Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game

Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game

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Some secret locations in photo scenes that might come in handy
By LuNoAu
This guide will describe some of the different locations that you may not have noticed in a photo scene and some photo scenes may be found on the steam workshop (don't worry i will let you know if they are :p). If you have any ideas on good SECRET photo scene locations that might be added to this guide! Hope this will help you find the perfect place to pose your car!
Train station photo scene
This photo scene is supposed to be a Japanese urban area, there are a few neat features to it you may not have noticed!

This was taken inside the train station (the big building with a ramp near the start of the photo scene. Might be cool if you make a stroller or some wagon that is pulled along.

This is a picture of some of the posters that can be found on the 2 stairwells leading up to the top of the train station. I thought that they were funny and could be used for something (idk what quite frankly).

This is on top of the train station. This would be a great for a cool cop chase scene with a train or something.
2010's design studio
This photo scene does not have many "secrets" but I found a cool place to take a picture of an offroader vehicle. there is a small road in the background that could be utilized as well.
1980's design studio
There aren't many secrets here but I'm not sure how many of you know this one.

This secret is a photo inside the engine design lab. To get to it, you have to move the camera through the glass observation window into the office area and through a second wall of glass. You can also go the the main menu panorama view scene through a window in the engine lab.
1990's/modern design studio
This photo scene obviously wont have many secrets because it is very basic and small.

This is a picture taken from behind the green/color screen behind the vehicle making a neat silhouette photo of your car. This might be cool for a simple picture of a car.
Isle of skye
This photo scene is beautiful and huge, and there are many different spots for a good photo, but there is one in particular that seems out of place.

This can be seen downhill from the photo scene at the base of the mountain. It is a shack with 3 pine trees in an otherwise treeless map.
Old street
This following photo sites are taken from where the car is facing behind theses buildings. There is 2 main odd/interesting things that can be found.

This first one is way in the back of the map, it appears to be a dealership and there is even a simple interior to the building. You might take some neat photos here.

This is a picture of an intersection and a small park that is on the way to the "dealership" building. I have taken a few of my artwork photos here because it is pretty. I am surprised that you cannot teleport here. It seems complete and yet off the beaten path. There is an interesting subway station type building that has a simple interior with a few vending machines in it.
This last photo scene is one of my favorites and i saved it for last because it is an old map from the game and you have to download it from the steam workshop.

This is an unfinished highway that is near the parking lot in the foreground and if you unsnap the car from the ground, you can move it up to the freeway. The freeway has no road lines though :( so it isn't perfect. There is also an on-ramp near the parking lot that might have potential for a cool picture (a police chase/roadblock or something idk).

This scene can be found in the background behind a row of trees surrounding the parking lot. it could be used to take a photo of a train with a metro background.
MCzenman 21 Oct, 2023 @ 8:32am 
Not exactly related to hidden locations, but the Overpass photoscene is almost certainly modeled after the Daikoku parking area in Tokyo, which is a world-famous spot for car meets due to its proximity to the Bayshore Route - one of the world's most famous street racing locations