Star Trek™: Judgment Rites

Star Trek™: Judgment Rites

Star Trek: Judgment Rites Collector's Edition Bonus Content
โดย Cantiras
How to access the Star Trek: Judgment Rites Collector's Edition bonus content, as well as Movie & Sound Pack patches and Roland MT-32 support
1. Bonus Content Introduction
Star Trek: Judgment Rites on Steam includes the Collector's Edition bonus content:
  • Personal interview with the legendary Gene Roddenberry
  • Interactive interview with Leonard Nimoy
  • The making of "STAR TREK™: Judgment Rites" CD-ROM adventure game
  • Biographies of the entire original STAR TREK cast
You interface with the Collector's Edition bonus content via the quasi-interactive bridge of the Enterprise. You can access the interviews with Gene Roddenberry and Leonard Nimoy, the cast biographies, as well as the credits for the Collector's Edition bonus content via the consoles at four stations on the bridge, roughly corresponding to Communications (biographies), Science (interview with Leonard Nimoy), Weapons Systems (credits), and Environmental Control (interview with Gene Roddenberry). The making-of featurette can be accessed via the viewscreen (you have to face the viewscreen directly, otherwise clicking on it will do nothing). Exiting the bridge via the turbolift doors will exit the program, but you can also press the Esc key to exit the program when not viewing one of the bonus features.

You can select between watching an entire interview/documentary or watching individual segments/topics. When watching an entire interview or the entire making-of documentary, pressing the Enter/Return key or the space bar will skip ahead to the next segment/topic; pressing the Esc key will stop playing the interview or documentary and return you to the selection menu. When viewing a segment/topic individually, pressing the Esc key, the Enter/Return key, or the space bar will stop playing that segment/topic and return you to the selection menu. When reading the credits or an individual biography, pressing any key or left-clicking will exit that content (in the case of a biography, you will be returned to the respective selection menu).

Weapons Systems


Environmental Control

Bridge schematic
2. Accessing Bonus Content
You can access the Collector's Edition bonus content by opening the included bonus materials.cmd batch file, which is located in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights (if you installed the game to a different location, change this path as needed).

If you prefer, you can edit the dosbox_stjr_single.conf file to add a DOSBox launcher menu with selections for the game and the Collector's Edition bonus content so that whenever you start Star Trek™: Judgment Rites from your Steam library, you will be prompted in DOSBox to select either the game or the bonus content (§ 2A). Another option is to add a Steam library shortcut for the Collector's Edition bonus content (§ 2B).

When using a text editor to edit DOSBox configuration (.conf) files for Star Trek: Judgment Rites, if you are using Windows Notepad or Notepad++, set the character encoding to "ANSI"; CR LF should already be the default EOL control characters. In most other text editors (e.g. Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, etc.), set the character encoding to Windows code page 1252 (abbreviated as Windows-1252 or CP-1252 depending on the text editor) with CR LF as the end-of-line control character sequence (CR LF may be referred to as "Windows" in the line endings setting of certain text editors). Depending on which text editor you use, if you choose Save As... instead of Save when saving a CONF file, you might need to set the file type as "All files (*.*)" to avoid having a .txt filename extension appended. Before editing a CONF file, first make a backup copy of the file. However, if you don't make a backup copy and you later wish to restore the original version of the file, you can do so by right-clicking Star Trek™: Judgment Rites in your Steam library, selecting Properties... from the context menu, and in the Properties window, navigating to the LOCAL FILES section and selecting Verify integrity of game files...

If you plan on accessing the Collector's Edition bonus content either via the bonus materials.cmd batch file or via a dedicated Steam library shortcut, you may want to edit dosbox_stjr_bonus.conf (located in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights) to speed up loading the bonus content. E.g.:
  • Displays title.png splash screen (only [cpu] cycles=auto is removed from the existing dosbox_stjr_bonus.conf)
    [autoexec] mount c ".." imgmount d "..\stjr2.dat" -t iso -fs iso c: cd trek2 cls pictview title.png d: cls 1 exit
  • Skips title.png splash screen
    [autoexec] imgmount d "..\stjr2.dat" -t iso -fs iso d: cls 1 exit
If you prefer to access the Collector's Edition bonus content either via the bonus materials.cmd batch file or via a dedicated Steam library shortcut, but don't want to edit dosbox_stjr_bonus.conf, and you find that the bonus content loads slowly, you can press the Esc key during the DOSBox loading screen (when you see the "Reading TITLE.PNG ................." progress bar) and select Cancel to get around this.
— 2A. DOSBox Launcher Menu
Edit dosbox_stjr_single.conf (located in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights) with a text editor and delete any existing text in the file. Copy the text from the code box below and paste it in the file.
[autoexec] @echo off mount c ".." imgmount d "..\stjr1.dat" -t iso -fs iso c: goto launcher :launcher cls ECHO ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ECHO º Star Trek: Judgment Rites Collector's Edition º ECHO º --------------------------------------------- º ECHO º 1) Star Trek: Judgment Rites º ECHO º 2) Collector's Edition bonus content º ECHO º 3) Setup º ECHO º 4) Exit program º ECHO ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ choice /c1234 /s Which do you want to run? [1-4]: /n if errorlevel 4 goto exit if errorlevel 3 goto setup if errorlevel 2 goto bonus if errorlevel 1 goto game :game cd trek2 cls pictview title.png trekjr goto launcher :bonus cls mount -u d imgmount d "..\stjr2.dat" -t iso -fs iso d: cls 1 mount -u d imgmount d "..\stjr1.dat" -t iso -fs iso c: goto launcher :setup # Do not use the Install or Uninstall options. cd trek2 cls d:\dos4gw d:\install goto launcher :exit exit

When saving the edited dosbox_stjr_single.conf file, remember to set the character encoding to "ANSI" / Windows-1252; if you save it with UTF-8 encoding, the box-drawing characters won't be preserved. If you would prefer the game, bonus content, and setup to completely exit when closed instead of returning to the DOSBox launcher menu, change "goto launcher" to "goto exit" (without quotation marks) in the :game, :bonus, and :setup sections of the dosbox_stjr_single.conf file (but do not change to the "goto launcher" entry in line 6 of the file).

Encoded in Windows-1252 / "ANSI"
Encoded in UTF-8
— 2B. Steam Library Shortcut
  1. In the Steam menu bar, select GamesAdd a Non-Steam Game to My Library...
  2. In the "Add a Game" window, click the BROWSE... button.
  3. Navigate to %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights\dosbox (change this path if you have installed the game to a different location) and open dosbox.exe.
  4. In the "Add a Game" window, the newly added dosbox entry should already be selected ✅ (but if it isn't selected, select it); click on the ADD SELECTED PROGRAMS button.
  5. In your Steam library, right-click the newly added dosbox shortcut, and select Properties... from the context menu.
  6. In the Properties window, change the shortcut name "doxbox" to something else, such as "Star Trek™: Judgment Rites Collector's Disc" (without quotation marks).
  7. While still in the Properties window, add the following LAUNCH OPTIONS: -conf "..\dosbox_stjr.conf" -conf "..\dosbox_stjr_bonus.conf" -noconsole -c "exit" (including quotation marks).

  8. While still in the Properties window, click on the DOSBox icon.
  9. In the "Choose Icon..." window, navigate to %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\appcache\librarycache (if you have Steam installed in a different location, change this path as needed), change the file type selection from "Program Files (*.exe)" to "All Files (*.*)", and then open 364800_icon.jpg. If you prefer, there is a version of this icon (25d83770e4b511c5a8d79cf4efe3e2f19197ca76.ico) without visible corners in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steam\games.
    Icon with visible corners:
    Icon without visible corners:
    Alternatively, you can select an icon from another source. You are now finished with the shortcut properties.
  10. In your Steam library, if you wish to set a custom background. custom logo, and custom artwork for the Collector's Edition bonus content library entry, the Star Trek: Judgment Rites background (364800_library_hero.jpg), logo (364800_logo.png), and cover art (364800_library_600x900.jpg) can also be found in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\appcache\librarycache. Alternatively, you can select a background, a logo, and cover art from other sources.
If you create a Steam library shortcut for the Collector's Edition bonus content, you will need to manually remove the shortcut once you've uninstalled Star Trek: Judgment Rites (right-click the Collector's Edition bonus content library shortcut, and from the context menu, select ManageRemove non-Steam game from your library).
3. Movie & Sound Pack
Star Trek: Judgment Rites - Movie & Sound Pack is an official expansion for the original floppy disk release of the game. It adds "digitized sound effects from the original TV series, fantastic scenes and cuts, and new story transition sequences".

Some of the content from this expansion wasn't properly implemented in the Limited CD-ROM Collector's Edition for Windows (which is the version on Steam).

Deniz Özmen has created unofficial patches which restore some of this content, namely, the digitized transporter sound effects and additional warp animations, and the alternate intro. These unofficial patches can be downloaded from:

You can use any file archiver with RAR extraction support to unpack the two patches. Copy the contents of the patches to the trek2 directory (%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights\trek2, unless you installed the game to a different location).
  • DATA
    • RUSEHW06.BMP
    • WARP1.DEM
    • WARP3.DEM
  • FED
    • FEDG.SUI
  • METH
    • TITLE1.ANM
Note: The UNCOMP subdirectory should already exist and contain 33 files prior to applying the patches, but the alternate intro patch will add one additional file to this subdirectory, increasing the total number of files to 34. Three of the four files in the DATA subdirectory are provided by the sound and animation fixes patch, the other is provided by the alternate intro patch.

Deniz has also authored several utilities[] for Star Trek: 25th Anniversary & Judgment Rites, which you can find on his website[].
4. Roland MT-32 Sound
Note: With Roland MT-32 music enabled in-game, you may encounter an 8- to 10-second delay between the opening credits and the load saved game / start new game prompt, as well as between episodes (whether finishing one episode and beginning the next, or loading a save from a different episode). On the whole, I found Roland MT-32 to offer a better musical experience than the General MIDI SoundFonts I tested with the game (ChoriumRevA was my preferred GM SoundFont for this game, followed by FantaGM 32 MB).
  1. Download tikalat's Star Trek - Judgment Rites driver.7z[]. Extract the contents of the archive using a file archiver which supports the 7z format.
  2. Copy TREKJR.EXE from "Star Trek - Judgment Rites driver" and place it in the trek2 directory (%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights\trek2); make a backup copy of the original trekjr.exe first.
  3. Download Floating IPS (Flips)[] patcher or Lunar IPS (LIPS)[] patcher and extract the contents of the archive. Alternatively, you can use Rom Patcher JS[] online.
  4. If using Flips, click the Apply Patch button; if using LIPS, click the Apply IPS Patch button. Select the IPS patch you wish to apply from Star Trek - Judgment Rites driver.
  5. Select the file you wish to patch from the trek2 directory. You will need to change the file type selection from "Most Common ROM Files" to "All Files (*.*)". Once you've selected the file you wish to patch, LIPS will automatically replace the original file, whereas Flips will give you the opportunity to name the patched file (you can change the suggested name of the output file to the original file's name in order to replace the original file). If you use Flips, make sure you've actually replaced the original file rather than created an additional file.
  6. Patch all four files mentioned in the ___README!!!.txt in Star Trek - Judgment Rites driver. Make backup copies of the files to be patched beforehand.
  7. You can either use a text editor to change the game's audio settings, or use the Interplay Installer to configure the audio settings.
    • If using a text editor, edit trek2.cfg (%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights\trek2). Change the following lines to the given values:
      • music=A004
      • music_io=330
      • sound=E00F
    • If you prefer to use a graphical tool and have previously edited dosbox_stjr_single.conf to add a DOSBox launcher menu as per the directions in § 2A above, select Setup when starting Star Trek™: Judgment Rites from your Steam library; this will run the Interplay Installer. From the Interplay Installer menu options, select Setup as well. In the MUSIC section, select Roland MT-32 with Port 330. For SOUND, you can select Sound Blaster Pro with Port 220, IRQ 7, and DMA 1. Save your configuration changes and exit.
  8. DOSBox currently doesn't include support for Roland MT-32. There are a few options for MT-32 support, but this guide is abridged to two: Using Munt with DOSBox (§ 4A) or using DOSBox Staging in place of DOSBox (§ 4B). DOSBox Staging incorporates the mt32emu library from Munt, and therefore installing Munt separately is unnecessary if you use DOSBox Staging.
— 4A. Munt
Star Trek: Judgment Rites on Steam currently includes DOSBox 0.74. If you wish to use the provided version of DOSBox, then you will need to download and install Munt[] for Roland MT-32 support. You will also need to obtain some Roland CM-32L or MT-32 ROMs; unfortunately, I can't tell you where to get them, but a web search should turn them up. Here is a list[] of the ROMs Munt currently supports.

Once you've acquired some CM-32L or MT-32 ROMs, open Munt; from Munt's menu, select OptionsROM Configuration... By default, Munt selects %UserProfile%\roms as the ROM directory; if you want to store the ROMs in a different directory, you can change the directory Munt uses by clicking the ... button. Select a Control ROM (a Control Full ROM or a Control Mux0 + Control Mux1 pair) and a PCM ROM (a PCM Full ROM or a PCM First Half + PCM Second Half pair); you would probably be best served using CM-32L ROMs.

Open DOSBox (%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights\dosbox\dosbox.exe. Enter the following command in DOSBox: mixer /listmidi. You should see "MT-32 Synth Emulator" listed; note the number to the left of it (e.g. 1).

Edit dosbox_stjr.conf (located in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights) with a text editor. In the [midi] section, next to midiconfig=, enter the number you previously noted for MT-32 Synth Emulator (e.g. midiconfig=1).

While you're at it, you might also want to change a few more lines in dosbox_stjr.conf:
  • [sdl]
  • [render]
Change windowresolution to a higher or lower resolution if you would benefit from a higher or lower windowed mode resolution than 1680x1050.

Aspect ratio correction is a matter of personal preference. Some visual assets look distorted at 8:5, while other visual assets look distorted at 4:3. While I often opt to turn on aspect ratio correction for games in DOSBox, the original official screenshots for Star Trek: Judgment Rites (e.g., p. 11 of the manual, the original version's box art[], etc.) show the game in an 8:5 aspect ratio, not a 4:3 ratio, leading me to believe an 8:5 ratio is how the game is intended to be displayed (i.e., leave aspect=false).

If you encounter difficulty with taking fullscreen screenshots when output=opengl [e.g., if you use Print Screen/Alt+Print Screen/Win+Print Screen or an external program instead of DOSBox's screenshot functionality (Ctrl+F5)], you might want to change to output=ddraw or some other non-OpenGL output.

When you are done making edits, save the updated dosbox_stjr.conf; Roland MT-32 sound is now configured to be used in-game.

Note: If fullresolution width is more than 1920 pixels and DOSBox crashes when output=opengl, you can either comment out (by placing a # sign in front of) or delete the line pictview title.png in dosbox_stjr_single.conf & dosbox_stjr_bonus.conf, or change to output=ddraw (or some other non-OpenGL output) in the [sdl] section of dosbox_stjr.conf. This issue isn't present in newer versions of DOSBox (e.g., DOSBox 0.74-3).
— 4B. DOSBox Staging
NOTE: If using DOSBox Staging, conf files (dosbox_stjr.conf, dosbox_stjr_single.conf, & dosbox_stjr_bonus.conf) should be encoded in UTF-8. If you used the DOSBox Launcher Menu in § 2A, you will also need to replace the box drawing characters in the :launcher section with those shown in the code box below if using DOSBox Staging (the rest of the Launcher Menu remains the same as shown in § 2A).
ECHO ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ECHO ║ Star Trek: Judgment Rites Collector's Edition ║ ECHO ║ --------------------------------------------- ║ ECHO ║ 1) Star Trek: Judgment Rites ║ ECHO ║ 2) Collector's Edition bonus content ║ ECHO ║ 3) Setup ║ ECHO ║ 4) Exit program ║ ECHO ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════╝

Download DOSBox Staging[]; you can use either the installer or the ZIP archive. Install/extract the DOSBox Staging application files to a location of your choice on an internal storage drive; in this example, I placed the application files for DOSBox Staging in %ProgramFiles%\DOSBox Staging.

There are a few ways to go about substituting DOSBox (as provided with the game) with DOSBox Staging (e.g., editing the batch files or replacing the DOSBox files), but these instructions will only cover one approach: a directory symbolic link. Rename the original dosbox directory in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights to a designation of your choosing, such as dosbox-0.74.

Open Command Prompt with administrator privileges; in Command Prompt, type mklink /D followed by the link path and the target path. When using mklink, you can enter full paths (e.g. "C:\Program Files\DOSBox Staging") or environment variables (e.g. "%ProgramFiles%\DOSBox Staging"). If the full path for the link or target contains any spaces, then the path needs to be placed in quotation marks. Note: When uninstalling Star Trek: Judgment Rites, delete the symbolic link first.

In this example, the DOSBox Staging binary (dosbox.exe) is located in %ProgramFiles%\DOSBox Staging (and not a subdirectory thereof), and Star Trek: Judgment Rites is installed to %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights, so the mklink command used was mklink /D "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights\dosbox" "%ProgramFiles%\DOSBox Staging" (including quotation marks).

Open DOSBox Staging (e.g. %ProgramFiles%\DOSBox Staging\dosbox.exe); it should generate a dosbox-staging.conf and three subdirectories (glshaders, mt32-roms, soundfonts) in %LocalAppData%\DOSBox; exit DOSBox Staging. Verify that these were created. Before proceeding, make a backup copy of dosbox_stjr.conf (%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights).

Press Win+R on your keyboard to bring up Windows' Run dialog box. When using the Run dialog box, you can enter full paths (e.g. "C:\Program Files\DOSBox Staging") or environment variables (e.g. "%ProgramFiles%\DOSBox Staging"). If the full path contains any spaces, then the path needs to be placed in quotation marks.

Via Windows' Run dialog box, open DOSBox Staging with administrator privileges using the dosbox_stjr.conf from Star Trek: Judgment Rites. In this example, the target path was "%ProgramFiles%\DOSBox Staging\dosbox.exe" -conf "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights\dosbox_stjr.conf"; if you've installed DOSBox Staging or Star Trek: Judgment Rites to different locations, amend this as needed). Do not click the OK button, instead press Ctrl+Shift+Enter on your keyboard to open DOSBox Staging with administrator privileges.

In DOSBox Staging, enter config -wc "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Judgment Rights\dosbox_stjr.conf" (including quotation marks). Once the config file has been written, exit DOSBox Staging.

Edit dosbox_stjr.conf with a text editor. It should now read "This is the configuration file for dosbox-staging" at the top. Change the following settings in the given sections. Include # symbol where shown.
  • [sdl]
    fullresolution = desktop
    windowresolution = default
    # mapperfile =
  • [render]
    aspect = off
    integer_scaling = off
    glshader = crt\hercules
  • [midi]
    mididevice = mt32
Aspect ratio correction is a matter of personal preference. Some visual assets look distorted at 8:5, while other visual assets look distorted at 4:3. While I often opt to turn on aspect ratio correction for games in DOSBox Staging, the original official screenshots for Star Trek: Judgment Rites (e.g., p. 11 of the manual, the original version's box art[], etc.) show the game in an 8:5 aspect ratio, not a 4:3 ratio, leading me to believe an 8:5 ratio is how the game is intended to be displayed (i.e., set aspect = off).

If you encounter difficulty with taking fullscreen screenshots when output = opengl [e.g., if you use Print Screen/Alt+Print Screen/Win+Print Screen or an external program instead of DOSBox Staging's screenshot functionality (Ctrl+F5)], you might want to change to output = texturenb or some other non-OpenGL output.

You will also need to obtain some Roland CM-32L or MT-32 ROMs; unfortunately, I can't tell you where to get them, but a web search should turn them up. Once you've acquired some CM-32L or MT-32 ROMs, place them in %LocalAppData%\DOSBox\mt32-roms. If you want to place them in a different directory, then you will need to edit dosbox_stjr.conf again and add the path to the ROM files next to romdir = in the [mt32] section. Roland MT-32 sound is now configured to be used in-game; you can verify this by opening DOSBox Staging and entering mixer /listmidi. Any detected ROMs should be highlighted.

Note: Depending on the ROMs you use, you might encounter an issue in which DOSBox Staging states that there are no supported models present when you run mixer /listmidi in DOSBox Staging. If this happens, change the names of the control and PCM CM-32L ROMs to CM32L_CONTROL.ROM and CM32L_PCM.ROM respectively, and change the names of the control and PCM MT-32 ROMs to MT32_CONTROL.ROM and MT32_PCM.ROM respectively. If more than one ROM set is present, by default, DOSBox Staging will attempt to load ROMs for CM-32L first, then MT-32 variants. If you prefer, you can specify which ROMs will be used via the model = setting in the [mt32] section of the dosbox-staging.conf.
2 ความเห็น
[ZSU] Dave247 2 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 8: 09am 
Thanks for the guide, I was just interested in the improved sound and not the bonus content.

I found I had to set cpu_cycles to max though as was in the original conf file (it was unset in the staging config file), as I found everything would slow down whenever audio would play.
johnstevenson2k52 5 ก.ย. 2022 @ 9: 43am 
sounds very awesome