Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

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Screaming Bell Respawn Guide
By Pestilence
This is a detailed guide on the respawn mechanics for the map The Screaming Bell. This guide will show you exactly where to stand in order to get the best respawns for your dead teammates, with easy to read maps, and landmarks. If you've ever asked yourself "how far back to I need to run in order to get the best respawns, in very specifically Screaming Bell?" This is the guide for you!
For those that do not know, the location that your teammates respawn after being killed is based on your forward progression through each map. This means, if you go backwards after a teammate is killed, you can force a respawn at a much safer location than if you had continued to progress after their death. This guide was put together with that gameplay mechanic in mind. It will show you the areas that you are able to stand in to get the best respawns for your teammates, and let you know where making forward progression is still optimal, without sacrificing a good respawn for your buddies.

If you enjoy this guide, you can check out one for Agaisnt the Grain I put together as well
This guide was put together mostly from Craven's Level Debug mod. If anything I said above was confusing, his mod page does a great job of explaining how the game determines when and where different things happen throughout the levels. https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2355163104
Pre-Map Note

Just a little note about this first drop-down into the civilian quarters here. You are allowed to stand here and pull enemies in front of you without dropping, and pacing for the level will not start. This means no horde timer, and no specials. The pacing will only start once you drop down, or go anywhere other than the very edge of the top of the tipped cart. Moving towards the middle of the tipped cart puts your player's map progression over the drop-down and the game thinks you've dropped, turning pacing on.
1st Respawn - Bernhard Boulevard

This is the first large open area in the map. This is a more uncommon respawn unless you're in the modded realm playing DWONS.


a 2-3 person respawn means you need to stand in this area. Just make sure you're a couple feet before the archway into the next area or behind the pillar my character is standing near.

If you drop down and go to the right, you meet the cut-off for a 1 person respawn. If only 1 person is dead, this is further up and will save you time in getting to them. Just make sure to avoid the stairs to the left, as they will move your map progress forward and get a worse respawn, even at the very top.

If you drop to the left, you can go up to this point and still get this respawn for 1 person. You'll notice that, as far as map progression goes, the games still thinks I haven't dropped and that I am on the roof walkway above. (The purple orb in the top right)

2nd Respawn - Milizengrube

This is the small courtyard just after the first grim.


You would think that the drop-down here would be the cutoff point for this respawn, however, it is actually slightly before it. Stay behind the first wheel on the cart on the left, or the stairs to the door on the right, to get up to a 3 person respawn in the small courtyard of the Milizengrube.
3rd Respawn - Milizengrube Blacksmith

This is the 2nd floor of the multi-story building just after the drop-down into the small street with the tome out front.


For 2-3 people, in order to get a respawn in the blacksmith building, you need to stand in or before this small tunnel just after the drop-down. You can use the small wooden board on the left, The middle window panes or the spear point of the dead soldier on the right as your landmarks. All work fine.

For 1 person to get the respawn, you can basically stay anywhere in the straight section of the road. Don't go up the boxes, through the archway into the courtyard, or around the corner at the end of the street as shown above.

Glitchy Spots

Small note for the 1 person respawn, standing against this wall will trick the game into putting your map progression into the street behind. If you can get the other 2 people on the team to stand in this area, you can cheat the 1 person respawn into the blacksmith building. This does not save much time, but is good to note.
4th Respawn - Milizengrube Back Alley

This is the alleyway just after the blacksmith building, before you take the ladder to the drop-down into the market.


If you take the left drop-down into this area, you have to back almost all of the way to this drop in order to get a 3 person respawn.

If you take the right-side drop-down over the cart, you cannot get this respawn without walking all of the way to the shown drop-down here. This entire street in front of the blacksmith building, other than the area marked here and the note below, puts your progression too far.

Glitchy Spots

Small note, standing against this wall, or anywhere on the storm door, put your map progression behind the respawn checkpoint for all 3 people, making this potentially a good place to stand for the respawn. Not too much of a time save, but worth noting.
5th Respawn - Above Spucknapf Market

This is the far end of the town square above the market.

Important Note: This respawn is actually WORSE to get than the next, as it is above the market past the town square, and will take longer to get to than just moving ahead and getting the market respawn. This is a strange instance where backing up too far will actively be worse for the team.


The cutoff for this respawn is in the first floor of the blacksmith building, before the brazier. If for some reason you want this respawn, here is where you can stand. However, this respawn is best skipped, and you actually want to make sure you're past this point so you can get the respawn in the market ahead.
6th Respawn - Lower Spucknapf Market

This is in the far corner of the market, directly below the 2nd tome.


Stand before the hand railing of the stairs to this door on the right side of the alleyway. If someone dies between the previous drop-down and the market drop-down, you'll want to stand in this area. Do not back up further than this, unless you can make it to the 4th respawn area, at the drop-down before the blacksmith. If you cannot make it that far, stay in this area as the immediately previous (5th) respawn is actually worse.

7th and 8th Respawn - Gebhard Strasse 1 and 2

Both of these are at the end of the Gebhard Strasse, just after the town square. There is some complexity to these respawns. After you take the dropdown in the market, there is no better respawn. If someone dies between the market dropdown and the dropdown after the Gebhard Strasse, you do not need to backup further than this, as it does not help respawns at all. This means dropping from the town square with the statue into the market below only wastes time.

Overview Respawn 7

Left Side
Looking at the overview picture, if you are on the left side of the town square, you can actually progress further than you'd think to get the 7th respawn. The small box barricade on the left is a good landmark, as you can stand on or behind the tarp-covered boxes and still get the good respawn. Or you can use the doorway as a landmark as well.

Moving to the far edge of these boxes, or hugging the left side of the cart in the center of the square (the one you jump on to then jump to the grim) will move your progress up too far, even teleporting it past the 8th respawn checkpoints.

Right Side

If you're on the right side of the square, the burning boxes are your main landmark. Likewise, if you're closer to the center statue, look for the burning barrel on the ground and stay behind that.

Overview Respawn 8

There is basically no difference in respawns 7 and 8, but if you can't quite backtrack to the checkpoints for Respawn 7, this is where the game looks for the 8th.
9th Respawn - von Bisschenbesser Strasse

This is just to the right of the drop-down over the carts into von Bisschenbesser Strasse


I suggest trying to back up into the town square to get either of the respawns before the dropdown before going for this one. In case you cannot back up to that point though, this is your checkpoint.
10th Respawn - von Bisschenbesser Strasse 2

This is the respawn at the other end of the street, around the bend and past the final tome.


To get this respawn, you can basically stand anywhere before getting onto the wooden carts and their ramp up. If you don't have time to make it to the bottom of this street, or the town square, this is your next best bet.

Small Note: Starting from these carts and running back, it takes a character with no movement tech a little over 20-25 seconds to make it to respawn 7 near the barricade boxes. This includes someone holding block and dodging down the street. This means that with good movement, any death before the cart dropdown here can be respawned at the carts (respawn 7 and 8) if you are fast enough, as the respawn timer after a death is 30 seconds. You would have to begin moving nearly immediately after the death however.
11th Respawn - von Bisschenbesser Strasse 3

This is the tiny corner, before the dropdown into the stair climb to the final event.


If your team has taken the drop-down over the wooden carts into the street (von Bisschenbesser Strasse), this is now the best respawn you can manage. Stand before the house corner on the left, or the wrapped boxes/bench on the right to get a good respawn for your teammates. Going further than this will force their respawn to be after the next drop-down.

Glitchy Spots

If you go to the tome and walk past it on the ledge, the game is tricked into thinking you're down in the lower area. You can use this to your advantage and get this respawn from above, saving some time. It may be harder to fit more than 1 person here however, so this may only be good if you're the last man alive.
12th Respawn - Dunkeldenker Platz

This is the upper area near the statue, in front of the stair climb to the final event. It is also the last respawn before the event respawn.


There's not a whole lot to say here. Basically standing behind the tree on the left, or the wooden door on the right will get a 3 person respawn above. Again, this is the last respawn before the event, so if you're past the ability to backtrack to here (Like already taking the drop-down ahead), then there is nothing lost by just making as much forward progression as possible after a death.
13th Respawn - The Screaming Bell

This is the in-event respawn. After the dropdown into the Dunkeldenker Platz area, you will respawn in the event if you die. This means a team should not retreat after a death before the event, as it does nothing but waste time. Make forward progression to get to them as soon as possible.


Technically there is a checkpoint here for a respawn in the event. Most of the time, this is not important, as there is a respawn override that forces deaths to respawn in the event as long as the chains have not been cut.

If 1 person on the team runs ahead, cuts the chains, and dies before the bell has fallen and the rat ogre is released, also before the rest of the team drops into the event, you can backtrack here to have that person get the in-event respawn.

The red orb here indicates where the event respawn override is triggered. When you pass this point, any death that happens will be forced to respawn in the event. This trigger is turned off when the door explodes to release the rat ogre after the final chain to the bell is cut.

This trigger is fairly useless, as backing before this trigger still gets you the in-event respawn, all the way to the previous drop-down. Because of this, as I said above, any deaths in this area before the final event will respawn in the event and backtracking will only waste time.
14th Respawn - The Screaming Bell Escape

This is another pre-event respawn that requires some trickery to get. It is in the small tunnel just after dropping out of the event where the rat ogre spawns.

If one person suicides the event, the team can back up here (or further to respawn 13) and that person will respawn in the tunnel just below the event once the event respawn trigger override is turned off. This happens as soon as the door explodes after the bell drops.

In normal gameplay where the team drops into the event together, you will not see this respawn apart from a bug.

15th Respawn - Scribes' Quarters 1

This will be the most commonly seen respawn after the final event. It is all of the way down the hill, against this gate.

Ignore the dead packmaster. I'm not sure where to tell you to stand for this respawn checkpoint other than that it's about half way between the 2 drop-downs in your run after the event. You can try looking for the strangly curved rockface on the left that looks like a tiny ramp and stand behind that. Whichever landmark you're able to find for yourself, this is a respawn you're likely to have seen before.
16th Respawn - Scribes' Quarters 2

This is the final respawn point in the map

Technically there is a checkpoint here for the respawns, however, if someone dies in this last section they will always respawn in this area, as there are no further respawns to force. In case you're curious though, here's where the checkpoints are. Again, you do not have to stand here for these respawns, the checkpoints are just there basically for no reason other than coding I assume. Any death from here to the portal will spawn at this respawn, no matter where the team is in this area.
And Screaming Bell is done. If there are any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment and I'll see what I can do. Maybe I missed a glitchy respawn spot that you know about? Tell me about it and I'll add it to the guide! Thanks to Craven for his LevelDebug mod that shows all of these triggers and checkpoints, and for answering my random questions.

Mods I used:


(To disable pacing)


(To kill those pesky bots)