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Superliminal - All Achievements and Walkthrough (An in depth guide)
This guide will help you get 100% achievements in Superliminal. All blueprints, chess pieces, constellations, fire alarms, fire extinguishers and sodas. UPDATED - now including all six new achievements from the 4th of December (2020) update.
Superliminal is an interesting non-euclidian game that manipulates objects in the environment, the environment itself and the player's perspective to create fun, bizarre and intuitive puzzles.

There is two translated copies of this guide:

Thanks to dif31209!
It can be found here, on bilibili[].

Thanks to ахахах!
It can be found here on steam guides:

This guide will spoil the story in the later levels of the game. So, obligatory:


I'm not going to put spoiler tags over any text so that this guide is easier to read.


There are 27 achievements in total, 6 of them are for collecting:
  • Blueprints
  • Chess pieces
  • Constellations
  • Fire Alarms
  • Fire Extinguishers
  • Sodas

And there are a further five achievements associated with the collectables.

The game automatically saves your collectable progress, so even if you finish the game or pick a level to go back to and hunt for missing collectables, it'll keep your current progress.

I have written this guide so you don't need to jump back and forth, all achievements will be in the order that you can achieve them.

There are many fire extinguishers and fire alarms which you need to interact with. Fire alarms only require one click but fire extinguishers require you to click four times, it'll be empty on the fourth click.
I will provide some tips but I'll mostly link to video guides by NonstopTrophies.

The two most challenging achievements are the speed running achievements. Which I'll provide some suggestions below.

I'll also provide a link to a video walkthrough and achievement guide at the bottom of this guide.

If you are looking for an achievement or one collectable then I recommend you press ctrl + f (if you are on windows or linux) or cmd + f (if you are on Mac) and search.

I have made all collectables and achievements bold in this guide so you can skip all the writing if you want to.

This isn't a guide for all the Easter eggs and extra secrets in the game, but I'll add what I find and any notable secrets found by other players who comment on the guide.
Achievement Overview
Here is a shorthand list outlining all the achievements (in the order you can earn them) and their descriptions.

Vaguely Activated Achievement
Congratulations on doing something!

Sugar Crash
Break a soda can

Fire Alarmist
Pull one fire alarm

Please Recycle
Put a soda can in the wrong place instead of recycling

Environment Saved!
Place a soda can in a recycling bin

Expert Fire Alarmist
Pull enough fire alarms

Please Use the Other Door
Find the nook in Optical

Take Your Trash Elsewhere
Fail at throwing away trash

Soda Connaisseur
Drink all sodas

Why Are You Like This?
Clone an object way too many times

Son of Man
An apple for a head

Fire Safety Achieved
Pull all the fire alarms

Fires Extinguished
Empty all fire extinguishers

Stars Align
Complete all constellations

Feeling Blue
Find all blueprints

Chess Master
Find all secret chess pieces

Wake Up
Beat the game

This is the only unmissable achievement in the game.

Polite Recognition
Find the hidden trophy

Make the last move

Speed Runner
Beat the game in under an hour

Beat the game in under 30 minutes

New Achievements from the SomnaSculpt Workshop Update (4th December 2020):

Import a 3D model into the game

Dr. Pierce's Protege
Contribute an item to the Workshop

Dream Sculptor
Upload a dream to the workshop

Dream within a Dream
Play someone else's dream

Biggest Fan
Finish the game with developer commentary enabled

Finish all challenges in Challenge Mode
Level 1 - Induction
There is one blueprint, one chess piece and zero constellations in this level.

Fire alarms and fire extinguishers are not hidden, but can be next to collectables (in later levels). Check behind every doorway you enter and check all walls.

Here is the video guide:

The fire alarms and extinguishers will start from this corridor later in the level, after the room which you break out of with a piece of cheese:

*All achievements and collectables are in the order that you can get them*

The first achievement you can earn is:

Vaguely Activated Achievement
Congratulations on doing something!

This is a really easy achievement, after you start the game and leave the room with the contract, you'll enter a room with a couple of yellow chess pieces.

Pick up a chess piece and hold it for between 2 and 3 minutes. After which you'll get the achievement. Make sure you don't move, alt + tab or do anything to disturb the game during those two to three minutes. Thanks to Felixinius in the comments for finding this out!

The next achievement is when you're in the room with the giant block with a number 2 on it.

Move the block out of your way, and break through the door by moving the planks.

Move through the corridor to the vending machine. Here you can get the first soda and the achievement:
Sugar Crash
Break a soda can

To break a soda, pick it up, look up and drop it. It'll hiss and spray soda about.

The achievement Soda Connaisseur is earned by "collecting" all six soda cans. There are many soda machines in all of the levels of the game, so this is a really easy achievement. Just remember which sodas you have "collected". Start from one end and work to the other.

After this, return to the room with the cube and pick up one of the planks. Make it bigger and let it fall at an angle onto the far wall so you can walk up it.

When you get to the top, you'll see the first chess piece (blue). Click on it and it'll disappear, but don't worry, this means you have collected it.

Further on in the level, you'll get to the room which you need to break out of using the cheese.
After breaking the walls, grab the cheese and take it with you to the corridor with the first fire alarm and fire extinguisher.

Pull the fire alarm to get the achievement:
Fire Alarmist
Pull one fire alarm

Don't walk all the way to the end, you'll fall and start the next level, so if you fall, quickly pause the game and select the Reset to last checkpoint, the cheese will spawn in one of the doorways behind you. Don't worry if the cheese falls into the hole, it'll spawn in the same doorway.

Take the cheese and using the length of the corridor to help, make it bigger so you can use it to jump over the hole. It's easiest if you angle the cheese against the wall, so you can jump onto it and then take a leap of faith to the other side. Make sure to place the cheese before the hole as it will just keep falling in.

Azrael in the comments tried a different method, so I'll quote him here:
"I got tired of dropping the cheese in the hole, so I made it the width the hallway, then used the boxes/ladder to get on top of the cheese, then used the cheese to hop on the vents above the hall, walking the vents til i could hop down on the other side of the gap.
Completely ignored the gap entirely, thus no dropping the cheese or myself down it."

Avoid the hole!

And across!

Whilst Azrael's method is easier to avoid the hole and the constant loss of the cheese, both methods are challenging to pull off because of the small amount of space to manipulate the size of the cheese. Take your time and have patience.

Another method to get across is to take the exit sign from above the doorway where the cheese spawns, rotate it and enlarge it to cross the gap. Thanks to Wuffadin for this solution!

Continue through the door to the room with the piece of cloudy sky and go behind it to get the first blueprint.

Leave the room and drop down the hole to start the next level.

Level 2 - Optical
There is two chess pieces, two blueprints and one constellation in this level.
Fire alarms and fire extinguishers are not hidden, but can be next to collectables (in later levels). Check behind every doorway you enter and check all walls. You should get the Expert Fire Alarmist achievement after you pull enough fire alarms in this level.

Expert Fire Alarmist
Pull enough fire alarms

Here are the video guides:

After waking up, you’ll walk down a corridor and enter the reception room. You’ll see this room quite a few times across all the levels, so you’ll have plenty of chances of “collecting" soda cans.

Go to the vending machine and pick up your next soda can. You might be able to get a second can if you’re lucky.

Pick up the can and drop it in the bin next to the vending machine to get the achievement:
Please Recycle
Put a soda can in the wrong place instead of recycling

Pick up the can again and walk back to the reception desk, and drop the can in the blue bin in the back corner by the filing cabinets. You'll get the achievement:

Environment Saved
Place a soda can in a recycling bin

[Thanks to Opera_Ghost for the correction!]

Later in the level, when you escape the room using the exit sign, you’ll be in this large open area:

Go around the side closest to the scissor lift and walk down until you find the first blueprint.

Further along, you’ll get to this part of the level. You’ll need the open sided black cube from the previous puzzle. There is a chess piece and a constellation here:

Leave the cube for now and go under the stairs into the darkness. You’ll see a feint doorway, walk through it and you’ll be in the constellation room. You’ll have to look up and orientate yourself until you see a table. Click it and wait for it to turn black, otherwise you’ll have an incomplete constellation.

Return to the room with the open-ended cube, take the cube, go up the stairs and position it like in the screenshot below:

Climb up top and grab the red chess piece.

Keep going in the level until you get to the room with the cube and the giant green chess piece.

There are two achievements here and a chess piece.

First, grab the cube, use it to get yourself onto the higher platform and put it against this shelf.

Climb up to the top of the shelf, pick up the cube and position it so you can get onto the vent.

Or grab the green chess piece and put it on top of the black and white cube to get on top of the shelf.

Then place the cube in front of you on the top of the shelf and put the chess piece on top so you can jump to the vent.

Thanks to Kmek for this suggestion in the comments!

Another method uses the pallet to get to the top of the shelf.

Then pick up the cube and place it at the end of the shelf to get on top of the vent.

Follow the vent around, trying not to fall, until you get the blue chess piece. I recommend you walk to the left of the wires.

Walk back on the vents to the cube, drop down and pick up the cube and position like below.

Then use the pallet to jump up onto the cube.

Don’t forget to pull the fire alarm to the right of the door to the nook!

Jump up into the doorway to get the achievement:
Please Use the Other Door
Find the nook in Optical

Go to the end of the corridor and pull out the dice in the rubbish bin/trash can.

Shrink it and put it back in the rubbish bin/trash can. It’ll shake and spit the dice back out. You’ll then get the achievement:

Take Your Trash Elsewhere
Fail at throwing away trash

Don't worry if you don't get the achievement here, all you need to do is throw away any object into a regular bin. Thanks to Exxion for pointing this out!

When you get to the room where you have to grab and shrink the moon, don’t go through the doorway just yet!
Take the cheese and the block off the moon. Move them below the open glass windows like in the screenshots below.

Pick up the cheese when you’re on the block and use it to get yourself out of the room.

Once you’re out, walk around to the back and click on the blueprint.

Return to the room with the moon, and continue to complete the level.

Level 3 - Cubes
Level 3:
There is two chess pieces, two blueprints and one constellation in this level.

Fire alarms and fire extinguishers are not hidden, but can be next to collectables (like in this level and later levels). Check behind every doorway you enter and check all walls.

Here are the video guides:

Like in level 2, you’ll wake up in the room with a bed and an alarm clock ringing. Leave and go around the corner to the reception. Make sure you get the fire alarm and fire extinguisher on the wall.

Go to the vending machine and get your next soda can, if you haven’t missed a vending machine, you should be on 4/6 (or 5/6 if you were lucky to get two cans in the previous level).

After you leave the reception, follow the corridor around the corner and as soon as you enter the room with the pipes STOP and turn around to look at the doorway you have just walked through.

The next constellation is two the left of the door, walk through and look up. Orientate the stars so that you can see a coffee mug. Click it and wait for the constellation to turn black before moving.

Leave the constellation room and continue with the level.

Continue on and BEFORE you complete the next dice puzzle, grab the previous dice and use it with the two dice halves to climb up to the open vent next to the door.

There is a red chess piece inside the vent. Click on it to collect it.

When you get to the next room, before picking up the dice with the floor, DO NOT DROP DOWN THE HOLE. Instead, walk around the corner and you’ll get a fire alarm and fire extinguisher.

After you land in the hole, you can pick up the light and take it to the right side of the dark room to find a secret golden chess piece with low gravity. This will not count towards the chess master achievement! Thanks to Godith (Alpha) Shadowind for informing me in the comments!

Next, grab the vent grille and walk to the vending machine. Use the vent grille to climb up to the AC unit above the vending machine to grab the next chess piece.

Drop down and grab your next soda can from the vending machine. If you were lucky and got two sodas from the reception vending machine in Level 2, then congratulations, you just got the achievement:
Soda Connaisseur
Drink All Sodas

If you didn’t get all the sodas, then that’s okay. There are plenty more vending machines coming up.

The next room is this room with all the cubes you pull out of the floor. You’ll need to manipulate these dice so you can just reach the top of the vent.

Pull the vent out completely and then you have to jump to reach the blueprint up top. Don’t forget to click on the blueprint when you jump!

An alternative method you can try, is to pull the cube from the left wall out until just before the cube you need to pull out to stand on top of.

Jump on top of the cube you've pulled out and click on the cube and carefully walk to the cube, try to lower it and then jump on top. Now pull it up to the top and let go. Now pull out the vent and you can easily grab your blueprint.

Thanks to Hesper233 for finding this out!

Further in the level, when you get to the blue room with the dice that breaks up into many smaller pieces, grab one piece and take it with you. If you forget, don't worry, you can still get the blueprint.

When you get to the dice with a door in it, try not to drop the dice piece. You will lose the piece but you can still get the blueprint without needing the dice piece.

Once you’re in the final room before the end of the level. DO NOT go through the door to the elevator, you’ll finish the level before you can get the final blueprint. Instead, turn around and use the cube to jump to the top of higher platform.

If you forgot the cube piece, then use the metal queue on the left to jump to the higher platform. Thanks to Hyponus for this suggestion!

You’ll get the blueprint, but don’t forget the fire extinguisher!

Once you’ve got the blueprint, return to the door and finish the level.

[Thanks to ReverendTed for correcting my mix-up of the order of the two dice rooms in this level and thanks to loomi for correcting my duplication of the fire extinguisher video guide!]
Level 4 - Blackout
Level 4 – Blackout
There is two chess pieces, one constellation and one blueprint in this level.

Fire alarms and fire extinguishers are not hidden, but can be next to collectables (like in later levels). Check behind every doorway you enter and check all walls.
Here are the video guides:

Once again, you’ll wake up in the room with a bed and an alarm clock. Continue around the corridor to the reception room, before you go to the vending machine, look at the cabinets to the right, in the side of the cabinet is the door to the constellation.

Enter the constellation room and look at the stars. Orientate them to get a cheese wheel with a slice missing. Click on it and wait for it to turn black before returning to the reception.

If you have not missed a vending machine since the start and but you didn’t get two sodas from the reception room vending machine in Level 2, then grab your final soda can and you’ll get the achievement:

Soda Connaisseur
Drink All Sodas

After leaving the reception, you’ll enter this long corridor. As you can see, there are many fire extinguishers that you’ll need to get. The lights will turn off, so you will need to act quickly to grab as many as you can before the lights go out.

If you think you missed a fire extinguisher or it’s too dark for you to see the remaining fire extinguishers in the dark then pause and Reset to checkpoint. The game will save your collecting progress, so don’t worry about losing any previous collectables.

Later in the level, you’ll come to a bright, red lit room. To progress, you’ll need this red exit sign. Pick it up, turn around and go into the dark area on the right.

You’ll come to a wall of boxes which you’ll need to climb up and go through.

The next wall of boxes will have a tunnel, which you need to enter to get the chess piece.

Once you enter, use the sign to climb up the box.

Use the sign again to get up to the next box.

Then use the sign to get to the top, you should see a blue chess piece on the top.

Climb back down with the sign and leave the room (without the sign). You should see another vending machine if you still need to collect all the sodas.

Later in the level, you’ll come to this dark and narrow room, with an IDEA generator at the end. Walk all the way to the end, start the generator, then walk around the generator and look at the kitchens on either side.

Go to either kitchen and grab at least two or three tins of beans.

Take the beans and put them in the middle of the shelves.

Return to the room behind the IDEA generator.
You can either walk up the plank on the left side or use a tin of beans to climb up the shelves on the left.

Follow the shelves all the way to the door, but don’t forget to grab a tin of beans!

Drop down and click on the blueprint.

Use the beans to get out of the left side.

If you forget the tin of beans, you can just use the green trolley to get out.

Thanks to loomi for suggesting this in the comments!

Walk along the shelves to the middle of the room and using your two or three tins of beans, get to the right window on the far wall. Be careful when you jump on top of the tins, sometimes they can have a physics bug and you fall off.

When you jump onto the window sill, you’ll have to walk around the window to get the blue chess piece. Don’t worry, there is an invisible floor, so you won’t fall.

Drop back down and use the beans to get out. This pallet can help.

Secret Dog Ending:

This is a new secret, there is no achievements tied to this secret ending, but here is how to get it. Thanks to byatabe for telling me & JustAWarper for showing me.

Just after walking over the red pit, passing the boombox and climbing the stairs, you'll get to a doorway with a white pawn looking through the window. This isn't relevant to the secret but this pawn is important to note!

Continue to the idea generator and start it. Wait around 5 seconds and then turn around. The door behind you should be open and you should hear a slide whistle sound effect as a white pawn peaks around the door at the end of the corridor.

If the door isn't open, just walk around the idea generator for around a minute, avoiding looking at the door. Then turn around and the door should be open. If this still doesn't work, start the level from the beginning again.

Walk back through the level, following the white pawn that keeps peaking around the doors and corners. Don't worry if you don't see the pawn, you should hear the same sound effect every time.

Level 4 - Blackout (Continued)

Keep going until you reach the red pit where the white pawn fell into the pit. You can now drop down and follow it.

After dropping down, go through the door next to the muffled talking brown paper bag which contains a pawn inside. Thanks to #460BF0 JustAWarper for finding this out!

Walk to the end of the corridor and turn left, be careful not to walk into walls unnecessarily as you might fall through the map.

Keep walking until you reach the boom box/stereo. Click on it to play and the door on the right will open.

If you choose to walk forward, you'll be in a continuous loop around the same hallway.

If you go through the recently opened door and turn around the corner, you'll see the white pawn at work. Don't walk to the wall at the end of the corridor, you will fall through the map.

Walk up to the white pawn and you'll get the credits of the game alongside pictures of the (presumably) developers' dogs.

Congratulations! You have gotten the secret dog ending!
Level 5 - Clones
There are two chess pieces, one constellation and no blueprints in this level.

Fire alarms and fire extinguishers are not hidden, but can be next to collectables (like in later levels). Check behind every doorway you enter and check all walls. This level has misleading fire alarms because some of them clone. Click on them anyway.
Here are the video guides:

Again, you’ll wake up in the room with the bed and the alarm clock. Walk to the reception and get the fire alarm and fire extinguisher.
If you haven’t gotten the Soda Connaisseur achievement, then grab another soda from this vending machine.

When you get to the corridor after the room with the big green button, turn left and you’ll see this door. Click on the door to clone it and keep clicking to get the achievement:

Why Are You Like This?
Clone an object way too many times

Keep going until you get to this room with a large piece of cloudy sky. Don’t forget to get the fire alarm on the right side.

[Thanks to Wuffadin for updating me on the change of the fire alarm texture. It used to have a black, missing texture!]

Walk into the next room with cloning alarm clock, pick one up and use it to create a pile to get to the vent up top.

Once you are up top, you’ll see a blue chess piece, click it to collect it.

Drop down and use the alarm clocks to continue with the level. When you get to the end of the next corridor you’ll be in a room with a cloning apple.

Pick one up and drop it on your head to get the achievement:

Son of Man
An apple for a head

[This achievement is a reference to the famous artwork:
The Son of Man[] (1964) by René Magritte

Continue with level until you complete the room with the red apple and the blowing fan. When you get into this corridor with the open door afterwards, stop and get ready for some parkour.

First, climb onto the chair.

Then jump on top of the door.

Then onto the megaphone on the wall.

Then look at the vent, you should see a red chess piece.

Do one last jump onto the vent.

Mind the wires and walk down to collect the chess piece.

Drop down and continue through the doorway.

After you complete the room with the cloning SomnaSculpt Gallery sign, you’ll eventually come to this spot here.

You can't collect a soda can from this vending machine! Thanks to Felixinius for finding out that this machine duplicates itself instead of giving you a soda can!

Go to the left of the vending machine and walk through the dark door to get to the constellation room.

Look at the stars and orientate them until you see a vending machine. Click on it and wait for it to turn black.

Leave the room and continue to the end of the level.

If you are looking for a secretly hidden banana, then you can find it in the duplicating Somnasculpt sign room. If you use the signs to get to the top level and then look at the right side (if you have the exit behind you), you'll find a pot plant with a small banana in it.

Level 6 - Dollhouse
There are three blueprints, one chess piece and one constellation in this level.

Fire alarms and fire extinguishers are not hidden, but can be next to collectables (like in this level and later levels). Check behind every doorway you enter and check all walls.
Here are the video guides:

From the starting room, before you walk to the relaxation room, take a left from the starting room (Suite D) and go to Suites C & E for two “secret” voice recordings from Dr Glenn Pierce. You will have to come back for these secrets.

Suite E will open once you've completed this level. Suite C will open once you have collected all blueprints.

Suite E won't open until you return to Dollhouse after collecting all the blueprints. Suite C won't open until after you have completed the game. Start a new game and play through until you get to Level 6 - Dollhouse.

Thanks to Wizarduss for finding this out in the comments and thanks to Shinyquarks for confirming this and informing me about Suite E C not being open until you finish the game. Also thanks to VPajzos for confirming that you need to start a new game after completing the game and play all the way to Level 6 to have the door for Suite E C be open. Lastly, thanks to fionntan2011 for the correction about the switch-around of the two suites and for confirming that you need all the blueprints for Suite E to open.

Thanks to everyone who contributed towards figuring out which door was tied to what. Hopefully this confusion has been nipped in the bud by Lint : Nanobot Enabled who commented that Door E was opened after going back to the level immediately after completing and had no blueprints.

Proceed towards the relaxation room, but before you enter, go to behind the door to get the fire extinguisher.

Enter the relaxation room and go to the right of the exit doors, you’ll come to the entrance for the constellation.

Orientate yourself with the stars until you see a chair. Click on it and wait for it to go black.

Leave the room and progress on.

You’ll come to the reception again, get the fire alarm and fire extinguisher and there is another vending machine if you are still collecting soda cans for the Soda Conniasseur achievement.

Progress on and ignore this vending machine inside the doll house. It won't give you another soda can. Thanks to Wuffadin for checking this!

Keep playing until you get to the room after climbing through the window.

In this room is a blueprint and a chess piece.

First, climb up on the boxes to get to the blueprint.

Then go behind the door and jump to get the chess piece sitting on top.

Continue through the door and keep playing until you get to the empty pool with a bouncy castle in it.

Grab the bouncy house and turn around, place it by the doorway you previously walked through.

Climb up top and click on the blueprint.

Return the bouncy castle to the pool to continue with the level.

Later, you’ll get to the room with a keyhole and two doors which you can use to change your size.

Place one door in the keyhole and walk through the other to get to the keyhole. Grab the door on the ground and bring it with you.

Drop one of the doors outside the keyhole, making sure it is bigger. Walk through the door to make yourself normal size.

When you are normal sized again, jump on top of the bin in the corner to get the blueprint .

Change the size of the house to continue to the end of the level.
Level 7 - Labyrinth
There are three blueprints, two chess pieces and one constellation in this level.

Fire alarms and fire extinguishers are not hidden, but can be next to collectables (like in this level and later levels). Check behind every doorway you enter and check all walls.
Here are the video guides:

At the very start of this level you need to walk down the corridor to trigger the dialogue, before you get to the elevator, there is a vending machine along the corridor. Thanks to Felixinius for the correction!

After you start the level and have reset the dream, you’ll get to the room with the alarm clock and the bed. Quickly walk to the reception to get the fire alarm and extinguisher. Don’t worry, you only need to get it once.

If you are still collecting soda cans, then you need to quickly get one from the vending machine.

Later in the level, after you jump through the painting, look to your right to get a slightly hidden fire alarm.

When you get to the room with the escape door on the wall, click on the door and wait for it to fall on the floor. Now use it to get to the doorway in the wall.

There is a chess piece in the window at the end of this corridor. Also, don’t forget the fire extinguisher.

Not too long after that room is this dark room with pipes.

Go through the blurry door and then look to the other side instead of walking to the far wall.

Walk to the other side with the door on the floor and pull the fire alarm to the right of it. Thanks to aerozol for pointing out this is an easy to miss fire alarm.

If you walk to the wall and fall down then quickly pause and reset to checkpoint.

After the falling through the floor in the room with the spiral staircase, there is a fire alarm and fire extinguisher on either side of the wall with the elevator. Shrink everything so you can easily get them both.

Soon you’ll get to the room with pools and a dice. Get to the top platform of this room and then use the dice to get on top of the scaffolding to get the blueprint.

After this room is another vending machine if you still in need.

When you get to the room with the pressure pad and the fake chess piece. Stand on the pad and grab the knight chess piece on the other side of the door. Use it to get through the door. Once you are through. Grab it again and use it to climb on top of the pipes above to get a chess piece.

Angle the chess piece like a ramp to get to the chess piece.

When you get to the part of the level where you are teleporting around, you’ll get to this room.
DO NOT PICK UP THE DICE. It’ll take you out of this room and you won’t be able to go back. If you accidentally pick up the dice. Pause the game and click Reset to checkpoint.

Click on the fire extinguisher and continue down the corridor to get a blueprint.

Return to the dice and pick it up. Eventually you'll get to this room.

Go behind and to the left of the fake elevator and look on the ground. There should be a white stairway down.

Go down and enter the constellation room.

This constellation is tricky as it is an unusual object (a light projector). Keep orientating until you get it, then click on it and wait for it to turn black.

Leave the room, go up the stairs and then STOP. Don't click on the dice just yet, it will teleport you to the next room. Quickly get the fire alarm behind it, otherwise you will miss it. Thanks to LadyBoss85 for reminding about this one.

When you get to the infinite parking lot and find all four walls, a little wooden room will spawn in the middle. DO NOT go through the door.

Go around the building until you see this metal box, use it to climb up top and get your next blueprint.

Drop down and continue the level.
Level 8 - White Space
This is the final chapter for collectables. There are three chess pieces, three blueprints and one constellation.

This is also the final chapter for collecting all the fire alarms and fire extinguishers. Check behind every doorway you enter and check all walls.
Here is the video guide:

In the first room of the level, you’ll see this little set piece.

Pick up the SomnaSculpt clinic, make it bigger and walk through to activate the door behind the vending machine.

Whilst the next chess piece is impossible to get on your first play, I shall leave the guide in this order to prevent the guide from becoming more confusing or just plain messy. Thanks to Felixinius once again for finding out that you cannot enter Jungles' Bistro on your first play through but you can after you have completed the game. I was fortunate to ask the developer (Pillow Castle) about this issue in this discussion here and I shall quote what they said:
We made this change in order to address a puzzle flow concern with that area. Jungles' Bistro is closed on the first playthrough so that players do not think it is intrinsic to the solution. We saw some people spend a very long time in there, trying to find out how to progress. Sorry for the confusion! - Pillow Castle Developer

Pick up the SomnaSculpt clinic again and shrink it down to its original size. Walk through the door behind the vending machine and go behind Jungles’ Bistro – be careful not to fall off of the table. If you do, then pause the game and click Reset to checkpoint.

Walk through the door and enter the room. Go to the left wall behind the bar and jump on top of the cans on the shelf. All the fire alarms in this room DO NOT count towards collecting all of them. You can interact with the musical keyboard though, so play away! Thanks to Felixinius in the comments for this reminder!

Look carefully and you’ll see the blue chess piece.

Click on it and return to through the SomnaSculpt clinic door.

Pick up the SomnaSculpt clinic and take it to the vending machine. Shrink it down and put in the bottom opening (where the cans come out of).

Go through the door in the wall and you’ll be in the vending machine opening. Look up and you’ll see the chess piece on the ceiling.

Click it and return through the SomnaSculpt clinic door.

Continue with the level until you get to an open side building with the reception deception in the middle. Thanks to Flasky for finding out its not quite a reception but it is actually a "deception" as the label shows.

Go around the right side of the building, climb up the plank, then onto the power box and then onto the green box to get on top of the building to get the next blueprint.

Drop down and enter the clinic if you need another soda can. This is the final vending machine.

Keep playing until you get to this room. This is the room with the final fire alarm and fire extinguisher.

If you have gotten all the fire alarms and all the fire extinguishers then you’ll get the following achievements:

Fire Safety Achieved
Pull all fire alarms


Fires Extinguished
Empty all the fire extinguishers

If you haven’t gotten the achievements, you’ve probably missed some. That’s okay. Finish the game first and afterwards, go to Level Select on the main menu and look at the symbols for each level. If you’ve missed anything then you’ll have a greyed-out symbol. Simply start a level and go hunting again.

Picking a level will reset any progress in the game (not your collectables), so rather wait until after the story to start a different level.

Proceed to the next room and go left past the first window, then turn around to go behind the door you came through. There is a blueprint here.

Collect it and continue.

In this room with the giant light switch, there is a secret reference to the movie Inception if you go behind the rock, climb up and get to the top of the higher red shipping container. Then you need to do a tricky jump to get on top so you can grab the spinning toy.

An alternative method to grab the spinning toy is to jump up the back of the giant chess piece. You don't need to spam, as you should be able to stand on a slight ledge as you go up.

Thanks to MinorFirestar for this easier alternative solution!
Level 8 - Whitespace (Continued)
The room with all the final collectables is after the room with buildings and a stereo in the middle.

After you enter this room, turn to your right and walk between the rock and the large chess piece. You will see this rectangular block. Drop down and walk in to get the final constellation.

Orientate the stars until they make a musical keyboard. Click on it and wait for it to turn black before leaving the room.

If you have gotten all the constellations, then you will get the achievement:

Stars Align
Complete all constellations

After leaving the constellation room, walk back to the cones and then to the entrance of the room.

Walk between the rock and the other water cooler (the one without the door).

Then continue between the rocks.

Then go around the rock on the right to get the final blueprint.
If you have gotten all the blueprints, then you will get the achievement:

Feeling Blue
Find all blueprints

Turn around and walk the same path back to get to the door to the next room.

Go through this door and go to the table with the chess pieces. Take one with you and walk back to the big room with water coolers.

After walking through the door, turn right and go behind the wall.

Continue through the tunnel, and place the chess piece in this nook.

There is a secret here to the left of where you should put the piece.

It looks to be a secret drawing by a young supporter of the game. Thanks to Godith (Alpha) Shadowind for finding this out! According to the developer commentary, this drawing was made a child whose dad brought it to the developers at PAX 2018/2019 and it's apparently the developer's first fan art. Thanks to Gezebelle for finding this out!

Climb up and take the chess piece with you.

Walk around the top of the wall until you see the first red mark on the nearby water cooler (which you walked past).

Keep walking until you see the next red mark. Drop down, turn around and align the two red marks until you get the final chess piece.

If you have gotten all the chess pieces then you will get the achievement:

Chess Master
Find all secret chess pieces

From here, jump back up to the top of the walls, then drop down with the chess piece and go on through the door to continue with the level.

Did you know that there is a banana in the final area for collectables in Level 8 - Whitespace? Well I certainly didn't!

Go check out Bot Kuffi's guide on how to find it!:
Level 9 - Retrospect
There is only one achievement which you can earn in this level. This achievement is:

Wake Up
Beat the game

Post Game Achievements
There are two achievements you can get after finishing the game. They require you to get all the constellations and chess pieces.

For the first achievement, you need all the constellations. Then go to the main menu and click on the fire exit symbol above the exit game button.

Now you'll be in a secret room. Go through the door on the left, then between the two large pieces of the sky and you'll see this trophy. Pick it up to get:

Polite Recognition
Find the hidden trophy

Once you are finished in the secret room, go back to the main menu and click level select. You will need to load a level with the reception in it, the first level that has the reception is Level 2 - Optical.
Please note, you will need all chess pieces for this next achievement.

Load it up, walk to the reception and click on the computer.

This will take to a secret room with a chess board in the middle.

First you need to move the red pawn away from in front of the red king. Make sure to take it off the board but don't place it anywhere else. You'll win but you won't get the achievement. You can reset to checkpoint if you make a mistake. Thanks to amph for figuring this out!

Then move the blue rook to that spot. You'll checkmate check the red king. Thanks to roobitz for correcting me about check vs checkmate!

You will then get the achievement:

Make the last move

If you have gotten all the achievements up until now, then you should be on 19/27 achievements.
Video Walkthrough + Achievement Guide

Sometimes steam doesn't embed YouTube videos correctly, so if the video above doesn't work then use this link:

by AchievementSquad
Speedrunning Achievements
There are two achievements for speed running Superliminal.

Speed Runner
Beat the game in under an hour


Beat the game in under 30 minutes.

Don't focus on trying to get Speed Runner, just go for Superluminal as you'll eventually get under an hour trying to get it.

As of 08/11/2020 (or 11/08/2020 for Americans), I have earned the Superluminal achievement.
It is quite straightforward and not as challenging as it may seem. I achieved it on my second try. #05 in the comments got the achievement on their first.

I beat the game in 31:19.72 (minutes) - this is including my load times. The game does not count the load times, so don't worry about how long they may take.

The timer starts as soon as you can move in Level 1 - Induction and ends when you press the alarm clock at the beginning of Level 9 - Retrospect.

However, you should watch one of the videos below to get an idea as to where the shortcuts are and how to do some of the tricks.

Here is a faster speed run:

Here is a playlist for speed running tricks and tutorials per level, thanks to Cyan for providing this link in the comments:

Please note that in the fastest run, there are some changes to the levels. This is because this video is of a previous version of the game when it was an Epic Games exclusive. In Level 5, the room with the fan and the cloning red apple, the staircase was once the entire length of the back wall, but now it is split into two. This won't matter for speed running, but in the beginning of Level 7 you will need to keep walking because in the current version of the game, the dialogue is triggered by different little checkpoints as you walk to the elevator and after that, as you walk to the vending machine in reception.

Here is ReverendTed's note from the comments:
"Note: in the 23:51 speedrun, Labyrinth is different in the current Steam version. In the run, he exits the bedroom, goes to the end of the first hall, then heads back near the bedroom and waits for the dialogue to finish. In the Steam version, several of the dialogue lines are now triggered by progress down the entire set of hallways."

Here are my tips:
  • Make sure you know how to complete every puzzle and remember all the correct pathways. Try memorising more challenging puzzles/sequences such as the elevator sequence in Level 7 - Labyrinth (thanks to Dr.Volga for emphasising this).
  • Whilst speed is key, so is accuracy. Scale objects precisely so you don't have to keep trying.
  • To enlarge an object quickly, grab it when it is near to you, look up and drop it. Quickly catch it and then repeat. You'll notice that as the object falls, it gets bigger. Time it right!
  • To enlarge an object when you are standing on top of it, look down, jump, grab the object, wait a second and before you land, let go of the object. The timing is crucial. Repeat it until you get the right size.
  • Don't be stubborn about making a shortcut or trick work. If it doesn't work on the first try, use your backup plan or complete the puzzle or level as is intended.
  • Momentum is crucial. You need to keep moving. Sometimes you will have to stop for something, but it should seldom happen. If you look at the speedrunners of Superliminal, they don't stop moving.

Level 4 - Blackout and Level 7 - Labyrinth are the most challenging levels.

In Level 4 - Blackout, in the room with the boxes, you could learn how to navigate in the dark without the help of the red sign but then you might get lost in the darkness.
In Level 7 - Labyrinth, the start of the level is the slowest part of the game as you can't skip or speed things up. You have to keep walking to trigger the next sequence of events. At the start, walk to the elevator. After, keep walking to the reception and try to go past the vending machine. Don't walk to the reception when you get the cloudy blue sky painting in your room.

Thanks to the second update of the game, once you have beaten the game, go to Settings from the Main Menu, then click on Game Settings. At the bottom you will see the option to turn on the speed running timer.

As the setting warns you, you will have to click on New Game from the Main Menu to initiate the timer. This will give you the opening cutscene but it won't start the timer until after the cutscene is complete.

The following tutorial is if you want a third party software (LiveSplit) to give you an alternative timer.

If you want a timer on the screen whilst you are playing, then I recommend Livesplit[] (for windows) or FramePerfect Speedrun Timer[] (for Mac). I don't play games on Mac, so if someone could recommend a better software then please comment below.

Quick tutorial for Livesplit:
  • Download Livesplit[].
  • Extract Livesplit.
  • Open the folder you've just extracted and run LiveSplit (.exe).
  • Right click on the new little window that has popped up.
  • Click open splits > from
  • In the new window, type Superliminal into the search bar.
  • Click on Any% Glitchless and then click on the second best time: 23:51.63 by LorisWit
  • Click Download
  • Click no if you get the pop up Do you want to save your splits?
  • Launch Superliminal and go to Options > Gameplay Settings
  • Click on Screen and change it to Windowed (unless you are already playing as windowed) and then click on Fullscreen. You should have the game in fullscreen mode with the Livesplit available. If it isn't on top, then switch to Windowed and play the game that way.
  • To start the timer, press Numpad 1 if you have a full keyboard. If you don't, then right click on Livesplit > click on Settings and then change your hotkeys to whatever suits you.
  • Return to Superliminal and click on Level Select
  • Choose Level 1 - Induction and after the loading screen is finished, start Livesplit.
  • Speedrun the game until you get Superluminal.

Gearhardt in the comments tested the idea of speed running the game by using the chess room window (where you get the Kasparov achievement) as a shortcut for the speed running achievements. Unfortunately it won't work. Thanks to Gearhardt for testing this!

If you want to get this achievement and the Biggest Fan achievement at the same time, you can do so by starting your speed running from Level 1 - Induction in the developer commentary mode. To do this, go to the Main Menu, then to Extra Modes, then click on Developer Commentary and finally start with Level 1.

Currently, as of 19/01/2021, you can get the Biggest Fan achievement with great ease and it takes only a few minutes to get. If you want to get it with the speed running achievements, then it is up to you.

Thanks to ChangedDaily for confirming that you can earn the speed running achievements in the Developer Commentary!

Best of luck speed running the game!
Biggest Fan (Developer Commentary)
This achievement is super easy as of 6th December 2020.

From the main menu, click Extra Modes and then click on Developer Commentary.

You will now see a level select, simply choose the final level (Level 9 - Retrospect) and play it to the end to get your achievement:

Biggest Fan
Finish the game with developer commentary enabled

If this does not work for some reason or is fixed in the future, you should be able to just start from the first level (Level 1 - Induction) and do a speed run through the game again.

If you choose to get the speedrunning achievements at the same time, you can do those in this mode. Thanks to ChangedDaily for confirming this!
Challenge Mode
Here is a video walk through for Challenge Mode by Katz3nFr3und on youtube.

Here is the youtube playlist:

Alternatively there is a video guide by steam user TenLexl here on the steam guides.

Please show these geniuses (genii is acceptable too) some support!

Once you have completed challenge mode you will get the achievement:

Finish all challenges in Challenge Mode

SomnaSculpt Workshop Achievements
These achievements were introduced with the recent (4th December 2020) update to the SomnaSculpt Workshop. Please note that if you are playing the game on steam's family sharing mode, you will not be able to earn Dr. Pierce's Protege or Dream Sculptor. Thanks to Ruhenot for finding this out! If you are playing through family sharing mode, then you will be able to get the Contraband and Dream within a Dream achievements. Thanks to Pelvisgin for finding this out!

They can be earned before you complete the game, but I would strongly recommend you complete them after you have beaten the game because it would make understanding the scaling concept easier.

All of these achievements are really easy to complete.

Before you go into the SomnaSculpt workshop, you should first subscribe to a dream on the steam workshop. Here is my super easy dream if you want the achievement fast:

Next, you will need to download a 3D object and place it in its own folder. I used Free3D[] to find a free OBJ file. Alternatively you can create one yourself using a 3D modelling software such as Blender, Autodesk Maya etc.

Make sure you click on OBJ from the landing page and look for a free file to download. If there are multiple file formats, you just need to look for the .OBJ format and download that.

I used this 3D model of a 45 ACP Smith and Wesson[] by 3dhaupt[].

Now you have what you need to get all the achievements, go to the Main Menu of Superliminal, then click on Extra Modes, then click on SomnaSculpt Workshop.

You'll end up in a basic room with lots of signs to help you find an understand things. Go to the watercooler to the left from where you spawn.

Click on it and navigate to where you placed the folder with the object. If you placed it on your desktop or in your downloads folder then it would be found like so (as per Windows):
C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME]\Desktop\Object

  • [YOUR USERNAME] is a placeholder for what your user name would be.
  • Object is an example folder. You need to navigate to the folder where you placed the downloaded 3D object file.

If it works, then you should see your 3D model printing from the watercooler.

You will then get the achievement:

Import a 3D model into the game.

From here, go to the right of the watercooler, to the upload options and select the settings you want. I recommend that you set the visibility to Friends Only like in my screenshot below. Lastly, click upload.

You will then get the achievement:

Dr. Pierce's Protege
Contribute an item to the Workshop

Now turn around and go the Dream Construction room and walk through to the large open room.

Play around with the level editor, or just move one item from what is already there, then click Play Dream. Once you are finished, it will say COMPLETED.

Once you are finished go into the little office and upload the dream. Again, I recommend setting the visibility to Friends Only. Finally, click upload.

This will give you the achievement:

Dream Sculptor
Upload a dream to the workshop

Now turn to the cork board and if you subscribed to a level, click on it and then click load.

Return to the large open room and click on the sign that says Play Dream.

As soon as you enter the dream you will get the achievement:

Dream within a Dream
Play someone else's dream

As of (06/12/2020) you only need to play the dream to get the achievement. But to be safe, just complete the level.

If you need any more help with the SomnaSculpt Workshop then please refer to the following official guides by the developer:
Here are the sources which I used to find all the collectables and achievements.

Blueprints, Chess Pieces and Constellations:

These three guides are by the user Dwaggienite[] on trueachievements[].

All Collectables:
This video was used to provide a video guide on how to get all the collectables in Superliminal:

by AchievementSquad.


This guide is for the Superluminal achievement and was made by CraigTMG[] on trueachievements[].

Speedrunning guides:
I used these three videos to provide video guides on how to speedrun Superliminal:

by Console Crashers

by Loris Witschard

by Samwise3s

Fire Alarms and Fire Extinguishers:
I used these two playlists by NonstopTrophies to provide video guides on the locations of all fire alarms and fire extinguishers.

René Magritte - Son of Man (1964)
This wikipedia page was used to reference the artwork Son of Man by René Magritte.

This page on trueachievements was used to get all the names of the secret achievements and to find the guides used above.

I used this link to get the achievement images for the game.

I used the following links as references to the download pages for timing and speed running software.

FramePerfect Speedrun Timer:

I used the following link to provide a source for 3D models

And I used the following 3D model by Dennis Haupt (3dhaupt) on Free3D:

I used the following links as video references for Challenge Mode in the guide:

by Katz3nFr3und on youtube:


by TenLexl

I provided links to the Chinese translation of this guide by dif31209:


I provided links to the two official SomnaSculpt Workshop guides by the developer PillowCastle:

I provided a link to Bot Kuffi's guide on how to find the Banana in Level 8 - Whitespace. I have his permission to link to it:

By Bot Kuffi:

Thank you for reading this in depth guide! This took me many hours more to make than I realised it would. Thanks to all the helpful corrections and suggestions in the comments!

Another massive thanks to everyone who has either read, rated, favourited, commented, awarded or helped the guide with corrections and suggestions!

Also, please support these people who have helped out the guide:

If you have suggestions or additions, please comment below to let me know!

If you liked this guide, then please rate, favourite and share it - or even award it!

Please contact me first, you can either comment on this guide or comment on my steam profile.

This game was really fun to play and I hope you, the reader, are enjoying/have enjoyed the game too.

Here are a couple of similar game suggestions if you are hungry for more:

This game is also a non-euclidean puzzle game. It is quite fun, challenging and confusing. The graphics are quite bright and simple but I find it doesn't have an affect on the gameplay itself.

Lightmatter is an amazing first person puzzler inspired by games such as the Portal franchise. The core game mechanic involves manipulating light to avoid the dangerous shadows. It has a creepy atmosphere and a hilarious, evil narrator similar to GladOS from Portal. The game isn't as mind bending/breaking as Superliminal, but it definitely has some mind bending puzzles.

Lastly, Portal 2. One of the greatest games of all time and probably the best puzzle game of this century (so far). I do not need to explain Portal 2, probably because you have either played the game or are at least aware of it.

Portal 2 is not particularly similar in gameplay to Superliminal (although you can see the influences here and there). But there are custom maps for the game on the steam workshop.

This series of maps, called The Unreal Chamber, has four parts and is an amazing and impressive series of maps and puzzles. These maps use non-euclidean geometry too and are as difficult, if not more difficult than the challenge maps of Superliminal.

sniffballs 2 Jan @ 3:24am 
Lonely Star 9 Oct, 2024 @ 12:02pm 
You can get the speedrun achievements if you start from the level selector, selecting chapter 1. This is better because you don't have to wait for the intro
odeal.pod 6 Sep, 2024 @ 3:46am 
Perch0 119 cannmay 12 Jul, 2024 @ 12:00am 
Level 4 Blackout you forgot chess 1 above piles of box
Raygen 28 Apr, 2024 @ 4:07pm 
Level 7: BEFORE the infinite parking lot, exactly before the infinite elevators labyrinth, there's a fire alarm in the same room with the alarm clock. DO NOT click on the alarm clock before activating the fire alarm.
Pijpleiding 25 Apr, 2024 @ 9:17am 
i just finished the game in 28:56.23 but i got neither of the achievements. what did i do wrong??
Daxasauras 10 Apr, 2024 @ 9:40am 
LelouBil 13 Feb, 2024 @ 2:25am 
Hey, in the gray room in "White Space" there are actually 2 fire extinguishers. The guide says, "This is the room with the final fire alarm and fire extinguisher."
Rain the Floatzel 24 Jan, 2024 @ 10:17pm 
In Level 5 Clones, the fire alarm guide is inaccurate. The devs removed some and added new ones. It is still possible to get all of them.
Mousekateer627 7 Jan, 2024 @ 8:09am 
You're a Hero, Genius and Gentleman. Thank You :red_flower: