Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

299 人が評価
Let It Play InsideTower
6.139 GB
2020年8月13日 15時13分
2020年8月18日 16時56分
7 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Let It Play InsideTower

The Remake of Bullen's Tower
Link to Bullen's Tower:
If you appreciate my work, please show your support with a donation via PayPal:

>>> SmokieMcPotter & Weeaboo Jones < BetaTesting > <Idea Masters>

<Low Gravity>
Perk Limit: 4
Perks: 33
Floors: 30
Checkpoints Jellyfish Diver let you jump up to the last checkpoint, like Jumppad.
Vending Machine: You can find this on Floor 9, where you can buy an Empty Bottle that lets you buy an extra perk.

Extra Helth Lever: If you can't handle this map with just 150 health, pull a lever on the bottom near the spawn to get to 250 health, and can be pulled again to get to 350 health with 7 hits before going down.

GubbleGum: Is added on Floor 5 for everyone who wants to use it.

Easy Mode: With Sprinters, No Parasites, No Witches.
Normal Mode: With Sprinters, With Parasites, No Witches.
Hard Mode: With Sprinters, With Parasites, With Witches.
Insane Mode: With Sprinters, With Parasites, With Witches, Double!

Tip, use Weeaboo's Eye (RW1) against Brutus.

Inside this Tower you will struggle against Non-Stop-Spawning creatures AKA You will die.
*Witches that takes your Points, irritating Dogs, Parasites and Brutus!

Teddy's Box gives a Random Weapon drop like the ordinary Mystery Box, but the difference is that you can buy for your teammates. Cost 1500 with 10 sec Cooldown.

Teddy's Pack-a-Punch pap your weapon for 60 seconds with 180 second cooldown.
Tip - you can't interact with anything while holding the pap'd weapon, but you can change weapons and change back within the 60 seconds.

Teddy's Firesale spawns a firesale in front of the Mystery box that will spawn shortly as all the other Mystery boxes on every eighth floor that starting on Floor 6. You will love the delicious weapons.

Custom Perk Shades & Powerups.
Custom Weapons with Custom Colors that show which Game they are from:
White: MWR, MW3, MW2 & BO1.
Green: IW & WW2.
Yellow: Ghost & BO2.
Blue: AW & BO4.

Mule Kick lets you carry 5 weapons instead of 3.
Dying Wish has been changed to 60 seconds Cooldown instead of 5 minets... Makes you immortal over 5 seconds.

Craftables: Powerswitch, Tranzit Shield & GKZ-45 Mk3. Find the Parts!
Easter Egg: No comment.


>>> TheSkyLord < Weapon Master
>>>Xhaiil, by importing the < DIY 11 Renovator [Nailgun] > to me.
>>> HarryBo21's Panzers
>>> Spiki's Brutus & Buried Ghosts
>>> Scobalula & Symbo's PARASITES
>>> PERK PACKs BO3-BO4 & WhosWho >>>
Raptroes, Hubashuba, WillJones1989, alexbgt, NoobForLunch, Symbo, TheIronicTruth, JAMAKINBACONMAN, Sethnorris, Yen466, Lilrifa, Easyskanka, Erthrock, Will Luffey, ProRevenge, DTZxPorter, Zeroy, JBird632, StevieWonder87, BluntStuffy, RedSpace200, Frost Iceforge, thezombieproject, Smasher248, JiffyNoodles, MadGaz, MZSlayer, AndyWhelen, Collie, HitmanVere, ProGamerzFTW, Scobalula, Azsry, GerardS0406, PCModder, IperBreach, TomBMX, Treyarch and Activision, AllModz, TheSkyeLord, Joshwoocool, Quentin, M5_Prodigy, NGcaudle
>>>Madgaz's Perks!
>>>Icegrenade < Auto Zones >
>>>ProRevenge < Pro Mark2>

ZoekMeMaar: For the Idea, scripting, made the model, custom vox & Fx making!
Marksman 147: For mental support, and help on the model!
NateSmithZombies: for the original script and his work!
HarryBo21: for a function in Nate's original script!
>>>GODMODE >>>
ZoekMeMaar for the idea and the work on the script!
NateSmithZombies for the original script and his work!
HarryBo21 for a function in Nate's script!
IceGrenade for making me a awesome model!

>>>NSZ Powerups & Hitmark >>>

>>>Craftables >>>
- Harrybo21 - Craftables Template
- Lilrifa - Scripting/LUA
- MiKeY - Gas Mask Scripting
- ZeRoY - Scripting
- Scobalula - Greyhound/HydraX
- DTZxPorter
- Treyarch

LB Easy Mode

LB Normal Mode

LB Hard Mode
Mylzers = 1h 32m 15s.
IceGrenade & Shxkee = 1h 40m 26s.

LB Insane Mode
Bertz_Hertz = 1h 36m 20s.
Weeaboo Jones = 1h 51m 3s.

If you want to be on the LeaderBoard, you need to Record everything, And not use the GubbleGum or the Extra Health Lever.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
2020年10月10日 10時11分
Locations of Parts
Decompensated Sedentarianism
2022年5月4日 20時00分
Dying Wish Bug
99 件のコメント
chav 2024年11月18日 20時30分 
We're best in the world, hour 22 on insane
EB_Boden 2024年9月20日 23時21分 
how do i turn on power
SvartDod666 2024年8月16日 14時07分 
33 perks but a perk limit of 4 why?
someguy1416 2024年5月3日 17時42分 
what's the name of the song though that's the real question
Dude just no 2024年4月10日 20時15分 
packa punch is bugged because even if you use the machine it only is timed
MuFcMuRpHy 2024年2月18日 10時28分 
Too easy
Glassy 2023年9月27日 14時53分 
passed it but holy it felt like hell tryna keep my attention span on track to finish the map it got boring asl
Spartan01 2023年8月18日 17時37分 
Ole!!! Magnifico compañero, Por aqui te dejo my gameplay:
KanelBullen  [作成者] 2023年6月17日 9時00分 
It's because they who is not playing maps with no perk limit, so I wanted to make a limit + buyable limit xD

Old map, crazy ideas, and players loving it, so why not.
KanelBullen  [作成者] 2023年6月17日 8時58分 
Vending Machine: You can find this on Floor 9, where you can buy an Empty Bottle that lets you buy an extra perk.