360 No Scope Arena

360 No Scope Arena

평점이 부족합니다.
A semi-serious guide based on ten minutes of playtime
M200Chan 님이 작성
Based on ten minutes of messing with this game, I've come up with several ways to not fail as badly. I'll do my best to share
즐겨찾기 해제
The basics
1) You can shoot as fast as you can 360. If you have insanely high DPI, you can fire your bolt-action sniper rifle like it's an SMG
2) The minimum spin speed seems to be approximately one spin per three seconds, but using this kind of negates the whole point of the game
3) Jumping has a massive cooldown and leaves you a sitting duck. Be careful using it
4) Crouching massively reduces your height, making it harder to get hit. It takes time to get down or return to your full height
5) You get about 1.5 seconds after a successful 360 (your gun's light goes red) before your safety goes back on
6) Spawns are BS. Abuse it to make your enemies rage or for some pretty cool montages
7) When spinning rapidly, your gun recharges every time you look at the same angle. This means you can essentially "bank" a spin, and fire twice really quickly by firing before and then after reaching that point.
8) Even though your scope exists, it can't be used. Not sure if the sound gives away enemies
9) Your gun being readied (from a 360) and footsteps can definitely be heard by enemies. I haven't tested the disarming sound, sound from attempting to scope or the death moan characters make
댓글 1
Ichi 2021년 6월 15일 오전 8시 57분 
m200 pog