Church of Stratum

Church of Stratum

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Church of Stratum Prologue official guide
Por Tillion
The official guide on how to beat the Church of Stratum Prologue.
Walk forward then turn right and follow the clear path.

Enter the cave.
Walk through the cave. Once you hit the dead end turn around and walk back and go left.

After entering the bunker go through the door.

Go right and enter the security office.

Pickup the two keys on the table.

Unlock the door you passed then keep moving.

Go right and up the stairs into the storage room.

The battery and propane cylinder with the highlight can be picked up.

Continue through the hallways and unlock the door to the generator room with the key you picked up.

Enter the generator room and use the hand crank generator to charge the battery.

Insert the propane cylinder into the open generator.

Press the button to turn off the alarm.

Pickup the crowbar.

Go back to the bordered up door and use the crowbar on it.

Go up the stairs. Behind the desk is a photo you can take.

Open the control panel door and insert the charged battery.

Use the photo as reference and turn the valves to the correct positions


Go down the metal stairs and towards the blinking light.

Go down the next set of metal stairs and into the water. In the middle drawer of the filing cabinet is the fuse.

Place the fuse in the panel slot.

Go through the door and up the stairs.

In the pipe tunnel are three leaking pipes. They can be found by the sound, the water and the puddle.

Go through the pipe tunnel then down the stairs. The key to the blue door is on the floor behind the yellow door.

Back in the generator room turn left and pull the lever.

Go back through the hallways and skip the first door with a button. Go the the second one and press the button to open the door.

Go pickup the box on the railing.