3,403 人が評価
Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
18.428 MB
2021年9月22日 10時25分
4月13日 8時37分
12 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect

Oskar Potocki 作成の 2 件のコレクション
Vanilla Expanded
102 アイテム
Vanilla Expanded - Empire playthrough
148 アイテム


See change notes for details.

This module is a part of Vanilla Furniture Expanded which can be downloaded below.

Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect has been on my mind for a very long time. I always download every single mod adding new floors or fences, but I quickly become buried under all the new options, and eventually get pissed off because some of those options don't exactly fit Vanilla game in my eyes.

I want new carpet colors, but I don't want all RGB hues - I want a small, tailored selection that fits the game. I want new tiles and floors, but I don't want 100 different patterns that have no distinction between them other than the looks. I want new fences, but I don't want more fence types than there are floor types. I want less, but I want more significant!

Thus, Architect Expanded was born. Not only does it add new walls, fences, floors and carpets in various, vanilla-fitting colors, it also adds stone and metal bridges, as well as foundations that you can place on sand, so building in the desert will no longer be a problem! I seem to have forgotten to mention that wood now comes in 4 colors, all using just the base wood resource - so you can decide upon building what color your wooden objects will be!

I really hope you will enjoy everything this mod has to offer, and it will allow you to make your colony at least twice as beautiful to look at.

If any pieces of furniture disappear upon being built, move the mod further up the mod queue.



Oskar Potocki, an artist and a designer, responsible for art and visual presentation.

ISOREX, an artist responsible for new fences and cell walls, hedges and armored walls and doors.

Legodude, a programmer responsible for C# of the mod.

Xrussha, a programmer responsible for the xml of the mod.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.

(CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)[creativecommons.org]


Q: Is this mod CE compatible?
A: I sure hope it is. If it’s not, let the CE team know.

Q: What do I do if a structure disappears upon being built?
A: Move the mod further down the mod load order.

Q: I can’t place any floor I want on stone or steel bridges!
A: You can’t do that with vanilla bridges either. This is how the game is coded and there is nothing we can do about it.

Q: New wood types? Bloat!
A: There is NO NEW WOOD TYPES in this mod. Instead, you can now use wood to make different colored wooden objects - same way you can do different colored carpets using Cloth!

Q: How do I unlock the new structures?
A: They are placed in the vanilla research tab.

Q: Can I add it to an ongoing save?
A: Yes you can. Please remember: You cannot remove a mod like this from an ongoing playthrough, as a terrain cannot be NULL, and this is exactly what will happen if you have a modded floor and then yeet the mod.

Q: What can I expect to see on the development blog on your patreon?
A: Patrons have been able to see the progress on this and many other mods for quite some time now, advising me every step of the way. I try to post several times a week, which is a perfect opportunity to get to know the development process.

Q: Can I suggest a feature?
A: Absolutely, leave a comment down below!

Q: Will you keep updating the mod with floors and stuff?
A: I like to keep my doors open if I ever want to, yes, but for now, everything I wanted to have in the game floor-wise and fence-wise I already put in this mod.

Q: Do I need Royalty?
A: No, simply the Royal carpets, fine metal tiles and fine wooden floors as well as Fine walls won’t appear in your game if you don’t.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (4)
2022年12月23日 19時44分
Can we get a Armor wall embrasure?
2022年10月10日 21時31分
Possible performance problem
2023年5月14日 4時02分
Doors not working like normal doors
904 件のコメント
Zell 9月16日 19時09分 
@Samnosam They are purely for looks. I think the regular grass just makes regular dirt grassy green, while the lawn gives the ground a +2 beauty. It's just as filthy and fertile as regular dirt. Also of note, you CANNOT build either of them over rich/fertile soil. It's to make things just look more visually nice, and make your farmer pawns happier in prettier surroundings.
Samnosam 9月16日 11時47分 
Does the grass or lawn plots provide advantage for natural grass/food for penned animals? In other words do they produce the natural grass that animals eat better than normal land? Thank you
kzs583 9月16日 7時13分 
Thanks for the mod, just wish you could tell me the colors of mahogany, birch and walnut
Psyckosama 9月14日 18時23分 
I really, really wish slab and polished floors filled the noble requirement. Unlike the default floors, they don't look like shit.
Slye_Fox 9月10日 12時22分 
@Oskar Potocki
You said we can use the floor colouring tool to mimic the removed wood colours.
So how do we do that with walls & furniture?
Takeo Suzuki 9月7日 1時46分 
I didn't find walnut or birch in any color I could paint. I really loved the walnut wood for walls and furniture.
Chernov 9月5日 7時56分 
Single doors open in opposite direction, why is this happening??
Zell 9月4日 20時07分 
I have a question I'm having a hard time testing. I am making a kill corridor over a swamp, so I need to use special flooring. I am unsure what is more durable: The Concrete Foundations, or Steel Bridges from this mod, or the Heavy Bridge from vanilla (which can be of plasteel or steel). I'd HATE to use one as a foundation with super durable expensive walls only for a single rocket launcher to take out the bridge underneath.
Harry_Robinson1 9月4日 15時24分 
I get a ton of errors about missing coral textures when I use this mod and Biomes! islands.
Viper 9月1日 12時50分 
Oskar, is the insulation values for the single doors less than a vanilla door? just anecdotally, but so far it seems like they don't separate the temperature of adjacent rooms to the extent I'm used to. sorry if this data is in an xml or text file and easily located, i don't know really where to look