can.
What are the Classes?
He/She fights always at the front and won't probably need anything except Brawn and Vitality.

Can open locks, disarm traps and find secrets. It's probably a matter of opinion, whether that class is useful or not.

Can perform useful spells to protect the party, deals high damage with sparks, can stun enemies for several rounds and has no range limit. You really want one of those in your Team! Except for a high intellect, the caster doesn't really need anything.

I think he is basically something like a Paladin or Cleric, because of his/her abilities to heal and also wear heavy armor and weapons. So he/she will need a basic level of intellect for spells and also enough brawn to wear all that stuff. But that means he/she can't have as much HP like the Warrior, because there are not enough points for Vitality left. My recommendation is to leave him/her in the backline, because he/she needs to perform spells anyway all the time.
Character Screen
Green Bar: Hunger (if it's completly empty, the character begins to starve)
Yellow Bar: Experience (the Character has reached the next level when it's full)

Brawn: Determines how much damage the char can deal and the maximum load that can be carried.
Agility: The Chance to dodge damage and to hit a target.
Intellect: Affects the maximum MP
Vitality: Affects the maximum HP

HP: Hitpoints
MP: Manapoints

AC: Armor Class

Load: In the picture she carries 20 of a maximum of 44. Being overburdened slows down the movement of the Party.
Mouse Gestures
By holding the left or right Mouse Button and performing one of the Gestures, the Party will move or turn in that Direction. Some Players reported that it can be really confusind and/or annoying to perform such a Gesture by accident while maybe picking something up. If you don't like them, it is possible to turn them off by activating the "Traditional controls" in the Option Menu.
The Spells
All Spells don't have a Range Limit.


  • Sparks: Causes a certain amount of instant damage to the enemy
  • Armor: Gives the Party a AC Bonus for some turns
  • Stun: That Spell stuns the enemy, which can't do anything for a few turns
  • Empower: Grants the Party a Hitbonus for some turns
  • Breach: Reduces the magic Resistance of the enemy by 50 %
  • Immunity: The Character can't be harmed for some turns
  • Dismiss: ?


  • Heal: Gives everyone in the Party a certain amount of HP back
  • Expose: Lowers the AC of the enemy for a few turns
  • Poison: The Enemy will take some damage over time
  • Restore: Heals everyone in the Party (don't really know the Difference to the Heal Spell yet)
  • Regenerate: The Party will regenerate 1-4 HP + the Shaman-Level as HP for some turns
  • Immunity: The Character can't be harmed for a few turns
  • Resurrect: It will resurrect a fallen Member from the dead
6 則留言
Beholder 2017 年 2 月 24 日 下午 3:15 
Spell named Dismiss is available at lvl 13 and teleport monster who attack You, just better do not use, and simply kill monster for XP instead teleport to nowhere... :)

Warrior - maximize brawn, rest points for vitality,

Rogue - Agility plus vitality (need him for open chests),

Shaman - Vitality plus brawn because no need agility if hes heal in backline, and he can use bow, but arrows are limited, thats why just Heal plus Poison spell from backline,

Caster - Intellect plus vitality, hes making prior DPS with Sparks spell, more then both 3 warrior rogue and shaman togehter. Just use Sparks plus Stun.

For mine opinion, game are making too many "misses" from melee attacks, just caster killing every opponents, and mine warrior with 25 brawn are still making too many "misses" :)
Anyway, caster doing killing machine job, and game is finished :)
RayFox 2014 年 11 月 2 日 下午 12:31 
Yep, the explanation is quite simple, but the game is also simple.
For those that played ye old crawlers, is all intuitive :)
Good work, man.
Norax 2014 年 10 月 2 日 上午 9:37 
When you create the party, the attributes are explained in the bottom part, but only apears the last one you interacted with (adding or quitting points).
dannyaic 2014 年 9 月 2 日 上午 11:56 
Just a correction, the shaman needs VITALITY for his/her spells. So you can keep them on the front line. They have decent weapons too. I keep my rogue up there though anyway cause the shaman is usually too busy healing. Rogue probably helps save on healing a bit and picking treasure chests.
Danielthedirty 2014 年 8 月 1 日 下午 2:37 
pretty good, explained it all and showed some screenies; nice work.
maze 2014 年 7 月 8 日 上午 2:43 