Wasteland 3
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Wasteland 3 Achievements Guide
โดย Napoleon Blownaparte
This is an achievement guide for Wasteland 3. I'm deadly serious.
This achievement guide is essentially complete. Two achievements were originally broken on launch (August 28th, 2020) but have been fixed as of patch 1.3.0 (January 26th, 2021). If you're seeing this guide on a website, that means it was copied from the original guide on Steam. While I have no issues with it being copied, you might want to check Steam for the latest version of it. If you have something to contribute, feel free to leave a comment on the Steam guide and I'll update it.. Thanks in advance.

While it is technically possible to do all achievements for the main game in a single playthrough, it's not easy. You will need to play on the highest difficulty, liberally use saved games, and work out your approach to each achievement very carefully. For The Battle of Steeltown DLC, you'll need to play through the DLC twice. Once, to support Markham and never use disruption weapons and once more to support Crow and Blue, while using disruption weapons. For the Cult of the Holy Detonation DLC, you can get through everything with a careful use of saved games toward the end.

Also, spoilers! If you think that you won't be spoiled about various plot points over the course of reading this guide, you are kidding yourself. If you don't want to be spoiled, you are in the wrong place. It is what it is. You have been warned.

Keep in mind that when you're looking for items that holding down your Shift key is a huge help.
It will highlight things in your environment, whether it's a container or a person. It should reduce the amount of searching you do with your mouse looking for hidden items. That said, there are some things that are not lit up by Shift. I'm not sure if that's a bug or intentional that some things aren't lit up but it does happen on some very rare occasions.

Some sections have been split into parts because of the limit on the maximum characters per section of a guide on the Steam platform. Some achievements are so complex that they have been given their own sections.
Story Achievements (Part 1)
The first few of these achievements cannot be missed but after that, the achievements center around four unavoidable scenarios. Depending on the choices you make in those scenarios, you'll get a particular achievement. These include the dilemma concerning Hoon Homestead and Arapaho Caravan, as well as how you handle each of the Patriarch's three children.

On Your Own
Your commanding officer was killed in action. It's your mission now. This takes place at the start of the game when Major Vera Prasad dies. This achievement is unmissable.

Fixer Upper
You found the Kodiak. Right after Major Vera Prasad dies near the start of the game, you'll find a large vehicle that allows you to leave the map and proceed to Colorado Springs. Entering the Kodiak will trigger the achievement. This achievement is unmissable.

The New Law
You established a new Ranger HQ in Colorado. This takes place after you interface with the computer at Ranger HQ and stop the alarms. This achievement is unmissable.

The Needs of the Many
You saved the shipment of power armor from the Scar Collectors. This takes place during the mission "Heads or Tails", during which you are asked to choose between saving the power armor shipment in Arapaho Caravan or saving the people of Hoon Homestead. It will become available the first time you leave the Ranger HQ to head out on the world map in the Kodiak. You cannot save both locations. Head to Arapaho Caravan and meet the Scar Collectors, then save the shipment of power armor. If you want to also get the Hoon Hero and No Time for Distraction achievements, reload a save game prior to entering the Kodiak to enter the world map for the first time. Keep in mind that saving Arapaho Caravan will close off areas of Hoon Homestead. As a result, you will not be able to complete the Book Learnin' or Billy and Jean achievements.

Hoon Hero
You dealt with Erastus Dorsey before he could harm the Hoon family. This takes place during the mission "Heads or Tails", during which you are asked to choose between saving the power armor shipment in Arapaho Caravan or saving the people of Hoon Homestead. It will become available the first time you leave the Ranger HQ to head out on the world map in the Kodiak. You cannot save both locations. Head to the Hoon Homestead and save the Hoon family before Erastus Dorsey makes good on his threat. If you're going for the achievements Double the Fun and Book Learnin', you might want to make this choice, as some things for those achievements will be unavailable if you choose to save Arapaho Caravan. If you want to also get the Hoon Hero and No Time for Distraction achievements, reload a save game prior to entering the Kodiak to enter the world map for the first time.

No Time for Distractions
You allowed the Hoons to be murdered and the power armor to be stolen. This takes place during the mission "Heads or Tails", during which you are asked to choose between saving the power armor shipment in Arapaho Caravan or saving the people of Hoon Homestead. It will become available the first time you leave the Ranger HQ to head out on the world map in the Kodiak. In this case, don't save the Hoons or save the power armor. You're a big jerk. To get this one to pop, never enter the Arapaho Caravan or Hoon Homestead. Instead, go do quests in other places like Downtown Colorado Springs or the Bizarre. In between each completed quest, visit the world map to get a complaint from the Hoons or Arapaho Caravan about you not showing up. As long as you complete a mission or two instead of addressing this issue, the achievement will eventually pop. It just takes some time. Keep in mind that failing to save Hoon Homestead will close off areas of it when you return. As a result, you will not be able to complete the Book Learnin' or Billy and Jean achievements. In my case, I found that this path was the easiest way to farm it up:
  • After visiting Ranger HQ for the first time, enter the Colorado world map and drive down the ramp to fully pick up both aspects of the "Heads or Tails" quest, then return to Ranger HQ and head to Downtown Colorado Springs.
  • Drop the difficulty to Rookie and complete the "Top Doc" and "Cornered Rats" quests.
  • Visit the world map and get a complaint from Hoon Homestead or Arapaho Caravan.
  • Return to Downtown Colorado Springs, enter Little Vegas and complete the "Big Trouble in Little Vegas" quest. Make sure you arrest Faran Brygo to avoid battles and make things quicker.
  • Visit the world map and start driving and once the radio messages come in regarding failures at Arapaho Caravan and Hoon Homestead, your achievement will unlock.

Stolen Valor
You arrested Valor Buchanan. This takes place during your visit to Denver. To arrest Valor, you'll need to help The Gippers with the Reagan AI. Optionally, you can help them but then upload the Reagan AI to Ranger HQ instead of the Gipper host. The Gippers won't be happy about it but they'll agree to your terms and allow you to arrest him without bloodshed. You can also arrest him with bloodshed - the world is your oyster, right? That said, if you choose bloodshed, when Ranger HQ radios in for you to tell him he's available for pickup, they'll want you to do more than kill everybody in the Secret Server Room. They'll want you to clear a path between the entrance and the Secret Secret Room (ie. kill all of The Gippers).

Valor's End
You killed Valor Buchanan. This takes place during your visit to Denver. You'll meet Valor in the Secret Server Room under the Western White House. He's pretty easy to kill but it will turn The Gippers against you. When the fight is done, Ranger HQ will radio in and ask how things are going. Tell them you had to kill Valor and the achievement will unlock. You can also shoot Valor fairly easily by tucking a sniper in behind the Reagan AI and firing on him, which won't be seen by the Gippers, causing no risk of fighting directly after.

Won One for the Gipper
You overwrote Valor Buchanan's mind with God-President Reagan. This takes place during your visit to Denver. You'll need to help The Gippers with the Reagan AI by giving them the Cybernetic Transfer Module and letting them upload the AI to Valor's head.

Everyone Lives
You saved all the hostages in Aspen. While in Little Hell, you are asked to rescue 5 people. These are Rook, the Reed sisters, La Loca, and Estin Ward. This isn't very difficult to do and you mainly need to just make sure that you rescue them before speaking with Victory or Ash.
Story Achievements (Part 2)

Caged Psycho
You arrested Victory Buchanan. Once you get to a point where you can speak Victory, you'll be given an offer to attack him but if you have Kiss Ass 10 or First Aid 8, you can get access to the offer to arrest him. Alternately, if you've spoken with The GIft and gotten her to turn on Victory, you can mention that to him. You can also free the rangers as part of the "Everyone Lives" achievement and let him know they're gone. Put him in irons and the achievement is yours.

Victory Over Victory
You killed Victory Buchanan. Once you get to a point where you can speak with Victory, this one is fairly simple. You'll be given offers to arrest him or attack him. Simply attack him and he'll die quickly without any combat scenario.

You arrested Liberty Buchanan. It is possible to arrest Liberty at the Yuma County Speedway but you'll need to have Hard Ass 10 to do so.

Give Me Liberty, Or...
You killed Liberty Buchanan. At the Yuma County Speedway, if you can't convince her to come quietly, a fight will undoubtedly break out. Now's your chance!
Companion Achievements

The Marshal
Darius Kwon has offered to join your party. At the start of the game when you first reach Ranger HQ and turn off the alarms, you'll speak with the Patriarch, who will ask you to speak with Sergei Greatski and Marshal Darius Kwon. When you speak to them, Darius will suggest that he join your party.

The Gunslinger
Lucia Wesson has offered to join your party. At the start of the game when you reach Downtown Colorado Springs, you can find her in the Marshals' Station. She won't initially come with you but once you speak to Sheriff Daisy about Lucia, you can return to her and invite her into the party to trigger the achievement.

The Hobo
Scotchmo has offered to join your party. You first see Scotchmo in your Mess Hall. In order for him to appear, some things need to have happened first. Over the course of the game, there are a series of encounters with NPCs at Ranger HQ. Here's a list of what will probably happen before Scotchmo appears:
  • Gary "NaCl" Wolfe will arrive and ask you to kill a series of synths throughout the world map.
  • Tom and Isabella Redd will appear, split Team November up, then attack.
  • La Perla will arrive, suggesting a less than decent proposal for the rangers.
  • An argument breaks out between Del Hackett and Hope Emerson, which you need to resolve.
You may also need to have recruited Masato from Bizarre Interior as your chef but I'm not positive.

The Warlord
Ironclad Cordite has offered to join your party. He's locked up in the Makeshift Jails of the Old Survivalist Bunker under Broadmoor Heights. You'll be able to get access to the bunker when you get a quest called "Lords of War". Once you find him, you can either use Lockpicking 9 to get him out of the cell or a key from one of the guards that you'll undoubtedly need to kill to get close to him. Talk to him about who he is, how he got there, etc. and he'll offer to join your party.

The Hard-Head
Fish-Lips has offered to join your party. He can be found in Union Station, which is in the NorthEast section of the world map, just SouthEast of Denver. You'll meet him immediately as you enter Union Station and be drawn into dialogue with him, which ends in a fight. That said, it's highly recommended to use First Aid 7 on him, if possible. This will allow you to setup your party in cover positions before choosing when to start the fight, giving you a noticeable advantage. During the fight, focus heavily on Fish-Lips. Get him under 40-50% health and he'll offer to join the rangers. Say yes, even if you're not interested in immediately adding him to your party. The fight will immediately end and the remaining enemy units will become neutrals.

The Psychopath
Victory Buchanan has offered to join your party. When you attempt to arrest Victory, he'll propose an offer to join your team. If you welcome him to the team, the achievement unlocks.

The Scientist
Pizepi Joren has offered to join your party. When you meet Pizepi in Little Hell, she'll be working with somebody called The Gift. While you can't get her to join you during those initial conversations, she'll offer to join you as your're trying to leave Little Hell but only after you've dealt with Vic. You'll find her at the entrance as you're leaving. Because she's fond of The Gift, you'll want to be nice to The Gift and hopefully turn her against Vic. If you kill The Gift, Pizepi will be very upset with you and may not offer to join you as you leave Little Hell.
Skill / Upgrade Achievements

Body Builder
Get modded, and be able to install cyborg parts. To get modded, you'll need to reach the Machine Commune in Denver. Once there, find Vivisecto, the commune doctor. He'll offer to sell you a cybernetic module that you can use on one of your party members. This will allow the party member to install mods that require cybernetics. The cybernetic module will cost approximately 1000 dollars.

Chop Shop Champ
Upgrade your vehicle to the highest level. In order to unlock this achievement, you need to have the Dominator Chassis installed on your Kodiak. It's sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage and becomes purchasable after dealing with Victory Buchanan. Previously, you needed all 5 of the following items installed on your Kodiak (see below) but apparently this is no longer the case:

1. Chassis: Dominator Chassis - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after dealing with Victory Buchanan. This is apparently the only items you need to upgrade now, possibly as a result of a recent patch.
2. Vehicle Armor: Heavy Vehicle Plating - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after dealing with Victory Buchanan.
3. Turret: Fullborer - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after dealing with Victory Buchanan.
4. Mortar: Shockwave - Collected from a random bunker on the world map.
5. Utility: Rad Shield - In a small box close to the stairs in the Scorpitron room, in the Department of Energy.

Reach level 25. Some have claimed that the level cap is 50 but hitting it would be difficult without significant grinding. Most will find themselves hitting level 25 toward the end of the game.

Mod Master
Install 4 weapon mods on a single weapon. Some weapons don't have 4 slots for mod upgrades, so make sure you're chosing a weapon that has enough slots to do these modifications. Also, you don't actually have to modify the weapon. Just drop the four mods into the weapon slots, unlock the achievement, then cancel the modifications and it still counts.
Combat Achievements

Badda Bing
Blow up 6 enemies with a single explosive attack. I got this one right at the start of the game with a little luck when Major Vera Prasad gave me access to the Kodiak turret. If you ignore enemies and just spend your time Defending behind full cover at the end of your turns, you might get a nice clump of 6 enemies you can target when the Kodiak turret gets fixed. The Kodiak can take them all out with a single shot. Starting the game on a higher difficulty such as Ranger will give you more enemies to work with and Easy difficulty probably won't provide enough targets for this farm to work. This is probably the earliest point to farm this one out but later on there are easier opportunities and the early farm requires some reloading and crossing your fingers to get the right clump of 6, so that can be annoying. Another way to do it is later on when you get the ability to save up a nuclear blast attack on your rocket and then use it on clumps of weak targets. Groups of civilians in Downtown Colorado Springs near the Marshalls make great targets for this kind of an achievement.

Kill 4 enemies at once with a single shotgun attack. This one is fairly self-explanatory but triggering it early (pun intended) can be tricky. If you're looking for a way to farm it up, I was able to by starting a new game on Easy difficulty using the preset characters, Punk Lovers, one of which has a pump shotgun. You'll need some luck (and reloads) but after the first round of combat, you'll hopefully get left with a pack of 4 enemies on your left. With the right positioning, you'll have to get lucky with two 72% chance hits but it's possible. If you use any difficulty above Easy, this won't work, as the pump shotgun won't be able to one-shot enemies. Groups of civilians in Downtown Colorado Springs near the Marshalls make great targets for this kind of an achievement on almost any kind of difficulty, so that's a good option as well.

Cold Reception
Shatter a frozen enemy. To get this one to pop, you'll need to use weapons that have the Frozen modifier. Killing an enemy after throwing a snowball at them to apply the Frozen modifier doesn't count as a "shatter". In my case, I purchased a mod from Snappin' Jimmy Bob in Downtown Colorado Springs called Cryocell Linkage that had a 15% chance to add Frozen. Next, I used Sergei Greatski at Ranger HQ to create a custom character that specialised exclusively in Weapon Modding, then swapped him into the party temporarily to put the mod on a weapon with a high rate of fire like a submachine gun. After that, I went outside and took some shots at the dogs near the Cyborg Chicken and it popped. It took several rounds but eventually it happened. There's a lot to be said about never having Armor and/or Weapon Modding on a character, as it's somewhat pointless. If you can swap in temporary characters that specialise in it, there's no point in investing in that skill on a main character, other than the fact that you can't modify items when you're outside the Ranger HQ. Another way you can get this achievement to pop is if you use items that cause freezing damage that aren't weapons you equip. An example of this would be a deployable Octotron that already comes equipped with freezing damage. That'll count too.

Fire It Up
Kill an enemy with fire damage. This one is really easy and you don't even need anybody on your team with Explosives knowledge. Just hit an explosive barrel with an enemy beside it. Once the enemy is on fire, shoot them some more to weaken them to a point where they're close to death. Leave them alone and they'll eventually die from continued fire damage, which is what triggers the achievement. This can be farmed out early in the game.

Liquefy an enemy with energy damage. Basically you need to defeat an enemy with an energy weapon. These aren't incredibly easy to find early on but you'll find some eventually. I was able to farm this out near the start of the game when I first arrived at the Ranger HQ by repairing the Rusted Slicer Dicer in the garage, which initiates a fight with it. It drops a Pulse Gun laser weapon (or at least it did for me the three times in a row I fought it) which you can then equip and use on the dogs near the Cyborg Chicken. If you don't have a character with 3 skill points in Mechanics, save your game and drop a few spare skills points into Mechanics temporarily. If you don't have any spare points, run through the Ambush Site again quickly on Easy difficulty while saving up your skill points before entering the Ranger HQ.

Accidentally down one of your own squad members. You can farm this out easily by starting a new game on Easy mode, then choosing some default characters and shooting one of your own party members during the opening fight. You'll need to click on the attack icon on your quick access bar to force fire on teammates but it's possible, even with friendly fire turned off. You can also just load up whatever save you're normally using and start force firing on teammates. You don't necessarily have to be in an existing combat situation with enemies to do this achievement.

Give hit-and-run a new meaning. This one is easy to do. Essentially, take the Kodiak and drive over an enemy during a combat encounter. It immediately one shots an enemy. The squishies are real.

Scorpitron Slayer
Take down a Scorpitron, in proud Ranger tradition. Prepare your butt! Although there are multiple scorpitrons in the game, traditionally you could only unlock this achievement by fighting the one found at the Department of Energy but this may no longer be the case. Some have said they're getting the achievement for fighting some of the others found in the world, so maybe a recent patch has expanded the qualifications. Other scorpitrons can be found at Tellurium Mine and on the Colorado world map. The one at the Department of Energy is specifically part of a quest called "Coded Transmissions".

Wasteland Reaper
Kill every living person in Downtown Colorado Springs. For this one, it's a lot easier if you drop the difficulty down to Recruit. You'll move faster and one shot people as you go. Bring companions that won't complain about killing innocent people, such as Ironclad Cordite, Fishlips, and Vic, otherwise they'll leave the party and just make things take longer. You probably want to do this one in the late game when your party is overpowered, so that it takes 20 minutes to complete instead of an hour. In my case, I had to also kill a few cats and dogs as well, even though the achievement clearly uses the word "person". In my case, it unlocked when I killed a cat.
Miscellaneous Achievements (Part 1)

Back in the Sack
You collected all STDs in the Wasteland. This one is done fairly easily after you get access to Little Vegas nightclub in Downtown Colorado Springs. This will happen shortly after you finish up with the Garden of the Gods and get the quest "Big Trouble in Little Vegas". In the club, there are six named prostitutes upstairs in separate bedrooms. Pay them $10 each and you'll catch a different STD from each one. Make sure you use the same party member for each of these encounters so that all the STDs get stacked on a single character. The 6 STDs are: Ace in the Hole (+25% Critical Chance), Dealer's Choice (+5% Experience), Shuffled (+1 Action Points and +1 Maximum Action Points), Royal Flush (+25% Hit Chance), Bad Beat (+15% Evasion), and Kicker (+4 Penetration). There are two ways to the get final STD that pops the achievement. One way is to wait until you get to the Machine Commune in Denver. There you can speak to a robot called Little Sparrow and agree to have sex with it, which will give you the Denver Rot STD. If you want to get it sooner, you can, but it will take a bit more work. To get Denver Rot sooner, you can leave Little Vegas and find a pile of snowballs (there's one near the dogs outside the club) and pee on them. Gather up about 20 Yellow Snowballs and have a party member start throwing them repeatedly on the character that has the stacked STDs from Little Vegas. The Yellow Snowballs have a %5 chance to apply a bunch of nasty stuff. Of all the effects that come from the Yellow Snowballs, one of them is Denver Rot. You also need to get Denver Rot first before any of the other snowball effects, so save your game before you start throwing snowballs because if you get any of the other effects from the snowballs, you need to reload and try again. Keep in mind that while the STDs from Little Vegas are good for you (but wear off), the Denver Rot doesn't and requires a doctor NPC or Antidote to get rid of. You might want to do this one and then reload before you started stacking diseases.

You assembled Poultron. Just outside the entrance of Ranger HQ, there's a chicken coup with a Cyborg Chicken beside it. There are also 4 Cyborg Chickens in the game that you need to speak to and bring back to Ranger HQ and drop off with the original chicken. They'll come with you if you have a certain level of Animal Whisperer and you won't need to dismiss an existing pet either. When you ask a Cyborg Chicken to follow you, both it and your pet will follow you simultaneously. Once done, you'll need to wait until you visit Aspen and finish the main quest with Victory. After that, you'll be called back to Ranger HQ. When you arrive, the base is attacked. During that attack the cyborg chickens will assemble themselves into Poultron. After you fend off the attack, Poultron can join the party as a new pet.

1. Cyborg Chicken #1 (Animal Whisper not required) - At Ranger HQ in the chicken coup. This is the one you bring all the other chickens back to.
2. Cyborg Chicken #2 (Animal Whisperer 4) - In the Garden of the Gods, this chicken is found near the mass grave site.
3. Cyborg Chicken #3 (Animal Whisperer 3) - In Apartment 1 of the Sans Luxe Apartments, behind a locked door that requires Mechanics 5 in order to access.
4. Cyborg Chicken #4 (Animal Whisperer 4) - In a small locked closet just inside the entrance of the Church of the Final Deluge in Broadmoor Heights. Pull a nearby switch to unlock the door.
5. Cyborg Chicken #5 (Animal Whisperer 5) - In the Lounge of the Old Survivalist Bunker underneath Broadmoor Heights. You'll get access to the Old Survivalist Bunker during a quest called "Lords of War".

Double the Fun
Bring Billy and Jean all the way to the end of the game. Billy and Jean is a two-headed goat at the Hoon Homestead, just outside Colorado Springs. It will become reachable the first time you leave the Ranger HQ to head out on the world map in the Kodiak, during which you'll be presented with the quest "Heads or Tails". You must make the choice to save Hoon Homestead in order for Billy and Jean to be available. If you save Arapaho Caravan and then return to Hoon Homestead, Billy and Jean will not be available. If you choose to save Hoon Homestead, Billy and Jean will be in a small pen, just behind the Hoon household, just outside the back door. In order to do this, you (or a companion that travels with you) will need the Animal Whisperer skill to be able to tame animals. All you'll need in order to charm it is Animal Whisperer 1. You'll need to dismiss any existing animals you currently have trained once you get to Billy and Jean so that you can tame the goat. You'll need to keep the goat safe for the rest of the game, which won't be easy. Now that said, Billy and Jean, unlike other animals, doesn't have the option of re-joining the party after being dismissed. As a result, if you want to do the Menagerie achievement at the same time, you'll probably want to charm Billy and Jean with another party member. You will need to invest at least 1 skill point. You may have noticed that you can purchase a Grooming Brush utility from Ananda Rabindranath in Bizarre Exterior that gives Animal Whisperer +1 but that won't be enough. In order to get the skill to tame an animal, you must invest a skill point on a character. Using a utility won't give you that ability. You can take Billy and Jean with you just before the point-of-no-return before facing Liberty. Keep it alive until the final showdown and the achievement will unlock.

Discover every location on the world map. This one is fairly self-explanatory and it's obviously something you'd normally get in the late game but there is a way to farm it up before them. If you can manage to get 10 points into Survival, you can purchase the Explorer's Instinct perk, which reveals the entire world map. If you can only get 9 points into Survival, you can find a Binoculars utility item in Bizarre Exterior that adds 1 point to Survival. It takes 28 skill points to purchase 10 ranks of Survival and 22 skill points to purchase 9 ranks of Survival.

Heads Up
You threw a snowball at an NPC or party member. You can find snowballs in various snow piles. Dig them up, equip them, and toss them at a party member to apply the Frozen modifier to them. You might need to have friendly fire turned on under your difficulty. You can do this one early on in the game when you first arrive at the Ranger HQ. There's a pile of snowballs just to the right of the path leading to Colorado Springs.
Miscellaneous Achievements (Part 2)

Toaster Expert
Earn your toaster repair diploma. To do this one, you'll need to get 5 unique toaster parts from specific toaster locations. The highest needed skill level of Toaster Repair for this achievement is 8.
  • Gold Insulated Power Cord - In a trap filled room at the back of the Wesson Estate in Broadmoor Heights. To get to the Toaster, you'll need Perception 6 to see all 5 traps in the room, Explosives 3 to disarm the trap at the door, and Explosives 4 to disarm the Gas Mine in front of the toaster. The toaster itself requires Toaster Repair 4. Although there are 3 more traps, you don't need to disable them to get to the toaster.
  • Molded Gold Toaster Case - Found on a table inside the Hoon Homestead. This can still be done if you saved Arapaho Caravan instead of the Hoon Homestead. The toaster requires Toaster Repair 1.
  • Gold Plated Nichrome Wire - In the NorthEast corner of the Visitor Lodge in Aspen. The toaster requires Toaster Repair 7.
  • Gold Infused Mica Sheeting - It's in the Paint Mines, which you get access to after meeting Betsy at Ranger HQ. In the mines, you'll need some Perception to access a path heading West after entering the mines. The path leads to a broken down trailer with the toaster sitting outside. The toaster requires Toaster Repair 7.
  • Bi-Metallic Gold Alloy Filament - Upstairs in the NorthEast corner of the central building of the Knox Bison Ranch. The toaster requires Toaster Repair 8.
After you have all the pieces, you are presented with the location of a place called the Toaster Repair Academy. Travel there and you'll find an altar. Place the finished toaster on the altar and you'll see a flash of light. This turns your toaster into a golden toaster companion called Courageous that can fire flaming toast at enemies. This is where the achievement will unlock. Courageous isn't dismissable like other pets and it isn't "tamed". It is permanently attached to you, much like The Provost (see the achievements "Quid Agit?!" and "Illuminati"). It does not provide a buff like pets do and it is not affected by any levels of Animal Whisperer. Fair warning though; many players hate the noises it makes. This may be more of a curse than a reward. In the same location, you'll find a full gold armor set that is the best in the game. Later on the game you can also find a Gold Plated Hammer in the Vault Room of Little Hell in Aspen, to go along with your golden armor.

The academy is located SouthWest of the Clown Museum and West of The Bizarre.

I, Human
You convinced the Machine Commune that humans can be trusted. When you reach the Denver Airport, you need to behave friendly towards the robots you encounter on the way to their leader. You might not need to do everything from the list below but you might as well. They're all fairly easy to do and there's no down side to doing them, even if you hate the machines.
  • Meeting "Greet-O" in a friendly and non-threatening manner.
  • Telling "SAL" that you like her DJ style and listen to her all the time.
  • Chatting with "Indigo Rouge" and commending her artwork.
  • Getting down and dirty with "Little Sparrow".
  • Helping "PICO" with his game (But don't teach him how to win, as this will make him either kill himself or dislike humans).
  • Fixing the "Vendomatic", but don't force it to give you a discount.
  • Telling "Tinker" that the conflict between Humans and Synths should end.
  • Letting "Vivisecto" heal your party once, and buying and using one of his cybernetic control units.
  • Finding and rescuing "V.I.C.I", then offering her to come join the Ranger Compound.
Another thing that will factor into whether or not the machine tower will like you is how far you've accepted Gary Wolfe's quest to hunt down synths. If you helped October-11 escape Colorado Springs, you ended the quest early and gain a significant boost to the machine towers disposition to you. If you decided to kill October-11, you can still get this achievement, provided you were nice to the robots and did all the things from the list above. That said, if you've continued to kill the other synths that Gary wanted, the machine tower might not approve. If you still want to kill the synths for Gary, you can, but you'll need to make sure you do the machine commune tasks first before hunting the other synths down. Keep in mind that getting this achievement is great and all but supporting the machines past this point isn't hugely helpful.

Quid Agit?!
You found the Provost. The Provost is found in the Prison Block of the Warrens. To gain access to him, you'll require Mechanics 5 to repair the generator that powers a nearby computer. At the computer, activate the temperature controls, then activate the defrost systems. This will defrost the ice around a series of nearby doors. Move to the one just outside the computer room and unlock it using either Lockpicking 7 or Storage Unit 107 Key and then you will have access to him. Storage Room 107 Key is looted from Ditgo's Safe in a room just past the Chapel, which is also in the Warrens.

Uncover the darkest of conspiracies. Go to the Warrens beneath the Bizarre and find The Provost (see the "Quid Agit?!" achievement for more details). Keep him alive and bring him to the Snowed Inn Resort where you will find a toaster. Fix it to gain the "Token of Minerva" which will prompt an odd dialogue from The Provost. Leave the area and head to the NorthWest. You should now see an area on your Colorado map called "Heart of the Mountain". Enter this area with the Provost, and you will receive the achievement. Leaving him until you actually need him is probably for the best, so you don't have to babysit him in fights. The reward for completing this sequence will be a +1 Perception perk.

You never made it to Colorado Springs. Basically, your entire party gets wiped out. The easiest way to farm this one up is to start a new game on Nightmare difficulty, pick some default characters, and then immediately walk into the area where the Dorsey warbot arrives during the first fight, repeatedly hitting End Turn until your party is wiped out.

Resist temptation and never open the Mysterious Case. In the Sans Luxe Apartments you'll find Satoshi locked up in Apartment 6 (requires Lockpicking 4). He'll give you a Mysterious Briefcase and ask you not to open it. If you do, you get a bunch of scrap but if you keep it sealed until the end of the game, you can get Nuclear Armor. Specifically, you'll use it much later in the game at the Yuma County Speedway after having dealt with the last of the Patriarch's offspring. After that encounter is done, head to the side of the arena and speak with Satoshi, giving him the case and getting your Nuclear Armor in exchange. Don't get excited though. It's the end of the game and the armor has no use. If you refuse to give him the case, a fight will break out between Satoshi and the party, which is pointless.
Miscellaneous Achievements (Part 3)

What's In This Thing?
Eat a Clown Burger. In order to get this, you need to eat a clown burger offered by Risky Briskett at the Godfisher Windfarm in Yuma County. More specifically, you need to accept it during a dialogue choice while speaking with Risky Briskette. If you get the burgers from Risky Briskette and then eat them directly from your inventory, it won't work. The burgers apply +10% CON but they also apply Poisoned. You might also notice that Clown burgers are purchasable from Masato at Ranger HQ (once recruited) but his burgers don't pop the achievement either.

You answered Morningstar's call and gave him a new home. Morningstar is a talking vehicle found during the mission "Call to Action" in Union Station. When you find him and speak with him, tell him you'd like to put him to work, putting his brain into your Kodiak. Use Nerd Stuff 8 or Kiss Ass 7 to convince him to join you, then use Mechanics 7 to remove him from the vehicle without him feeling any pain. After that, he'll be installed in the Kodiak and the achievement will unlock. If you choose to kill Morningstar instead of saving him, you'll get a vehicle weapon instead of the AI but it won't qualify you for the achievement.

Bunker Buster
You set off Morningstar's self-destruct mechanism. Morningstar is a talking vehicle found during the mission "Call to Action" in Union Station. In order to get Bunker Buster, you need to start killing Morningstar using the prompts during your conversation with him. When he tells you the self-destruct counter has started, choose to fix him instead. He will tell you it's too late. Tell him "I've got this" and he will self-destruct. This will start a shortened tapestry ending to the game that encourages you to reload and try again.

Pre-Apocalyptic Tourist
You sat through Quarex' entire museum tour. This one is fairly easy to do. When you get to the Bizarre Interior, speak with Quarex and agree to take a tour of his museum. When the tour is done, you'll get the achievement.
A New Home Achievement

A New Home
Unlock all the major room upgrades to Ranger HQ. This is referring to all the various rooms in the building. When you start the game, most of them are derelict and/or empty, full of creatures, traps, etc. but throughout the game you find people that can upgrade the rooms back to a cleaner and more functional state. Some of these upgrades count toward fulfilment of a quest called "Full House", which may be the defining factor in figuring out which upgrades are considered "major". To fulfil the achievement, you need to complete "Full House" but you probably need to upgrade the Museum as well, which isn't part of that quest. Here's what you can upgrade:
  • Med Bay - Probably the first upgrade you'll get is a doctor for the Medical Bay. You find your doctor in Downtown Colorado Springs during a quest called "Top Doc". Specifically, his name is Doc Parker.
  • Brig - As a reward for completing the "Cornered Rats" quest in the Garden of the Gods, you'll get somebody that can upgrade the Brig. Her name is Hope Emerson.
  • Museum - After you finish up with the Garden of the Gods, you'll probably notice the appearance of Junko Murayama in Downtown Colorado Springs, standing outside the blocked entrance to the Heritage Museum. If you've checked out the locked Heritage Museum, you can compliment her on her work and get her to run your museum at Ranger HQ.
  • Armory - At the end of the "Big Trouble in Little Vegas" quest, you'll have an opportunity to get somebody running your armory but who you get depends on a choice you make. Near the end of the quest, Faran Brygo offers you a deal. If you take his deal, your armory will be upgraded and operated by Joey Bagodonuts and a group of goons from Little Vegas, which some of your Ranger HQ staff are a little wary of. If you arrest Faran Brygo and ignore his deal, you can free Inspector Delgado. Return to Sheriff Daisy and speak with her. She will send Inspector Delgado to upgrade and operate your armory. Arresting Faran Brygo is probably the best choice, as working with Faran will force you into a fight with Daisy's men, which will give you a -15 reputation loss with Patriarch's Marshalls. Whether you hand Faran Brygo to the Marshals or the Rangers, you'll get Inspector Delgado either way.
  • Garage - During the "Unwelcome Guests" quest, you need to side with Gideon Reyes or Mama Cotter at the end of the quest. The quest is given by Gideon Reyes in the Broadmoor Heights church. He will contact you by radio to start the quest and will send you to the Bizarre to deal with the flow of refugees. If you side with Mama Cotter you'll get mechanics for your garage but if you side with Gideon Reyes, you'll get the Arapaho mechanics for your garage. Either choice will work.
There are other upgrades you can get as well that probably aren't a requirement of this achievement but are still fun to have. Here's some of the other upgrades:
  • Mess Hall - In the Warrens, you can find Masato but recruiting him isn't instant. You need to bring him some Instant Ramen Noodles and then he'll take you up on your recruitment offer. The Instant Ramen Noodles need to be purchased from a vending machine using coins you get from parking meters in the world. You can also hack the vending machine using Nerd Stuff skills.
  • Crazy Scientist - At the end of the "Don't You Be My Neighbour" quest, you'll need to decide what to do with a crazy scientist called Irv that likes to make clones. You can offer to give him space in Ranger HQ, in which case he'll setup in the corner of your medical bay and try not to bother your doctor. He can make clones that follow you around and help out during fights. The clones are about as smart as a box of hammers but they can be somewhat useful.
  • Political Advisor - During the "Unwelcome Guests" quest, you need to side with Gideon Reyes or Mama Cotter at the end of the quest. The quest is given by Gideon Reyes in the Broadmoor Heights church. He will contact you by radio to start the quest and will send you to the Bizaare to deal with the flow of refugees. If you side with Gideon Reyes, in addition to the garage mechanics you receive, he'll also setup in your War Room and can be spoken to as a political advisor.
  • Nurse - At the Machine Commune in Denver, you can recruit a robot named V.I.C.I. to act as nurse to the doctor. When you first arrive in the Denver Ruins, a local doctor called The Wyman will send you to investigate how the machine commune is able to heal humans so efficiently. When you get to the Machine Commune, you'll find another doctor called Vivisecto near the art exposition. He'll tell you you can get his research by finding his nurse but she has gone missing after he sent her to the local humans. You'll find her by going through the west entrance to the main computer and continuing past the drools. You'll need to rescue V.I.C.I. from some razorbacks but provided that you do and you've been nice to the rest of the robots, you can send her back to Ranger HQ. As a result of this, Vivisector won't be happy and will ask to be compensated with $200 but you can use Nerd Stuff 6 on him to circumvent that. Speak with V.I.C.I. back at Ranger HQ and she'll give the party a permanent +1 perk for Perception.
  • Museum Assistant - During the quest, "A Very Hostile Takeover", you'll be asked to choose between a request from Flab the Inhaler and Charles Knowles. If you side with Charles Knowles, you'll later get a quest to rescue Quarex from the Warrens, called "Quarex's Hellacious Journey". If you rescue him, you can recruit him to the Ranger HQ. Talking to him in your museum will cause him to give the entire team a +2 Critical Chance perk. The "A Very Hostile Takeover" quest is timed, so it will expire if you let it go too long but if that happens, the game will act as if you sided with Charles Knowles, so you'll still get access to Quarex's quest. That said, it's better to do "A Very Hostile Takeover", even if just for the experience and quest rewards.
  • Additional Mechanics - After siding with Gideon Reyes during the "Unwanted Guests" quest, you might get asked to recruit a notoriously skilled mechanic in the Bizarre. After meeting him, he'll want you to rescue his family from the Gett Family Homestead. If you do so, he'll go work with the Arapaho mechanics in your garage. Talk with him in the garage and he'll give the entire team a +5% Damage to Vehicles perk. This may not be available if you sided with Mama Cotter in the "Unwanted Guests" quest. This quest is not dependant on the choice you make during the quest, "A Very Hostile Takeover" and can be done before you need to choose between Flab the Inhaler and Charles Knowles.
  • Tailor - When you first get to the Bizarre Exterior, you'll meet Ananda Rabindranath. If you finish the quest, "A Nightmare in the Bizarre" for Flab the Inhaler, Ananda can be recruited as a tailor.
Tricked Out Achievement

Tricked Out
Obtain all vehicle upgrades. Unlike the achievement for upgrading the vehicle to its highest quality components, this one is more collection based. For this one, you just need to collect each kind of Chassis, Vehicle Armor, Turret, Mortar, and Utility to unlock the achievement. AI Modules, Hood Ornaments, and Horns don't count toward it. Try to prioritise finding shops in the world map because some parts are only available from them and when you get toward the end of the game, shops stop appearing, making it virtually impossible to get some parts later on. Here are all of the parts to collect:

1. Chassis
  • Defender Chassis - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after finishing the "Full House" quest.
  • Deliverer Chassis - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after finishing the "Full House" quest.
  • Dominator Chassis - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after dealing with Victory Buchanan.
2. Vehicle Armor
  • Light Vehicle Plating - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after finishing the "Full House" quest.
  • Medium Vehicle Plating - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after dealing with Victory Buchanan.
  • Insulated Vehicle Plating - Sold by Vendomatic 2000! at the Machine Commune in Denver.
  • Alloy Vehicle Plating - In the chest beside where you loot the cinema reels for the "Cinema Verite" quest at the Monster Army Bunker.
  • Impact Vehicle Plating - Sold by the Mobile Gift Shop at Denver Ruins.
  • Heavy Vehicle Plating - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after dealing with Victory Buchanan.
3. Turret
  • Rhino Cannon - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after finishing the "Full House" quest.
  • Helix Turret - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after dealing with Victory Buchanan.
  • Payaso Turret - Looted from the Payaso truck at the Clown Caravan.
  • Railgun - A reward from the quest, "The Zealot" at Patriarch's Palace, after arresting Valor Buchanan.
  • Plasma Spitter - Looted from a turret in the cave in Tellurium Mine.
  • Nitro-Ray - A reward from the "Disappeared" quest for killing Wind-That-Tangles in the Paint Mines.
  • Fullborer - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after dealing with Victory Buchanan.
  • Magneto Cannon - In a locker behind the synth in the Scorpitron room in the Department of Energy.
  • Clearcutter - Sold by Fastback at Ranger HQ garage after meeting with Angela Deth at the Hoon Homestead.
4. Mortar
  • Cluster Bomb - A reward from the quest, "The Psychopath" after arresting Victory Buchanan, after being turned in at the Patriarch's Palace.
  • Caltrop Launcher - A reward from the O'Leary Family shop on the Colorado world map when you reach Liked level with Wastelander Refugees.
  • Goat Cannon - Found in a small box beside the power armor at the Cannibal Jamboree.
  • Shockwave - Collected from a random bunker on the world map.
5. Utility
  • Electronic Countermeasures - A reward from a world map shop after reaching Liked level with the Gippers.
  • Rad Shield - In a small box close to the stairs in the Scorpitron room, in the Department of Energy.
  • Turbocharger - In a chest at the Cannibal Jamboree.
Menagerie Achievement

Tame at least one of every type of animal companion. In order to do this, you (or a companion that travels with you) will need the Animal Whisperer skill. While you can only tame a single animal and have it tag along with you, you can bring more if multiple characters have the Animal Whisperer skill. If you're going for this achievement but you have an animal you're wanting to stick with, dismiss it before you tame an animal, then dismiss the newly tamed animal and ask your favourite pet to continue travelling with you. Here is what we know so far:
  • Major Tomcat - Look out for Major Tomcat (Animal Whisperer 1) at the Ambush Site at the start of the game near Major Vera Persad near the end of the level. If none of the characters you started the game with have Animal Whisperer, you can also offer Major Tomcat a cigarette which you can get if you managed to save Jodie Bell (requires either 1 Kiss Ass or 1 Hard Ass). That will get him to tag along and then you can find a companion character later on with the skills to tame additional animals.
  • Cats - There are cats wandering around the streets of Downtown Colorado Springs (Animal Whisperer 2). Other cats include Bellameow in Garden of the Gods near the entrance although you'll need Perception 3 to see the frag mines surrounding her locked cage, Explosives 2 to disarm the mines, Mechanics 2 to unlock the gate she's behind, and then you'll need Animal Whisperer 2 to tame her. Another would be Kathmandu (Animal Whisperer 2) in Rosie Wong's Apartment in Sans Luxe Apartments. All of that said, I would tame every single one of the named cats in addition to the regular cat just to be safe. You must tame Major Tomcat and a separate cat for the achievement to work.
  • Dogs - There's a few dogs (Animal Whisperer 3) just outside Ranger HQ near the Cyborg Chicken.
  • Chickens - There's one at the entrance of Garden of the Gods. They can be tamed with Animal Whisperer 1.
  • Rabbits - There's some in the Garden of the Gods, just after the first encounter with the Dorseys at the entrance where they're shooting at Bellamy Ward. They can be tamed with Animal Whisperer 1.
  • Foxes - Sometimes you'll see these running around Ranger HQ but they're too hard to catch up with. No worries though, you can easily tame them with Animal Whisperer 1 when you see them again near the entrance of Garden of the Gods. You'll see a more docile one in between the first fight between the Dorseys and Bellamy Ward and the second fight a short distance away.
  • Billy and Jean - You'll encounter the named two-headed goat, Billy and Jean at the Hoon Homestead, just outside Colorado Springs. It will become reachable the first time you leave the Ranger HQ to head out on the world map in the Kodiak, during which you'll be presented with the quest "Heads or Tails". You must make the choice to save Hoon Homestead in order for Billy and Jean to be available. If you save Arapaho Caravan and then return to Hoon Homestead, Billy and Jean will not be available. If you choose to save Hoon Homestead, Billy and Jean will be in a small pen, just behind the Hoon household, just outside the back door. All you'll need in order to tame it is Animal Whisperer 1 but you should probably tame it using a different party member than the one taming the rest of the animals because Billy and Jean doesn't like to be re-joined to the party after being disbanded. You will need to invest at least 1 skill point though. You might have noticed that you can buy the Grooming Brush utility from Ananda Rabindranath in Bizarre Exterior to give +1 Animal Whisperer to a party member. This works but it doesn't give you ability to tame an animal. You need to invest a skill point in order to get the ability to tame. Billy and Jean is considered a separate animal from Mountain Goats and you need both for the achievement.
  • Wolves - A docile Waste Wolf can be found in Bizarre Exterior. It's up the Parking Lot ramps near the entrance to the slavers. You'll need Animal Whisperer 5 for these.
  • Pigs - Found in various places throughout the Warrens. You'll need Animal Whisperer 4 for these.
  • Goats - You can find a Mountain Goat at the Gett Family Homestead during the "Thicker Than Water" quest behind a locked fence (Lockpicking 5) that requires Animal Whisperer 4 in order to be tamed. That said, you might not get access to that quest (and possibly not even the Gett Family Homestead area on the world map) unless you side with Gideon Reyes during the "Unwanted Guests" quest. There's also a Goat in Union Station (also requires Animal Whisperer 4). I'm not sure if these are considered separate from Mountain Goats but I'd tame both kinds, just to be safe. It appears that Mountain Goats and Goats are considered separate from Billy and Jean, so tame all three.
  • Does - Found at the Machine Commune in Denver. Specifically there's one just outside the space shuttle hanging out with a Stag. It requires Animal Whisperer 4 to be tamed.
  • Stags - Found at the Machine Commune in Denver. Specifically there's one just outside the space shuttle hanging out with a Doe. It requires Animal Whisperer 6 to be tamed.
  • Razorbacks - Found in the Department of Energy site. Another is found when you return to the Denver Ruins from the Machine Commune - it will be under attack from some wolves and provided that you can fight the wolves off, the Razorback will be docile. You'll need Animal Whisperer 5 for these.
  • Growler Cub - Found at the entrance of the "Snowed Inn" Resort. It requires Animal Whisperer 7 to tame. There are also some in Aspen near the adult Growlers.
  • Honey Badger - SouthEast end of the "Massacre Site" map. Requires Animal Whisperer 10 to tame. It's found with some dead bodies.
  • Bison - Found at Knox Bison Ranch. For these, you need to stop the Scar Collectors from breaking into the ranch. After defeating them, the leader of the ranch will want to help you. Mention that you'd like to tame one of the bison (requires Animal Whisperer 9) and you will immediately own a named bison called Bodacious. The game will give the bison to a party member and if that party member already has a pet, that player will effectively now control 2 pets. For this reason, it might be best to leave this animal for last in terms of going after this achievement, just in case things get a bit bugged out. The quest that puts Knox Bison Ranch on the map is called "Hard Knox Life" but getting that quest will require two things in order to be accessed. First, you need to have rescued Hardee Knox from Little Hell. Then, after freeing him, drive around near the location of the ranch to get a radio call for help from the ranchers. If you go there before getting the quest, no entrance is available to the ranch.

It appears that neither Polly the Parrot nor the golden toaster companion, Courageous (see Toaster Expert achievement), are considered part of this achievement. Here's some pointless information about the care and ownership of Polly though, just for the hell of it.
  • Polly the Parrot - A named bird called Polly the Parrot is found near the entrance of Bizarre Exterior. You have the option of purchasing Polly for $200, getting her at a reduced cost (Barter 5), or using Animal Whisperer 7. That said, I recommend using Barter 5 on a party member that doesn't have Animal Whisperer because Polly can't be re-joined to the party using Animal Whisperer if she's dismissed. She can be re-joined using Barter 5 though. This also leaves your party member with Animal Whisperer free to keep taming other pets without ever having to dismiss Polly.
My Pretties Achievement

My Pretties
Amass a collection that would terrify a toy shop owner. This involves collecting the 15 creepy doll heads that appear in the game.

1. "Radical Rachel" (+5.0% Explosive Damage Bonus to all party members) - Located in a container in the NorthWest corner of the Museum (the room just South of the War Room) inside the Ranger HQ.
2. "Keen Karen" (+1 Perception to all party members) - Located in the Garden of the Gods in a snow pile just South of the mass grave where Waste Wolves are feasting. To access it, you'll need a character with Perception 3 to be able to see a way through the large snow bank even further to the South. Once through that, the hidden snow pile is between the snow bank and the Waste Wolves. If you absolutely can't muster 3 Perception, you can still get to the snow pile but you'll have to fight the Dorseys and then go around the back way and fight through the Waste Wolves to get to it, although I'm not sure if you'll be able to locate the hidden snow pile with less than 3 Perception.
3."Maneater Maury" (+15 CON to all party members) - Located in a Duffel Bag in the Parking Garage of the Bizarre Exterior. Specifically it's at the top of the ramps before the path to the human smugglers that you visit as part of the "Unwelcome Guests" quest. These are the ramps with the Bomb Hoppers on them.
4. "Lethal Lance" (+1 Penetration to all party members) - Located in a Duffel Bag in the Screening Room of the Monster Army Bunker.
5. "♥♥♥♥♥♥' Fred" (+5% Damage vs. Humans to all party members) - Located in a Container in a locked room (requires Lockpicking 8) the Makeshift Hospital of the Old Survivalist Bunker.
6. "Cruel Cory" (+5% Damage vs. Animals to all party members) - Located in a Container in a locked room (requires Lockpicking 4) under the Subsystem II computer in the the Western White House of the Denver Ruins.
7. "Electric Emmett" (+5.0% Energy Damage Bonus to all party members) - Located in a dirt pile in the East Catwalk of the Machine Commune.
8. "Nervous Nancy" (+0.5 Seconds Detection Time to all party members) - Located in a dirt pile in the Breakroom of the Department of Energy Site.
9. "Zen Zoey" (+2% Hit Chance to all party members) - Located in a dirt pile at the "Snowed Inn" Resort, on the way to the Cabin area when coming from the entrance.
10. "Purist Patty" (+5% Damage vs. Mutants to all party members) - Located in the loot of the destroyed machine at the Abandoned Oil Well. Target any of the Juvies with a weapon and attack, which causes them to disappear and be replaced by a pile that contains the doll.
11. "Hearty Henry" (+10.0% Healing Bonus to all party members) - Located in a Container in the Bunker in Aspen.
12. "Ferocious Francesca" (+5.0% Melee Damage Bonus to all party members) - Located in a Duffel Bag in the second guest suite of Little Hell. It''s the same room that Rook is locked inside.
13. "Quick Quaid" (+5.0% Sneak Attack Damage to all party members) - Located on a corpse in the back of the Knox Bison Ranch.
14. "Angry Aaron" (+5% Crit Resistance to all party members) - Located in a locked armor crate (requires Lockpicking 6) at the Godfisher Shrine Summit section of the Godfisher Windfarm.
15. "Hyper Heather" (+5% Initiative to all party members) - Located in a trapped Locker (requires Explosives 8) in Liberty's compound in Yuma County Speedway.
Answering Machine Achievement (Part 1)

Answering Machine
Find all the cassette tapes left around Colorado. This achievement was originally broken on launch (August 27th, 2020) but was fixed in patch 1.3.0 (January 26th, 2021). Sadly, if you had an endgame save from prior to patch 1.3.0 and you looted boxes throughout the game, you will not be able to go back and find the two cassettes that were restored (see numbers 24 and 34 below) as the containers they were in are open and already looted. The tapes for this achievement are found in the main game and requires no cassettes from any DLC expansions.

In terms of pre-planning for this achievement, some of the more difficult cassettes to look out for might not be accessible depending on choices you make in the game. The consequences of this can be fairly punishing, making this achievement a difficult one to get. In approaching this achievement, these last two cassettes are the ones you really need to plan ahead for, so I'll mention them first. On the good side, these happen somewhat early in the game:

1. "Brygo Radio Call Recording" - Found on the corpse of Faran Brygo in Little Vegas. That's right, you're going to have to kill Faran Brygo to get this one. If you already arrested him or let him keep running his club, you will not be able to get this cassette.
2. "Recording from Alastair Hoon" - Found in a locked safe (requires Lockpicking 6) in the back of the Hoon Household. The Hoon Homestead will become reachable the first time you leave the Ranger HQ to head out on the world map in the Kodiak, during which you'll be presented with the quest "Heads or Tails". You must make the choice to save Hoon Homestead in order for the safe to be available. If you save Arapaho Caravan and then return to Hoon Homestead, the safe in the back of the Hoon household will be gone.

Here's the rest of the list of 51 cassettes and where to find them, listed somewhat in the order they appear:

3. "Good Luck" - Appears during the opening of the game, in a box near where you find Jodie Bell.
4. "The Automated Chauffeur" - Found in a locker (requires Lockpicking 2) in the garage of the Ranger HQ.
5. "Soldier's Note" - Found in a container (requires Lockpicking 1) in the South room of Ranger HQ where you first find Del Hackett.
6. "New Tour Introduction, Version 1" - Found in a room in the Colorado Heritage Museum in Downtown Colorado Springs. You'll need Lockpicking 3 to unlock the door into the museum and Mechanics 3 to start the generator that opens the door to the room where the cassette is located.
7. "An Interrogation" - Found in a Large Container in a locked room (requires Lockpicking 4) in the Sheriff's Station in Downtown Colorado Springs. The same tape also shows up in a Container in a locked guard house near the entrance to Broadmoor Heights. If you try to unlock the door, the guards complain. Why two copies of the same tape appear in the game is a bit of a mystery and it might very well be a bug more than anything else.
8. "Bellamy Test #110" - Found in a locker inside a cage near the entrance of Garden of the Gods, just after the fight at the entrance with the Dorseys attacking Bellamy Ward. You'll need Perception 3 to see the frag mines surrounding locked cage, Explosives 2 to disarm the mines, and Mechanics 2 to unlock the cage the locker is in.
9. "Workout Tape" - Found in a locker in King of Hearts' bedroom in Little Vegas.
10. "Joker's Wild" - Found in a trash pile in the middle of Joker's bedroom in Little Vegas. This one did not highlight for me when using the Shift key. Also, the description didn't list it as a cassette but it is.
11. "Private Do Not Play" - Found in a locker in the locked room of the Machine Shop in Downtown Colorado Springs. To get into the room, you'll need to follow through the quest "Big Trouble in Little Vegas".
12. "Evidence!" - Found in Rosie Wong's Apartment in Sans Luxe Apartments.
13. "The Gangster's Guide to Diction" - In a locker in a locked room (requires Lockpicking 2) in the back room of Little Vegas. You'll get into the back room of Little Vegas near the end of the quest "Big Trouble in Little Vegas".
14. "Robots and Rangers For Real" - Located in a Trash Pile along the West boundary of the Broadmoor Heights map, just in between the Buchanan Monument and the Memorial Park.
15. "Percvial Wesson Recording" - Found in a locked safe (requires Lockpicking 6) in the Wesson Estate in Broadmoor Heights.
16. "Strike Back Pirate Radio with Brad Conway" - Found in an ammo box in a Bunker at Arapaho Caravan, just outside Colorado Springs. It will become reachable the first time you leave the Ranger HQ to head out on the world map in the Kodiak, during which you'll be presented with the quest "Heads or Tails". The ammo box is behind a locked door that requires Lockpicking 5. In the case of the Double the Fun and Book Learnin' achievements, you must choose Hoon Homestead in order to complete them but in this case, the cassette will be available whether you choose to save Arapaho Caravan or not.
17. "Quotes of Manners" - Found in a Container near the entrance of Bizarre Exterior.
18. "Bizarre Under Assault" - Found in a Container in Bizarre Exterior near the intercom that gets you into Bizarre Interior.
19. "Children of the Cabbage" - Found in a Container in the Greenhouse of Bizarre Exterior.
20. "Noodles Ad" - Found in a Container beside Masato in the Bizarre Interior.
21. "Quarex Tape" - Found in a Container in the Quarex museum in the Bizarre Interior.
22. "Payasos Mission" - Found in a Container in the Prison Block section of the Warrens.
23. "Original Inhabitants" - Found in a Container in a hallway running South from the Prison Block section of the Warrens.
24. "Kidnappers in Trouble" - Found on a corpse behind a locked door (requires Lockpicking 7) about halfway through the Gett Family Homestead.
25. "The Wolf's Mask" - Found in a Container in the passage running North from the Control Room of the Monster Army Bunker.
26. "A New Well" - Found in a Container in a small, locked room (requires Lockpicking 5) just off to the side of the Statue of Reagan in Denver Ruins.
27. "SysAdmin Logs" - Found in a dirt pile under the Subsystem II computer in the Western White House in Denver Ruins behind a locked door (requires Lockpicking 4). The dirt pile gets "revealed" if you have Perception 5 or higher but the dirt pile isn't really hidden and can be looted either way. It's probably a bug. The cassette is in the pile regardless of whether the pile was revealed or not.
28. "Book of Bonzo" - Found in a Container in an East room inside the Western White House in Denver Ruins.
29. "Reliance's Manifesto" - Found in a Container in the Sacred Server Room under the Western White House in Denver Ruins.
30. "What Came Before?" - Found in the dirt pile under the billboard in the East Ruins of Denver Ruins. The dirt pile gets "revealed" if you have Perception 5 or higher but the dirt pile isn't really hidden and can be looted either way. It's probably a bug. The cassette is in the pile regardless of whether the pile was revealed or not.
31. "What Comes After?" - Found in the dirt pile in the West Ruins of Denver Ruins. The dirt pile gets "revealed" if you have Perception 5 or higher but the dirt pile isn't really hidden and can be looted either way. It's probably a bug. The cassette is in the pile regardless of whether the pile was revealed or not.
32. "Mourning the Music" - Found in a frozen Container in the Denver Blast Crater of Denver Ruins. You'll need a flamethrower to freeze the ice around the Container before you can access it.
33. "Serious Argument with Satisfactory Resolution" - Found in a dirt pile behind the nose of the space shuttle at the entrance of the Machine Commune in Denver Ruins.
Answering Machine Achievement (Part 2)
34. "A Proposal" - Found in a Container just SouthEast of Vivisecto in the Machine Commune.
35. "Pico's Playtesting" - Found in a frozen Container outside the door leading from the Pico's place in the Machine Commune in Denver. Use a flamethrower to melt down the ice block.
36. "You Won't Believe Your Eyes!!" - Found in the dirt pile next to the computer in the Radio Beacon in Union Station. If you can't get in through the front entrance of the Radio Beacon room, there's a huge hole in the back of the building you can just walk through.
37. "Reagan Vehicle Development" - Found in a locker behind the vault door leading to Morningstar in the basement of Union Station.
38. "Marie Soto Lecture" - Found in a Locker in the Scorpitron room of the Department of Energy Site during the "Coded Transmissions" mission.
39. "Aspen Radio Ad 2" - Found in a hidden dirt pile just outside and to the right of the door leading into the Welcome Lounge in Aspen.
40. "Aspen Radio Ad 1" - Found in a locked locker (requires Lockpicking 6) in a locked room (also requires Lockpicking 6) in the Welcome Lodger in Aspen. This room is right beside the room where you find Opie and the "Opie Survives" cassette.
41. "Opie Survives" - Found in a locked safe (requires Lockpicking 9) beside Opie, who is in a locked room (requires Lockpicking 7 or an Admin Office Key) in the Welcome Lodger in Aspen. His room is right beside the room where you find the "Aspen Radio Ad 1" cassette.
42. "Aspen is Under Attack" - Found in a Container in the Basement of Little Hell.
43. "Marriage Counseling" - Found in a Container in the Guest Suites of Little Hell. Specifically it's the first suite that the Reed sisters are being held prisoner in.
44. "Vic & Breathers" - Found in a Drug Stash in the small bathroom just off of Buchanan's Suite after dealing with Vic Buchanan in Little Hell.
45. "Yuma County Speedway Race" - Found in a locked truck (requires Lockpicking 8) in the Demolition Derby Arena of Yuma County Speedway.
46. "Godfisher Kiting Ritual" - Found on a corpse at the South end of Yuma County Speedway.
47. "Alaska Surprise Jingle" - Found in a hidden dirt pile in the Alaska Surprise area of the Godfisher Windfarm.
48. "Risky Briskett's Recipe" - Found in a Container behind a door at the Meat Clown area of the Godfisher Windfarm.
49. "Windfarm Engineering Report" - Found on a corpse in the Bone Pit area of the Godfisher Windfarm.
50. "Cosmonaut Logs" - Found in an Electronic Safe (requires Nerd Stuff 10) in the NorthWest corner of the Living Habitat beside some beds in the Scar Collector Mine.
51. "Demolition Derby" - Found in a Weapon Crate beside Percival Wesson in Liberty's compound in Yuma County Speedway, behind a locked door (requires Lockpicking 6).

There are also rumours about other cassettes (not required for the achievement) but currently there is no information about their location. Most of these probably aren't in the game but who knows. If you find them, please let us know. These include "Dee Sharp Sings", "Dorsey Orders", and "Russian Singalong". The titles of these appear in the game code but may be left there as part of content that was incomplete or cut from the game.
Book Learnin' Achievement (Part 1)

Book Learnin'
You found every lore book in the game. While the achievement exclusively states that you need to find "every lore book", it's looking like that's not actually the case. Right now, it looks like there are approximately 30 pieces or more of lore in the game but that you only need to acquire 26 specific pieces in order to qualify for the achievement. While this achievement was originally broken on launch (August 28th, 2020), it is now fixed as of patch 1.3.0 (January 26th, 2021). The lore for this achievement is found the main game and requires no lore books from any DLC expansions.

Please note that you should not sell any of the lore books. You should retain them until you have all 26 physically in your inventory, at which point the achievement will unlock and it will be safe to sell them if you wish.

Some pieces of lore are also not accessible depending on choices you make in the game, so this might make the achievement difficult to get. For example, you need to start the game with a character that has a Leadership stat of 2 or you won't be able to put the Dorsey prisoner that the Patriarch offers you in jail. If the Dorsey prisoner doesn't go to jail, you never get Dorsey Prisoner's Note from Magistrate Silas Watkins and there's no other way to get that lore book after that. In approaching this achievement, you need to plan things out very carefully. Let's start by talking about the most problematic lore books to look out for:

1. "Slaver's Note" - Found in the Med Bay (the room just North of the War Room) in the Ranger HQ on a corpse. Specifically it's the corpse just beside the large pile of corpses at the start of the game. This lore book is only found at Ranger HQ when you first arrive. If you leave the Ranger HQ and then return, the bodies will have been cleaned out, permanently removing access to the lore book.
2. "Old Journal" - Found in a locked desk at the start of the game in Ranger HQ where the servitor robots are. You enter this room when you first enter the HQ in an attempt to turn off the alarms. In order to open the desk, you need to have Lockpicking at 2 or higher. Later on in Broadmoor Heights, you'll meet Miriam Knox. When speaking with her, don't offer her the Old Journal or it'll get permanently removed from your inventory. While this may not affect the achievement, it's probably better to be safe than sorry and avoid giving it to her.
3. "Encyclopedia Robotica" - Found in a bookshelf in the War Room of Ranger HQ. That said, the bookshelf is not in the room at the start of the game. After first reaching Ranger HQ, eventually you'll leave. The next time you come back, some things will have changed slightly in Ranger HQ regarding placement of NPCs and such. One of those changes will be the arrival of the bookshelf in the War Room. While this one doesn't depend on choices you make in the game, it's very easy to miss the arrival of a bookshelf that wasn't there before.
4. "Dorsey Prisoner's Note" - This piece isn't looted so much as given to you. More specifically, when you first get to Ranger HQ and speak with The Patriarch, he offers you a prisoner. If you have Leadership 2 or higher, you get an option that reads "We believe in justice, not vengeance. You should give him a trial." If you choose that, the Dorsey prisoner gets sent to Magistrate Silas Watkins outside the Marshals' Station in Downtown Colorado Springs. When you eventually get there and meet him, he'll tell you that the prisoner was killed but that he had a note on him and he'll put it into your inventory. If you don't make this choice at the start of the game, you can't get this piece of lore any other way.
5. "Godfisher Holy Book" - Looted from a Godfisher Officer in the Oil Field of the Denver Ruins. The only way to get this book is by attacking the Godfisher camps in Denver, so you're probably going to want to side with the Gippers on some level in order to get every lore book.

Here's the rest of the list of 26 lore books and where to find them, listed somewhat in the order they appear:

6. "Orders from Ranger Command" - Looted from Major Vera Prasad at the end of the Ambush Site map when she dies. The game marks the item as a "Mission Critical Item" but apparently it's counted by the achievement as a lore book.
7. "The Gospel of Nick (No, Not That Nick, The Other Nick)" - Found in a dirt pile at the entrance of Garden of the Gods, in the place where the Dorseys are shooting at Bellamy Ward. Easily found with Perception 1. It's just SouthEast of the fight, along the road where it curves inward against the rock.
8. "The Clown's Guide to Paints, Makeup and Acid" - Found in a container in a Apartment 3 of the Sans Luxe Apartments. In order to access the room you'll need Lockpicking 5. Just past the entrance is a trap that should probably be avoided that requires Sneaky ♥♥♥♥ 4 to pass but it's not required that you defuse the trap to access the container.
9. "The Gospel of Nicholas" - Found on a book stand on the stage inside the Church of the Final Deluge in Broadmoor Heights.
10. "Payaso Letter" - Found in a Container in the Toy Warehouse in Bizarre Exterior. You can get the letter without alerting anybody but it will require going through a locked door (Lockpicking 5).
11. "Farmer's Diary" - Found on a corpse in the Greenhouse of Bizarre Exterior.
12. "Jabjab's Joke Book" - Found in a locked Locker (Lockpicking 5) inside a room just off the Prison Block of the Warrens.
13. "Ditso's Letter" - Looted from Ditso Gogo in the Warrens as part of the "A Nightmare in the Bizarre" quest.
14. "The Sensuous Toaster" - Looted from a toaster (requires Toaster Repair 5) in the Lobby of the Monster Army Bunker.
15. "Monster Army Note" - Found in a locked safe (requires Lockpicking 7) in a small room just West of the Lobby of the Monster Army Bunker.
16. "A Letter from Aunt Ellen" - Located in the Old Survivalist Bunker in the Lounge. It's upstairs on the table next to the Cyborg Chicken.
17. "Official-Looking Letter" - Looted from the leader of the guards in the Makeshift Hospital area of the Old Survivalist Bunker.
18. "Bunker Pamphlet" - Located in Storage (Flooded) of the Old Survivalist Bunker. It's in a pile of pamphlets on the wooden crate but getting to it might be hard.
19. "Stoll's Burden" - Looted from a frozen corpse in the yard of the Clown Museum. Melt down the ice with fire weapons to get access to it.
20. "Mutilated Diary" - Found in a trash pile near V.I.C.I in the Machine Commune in Denver.
21. "Note from November 13th" - Found on a corpse near V.I.C.I in the Machine Commune in Denver.
22. "Redacted Orders" - Located in a Container in the Laboratory in the SouthEast corner of the Department of Energy Site.
23. "Foreman's Log" - Located in a Container in an upstairs room of the Construction Yard in Aspen.
24. "Everybody ♥♥♥♥♥!" - Located in a Container in the Pool of Little Hell.
25. "Patient Report: Saul Buchanan" - Located in a Large Container in the Patriarch's Suite in Little Hell.
26. "The Distinguished Annals of Toaster Repair, Vol. XIV" - Located in a bookshelf next to the Altar in the Toaster Repair Academy.
Book Learnin' Achievement (Part 2)
There are also other lore books that exist but they're apparently not required for the achievement:

1. "Survivalist's Diary" - Found in a locked room past the Hoon household on the Hoon Homestead map. It will become reachable the first time you leave the Ranger HQ to head out on the world map in the Kodiak, during which you'll be presented with the quest "Heads or Tails". You must make the choice to save Hoon Homestead in order to have access to the area where this lore is found. If you save Arapaho Caravan and then return to Hoon Homestead, the way past the Hoon household to the rooms at the back of the map will be blocked by fallen debris that cannot be passed. If you choose to save Hoon Homestead, there is an area past the Hoon household with a series of interconnected rooms. In order to open doors to the room where the diary is found, you need to have Lockpicking at 6 or higher but you can also use Mechanics 3 to get there through a separate door and then use a computer terminal.
2. "Note to Llewellyn" - Found in a locked Locker (requires Lockpicking 7) in the Basement of Little Hell.
3. "Time Capsule Letter" - This used to be found in a buried treasure on the battlefield of a secluded fight with a Golden Scorpitron. While the fight still exists, the letter is no longer lootable as of a patch that came out a few month into launch. The location of the fight is just slightly West of the entrance to Yuma County and directly South of the Massacre Site, in a tiny alcove. Drive your Kodiak in and you'll immediately get ambushed by it. This was part of a contest in which Inxile was looking to award somebody that could find the letter first. A few months after they declared a winner, they removed the ability to loot the letter. The letter does still technically exist in game and if you looted it prior to the patch, you do get to keep it in your inventory.

And finally, there's a series of books that appear in the code but haven't been found in the game. They may not actually even be in the game at all. While not part of the achievement, we'd love to know more information about any of these if anybody manages to find them: "Care, Repair and Prepare", "Cultist's Journal", "Doctor Parker's Suicide Note", "Everest Hotel Pamphlet Draft", "Fabulous Fungi!", "Letter to Brother Neutrino", "Sister Isotope's Research Notes", "Tattered Logbook", "The Everest Hotel - A Fine Place to Rest!", and "The Everest Hotel - The Best Rest of Your Life!"
Endgame Achievements

Dead Red
You defeated Angela Deth and stopped a coup. Happens at the end of the game during one of the possible endings.

New Colorado Order
You deposed the Patriarch and liberated Colorado from his rule. Happens at the end of the game during one of the possible endings.

November Reigns
Team November and the Rangers have taken over Colorado. Happens at the end of the game during one of the possible endings. Some consider it the only actual "good" ending. This ending can be trickier to do but if you want to be sure to get it, you'll have to do the following:
  • Make sure the Gippers deliver oil again to Colorado Springs. To do this, you'll need to side with them instead of the Machine Commune. You can also transfer the Reagan AI to Ranger HQ, which will cause The Gippers and the Machine Commune to both stand down for fear of harming Reagan. Because you're holding him hostage, they'll agree to the oil demands as well as the arrest of Valor.
  • Have a Loved reputation with Patriarch's Marshalls. This can be a tricky reputation to raise to Loved, so take any opportunity you can to increase this. Note that killing Faran Brygo nets you +15 rep while arresting him nets you +10. Once you have the reputation at Loved, speak with Sheriff Daisy and say "You said the next leader of Colorado will need the friendship of the Marshalls. Are we friends now?" She will agree that you are friends but ask that you not disappoint her. You can get around this requirement for having the reputation at Loved if you have Kiss Ass 10. Specifically, if your reputation is at Liked, you can talk to talk to Sheriff Daisy as you're entering Downtown Colorado Springs on the way to face The Patriarch. When speaking with her, use Kiss Ass 10 to say "Come on, Sheriff. In your heart of hearts you know that taking down Saul is what's best for Colorado". After doing so, choose "We'll make the safety of the citizens of Colorado Springs our number one Priority".
  • Have a Loved reputation with Hundred Families and recruit Gideon Reyes to Ranger HQ as a political advisor in the War Room. Come to him and ask for political advise. Ask him "If it was impossible to depose the Patriarch peacefully, would you still support a transfer of power?" He will say no but he will then go on to say that if you were to depose the Patriarch and not mention it to Gideon so that he was none the wiser, you wouldn't get any complaints from him. So essentially, it's a yes from him as well.
  • After dealing with Liberty (it doesn't matter whether you arrest her or kill her), Angela Deth contacts you after entering the Colorado world map. She's heard that you now have the support of Patriarch's Marshalls and Hundred Families. She asks if you'd support a transition plan that doesn't involve spilling any blood. Agree to the plan and head back to Ranger HQ and gather your forces.
  • Visit the Patriarch. When he says you've earned your reward, tell him that you did it for Colorado and that he's "done". Tell him he'll be put in jail and put on trial for his crimes. Tell Angela that you'll be sending resources back to Arizona and that you're staying in Colorado.
  • When the game ends with a tapestry ending detailing the aftermath of your efforts, the achievement will appear at some point.

Beat the game on Easy difficulty (or above). Changing the custom settings for the difficulty to affect friendly fire does not void the achievement.

Beat the game on Normal difficulty (or above). Changing the custom settings for the difficulty to affect friendly fire does not void the achievement.

Beat the game on Hard difficulty (or above). Changing the custom settings for the difficulty to affect friendly fire does not void the achievement.

Supreme Jerk
Beat the game on Hardest difficulty. Changing the custom settings for the difficulty to affect friendly fire does not void the achievement.
The Battle of Steeltown DLC Achievements
The first Wasteland 3 DLC was released on June 3rd of 2021 and adds 12 DLC specific achievements to the game.

All in the Family
You listened to all of Archie and Edith's shows. When you start the DLC, you'll find Archie and Edith sitting by a TV at the Steeltown Gates. Talk to them five times to get the achievement to unlock. Each time you speak to them, they'll talk about a different TV genre they enjoy. First, it's the buddy cop show, then it's the soap opera, followed by a sitcom, a hospital drama, and finally a western.

Blue's Back
You welcomed Blue back to Steeltown. Side with Crow in the factory, as well as later during the confrontation with Abigail Markham, after visiting Blue in the Ghost Garage. When first encountering the Ghost Gang (before you get access to disruptor weapons) it's fine to kill them but when you meet the Ghost Gang at the very West end of the Scrapyard, you'll need to use disruptor weapons and employ non-lethal methods. Killing Ghost Gang members or using Hard Ass on them doesn't sit well with Blue. Agree to Blue's plan to set the synths free and he'll show up at the end of the DLC.

You resolved the conflict in Steeltown, leaving Markham in charge. This one can be done by following Abigail Markham's plans the whole way through. This means you'll need to side against Crow during the conflict between her and Markham after you meet Blue in the Ghost Garage. After that you'll need to deal with the Computation Engine in Steeltown Spire, then report back to Abigail to unlock the achievement.

Expert Nut Handler
You toggled a nut back and forth ten times. Keep getting a job assignment from Oluwademilade in the Admin Level. Every time you get a job assignment, it's the same job to either tighten or loosen a nut. On the third job assignment, you'll get a quest to relieve somebody from their shift. Once you relieve that person from their shift, you can return to Oluwademilade for additional jobs and the next eight jobs he gives you will be to tighten or loosen a nut, allowing you to unlock the achievement.

You used Secret Head for its intended purpose. Talk to Blue's secret toilet in the Ghost Garage and ask it if you can...relieve yourself.

Killing Machine
You settled Steeltown's problems without using a disruption weapon to knock an enemy out. This one is fairly self explanatory. Never use the disruption weapons. Make sure you don't disable any enemies as well. Examples of disabling enemies would include shooting people in the spine or using the two pressure plates in the Ghost Garage to disable Nova and the Maintenance Worker by overloading the Disruption Turbine.

Oh Hey, Bros
You found the strange mushroom shack. For this one, you need to release the strange prisoner from the jail cells in Ranger HQ. After that, when you arrive at Steeltown Gates, just East of Archie and Edith, you'll see Fatima standing next to Aram's Corpse. She's Aram's sister. Loot Aram's Note from the corpse, then speak with Fatima. If you didn't release the prisoner from Ranger HQ, the corpse will be there but Fatima won't. This is important because later on in the DLC you'll come back to this area and notice that Fatima is dead. You can find Fatima's Corpse after dealing with the Factory Level and making a decision about whether to support Crow or Karl Ludlow. Loot her corpse and you'll find another note to read. Later on, after visiting Blue in the Ghost Garage and dealing with that situation, you can find Iris' Corpse with another letter on the corpse for reading. She's right across the train tracks from where Aram and Fatima were. Near the end of the DLC when you've finally decided who gets to be in charge, you'll find Arthur's Corpse beside Iris', which has a final letter on it. It implies you should pay a visit to the prisoner, who's living in the shack in the SouthWest corner of the world map in the area where some geodesic domes are located. After you read the note on Arthur's Corpse, you'll be able to find the strange mushroom shack beside one of the domes. Go inside and you'll get a final message from the prisoner, who's run off, possibly to be found in another DLC. Finding that note should finally unlock the achievement.

Perfect Pacifist
You settled Steeltown's problems without killing any workers or Ghost Gang members. This one is a pain. In the first fight before you get disruption weapons (non-lethal), do not attack. Let the robots use their non-lethal weapons. Only use disruption weapons on human enemies afterward, as the robots don't count toward this achievement. The easiest path is probably to arrest Crow and Ludlow, agree with Blue's plan and have the synths agree to work with Markham without wiping them out. Also, you can kill the Ghost gang members near the beginning of the DLC before you receive any disruption weapons and still qualify for the achievement. As long as you use non-lethal disruption weapons throughout the rest of the Steeltown conflict, you should be good to go.

Ryan Shame
You wiped out the Ryan family line. Amos Ryan is a vendor in the Admin Level. When you first meet him, he won't really say much to you but after dealing with the situation in the Factory Level, he'll offer his services as a vendor. When that happens, ask Amos for an armor demonstration and then shoot him dead. Leave the Admin Level and then come back. Amos is now replaced by Shirley Ryan. Ask her for an armor demonstration as well, killing her dead. Leave and return to the Admin Level again and you'll meet Shemp Ryan. After a final armor demonstration in which you kill Shemp, the Ryan family line will be completely wiped out and you should unlock the achievement.

Steeltown Defiant
You defended Steeltown from the gangs of the plains. After the DLC concludes, enter the world map three times and then you'll get a call to defend Steeltown from gangs. Return to Steeltown and do just that.

Workers United
You resolved the conflict in Steeltown, leaving Crow in charge. Side with Crow in the Factory Level conflict with Karl Ludlow. After visiting the Ghost Garage, side with Crow during the confrontation between her and with Abigail Markham. This will require you to avoid killing the workers in the Factory Level, so you'll be using a lot of disruption weapons for this.

You Had One Job
You tricked Keith into getting roasted by the fire jets. In the Factory Level, there's a worker called Keith standing on a pressure plate. The plate keeps the fires from burning. After taking two job assignements from Oluwademilade in the Admin Level, he'll give you a third job assignement to relieve Keith from his shift. Tell Keith you're there to relieve him. Stand on the plate. When Keith moves to where the fires vents are, step off the plate and he'll be burned alive.
Cult of the Holy Detonation DLC Achievements
The second and final Wasteland 3 DLC was released on October 5th of 2021 and adds 12 DLC specific achievements to the game.

Living Night Light
A Ranger reached 10 stacks of Holy Radiation. This one is really simple to get. Just run one of your party members around in the holy radiation. There's tons of it near the entrance of the DLC, so it's not hard to find. Ten stacks is the maximum that a party member can have on them.

Feed the Night Terror until it fell asleep. This happens on the Security Level. Repeatedly feed Random Remains to the Night Terror from various dead enemies in the DLC until it eventually falls asleep. If you run out of Random Remains, just start feeding it anything else. Eventually it'll happen. To get to the Night Terror, you'll need to have one party member stand on a pressure plate in an irradiated area, then another person will need to use a computer to turn off a hallway full of laser traps.

Clone 2: Genetic Boogaloo
Created an Uber Clone or the Flesh Prince using Irv's Cloner. This takes place on the Research Level. Start in the Genetic Research Lab (requires Lockpicking 6) and use the computer to request a DNA sample collection (requires Nerd Stuff 8). Next, use the computer to the South in the office (requires Lockpicking 7) near the Ketchup Bottle to read all the dialogues and then open the secret lab (also requires Nerd Stuff 8). Enter the nearby secret lab computer to open the hopper, request the undifferentiated pluripotent bio-genetic material, perform systhesis without purging, and then combine advanced DNA with unidentified genetic mass to create the Flesh Prince. Do this without clearing the chute of the tumor. Don't bother trying to use the cloning computer at Ranger HQ, as this needs to be done in the secret lab.

Flawless Espionage
Managed to unlock Bezoar's laser wall without being detected. This takes place in the Security Level. Unlock Father Bezoar's cell without getting caught. You'll need a party member with high Sneaky ♥♥♥♥ skills to zip past the robot and pull all three switches.

Like, Totally Shroomin' Out, Man
Consumed every type of irradiated mushroom. This takes place on the Research Level. Get the three individually named mushrooms (Destroying Angel, Horse, and Panther) from the mushroom lab. Using the nearby computers, you'll be able to determine which millisecond values will turn each of them into an upgraded "holy" version. Use the experimentation computer nearby to dip the mushrooms into radiation for the correct length of time. Destroying Angel requires 40 milliseconds of radiation and 20 milliseconds of cyrogenics. Horse requires 10 milliseconds of radiation and 20 milliseconds of cyrogenics. Panther requires 15 milliseconds of radiation and 10 milliseconds of cyrogenics. Once you have all three "holy" mushrooms, use a single ranger character to eat them up and the achievement should unlock.

Super Secret Sabotage Sauce
Made 1000 Island Dressing and used it to sabotage the Particle Accelerator. This one takes place in both the Loading Dock and the Research Level but ideally you should start on the Loading Dock. First, you'll need the Crane Operations Key from a container in a room to the NorthWest. This key will get you into the Crane Operations Room. There are three toilets in the room. In the leftmost toilet you'll find a Cereal Box Decoder Ring. In the SouthEast corner of the room with the evangelist and his cronies, you'll find a diggable loot pile that includes a Food Storage Door Code. This will get you access to the Vault Door in the NorthEast of the map. Inside, you'll find Boris and Natasha, who will see your ring and tell you about their mission. After that, you'll be asked who the enemy of the Soviets is - it is, of course, The United States of America. When Boris and Natasha commit suicide, you'll be able to loot two things from them. The first is the Thousand Island Dressing Recipe and the second is a Mayo Bottle. The recipe also calls for Ketchup and Mustard, which can be found in the Research Level. The Mustard Bottle is in the South end of the map. Keep digging in the Mound of ♥♥♥♥ and you'll eventually get the mustard. If you get to the end of the looting process and it looks like you didn't find it in the pile, check your inventory, as it sometimes shows up there even though the game interface didn't specifically tell you that it was looted. If you have the anti-radiation suit from the Research Level, looting the mound will be a lot easier. The Ketchup Bottle is in the SouthEast in a container along with a Special Sauce Recipe behind some locked doors (require Lockpicking 7). Do not craft the Special Sauce, as it will waste the ketchup and mustard you need for the Thousand Island Dressing. Craft the Thousand Island Bottle in your crafting menu, under Miscellaneous. In the middle of the map is a door (requires Lockpicking 8), behind which is the Hydraulics Pump. Use it to get a dialog option to sabotage the machine using the Thousand Island Dressing. This will unlock the achievement.

No Bezoar Left Behind
Freed Father Bezoar from captivity. This takes place on the Security Level. When you get to Father Bezoar's cell, you can either free him or irradiate him to death. This is the achievement you get if you choose to free him.

Necessary Evil
Killed or Mutated Father Bezoar. This takes place on the Security Level. When you get to Father Bezoar's cell, you can either free him or irradiate him to death. This is the achievement you get if you choose to irradiate him.

K.E.G. Tapper
Solved the K.E.G. puzzle. You can find the puzzle right outside the very last room in the DLC. This is a simple logic puzzle that needs to be solved. When the puzzle starts, make the following moves to complete it:
  • 1 step toward positive
  • 3 steps toward negative
  • 3 steps toward positive
  • 1 step toward negative
  • 3 steps toward positive
  • 1 step toward negative
  • 2 steps toward positive

Re-united the Nucleists and Primordialists. This requires a permanent character death (yes, really). You'll need to get 10 stacks of Holy Radiation on you before your confrontation with Deuterium. Speak with him and explain to him that you can help. Deuterium asks you to sacrifice a companion by allowing them to be mutated by radiation into a proto ghoul. This causes the achievement to unlock.

Lightning In a Bottle
Re-routed power from the Holy Detonation to Colorado Springs. This is an endgame achievement and happens if you choose to share the power with Colorado after the final battle.

God Killer
Shut off the Holy Detonation. This is an endgame achievement and happens if you choose to shut down the Holy Detonation after the final battle.
In Closing
Thanks for coming to check out this guide. I hope it's helped you out on some level and gives you the help you were looking for.

While I have spent a lot of time editing and compiling this guide, there is no question that I am doing so on the backs of many contributors who have hacked at game code and searched the game pixel by pixel looking for missing pieces. Without them, this guide just wouldn't exist. So for that, I would like to thank the following contributors for their help in the comments section: 2 tay 3 súng, anja_nowa, Asher Mir's Juicebox, BeardedS0ul, Big Boom Boom, BibbityBoppity, CaptHolt, cyan10101, DeusVult Joker, Ephenesien, fabula_rasa, felix_0911, Hayden, HELLFIRE, June Fox, Kuronan32, LArc7thHeaven, Lokiel, Morrinn, Mortismal Gaming, Naaza, nameless, negative, Queegon, Reiskorn, Risen_Grayswandir, robert.roding, Schadenfreudian Slip, Shinzou, SnapSlav, and Uncle Fester. I'm sure this is just a drop in the bucket and some of those people contributed more than others but all of it was appreciated. Some other contributions came from various websites, some of them anonymously, so I couldn't credit everyone unfortunately.

Here's hoping that Inxile develops Wasteland 4 and we get a chance to do this all over again.
239 ความเห็น
Acidevil 22 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 9: 11am 
How do you get any of the "beat game on ... difficulty". I am beating the game, I see the credits, I have never adjusted the difficulty, and yet I get no achievement. Does killing Victory (not your first encounter with her) or siding with her not count towards the achievement?
regzindahood 28 พ.ย. 2024 @ 3: 09am 
Perfected the game in 28 November 2024 cuz of this guide :excited_gq:. Thank you!
Ageing Persuasion 2 ก.ค. 2024 @ 3: 00pm 
how many hours you got on wasteland 3 just curious (:
Zap Rosdower 3 เม.ย. 2024 @ 2: 58pm 
One thing to add on "I, Human," I guess I did the quests a bit out of order level-wise and restored Morningstar and inserted his AI in the Kodiak before going to Denver. The Machine Intelligence was happy about that in addition to the ones you listed.
Zap Rosdower 29 มี.ค. 2024 @ 8: 08am 
Many thanks for this comprehensive guide. One correction to Back in the Sack, you say, "You also need to get Denver Rot first before any of the other snowball effects, so save your game before you start throwing snowballs because if you get any of the other effects from the snowballs, you need to reload and try again." That's not the case. I threw like 20 snowballs in a row and got most of the other snowball diseases first before Denver Rot popped (at that point Kwon had like 10 different diseases at once!), and the achievement triggered.
Aden 28 ก.พ. 2024 @ 8: 26am 
Thanks a lot!!
Mossk 7 ก.พ. 2024 @ 1: 38pm 
if i side with mama cotter will her boys sell me the required gear for the "tricked out achievement"?
Krownar 29 ต.ค. 2023 @ 9: 06pm 
Can i do ALL collectibles in one run? Like getting the tapes, books and vehicle upgrades? Or there is incompatibilities?
Самурай Привет 30 ก.ย. 2023 @ 4: 58am 
For Tricked Out the Helix cannon requires you to recruit someone from the Bizzarre.

Glad I found this out after speedrunning to get all the parts, reaching the very end and then having the entire bizzare wiped out because I ignored it.
Baraz 17 เม.ย. 2023 @ 7: 55pm 
+1 to what @Grifman said : "Lethal Lance" doll has been changed to "Patient Pierce".