Torchlight II
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DESTROYER CLASS, Phanjam Version
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DESTROYER CLASS, Phanjam Version

Dec. 2016 Edit:
A much more polished Destroyer class is available via the Torchlight 1 Class Pack (TL1CP) Mod. Please visit this link...

Original Description

Adds the Destroyer class to the TL2 game.

1. Skills reconstructed from the TL1 Destroyer skills set. Uses TL1 Destroyer skill icon art. Adds tier bonuses and a few new skills. Custom art on the skill tabs.
2. Uses the NPC/questgiver Destroyer model reworked by Anoka (with permission; BIG thank you to Anoka!). Model is not wardrobe-able (but all item stats are granted).
3. Uses remixed sounds from the TL1 Destroyer.

I started this mod Nov. 2012[]. The plan then was to use the Destroyer model from TL1, but that proved beyond my capabilities :( . However I did get the skills to the point where I feel they are very faithful to the original Destroyer skills in TL1, but with TL2 updates like the Tier Bonuses, and just a few new skills since there are more skill slots to fill in TL2.

Then Anoka launched his Destroyer mod using the model of the questgiver Destroyer in Act1. I asked for his permission to use his Destroyer model to which he agreed. And this mod is the result.

Please note that, due to the challenges of a custom mesh/model, this character is not wardrobe-able. He will play through the entire game looking the way he does whern he starts out.

I am truly indebted to Anoka for helping me realize my first rendition of the Destroyer class for TL2!

I am not actively updating this mod anymore, but I will act on reports of bugs/problems (just not very quickly as I have very little time for modding or even playing!)

If you try this mod out, thank you very much! And if you actually like it, please do rate it up :)


63 comentarios
TOG | Phanjam  [autor] 12 AGO 2018 a las 2:32 a. m. 
Haha! Ok man, i'm glad youre liking it. Thanks again!
peach4hubby69 11 AGO 2018 a las 11:36 p. m. 
Well, i did played with TL1CP. But now I am using the additional classes and addon to aditional classes instead. I feel like this version is stronger :)
TOG | Phanjam  [autor] 11 AGO 2018 a las 8:50 p. m. 
Wow, i'm floored that someone still actually tried out this old mod :steammocking: thanks so much 中村 大輝 and thanks for the feedback.

Sorry about all the bugs - I made this when I was very new to TL2 modding (2014) and yes, it is basically borked lol!

To save some face, can i ask you to try out the Destroyer in TL1CP instead (the mod linked in the description above). It is MUCH better made (and I actually did a lot of it too).

But thanks man, you've made my day!:steamhappy:
peach4hubby69 11 AGO 2018 a las 2:10 p. m. 
Other than that is great to play it using general passives too :)
peach4hubby69 11 AGO 2018 a las 2:08 p. m. 
If that is the case, rip shield and block chance but hey at least you get more damage and more sockets. Also some skills do not work at all or not work like they should. That skeleton summoning skill for example does not work at all, it just consumes mana when used and nothing else.
peach4hubby69 11 AGO 2018 a las 2:06 p. m. 
Hey does Destroyer work better with 2x 1h weapos ? I tested slash and it seems he attacks kinda slow with just 1x 1h and a shield and way faster with 2x 1h weapons or 1x 2h weapon. Also it seems he does the most damage with 2x 1h weapons and the least with 1h, like almost double damage difference.
TOG | Phanjam  [autor] 31 ENE 2015 a las 4:00 a. m. 
Hi Vsuchinoko, thanks for trying out the mod ;)
Yes Anoka's and my Destros use completely different sets of files, so they won't interfere with each other.
The skills in this version of mine have bugs tho. I never really fixed that because I started work on a TL1 class-pack mod over at Torchmodders. When we finish that, it'll have a much more complete feel to it :D
Richard Tran (Christ is LORD) 17 ENE 2015 a las 9:15 p. m. 
Hi Phanjam! Do you know if this mod is compatible with Anoka's Destroyer mod?

I loaded them both up at the same time and I get two different Destroyer classes to choose from, great! But will there be any problems if I do this?

Great mod by the way!
REDASSBABOON 18 DIC 2014 a las 11:15 p. m. 
When you max shadow armor to tier 3 (15 skill points) the bock chance dissappears, only the tier bonus remains, sucks bcz I put 15 points in it for endgame now its gotta be edited : (

Slash doest work 100% with 2 handed weapons, the range of the weapon normal attack is longer than slash attack
Spectral echo is super awesome shit, even with 1 point , it works even with a gun sword combo, but mostly suited for 2handed weapons
The skills gotta be cleaned up on the timers, the tier bonuses are sometimes off or vice versa, and it would be good if there destroyer could equip the class specific items for the engineer bcz hes the closes to that class or even berserker

The mod is great and to be honest , I liked it better than anokas, it has much more choice in terms of skills to use and it gives a good choice in great weaoons.

I cant wait till you finish with the class pack so I could play the torchlight 1 guys, probably the vanquisher, cant wait

Great job man, awesome.
TOG | Phanjam  [autor] 24 ABR 2014 a las 9:18 a. m. 
Thank you Philis.