Fights in Tight Spaces

Fights in Tight Spaces

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Card List
De fri_freeman
List of all cards in Fights in Tight Space. Now with pictures
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Author Note: This guide isn't supposed updated anymore because it's redundant with the in-game compendium, and if anyone actually interested on updating the wiki they could just use the info from the compendium, but the wiki is still not updated and I'm a bit annoyed that there's no way to check cards without opening the game, so I decide to keep updating this guide for maybe a little bit.

I added some half-assed update of some in-game card compendium screenshots for now. The actual sheet is still not updated, but maybe I'll get around to it someday.


The card data are constantly updated whenever I notice any change (for example the block or bleed or damage amounts), but I might miss some changes, so any help on those are appreciated.

Nothing fancy, just making a list of all card in the game and all their data for easy checking, since nobody is making that yet. I'm doing this the long way, just by noting all the cards I get in the game and the gym. If any of you know better way, like if you can actually extract data from the game or is the developer's cousin's friend's neighbour and can get their files, feel free to make my work redundant.

I'm focusing on listing the cards' existence and their description. I will put the buy and upgrade prices when I have the chance, but those are secondary for me.

I'm purposefully not putting too much columns in the sheet to keep it manageable, but if necessary I can put as many column as I want since the card descriptions are there. All the cards descriptions are word by word (and capital letters by capital letters) the description from the game, you might notice that the wordings in the card are kinda specific, but some cards still have weird wordings. Some cards also have incomplete description in the game. For example, nowhere in the game says that Back Slam can also be used as movement card.

Feel free to comment, suggest, point out mistakes, help me fill out missing stuffs, etc.

Addition: I added "patch" column to note which patch did the card came from, so veteran player can easily check if there's new card added to the game.
The Sheet

(For some reason it's flagged as malicious by steam? It didn't used to. But you can just copy and paste it to a browser of your choice)
Attack Cards

Defense Cards

Movement Cards

Special Cards

Injury Cards
7 commentaires
fri_freeman  [créateur] 4 nov. à 8h07 
Thanks xdcedar, I'll update it when I have time.
xdcedar 3 nov. à 12h25 
I find a card missing in the spreadsheet: Keep On Swinging
Retain damage modifier at the end of turn. ->100-> Retain damage modifier for 2 turns.
fri_freeman  [créateur] 15 déc. 2021 à 21h06 
Anyone know why the google sheet is flagged as malicious by steam and how can I fix it?
newbie ♦ 3 juil. 2021 à 1h09 
Yeah.. the users who take care of the Wiki haven't looked at it for a long time.
Meteora 2 juil. 2021 à 17h32 
I believe your sheet is way more completed than the current Wiki, as of July 2. Thanks for your work :steamthumbsup:
fri_freeman  [créateur] 14 mai 2021 à 9h08 
I knew I should've checked if a wiki existed yet, LOL. Anyway, sadly I don't know how to use a wiki, but feel free to tell them to use what data I have here. I believe I have some cards they're missing, and vice versa
newbie ♦ 14 mai 2021 à 8h49

A few players on the Discord have a wiki going, and could always use more data!