Garry's Mod
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Fast 'Creator' and 'Destroyer' Achievement Guide
От sunbect
This guide uses AutoHotkey and console commands.
How to get the 'Creator' and 'Destroyer' Achievements in Garry's Mod fast and easy without destroying your mouse and hand ;D
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Setting Up AutoHotkey (AHK)
To set up, we will need AutoHotkey, a popular scripting language for easy keyboard shortcuts and macros.

You can download AHK from their website here[]. Once you do that, install using 'Express Installation' and close.

Then go to your desktop and right click -> New -> Autohotkey

Then, right click on the new file and click on 'Edit Script'

You should now have a file open in Notepad, if not, open it with Notepad. There will be some text already written in the file, ignore that and paste the following code below it.

o:: Loop { Send {x down} Send {x up} Sleep, 10 Click, down Click, up Click, down Click, up Sleep, 10 Send {z down} Send {z up} Sleep, 10 } p::exitapp

Now save it.

What each line does:
o:: // Bind the 'O' key on your keyboard to start the script
p::exitapp //Bind the 'P' key on your keyboard to stop the script and exit AHK to regain Mouse and Keyboard control.
Send {x down} //Press the X key down
Send {x up} //Lift the X key up
Send {z down} //Press the Z key down
Send {z up} //Lift the Z key up
Sleep, 10 //Wait for 1/100th of a second
Click, down //Click the LMB down
Click, up //Lift the LMB

Setting up Garry's Mod
In Garry's Mod, open any single player map, open the developer console and type the following:
bind X "gm_spawn models/props_debris/metal_panel01a.mdl"

This will make it so whenever the X key on your keyboard is pressed, it will spawn the prop "metal_panel01a"

Go to the menu and equip the Remover.
The fun part, starting the script
Now alt-tab to your desktop and right click the AHK file and click Run Script.

If you press the letter O on your keyboard from this point onwards, the script STARTS.
The only way to stop it is to press P
otherwise you will have to restart your computer since you will not be able to do anything.

Now, open Gmod look at a wall or a vertical flat surface and press 'O'. You should start spawning and removing the prop.

The script is not perfect and the game starts to lag in about 5-6 seconds . As soon as the game starts lagging, press 'P' and give the game a second to stop lagging. Now you can clear props using the menu and remove all the props using the Remover.
And then alt-tab out again, press Run Script, hop back in, and press 'O' again.

Thanks for Wildfire in the comments for making a better script
The script shouldn't cause the game to lag anymore as it presses 'Z' which undoes placing the prop.
So you should be able to keep the script running until you get the achievement.
I've tested the script on my end but if it doesn't work comment down below and I'll try to help you to the best of my abilites.

I found this method to be faster and more importantly doesn't strain my hands and fingers, and doesn't destroy my mouse.

If you have a better script for this, send it my way and I'll add it to this guide :D
Thank you for referring to this guide :D
If you feel there is an easier way to complete an achievement, or you feel the information provided isn't accurate please comment below and let me know;
and if you enjoyed the guide or found it helpful, please give a thumbs up!

Happy Achievement Hunting!
5 коментара
sunbect  [автор] 29 ноем. 2020 в 11:23 
Maybe reinstall the game?
From experience if I want to see how far I've made it in the achievement I have to quit the game completely and refresh once and only then does steam update the achievements.
FFFIRE 29 ноем. 2020 в 11:21 
The destroyer achievement doesn't progress at all for me, maybe you have any idea why? I tried manually doing it without autohotkey, but to no avail
sunbect  [автор] 29 ноем. 2020 в 10:56 
Ah thanks, Wildfire. I'll add it.
FFFIRE 29 ноем. 2020 в 9:43 
thanks for the idea and code base! but you should do it like this:

Send {x down}
Send {x up}
Sleep, 10
Click, down
Click, up
Click, down
Click, up
Sleep, 10
Send {z down}
Send {z up}
Sleep, 10

it'll automatically remove the props and nothing lags. can redo the P bind to just stop the loop, but too lazy
KomMmersant 28 ноем. 2020 в 22:07 
EN: write something from the list below, and I write to you what you want
RU: пишете что-то из списка ниже отвечу тем же

+rep Купи мне GTA ^_^
+rep Веселой игры
+rep NiggaДяй
+rep Поздравляю, вы смешарик (-)
+rep По пивку?
-rep Разгромил по пьяне мой бар в ГТА, расстрелял мою банду, забрал все деньги!
+rep Кто его знает с Ютуба?
+rep ахах, дай Full :3
+rep Ебать, копать
+rep Suka Blyat
+rep Russian Nigga
+rep Mega REP
+rep +lvl 1 +xp 100 + money 1000 quest completed

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     /` ミ_x ノ вы
     /     | сука ,
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