Red Dead Online

Red Dead Online

66 ratings
Myths of Red Dead Online
By 1984
As a person who spent hundreds of hours in RDO, I am sick and tired of seeing the same misconceptions spring up on forums. This guide aims to tell you about all the fake myths of Red Dead Online
The Worst Offender: Hidden Horse Fear Stat

There SIMPLY is NOT such stat in game. I will explain why.

There is no in-game explanation of this mechanic and different horses having different fear levels.

it does not show as any kind of stat in game in Horse menu or in the Stables

Horses bug out randomly. I've spent 1050 hours on PC and 250 on PS4 as of writing this guide. Majority of time I spent in MP but I also beat campaign twice. Black Arabian is no more fearful than Turkoman. On occasion, any horse will bug out and will not run away from predators or you can stand on top of a snake, cougar and they won't buck you. Horses do not behave differently based on breed, they just bug out leading some people to claim that their horse is different.

If you spam "G" button the default for calm horse on PC you can fight any predator on horse back. Killing a cougar or gator or anything else is completely viable and I do this all the time. Try not to stand on top of the animal you fight and move away from it but overall you should be fine in most cases, I usually kill cougars with shotgun this way. You can find a fake video of a person showing the difference between fear levels of an arabian but they are simply not spamming "calm" and when on any other horse they will spam it, but you won't know of it as animations are not always playing and prompts do not spring up, if you are experienced with this game you can make them not appear by doing some button machinations. Same as you can hit your horse in the face without it bucking you if you stand on un-level ground or there isn't enough space for it to turn.

People claim there are videos/posts on how horses have different fear levels on the internet. So what? There are same kind of videos against that.

Horse masks/blinders do not affect horses.

Horses behave the same in both SP and MP (excluding spawning and some of the online quality of life features)

There is NO EVIDENCE to support the claim that horses have hidden fear stat. It is not proven. There is no datamined information on this as well.

I hope people will keep spreading this myth around now at least a little.
Red Dead Redemption I remake - another bad offender

A pretty bad myth going around the community just because some people managed to glitch over to Mexico part of the map in RDO and they claim that it is nearly done. It is so far from done, you have no idea.

Not Rockstar or anyone else for that matter is going to be remaking RDR. I will break it down in this guide because it is tiresome repeating the same thing over and over.

First of all, it is very unfinished there. Barely existing textures in places. the map is just a low polygon base map that you see from far distance, when you come close even earth textures are repeating every few steps. There is nothing, I repeat nothing map wise finished or great on that side. It is just a decoy for far distance viewing.

Besides that, Rockstar would need to create new higher def audio, many many on many new textures, animations, cutscenes etc. That means they would need to ask old voice actors to come back or replace them. All that means, that they will be remaking the game from the ground up and they can't use a whole lot of RDR 2 textures and things because they are different. Even Austin is different, not wholly but by a lot. Those with game making experience would understand that it is colossal amount of work. They can't port anything too because RDR1 was coded so badly it is a code mess.

Now let's talk monetary & marketing & strategic reasons which are by far MORE IMPORTANT to Rockstar or any gaming company

Rockstar has many studios around the world but when Rockstar is making a game they all pitch in and work on the same game. Remaking a game like RDR 1 means they can only work on one game, and abandon all other projects. And they would have to because they have a quality standard to uphold.

But that makes no sense to the company, why remake an old game that you can easily buy right now (just get any cheap old console and play it), that demand for is low and that will cannibalize Red Dead Redemption 2 sales and RDO population? Exactly, that would be a stupid decision.

Because some people playing Red Dead Online will surely stop playing it and buying gold bars and go over to play RDR 1 and R doesn't want that.

That also means they have to STOP working on whatever next project they have. Whether it is a long awaited sequel to an old IP or a completely new IP. Anyhow, those will say WAAAAY more than a remake of a game that had a sequel just released in 2018.

And lastly, the demand for this game is not that strong. Sure, YOU want it. Some dude on the internet wants it too. But that is not enough to justify a VERY EXPENSIVE development process. Rockstar only makes long awaited games, R only makes SEQUELS.

And look at GTA V. It has been almost 10 years and they are still making cash off Online and there is no reasons to make next GTA game because it will just make players leave GTA Online. And GTA V is accessible now because hardware caught up.
Horses Die Forever in RDO

No, Horses and Vehicles are not destroyed forever. If another player destroys them then they will become available in 2 minutes after being healed via their insurance. If you kill/destroy them yourself then you can either pay a fee from "L" - Stables menu or they can be healed via insurance if you bought it.

Sometimes, especially when dealing with cheaters killing horses insurance might not trigger so you will have to heal horses with a fee.

Horses never disappear or go away unless you discard them to make room at the stables.
Harriet Shop Ban Timer + Emotes

Another mythos is that Harriet will supposedly forgive you faster if you emote her in a good way, as she will often comment on you emoting her.

This is not true too. The game doesn't register this.

If you count the time it takes for her lockout to end with emotes and without it will be the same amount of time. (I urge you to try if you don't believe me)

Sometimes, Harriet will reset her agro and even the timer if you haven't played for a while or been server hopping but it should not happen as the game counts only in game time passed. So you could be offline for weeks and it means 0 game time passed.
Gun Wrap - Gun Durability

Another mythos I came across was improved gun durability if you use a gun wrap (leather or cloth) supposedly it makes them cleaner by getting dirtier slower. Well, this is not real too.

Gun will lose durability the same way, faster in the water or in the rain. There is no game tutorial on gun wraps and it doesn't say anything at the gunsmith.

I don't feel like checking SP for this, as this is mainly about Online but if my memory serves me right, there is no gun wrap durability bonuses in SP too.

The only way to make your guns more durable is by buying trinkets with animal parts and dollars from Gus for Online and Trapper for SP
Honor Levels Affect Prices

In SP portion of the game higher honor gives you store discounts, lower makes things more expensive as people do not want to deal with you.

That is an SP-only mechanic as the online portion is supposed to cater to gold bar purchases and that would make it very unfair for people who buy gold bars to convert them into RDO$ to buy things in game.

Honor in Online portion is only useful in game once, to unlock all main story missions, then it becomes a useless thing.

You cannot use boats and small steam ships forever, after a while they will sink. They will also sink if you steer them far into deep waters.

That is to prevent people crossing the map over to non-existent game areas like Mexico or going to Guarma.
To Be Continued...
As I come across or recall more Myths in this game I will be expanding this guide. Enjoy and know the truth

queue 16 Aug, 2023 @ 12:46pm 
idk gun wrap feels like it works but i might be tripping
Exhithronous 15 Mar, 2023 @ 11:58pm 
Source: "I played the game extensively so I can't be wrong and I acted like there was more evidence towards rather than against so I must also be right."
UrFavCanadian 14 Jun, 2022 @ 2:17pm 
hidden horse fear i agree it doesnt exist, but the gun wrap does exist
INSIGHT 13 Jun, 2022 @ 5:44pm 
Chasetopia 18 Dec, 2021 @ 9:37am 
But are my clothes going to get wet in rain and snow and ill need to wring them out of sit by a fire?
SouperWy 30 Nov, 2021 @ 10:32am 
@∆ тємрцѕ яеі † I mean, the guy has like 1200 hours on the game. While the gun wrap thing is wrong, as I'm 90% sure that the do affect durability. But the horse fear thing doesn't make sense. Why would Rockstar add a horse fear stat? It's unnecessary and stupid. If it was a mechanic, there would at least be a meter, or even a tutorial for it.
Miss M. Morgan 18 Nov, 2021 @ 3:22am 
I have NO clue who ZEROK is , but I like seeing all these helpful links they take TIME to type and post for all of us. and I am new to this game, and will need these guides.
BeYonD 28 Oct, 2021 @ 6:21pm 
This guy acts like he works for Rockstar LMFAO
TravestyVin 25 Aug, 2021 @ 7:48pm 
Ironically, gunwraps do indeed work. Me and a friend took the sma egun, one with wraps, one without, and walked the same path through the swamps back and forth with a little swim. Mine (without the wrap cus its ugy) degraded faster. Both were max condition at start.
Pony_Boy636 24 Jul, 2021 @ 4:18pm 
Um what is that glorious bull skull outfit?