Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Exceed How to play
Von tanning korosu
This guide is just here to explain the basic rules of how to play the 1v1 fighting card game of Exceed
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Set up
Start off by selecting a character, after you select a character put the 30 card deck in the deck area and your character in the 3rd or 7th space on the board (making sure there is 3 spaces between you and your opponent and 2 spaces between you and the edge of the board). Set health to 30 and determine who will go first. The first player will draw 5 cards while the second player draws 6. You may mulligan once.
List of actions
On your turn you do one action. After you do an action you draw a card and end your turn.

Prepare: Draw another card (draw a card as an action then draw another card to end your turn).

Move: For each force spent you move 1 space (to pass your opponent you need to spend 2 force).

Change cards: For each force spent you draw a card (+1 for the end of turn).

Boost: Play a card face up only following the Boost effect (See Boosts).

Reshuffle: Once per game you may reshuffle your discard and deck to make a new deck.

Exceed: Pay Gauge to flip your character.

Transformation: (see this in S2 under Seasons).

Strike: (see Strikes)

Do not draw a card at the end of your turn if you ended your turn with a Strike.
If you Initiate a Strike you will play a card from your hand face down, the opponent will play a card face down after you. Once both cards are revealed you flip both of the cards.

1.Compare the speed (yellow number). If you have a higher speed value you will attack first (If you initiated the strike you win in speed ties).
2. Activate Before effects.
3. If you are in Range (Equal to the blue number where 1 is the space right in front of your character)
you activate Hit effects and deal damage equal to the Power (red number) minus the opponents Armor (purple number). If you are not in range then you don't deal damage and you don't activate Hit effects.
4. Activate After effects
5. If you have the lower speed and took more damage than your guard (green number) then you are stunned and the attack is discarded. But if your guard is equal to or greater than the damage you took (or you took no damage) you can hit back following steps 2-4.
6. Clean up: if your attack was in range when you hit your opponent, you put the attack in the Gauge area, otherwise you discard it. Discard any boost that was in play unless you Sustain it.

If the attack dose not have Armor or Guard treat it as if the value is 0.

After the Clean up phase you end your turn (unless you gained advantage).

If the opponents health goes down to 0 you win the game.
Gauge is used for 3 things.

1. Generating Force (not recommended).

2. Ultra Attacks

If you play an ultra as a strike you must discard cards from your Gauge equal to the value on the top left (2 for this example) after you reveal the attack. If you don't have enough gauge you must discard the attack and Wild swing (see "Other Strikes").


As an action you may discard cards from your gauge equal to the bottom right of your character card (3 for this example), to Flip your character. "Exceeding" gives you a better passive of your character and it lasts for the rest of the game.
Actions that require Force
Force is generated by discarding cards or cards from your gauge.

1 Card = 1 Force
1 Ultra card (the red card that requires gauge to play) =1 or 2 Force

Discarding 3 cards lets you move 3 spaces, or lets you draw 3 cards (Change cards).

You can't over spend Force (ex: spending 2 Force to move towards the edge of the board or spending 2 Force to play a boost that requires 1 Force).
As an action you can play a card face up to activate the Boost effects at the bottom of the card.

Example on the right is an Instant Boost, you do the effect and discard it after.
Example on the left is a Continuous Boost, it stays in play and "boosts" your next strike (this example gives your next strike +2 power) and leaves play during the cleanup phase (unless it is sustained).
Other Strikes and other rules
EX Strikes: When playing a card face down you can play a pair of cards (that are the same) to give the attack +1 Power, +1 Speed, +1 Guard and +1 Armor. If you hit with an EX strike only one goes in the gauge, the other card is always discarded.

Wild Swing: If you have nothing good in your hand to play, you can take a risk and take the top card of your deck and play it face down as if it was a strike.

Reshuffle: If you run out of cards and you need to draw you must reshuffle your discard to make a new deck. Doing the reshuffle action consumes your automatic reshuffle. If you run out of cards after doing an automatic shuffle and you need to draw you lose the game. (Abilities like Exceeding with Enchantress or Hakumen that lets you reshuffle dose not consume your automatic reshuffle so you get to reshuffle an extra time.)

If you Wild Swing an Ultra attack you may say that the attack is invalid even if you have enough gauge (you can't do that if you play it as a normal strike).
Key words
Before: Activates before you check for range.
Hit: Activates if you are in range.
After: Activates after you check range.

Close X: Move towards opponent until you reach X spaces or made it to Range 1.
Advance X: Move towards opponent until you reach X spaces (not counting the space your opponent is on) or the edge of the board.
Retreat X: Move away from opponent until you reach X spaces or the edge of the board.
Move X: Choose to Advance or Retreat X spaces.

Ignore Guard: Treat opponents Guard as if it is 0.
Ignore Armor: Treat opponents Armor as if it is 0.
Stun Immunity: You cant be stunned.

Now: After you play this boost do this effect now.
Sustain: Keep this Boost in play during the Clean up phase.

Advantage: You take the next turn regardless of turn order.
Each Season has a new rule that is only going to be in that Season here is all of the Seasons so far:

S1: First game so no new rules but very broken.
S2 Transformation:

Some cards will not have a boost but instead will have transformations. There are two ways to transform a card, successfully hit with the attack that has a Transformation, or as an action play a pair of cards Transforming one of them and discarding the other. Transformations play like Continuous Boost except you can only have one unique Transformation at a time and it last for the rest of the game. It also Decreases the cost to Exceed by 2.

S3 Crits:

During a strike you may spend 1 gauge to activate Critical effects on your current attack AND your character (if they have any) otherwise you ignore the effect. You may spend gauge even if your character or your card has no Critical effect to fool your opponent.

S4: Some attacks require you to spend force to play them. If you are unable to spend the force you must Wild swing. (If you wild swing you may choose to make the attack invalid) Not as complex as the other 2 seasons because all of the complexity is in the gimmicky characters.

S5: Gimmick #1: Overdrive
After you Exceed put all of the gauge spent and put it in the "Overdrive" area, Every start of turn you discard any card from the overdrive area and activate the Overdrive effect on your characters card. Once you run out of cards you flip back to your normal side.

Gimmick #2: Astral Heat
Start the game by putting your Astral heat card sealed. Once you do the manual reshuffle action instead of drawing the top card of the deck, you draw the Astral Heat instead.

S6: Gimmick #1: Normal Boosts
All normal attacks have a different boost

Gimmick #2: Exceed
While you are Exceeded you may use an action to revert back to normal.
1 Kommentare
zulmetefza 9. Feb. um 7:18 
Hello! Are normals common across all the seasons (ofc except for the art)