Sir, You Are Being Hunted

Sir, You Are Being Hunted

172 ratings
The Gentleman's Field Guide to Robots
By Lithobraker
This guide will be detailing what an aspiring hunter-hunting Sir/Madam is to find in the manner of robots.
Their behaviors, health, weapon and others miscellaneous details will be covered in this guide.
Greetings, Sir or Madam.
I expect you have picked up this digital guidebook because you wish to know, for one reason or another, what robots you shall come to face, what they do and how to fight them. Or run from them.
Therefore, I shall stop beating around the figurative bush and get straight to the point.

Overall, robots in Sir, You Are Being Hunted tend to hunt you and try to kill you, and so in most cases, you should avoid letting them do so. Most of them attack at a range with various firearms.
Guns of various sorts and hatchets shall be very effective against them, as well as explosives and traps(although traps DO NOT hurt or kill them, you must close in and finish them off in that case.).

In general, it is a better idea to try to distract them so that you can escape/grab the fragment/kill them. This can be done with bottles, rocks, alarm clocks, toy trains, trumpets, your fragile body, flashlights, and so on.
"Hmmm, something..."

Default spawn requirement: Always
Spawn rate: Common (in groups of at least 2)

These come in a number of tweedy flavours, but the net result is always that you are hunted across woodland and heath, with shotguns and worse. The hunter is the most common of the killer gentry, and they’re keen on murder and tea. They aren’t always friendly to each other, either. Different robot families have oil feuds that have been going on for years – expect to see them settling their differences while on the hunt.

Hunters are your average, everyday robot chap whom you are most likely to see first. They spawn from day one and are armed with shotguns, weapons which are more effective at close range, but can still do considerable damage from afar. They cause bleeding, which can be cured using the item "Rags for bandages". Bandages can be applied quickly using the H key.
They are not too tough to deal with compared to the other robots, dying in two hits from revolver or hatchet and dying in one from most everything else, but are still quite a formidable threat if you aren't careful. In this gentleman's experience, they don't seem to stumble into traps all that easily, but some people generally have more success than I do.

Default spawn requirement: 4 Device Pieces OR 45 Minutes' time
Spawn rate: Common (always follows Hunters)

The hunter’s best friend. The razor-jawed beasts chase the player down, pin them down, and let the hunter’s rifle do its work. Learn to deal with these four-legged nasties with haste.

Hounds. Mutts. Dogs. Bloodhounds. Canines.
Whatever your preferred name, they remain one of the biggest threats in the game, simply because of their ability to see and hear you much better than the hunters can. Hounds are faster than you, but they have half the health of hunters and can be felled with a single shot from the revolver or a swift striking with the hatchet. When hounds catch you, they 'trap' you in much the same way that other traps do, but they cause you to bleed and don't last as long. They also serve as a way for their taller masters to find you. They should be taken out before dealing with their masters.
When the "display enemy markers" option is turned on, they can be identified by rapid bouncing up and down of the marker, as well as the tendency to never quite stop moving.
"What's going on here, then?"

Default spawn requirement: 7 Device Pieces OR 75 Minutes' time
Spawn rate: Semi-Common (in Villages)

Middle-class mechanical, The Squire, isn’t interested in hunting. He’s not really interested in open hostility at all. You can walk up to a passive Squire without any danger. The huge beasts wander amiably around the villages, humming popular music hall tunes. That is until you try to loot a building. Then there might be trouble.

Though they may seem big, threatening and powerful, Squires are actually harmless normally.
You can walk right up to one and all he'll say is "How do you do!". But try looting one of the houses while he's looking, and he'll not hesitate to shoot at you. So long as you don't do that or shoot him yourself, he will pose no threat to your existence. However, he will investigate gunshots and sounds.
The Squire wields a revolver, and has a ton of HP- it will take a full six hits by the revolver and the axe to kill him, and four hits by the rifle or shotgun. He is also immune to traps.
Stealing without alerting a squire involves careful observation of when his line of sight is broken.
But you can almost always steal without worry from the doors in the sides of buildings opposite the road.
*cheery humming*

Default spawn requirement: 10 Device Pieces OR 115 Minutes' time
Spawn rate: Uncommon (In forested areas with the black bushes)

These are stealthy, ambush-based baddies, who lay in wait for you across the landscape...

...The Poachers happily take down tresspassing Hunters if they encroach on their territory. Poachers tend to carry and use traps, which can render their opponents wounded and immobile – dangerous for an exposed Hunter, or the unwary player. Cunning Hunted players will be able to re-purpose these traps for their own devices. Some Poachers will even carry dynamite – you know, for fishing and stuff.

Wacky-looking 'bots with very large Blunderbusses, the Poacher can be identified with markers by a sort of slow, sneaking motion with large steps. He wears a crooked hat and hums in a distinct high-pitched tone. The Poacher has the same health as Hunters do, and he will set Traps for any unlucky animals or humans, and frequenly checks them. His Blunderbuss can instantly kill you at close range, so that is precisely where you should not try to engage him in combat. At longer ranges, the damage by his Blunderbuss is less consistent, however. When finding one, it is reccommended to bring along a set of pliers, which can be used to get yourself out of traps, should the need arise.
Pochers are often found in wooded areas, typically the ones with black, barren-looking bushes.
*Strange growling*

Default spawn requirement: 10 Device Pieces OR 115 Minutes' time
Spawn rate: Uncommon

The Scarecrow can be found in the middle of fields, swaying in the wind. In reality, though, getting too close to this thing can be a very bad idea. Scarecrows, when alerted, will make a strange, distinct noise and stare directly at you. Much like another scary monster, looking away from them will cause them to appear behind you. Scarecrows will alert Hunters and other robots to your position, much like how a Balloon does, but in a smaller radius. In order to fend them off, you must stare at them as you back away until you are out of range. They CAN be killed after some trouble, however it may be best to either save ammo and not do so, use a hatchet, or just run. They appear to have the health of about three Hunters.
Boom, boom boom, boom.
This chap is an aberrant mechanical ultra-toff. He’s a leader among hunters, and the nightmare gaze of his glowing monocle means near-certain death, and at the very least lots of peril. With The Landowner in play, the player is truly in trouble – his tracking skills are peerless. Fear him.

Default spawn requirement: 2 Device Pieces OR 20 Minutes' time
Spawn rate: Uncommon

Landowners are most easily identified by their distinct "boom" sound as they walk.
Their movement pattern is slow and limping, they carry a large cane which can be used to generate deadly shockwaves at close range. They always spawn with two dogs, are very tall, and are invincible. No amount of dynamite, rifle shots, shotgun blasts, revolver rounds, or blunderbuss shots will fell this mighty robot.
If a Landowner is around, generally you should give them a generously wide berth. This is because they are exceptionally good at spotting you, and once they do, they never seem to stop following you. A constant approaching threat, the Landowner will slowly, but inevitably, make its way towards you. It can, however, be thrown off your trail if a robot accidentally shoots it.
*clop-clop, clop-clop*

Default spawn requirement: 13 Device Pieces OR 150 Minutes' time
Spawn rate: Uncommon

Our most ambitious NPCs will take on the form of a classic British fox hunt, one of the favoured bloodsports of the rich and landed. These red-coated rider robots will be the most merciless - and the fastest - hunters in the archipelago. Once they have you sighted, well, run, Fox, run.

Riders are the pinnacle of horrible, the epitome of terror. Riders can easily be identified by marker with a slow, floating motion. They ride rocket-powered horses, move very quickly, and can burn you to death with their horse's rocket legs. They also generate light, and thus can be very easily spotted at night. They only appear later in the game, but once they do, you can bet your moustache you'll be running for your life.
Balloons are an enormous threat that should be avoided if possible. They follow a randomized path across the island, and posess no direct method of attack, but BE WARNED: If you get caught in their spotlight at all, an absurdly loud alarm blares out, the light goes red, and all hunters remotely nearby converge on your location. All hell breaks loose, and you're running for your life.
They are completely silent, and cannot be killed. Shooting the robot in the basket is useless (even though it falls out), however the light can be shot out, though it will repair after some time.
Only one can appear per island, however, so that offsets their effects somewhat.
Bog Creature
*loud splashing, grumbling noise*
...the bog creature is a mysterious tentacular contraption which lurks beneath the murky surface of the waters surrounding the archipelago.
Bog Creatures are always present in the water just offshore of the archipelago. They often scare players with their sudden loud noises they make, so be warned of that whenever you decide to take a long walk on the beach.
With their long, metal tentacles, Bog Creatures will do horrible things to you if you linger in the water for too long- so don't think it's a safe haven from the robot menace. Other than that, though, they pose no threat to an experienced aristocrat.
In Conclusion
I do hope this guide has helped those of you who are not aware of the various types of robots in this game or how they work. I wish you good luck, and happy hunter-hunting!
Sisyphus 26 May, 2023 @ 1:09pm 
This is a great guide, even in 2023! Deserves an award, thank you my good sir!
madꑭFacerolla 4 Jul, 2021 @ 3:41am 
One blunderbuuss shoot and he done. Also riders may drop scanners.
Mr. JooJ 15 Jul, 2020 @ 8:59pm 
2 Rifle shots and the Rider is down, also a dynamite is overkill
NaethanC76 17 Jun, 2020 @ 1:03pm 
Is it possible to kill the riders? I tried shooting one at point blank with 4 shotgun shells and it did nothing.
Anti Boi 29 Apr, 2020 @ 11:34am 
Stapler Taste good
Guestindisguise 23 Jan, 2020 @ 11:23am 
its nice to see others still play this game
ledrago882 8 Jan, 2019 @ 8:07pm 
after all, it's always helpful to know the fauna before hunting game. thanks bud.
Thomasat 26 Aug, 2018 @ 7:28pm 
another few things I have found just now are that Squires can seemingly randomly attack you when approaching towns, dogs can get stuck, dogs that are stuck cannot notice the player (most of the time), and the bog creature can attack you if you swim to the dock
Thomasat 26 Aug, 2018 @ 7:06pm 
also I do not know if it is a glitch or not but I have seen two hunters with alarmed markers (the exclimation point) whom of which are pointing their shotguns at eachother and walking in a circle, what is this?
Thomasat 26 Aug, 2018 @ 6:27pm 
I've seen lone hunters before who typically wear white coats, any clue as to what these are if not random stragglers?