Amazing Cultivation Simulator

Amazing Cultivation Simulator

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179.146 KB
14 janv. 2021 à 22h30
15 juin 2021 à 23h08
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Huoyunlin etc.


<NpcInfo Name = "DongTingyu" Age = "16" Gender = "0" Desc = "Dong Tingyu" Property = "6,9,8,6,6,8.25" Skill = "20,2|7,0|20,2|10,0|20,2|17,2|12,0|9,0|24,2|9,0|17,2|8,0" Story = "Fated|北侠|Reincarnated" Feature = "Vigorous|Dragon Blood|Talent|Ferocious|Awareness"><NpcInfo Name = "LiZixuan" Age = "16" Gender = "1" Desc = "Li Zixuan" Property = "5,8,7,6,9,7.25" Skill = "14,1|9,0|13,0|12,0|9,1|19,2|20,2|10,0|20,2|20,2|17,2|13,0" Story = "Fated|血狼|Reincarnated" Feature = "Vigorous|Awareness"><NpcInfo Name = "WangLengxi" Age = "16" Gender = "1" Desc = "Wang Lengxi" Property = "8,7,7,10,7,7.65" Skill = "17,2|20,2|13,0|17,2|11,0|14,0|7,0|20,2|20,2|14,0|17,0|19,2" Story = "Fated|白眉鹰王|Reincarnated" Feature = "Vigorous|Body of Yin and Yang|Agile|Sharp-sighted|Awareness">[/align]