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Making your favorite game Steam in your Steam profile showcase
Par EKA et 1 collaborateur(s)
This guide will make "Steam" appear in the "Favorite Game" showcase on your Steam profile.

I apologize in advance for my bad English.

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Enter your Steam profile. Go to "Edit profile>display showcase>favorite game" section.

Clicking on the favorite game, you will see a place like the image below, click on the pencil sign there.

Clicking, a screen will appear saying "Choose the game you want to display". While on that screen, "Right click>Inspect" on an empty part of the tab.

Click on the "Console" section in the opened place and write this code there and press the "enter" key.

Code: SetShowcaseConfig(6, '0', 0, {appid: 753})

Refresh the page. After refreshing it will say "Steam" there. You can save it by clicking the save button below.