Crusader Kings III
748 คะแนน
Vassals To Arms
303.866 KB
3 ก.ค. 2021 @ 7: 09am
13 พ.ค. 2024 @ 11: 29am
27 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )

Compatible with version 1.12.*

This mod sends an event to the vassals of a defender in a war, if these vassals are somehow affected by this war. They can then decide to join the defender or to not join.

A vassal is affected by a war, if he/she would lose land or his/her liege would change.

Therefore, conquering duchy, kingdom or empire tier titles becomes much harder, because many subjects would be affected by this war and may join the defender.

AI submod available
The AI submod is now released.
With this, the AI will take the newly joining characters and their strength into account (joining attackers and defenders) before declaring a war. Higher gain wars for higher tier titles or more titles are weighted more than lower tier ones.

New in 1.2.0 major update
  • More accurate differentiation between "vassal will lose a title" and "vassal will get a new liege"
  • Decision to enable/disable this mod for selected casus belli
  • Added support for more casus belli than before
  • Added support for multiple targets of claim wars ( the ones usable when discovered the "divine right innovation" )
  • Added visual text to the event option, which title(s) you and your direct and indirect vassals would lose

Game Rules:
  • VtA - Addresse
    • Defender: Only the defender's direct and indirect subjects which are affected by the war get the event.
    • Attacker: Only the attacker's subject, which claim is pressed in this war, is getting this event.
    • Defender & Attacker: Both previous game rules combined.
  • VtA - Affected
    • Title Loss & Vassalization: All realm rulers that would lose a title or would get a new direct liege are called to war.
    • Title Loss: All realm rulers that would lose a title are called to war.

Currently tested on:
  • Claim wars on county, duchy, kingdom and empire (single and multiple targets)
  • De Jure wars
  • Holy wars on county, duchy and kingdom
  • Conquest wars on county and duchy
  • Ducal conquest
  • Tribal Subjugation
  • Invasion
  • Clan Invasion
  • Claimant Faction war
  • Great Holy Wars (Crusade)
  • Event war - Norman conquest
  • Event war - Norwegian invasion
  • Event war - Sons of Lothbrok
  • Struggle Clash
If it is not working with some wars, please comment.

Modified Files:
  • Modifies the "claimant_faction = {}" faction
  • gui/interaction_declare_war.gui
  • gui/window_army.gui

AI Behavior:
  • If a vassal would lose land, he/she will always join
  • If a vassal would become a subject under a new ruler, it will depend on his/her relations to the current liege
  • Vassals with the brave, diligent, honest, just or trusting trait are more likely to join their liege
  • Vassals with the content, craven, lazy, fickle or arbitrary trait are less likely to join their liege


Planned Features/ Wishlist:
  • Roman Empire's "Imperial Homeland Restoration" CB

Available compatibility patches:

  • Norwegian invasion: states it will only take the title in northern england and the duchies of the previous king, but apparently it is not like that in the game. I selected the affected vassals based on the description given by the game and not by the actual title loss.
  • Populist Faction: uses the same scripted trigger/effect part as the base game to select the targeted titles, but they somehow differs from the actual ones. Currently too many titles are marked as being targeted by the war, which actually are not.
  • De Jure wars: targeting multiple de jure titles with the "divine rights innovation" will trigger multiple events for the defenders/attackers to join. This doesn't affect the accuracy of the selection of affected characters.
  • Pressing an claim (higher than county) for an unlanded character targets one province in this title province. This is currently not marked as title loss for the affected vassal.
  • Selecting the struggle clash cb, deselect *all* titles from the declare war list, going back and selecting the cb struggle clash again will result in not showing anyone joining.
กระดานสนทนายอดนิยม ดูทั้งหมด (3)
25 ส.ค. 2024 @ 1: 29am
Bug Report
19 ก.ค. 2024 @ 12: 29pm
Localization for translations
5 ม.ค. 2022 @ 1: 55am
Suggestion For Crown Authority
290 ความเห็น
CrilbusFX 7 ม.ค. @ 6: 22pm 
wtf is this comment thread good mod tho was here to check if it still works guess ill just check it out
TheLoneWanderer 4 ม.ค. @ 7: 35pm 
Have you tried More Interactive Vassals?
URAsuka 4 ม.ค. @ 8: 01am 
This should have been an official feature provided, and I am glad to see someone implement it. Anyway, if a mod with similar functionality appears, I think most people would be happy:luv:
H3NRY27 19 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 11: 13pm 
By the way I’ll take a look and this mod and update it soon, if the mod author comes back (pls come back) I’ll private mine. All so TheLonrWanderer can stop assuming.
H3NRY27 19 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 11: 12pm 
@TheLoneWander straw man all you want, we ghost the community, I don’t have to put my mod up for everyone to use, I do it so y’all can enjoy it like I do. When I decide I no longer want to make my mod and I ghost y’all and everyone says the author abandoned the mod. I.e. you got ghosted. Deal with it.

You’re “going out on a limb” a lot in the comments, to the point that some of your other comments are not going out on a limb, go ahead delete them by the way.

And you blocking me is a good thing, I won’t have to see your comments anymore especially since you’re an insecure manchild that can’t take being incorrect in your “personal” facts and assumptions.

Have a good spineless, creative-less life.
TheLoneWanderer 18 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 7: 16am 
@H3NRY27 - mod authors do not ghost anyone. They are under no obligation to update a mod which they volunteered to make in their free time.

As to your petulant insult to me, I always appreciate when a jerk takes the time to do so.

I clearly stated that I was speculating and going out on a limb, and then you take the time to state that I do not know what I am talking about.

Did you leap to your profound conclusion all by yourself or did you need help with it?

Have a Happy Holiday and New Year!

P.S. - just blocked you so I will not be able to see your illuminating response.
H3NRY27 18 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 4: 45am 
Also, Yeah the mod creator may update if they want or they may ghost yall like i sometimes feel like doing. its a natural response to feeling like the mod is a chore, and i would just say this like most mod authors they are creating their mods for themselves including me, if there comes a day i don't play this game anymore (probably not likely as i love it) ill probably tell myself "ill get around to it some day" and ghost yall in the process. it is the reason i say if you want to use my mod go for it and you don't have to credit me when you do.

The mod author may not be coming back but maybe someone will want this mod or any other bad enough to update it.
H3NRY27 18 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 4: 45am 
@TheLoneWanderer, how about you this, you don't know what you're talking about. The people asking for an update aren't just asking the author they just want to use the mod and some modders, like myself, may be interested in taking the mod updating it for our self or if we see a lot of people asking we may just update the mod and release it.

I'll give you an example, i was looking for a mod that didn't morph giant and dwarf traits, found an old one, no one asked for an update except 2 years ago so i updated it and never released it, i still us it today, same thing with my court mod only after a lot of people asked for the original to update a ton did i release mine to the public as i had updated and added things that weren't in the original.
TheLoneWanderer 12 พ.ย. 2024 @ 6: 49am 
I have to speculate (going out on a limb) that the nod author will update if they have time and the interest in updating this mod.

Posting "update plz" or "update please" will not change anything.
TomaszTheTyrant 12 พ.ย. 2024 @ 5: 42am 
Update please