Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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Moonshiner Runabout
Blueprint: Small Vessel
Custom: Airtight
Etiquetas: Blueprint
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46.451 KB
28 NOV 2020 a las 10:23 a. m.
1 DIC 2020 a las 11:58 a. m.
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Moonshiner Runabout

Simple starter SV capable of T2 upgrade.
after removing rear blocks with stripes it would be best to add pentaxid tank first in vertical direction, T2 CPU then the Warp Drive.
P Marks Pentaxid Tank spot
C Marks CPU spot
Warp area marked appropriately.
Will get sluggish on lift offs with max loads using current M thrusters. Holds 6k Cargo in Ammo CC and extentions. ship will still fly and not lock down and prevent lift off when fully loaded. (Tested)
T2 upgrade:
Change rear and bottom thrusters to MT2 for better lifting performance at max loads or change all if you like. MT2 thrusters will greatly improve performance at full loads. Room for Mini Turrets after T2 upgrade.

Ammo CC little over 6K
O2 Station
Armor Locker
2 Gat guns
(This does work in Reforged after all :) )