Panzer Corps 2

Panzer Corps 2

86 人が評価
SCW no AI ally
25.112 MB
2020年12月9日 6時41分
2020年12月9日 7時06分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

SCW no AI ally

Panzer Corps 2: Spanish Civil War Official No AI MOD

Description of this mod:

1. This mod allows for purchase and control of Spanish Nationalist forces as if they were your own CORE infantry.

2. It removes almost all existing Spanish Nationalist units and instead gives the player an expanded slot count as compensation.

3. Mission critical units are not removed, just converted into player controlled auxiliaries.

4. At the end of the Spanish Civil War, all Condor Legion units and Spanish Nationalist units convert to German faction units, to allow for continued Axis Operation Grand Campaign progression.

5. Extra prestige has been added to help pay for upkeep on your infantry who need elite reinforcements where normal Spanish AI always survived on regular replacements.

6. Because of the nature of the Nationalist presence varying wildly between historical battles, expect to have to inflate your CORE force, and then deflate it by putting units into reserve, to happen quite frequently!!!

7. This mod requires the Spanish Civil War DLC to play.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
2023年10月13日 14時22分
New to steam.
2020年12月11日 11時34分
ピン留め: Detailed Change Log
99 件のコメント
hazbones 2024年6月30日 3時25分 
Are there any instructions how to make a nation purchasable in a particular scenario of the campaign? (example, make Italy troops purchasable in the second scenario of the SCW campaign)
Warriordude 2023年10月11日 14時23分 
I wish someone would make a mod to allow German infantry units as core units maybe latter in the Campaign, you can carry them through the last 4 of 5 Scenarios in the Spanish Civil War, not sure if it's Historically accurate but would be cool to use German infantry units:steamthumbsup:

I'm currently on the Ebro Scenario in the Vanilla Game playing on General Level difficulty, that Scenario is brutal just because of all of the enemy units and planes Geeze, this by far is the toughest Scenario in the SCW.
johnf17 2023年9月17日 11時51分 
I've just added this mod to my game and it has really improved SCW. I wasn't enjoying it too much before as the AI units drove me crazy.
I have noticed something strange though. Since I installed the mod, I can no longer see the total of commendation points on the top bar. Everything else - prestige, slots etc is still there though. I know I still have the points as I get opportunities to use them but I can't see how many I've got.
I couldn't see any other comments about this so I'm wondering if I've done something wrong.
Any help would be much appreciated.
lcpdenijs 2023年4月13日 11時40分 
yes that worked.
I like it better then the stupid AI that is just running around like crazy.
On the other hand, it would be even better I think if we shouldnt have to buy our own infantry, just keep the infantry that was deliverd in the original game but then being able to control it. More realistic to me it seems, since I now just almost all the time only buy Colonial Infantry,
// 2023年3月29日 9時24分 
start a new campaign
lcpdenijs 2023年3月29日 8時27分 
Ok, I subscribed to this mod but what now? I also crossed the box in the PC2 settings. Do I need to start a new campaign, or does this work on a campaign also that you are already 5 missions in?
Short 2023年3月3日 22時39分 
I beat it, overall the main issue is the hero portraits are bugged to hell never seen one spanish man hero just his name and a blank face.

core issues are really only a big deal on two maps but the comments section has given instructions on how to fix this
Short 2023年2月28日 14時05分 
The 5 star spanish unit on Teruel get's his XP reset on any action that gains Xp, probably due to the XP cap for this scer and not the mod's fault, still I question why he didnt just give us the 8 overstrength cav units as auxs instead of just one of them & then some more core slots.
Short 2023年2月28日 7時14分 
Also in reply to krumpf you need to edit the scenario in the workshop folder of this mod because this mod overides changes you make to scenario in the base game folder
Short 2023年2月28日 7時11分 
At Teruel a mass of cav overstrength units ( 8 in total with 17 overstrength totally to 32 slots ) were removed as noted in the log however you are compensated with 18 additional core slots... I made adjustments myself in my game because of this.