The Surge 2
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The Surge 2: The Kraken | Detailed Achievement Guide + Walkthrough
作者: Stef
A detailed achievement guide and walkthrough to get you your 100% as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Step by step instructions.
Estimated difficulty: 3/10. (Skill dependent)

Estimated 100% time: ~2+ hours.

Offline/online achievements: 10 offline / 0 online.

Number of playthroughs: 1.

Glitched achievements: None.

This guide is not spoiler friendly. Below is a complete and detailed guide for everything you will need to 100% the DLC. If you want a more spoiler-free version, simply skip to the achievements specific section below the guide. Note, however, that some will still spoil things simply due to having to explain the process.
You can start The Kraken DLC by heading to Port Nixon and heading to the comic store. Take the mag-lift down, then exit out of the gate to the right. Pass under the scaffolding and follow the path to the little red boat. Once you arrive, head up the zipline and speak to Norm to receive his key card.

Mailbox (1/7)
As soon as you exit the garage, look left and break the Turners mailbox.

Mailbox (2/7)
Directly across the street.

Mailbox (3/7)
After that, turn right and break the mailbox in front of the red house.

Mailbox (4/7)
Continue further right and break the mailbox in front of the yellow house.

Continue a little past the yellow house and a giant Corsair will burst through the garage. After killing it, enter the garage and talk to the guy cowering behind the car for a fuse box key. Head directly across the street and reactivate the vending machine inside from behind. Talk to it and purchase Penny's Vegan Frankfurter's, then return to Norm to deliver them.

Mailbox (5/7)
The next mailbox is in front of the yellow house directly to the right of Skip's Nostalgia Corner (where we bought the hot dogs).

Mailbox (6/7)
Directly across the street in front of the purple house is the next mailbox.

To the side of the purple house is a pad we have to EMP to progress. As soon as you reach the Meeting Point, clear out the enemies, then look off the side for a red boat with an item in it. Pick it up and deliver it back to Norm to continue his quest. The right path leads to a shortcut to the med-bay.

Head back to the purple house and enter the garage. inside is a broken grate you can break to drop into a maintenance tunnel. Kill the little robot to save Proto, then talk to him and receive his power core.

Exit from here and go back to the Meeting Point. Once set, take the left path and ride up the mag-lift to continue on. Pass through the Rehearsal Room into another yard to find a pirate pushing a guy off a plank. Sneak up behind him and kick him off into the water, then dive off, yourself.

Plank of Wood

The Easy Way Out

Head back to where you just died to initiate the Corsair Incinerator boss fight. It's the same as a Corsair except he leaves a trail of fire everywhere. Your best bet is to parry his attacks or dodge them as he's very slow. Use the large openings to wail on him and maintain energy for healing.

Mailbox (7/7)
After killing the Incinerator, open the garage where he came from. The mailbox is directly ahead by the street.

Going Postal

After clearing out all the enemies in front of the Infinity Drive-In locate a mag-lift near the side of the house. Kill the little shark enemy, then open the gated door down here to find a terminal where we can charge Proto's power core. Take the lift back up and enter the yard of the demolished yellow house to the left of the Drive-In. In the back is an open garage with Proto inside. Hand in his power core to get the black box.

Juiced Up

On the left side of the Drive-In is a maintenance tunnel that serves as a shortcut to the Meeting Area. Use this and bring the black box back to Norm and listen to the audio file. Talk to him and tell him you listened to the recording.

Once you're done here, head back to the Drive-In and head inside. Talk to Sidney, then climb on stage and interact with the switch. A couple of enemies will ambush you so be prepared for that! Once you've killed them all interact with the truck and another wave will spawn. Run on stage and interact with the left most switch. Finally, interact with the switch to the right of the truck, and then kick it's rear right tire to launch a zipline.

Turbo Booster

Ride the zipline through the screen and take the mag-lift to your left. Do NOT interact with the terminal in front just yet. Instead, head to the right and locate another mag-lift down to R&D. To the top left is the final piece of Norm's quest. Bring it back to him right away.


Head back to the Drive-In once more and interact with that switch I told you not to. This will launch CAIN into the pool for the final boss fight of the DLC. CAIN is fairly simple as far as bosses go. He has a few swipe attacks that cover large distances, a dash attack, and one where he hops around. He can also EMP you, summon a small drone, or call his giant tentacles to slam down. Most of this is fairly avoidable by simply running around or dodging last second. The best attack to punish him on is his hop as he sits still for a few seconds after doing so. He also has a spin attack you can Starfish to shut him down for a few seconds.

Squid Pro Quo
Turbo Booster

Story related. This will unlock once you complete the Drive-In section with Sidney.
Box Office Smash

After gaining access to the pool you will receive an invitation from Proto to meet him at the Drive-In. Head over there and talk to him in the truck. Tell him you'll show him some fight moves to start a wave survival similar to when we were here with Sidney. A bunch of enemies will begin to spawn and you'll have to kill them all to progress the waves. You can check your wave progress by looking at the bottom right of the movie screen. At wave 10, Proto will ask you if you need a break. Talk to him and tell him you want to continue to fight the last 15 waves. Once you earn the achievement you can leave.

Your target priority should always be gunners, unshielded pirates, shielded pirates, crabs, Corsairs. The gunners can deal a lot of damage to you relatively quickly and should always be taken out first. Normal enemies move faster than the shielded ones, so we can leave the shield guys alone until all the unshielded ones are killed. Corsairs are obviously the slowest and should be left alone until the very end as they will struggle to catch up to you. I HIGHLY recommend putting an energy to health build together that way you can always heal / make health kits during this section.

This is also a super easy way to earn the achievement for having 100,000 scrap on you at once.
Shrimp Cocktail

There are 2 types of crab enemies; the little red ones that shoot acid and bury into the ground, and the shark fin ones that dash at you. I killed 30 naturally while going for the other achievements, but if you want to farm it out early you can get detected by CAIN on Cherry Tree Lane. This will cause the little red ones to spawn periodically from the rooftops.

You must complete this BEFORE you defeat CAIN.

  • After first meeting Norm, get his key card and exit out into Cherry Tree Lane. Follow the street to the right until you come across a yellow house where the first Corsair breaks out of. Kill the Corsair, then talk to the guy cowering behind the car to receive a fuse box key.
  • Head across the street and activate the vending machine from behind. Talk to it and purchase Penny's Vegan Frankfurters. Deliver these to Norm.
  • Continue down the street until you arrive at the purple house you need to use the Starfish module on. Once you arrive at the Meeting Point, locate the red boat with an item inside it. Pick it up and deliver it to Norm.
  • Next, you will need to complete Proto's quest to receive the black box. Once you have it, deliver it to Norm.
  • Finally, after completing the Drive-In sequence with Sidney, grapple through the projector screen to the upper platform. Take the mag-lift on your left, but do NOT use the console ahead of you. Instead, turn right to find another lift into R&D. There is a red item to the top left. Bring this back to Norm to finish his quest.
Juiced Up

  • After opening the purple house with the Starfish module, you can find a broken grate in the garage that you can break. Drop down and kill the shark fin enemy to rescue Proto. Talk to him to receive his drained core.
  • Progress through until you've killed the Corsair Incinerator. Afterwards, exit the garage to the street in front of the Drive-In. To the side of the house is a mag-lift into a maintenance tunnel with a door you can open to find a charging station.
  • After charging the core, go back up to street level and head behind the yellow house to the left of the Drive-In to find Proto and complete his quest.
Going Postal

There are 7 mailboxes you must break.

  • Directly in front of Norm's house.
  • Yellow house across from Norm's.
  • Red house to the right of Norm's.
  • Yellow house right by where the Corsair breaks out of.
  • Yellow house to the right of Skip's Nostalgia Center.
  • Purple house leading to the Meeting Area.
  • Directly across the street from the Drive-In.
The Easy Way Out

After heading through the Rehearsal Room you will see a pirate throwing a guy over board. Jump off this plank for the achievement.
Plank of Wood

After heading through the Rehearsal Room you will see a pirate throwing a guy over board. Kick the pirate off this plank for the achievement.
Squid Pro Quo

Story related. Will unlock after shutting down CAIN in the pool.
Loot, Pillage & Craft

There are 2 enemy armor types to farm in the DLC; Collective and Corsair. Collective are the little guys and Corsair are the large ones. Once you've collected the head, body, leg, and arm piece from both enemies head to the med-bay and craft all 6 pieces from both sets.

These also count towards the total for crafting 20 sets of armor.
2 件のコメント
T9 2023年6月2日 6時08分 
Stef  [作成者] 2021年9月4日 23時08分 
The guide for the main game is nearing completion. Posting this one now as I completed this during my NG playthrough.