Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

Оцінок: 64
Автор: bitches
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Work In Progress...
going to continue working on the guide once i get off the game

Sorry it's ugly. This is my first guide

To Do:
finish information lol
  • stranded items
  • vantage points
add pictures of maps and locations
readability and formatting
Ancient Vessels
Set 1
    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. Bears the legend ‘FARO’. Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable rewards.
  1. West of the Meridian. You can find the vessel behind a small, broken wall, below the Sawtooth icon on the map.

    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. Seems to show the terrain of the Gatelands. Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable reward.
  2. Southwest of the Devil’s Thirst. In the river, you will see a pile of rubbish that will have the vessel.

    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. Shows a curious flying machine. Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable rewards.
  3. Near the first Bandit camp in Devil’s Thirst. Go to the bridge that is north of the camp, and around that are, there will be a pile of rubbish that contains the vessel.

    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. Bears the legend 'HARTZ WAYFARERS'. Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable rewards.
  4. Found in Devil’s Thirst. The vessel is south of the Bandit camp in a pile of rubbish.

Set 2
    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. Bears the legend 'MIRIAM'. Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable rewards.
  1. Found in Devil’s Grief. Keep following the path that goes west. The vessel is in a pile of rubbish near the road.

    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. Bears the legend 'USRC'. Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable rewards.
  2. Found in Devil’s Grief. Near the center of the area, you can find the vessel in a pile of rubbish, near a road.

    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. Shows a threatening red-eyed visage. Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable rewards.
  3. Found in Devil’s Grief. Near the southern border, the vessel can be found in a ruined building.

    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. Bears the legend 'STERLING-MALKEET'. Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable rewards.
  4. Found in the Shattered Kiln bandit camp. Northwest of the camp, you will see some turbines and in a pile of rubbish, the vessel can be found.

Set 3
    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. Shows stars and the legend 'ODYSSEY'. Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable rewards.
  1. Found in the desert area, North of Meridian. At the bottom of a quarry, where you saved Olin, the vessel can be found.

    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. Bears the legend 'METALLURGIC INTERNATIONAL'. Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable rewards.
  2. Found in Maker’s End. The vessel can be found north of the bonfre.

    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. 'JOMEI WORLD TOUR 2053' is spelled among faded colors. Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable rewards.
  3. Found near the final area, near Dimmed Bones. Before entering Dimmed Bones, the cup can be found to the right of the path.

    A cracked and battered vessel once dear to the Old Ones. Bears the legend 'ROCKY MOUNTAIN THUNDERHEADS.' Sets of ancient vessels can be traded in Meridian for valuable rewards.
  4. Found in Maker’s End. Before entering the facility, the vessel can be found to the right of the path.
Banuk Figures
Set 1
My Claim
Tektuk: Upon this peak I name you my son, that which I could not do before my exile. Signak, chieftain of my werak, thought your blood was his, but the truth was clear as the color of the sky, painted in your eyes, and mine. As I wander alone in this foreign land, it is not Signak’s death that wounds me, nor the memory of Ili your mother, nor even the loss of snow-sheathed Ban-Ur my home – but instead the silence that lay between us, who should have been father and son. I paint my mark here for you, and leave you this offering, though it will never touch the warmth of your hands.
  • Found in Devil’s Thirst. At the base of the mountain, climb and follow the paintings to get to the figure.

I Name You
Tektuk: As the months of my exile turn to years, I have thought long on what kept me from claiming you. Such a call could only be settled in blood – by the death of Signak our chieftain, or my own. It is true I feared this battle, and his strength. But not as much as I feared its aftermath: the eyes of Ili your mother, distant and dead, as they beheld the corpse of her mate. This I could not bear, and so I remained silent, ashamed. But fate is cold and cruel, and my fears came to pass despite me. I paint this mark in sorrow, and leave you this offering, though it will never touch the warmth of your hands.
  • Found near Hunter’s Gathering. Climb the pole in the northwestern part of the village, and keep climbing up until you can’t anymore. You will end near the figure.

Tektuk: In my exile I often envision your eyes, wide and blue and dumbstruck, as the body of Signak our chieftain was laid before you. The werak saw how I looked at his mate, Ili your mother. To them, my guilt was as plain and sharp as the crack of spring ice. As they stripped me bare and left me to die on the glacier, the warmth of life departed me, but not the bitter will to hunt, to strive, to survive – perhaps to prove I needed no one, least of all those who wronged me. I am only at peace when I paint my marks and craft these offerings to you, though they will never touch the warmth of your hands.
  • Found east of the Banuk Encampment. Head towards the southern portion of the area, and on the mountains, you can find some paintings. Continue climbing up until you can’t, and you will end near the figure.

Set 2
I Cannot Confess
Tektuk: There is much I would confess to you, but one thing I cannot. I did not kill Signak our chieftain, who claimed to be your father. That night I was alone in my tent, drunk with cold wine, dreaming as I always did, of Ili your mother and her sunset smile. You will never hear my testament, and my offering will never touch the warmth of your hands. But I paint my mark in the light of truth. I know what I am guilty of, and what I am not. I hope against hope that in your heart, you know the same.
  • Found west of Meridian. Go to the campfire in the area, and continue towards Banuk, but do not descend. You will find a rope, and following that, you will reach the figure.

Set 3
The Vision
Tektuk: Falsely accused, exiled, starving and cold, I faltered – this I confess. As the death-chills overcame me, I lost will and purpose, and felt the bottomless callousness of fate. But then, a vision: I saw in my mind’s eye and endless white plain, with only a single figure, waiting. It was you. And I knew, in death if not in life, I would see you again. When the chills faded, I rose with new hope. I paint my mark here for you, in anticipation of our meeting, and leave you this offering, though it will never touch the warmth of your hands.
  • Found south of Sunfall. In the rocky area, climb the nearby wall, and jump to the stone pillar. Climbing that, continue finding a path upwards, and you will reach the figure.

Tektuk: It is only because you will never read these glyphs that I can write them. After a lifetime of longing, I spent only a single night with Ili your mother, a memory that I cherished but she reviled, a burning coal of guilt she carried in her belly. And so I wonder: Was her guilt laid bare the night Signak our chieftain was killed? Did he discover the truth? Was she forced to defend herself? If only I had been there, to stand between them, to actually strike the blow I was punished for. At least then I would have been her champion, and the father you deserved, for a single moment. I paint this mark with eternal regret, and leave you this offering, though it will never touch the warmth of your hands.
  • Found south of Pitchcliff. At the base of the cliff, you will find a painting. Start climbing at this painting, and make your way up and to the right, and the figure will be found there.
Data Points
To be added...
Metal Flowers
Set 1
  1. Found in the ruins you fell into as a child. Where you fist picked up your holo, there are some rocks blocking a doorway which you can shoot down. Inside you will find some resources as well as a flower.

  2. Found near the southwest corner. Start at Aloy’s home, and continue southwest until you reach ropes. Following the ropes, you will find the flower.

  3. Found north of the main Embrace Gate. Crest the hill and you will find a ruined house which will have the flower.

  4. Found in Devil’s Thirst. In the eastern area, there will be some abandoned houses. The flower can be found in the hills near these houses.

  5. Found in Devil’s Grief. On the eastern border, the flower can be found behind some broken walls.

  6. Found in ruins near Mother’s Rise. Near the entrance of the ruins, there will be a pool of water where you can jump into. Do so, and you will find the flower at the bottom.

  7. Found in Devil’s Grief. The flower can be found just south of its icon on the map.

  8. Found near The Grave Hoard (northern part of the map). The flower can be found on the path to Grave Hoard, near the river.

  9. Found near Hunter’s Gathering. South of the village, you can find the flower in the midst of the trees.

  10. Found near Daytower. Follow the path to the tower, and head towards the mountains. Near a small tree, you can find the flower.

Set 2
  1. Found near the Dawn's Sentinel gate. Head north of the gate and southeast of Free Heap, and you can get this flower after defeating some Scrappers.

  2. Found near Daytower. Head northeast of the tower, and you will encounter a river of Snapmaws. On the island in the river, you will find the flower.

  3. Found near Lone Light. Follow the northern path out of the village, and hand left of the path, and you'll find the flower to the left of the path.

  4. Found near Sunfall. Go the the mountains located north of Sunfall, and at the top of them, you will find the flower.

  5. Found near Free Heap. Head west, and you will encounter some Thunderjaws. The flower can be found north of some ponds in the area.

  6. Found near Pitchcliff. Head south of Pitchcliff, and you can find the flower on top of some rock outcroppings.

  7. Found at the northern-most point. After fighting a Stormbird, you can find the flower on top of a cliff.

  8. Found on the western-most point. Beneath Sunfall, you can find the flower in a canyon.

  9. Found near Dimmed Bones. Head southwest of the area, and on a raised stone, you will find the flower.

  10. Found near Brightmarket. Head west of the village and you can find the flower at the edge of the water.

Set 3
  1. Found in Meridian. Head southeast of the area, and you can find the flower on the path that's within the circle on the map.

  2. Found in Meridian. Head east of the area, and you can find the flower, guarded by some Glinthawks, on top of some cliffs.

  3. Found near Daytower. Head northeast until you reach mountains. Find your way through them, then take a small path that leads north, and at the end of the path, you will find the flower.

  4. Found in the southern area of the map. The flower can be found near the cauldron, by some water that hosts some Freeze Bellowbacks.

  5. Found in Meridian. Head south, and near the merchant, you can find the flower atop of a small cliff.

  6. Found in the southern area of the map. Head west of the campfire within the circle on the map, and you will find the flower.

  7. Found near Meridian. Head west and you will see the flower next to the path that leads east-bound.

  8. Found near Lone Light. Head south of the area and east of the bandit camp. You will find the flows on the edge of the water.

  9. Found in Meridian. Head east and you will find the flower on top of a cliff. You can find the flower by crossing the rope.

  10. Found near Lone Light. Head southeast of Lone Light, and you will find the flower underneath the bridge.
Power Cells
By collecting all the power cores, you can unlock the Shield Weaver armor which will allow you to be invincible for some time.

    Underground Bunker
  • Found in the bunker you fell into as a child. If you break the stalagmites, you can enter the newly-opened room and retrieve a Metal Flower and the power cell.

    All-Mother Temple
  • Found in the All-Mother Temple during Womb of the Mountain. After following Teersa out of the stronghold, right next to the locked door,m you will see an opened vent. Following that vent, you will find the power cell.

    Maker's End
  • Found at the top of the F.A.S. building. At Faro's office, you want to climb the tower to the east, to reach the power cell at the top.

    The Grave Hoard
  • Found in the ruins. After descending into the ruins, open the electronic lock, and inside the room, you will find the power cell.

    GAIA Prime
  • Can be found during the The Mountain That Fell quest. After talking with Sylens, rappel down to the ruins, head north, and enter the cave. In the back room of the cave, you will find the power cell.
Stranded Items
    Stranded Necklace
  • Found during The Grave Hoard. Before you descend into the bunker, behind the tank, follow the left path, and you will find the necklace on a skeleton.

    Stranded Shackles
  • Found in the Zero Dawn Bunker (during Deep Secrets of the Earth). In the room of the second briefing, go left through the security booth.Continue through the small off that is located to the right, then turn left. Head forwards and you will find the shackles on a table.

    Stranded Figure
  • Found in Eleuthia-9 (during Heart of the Nora). Go through the lobby and down the stairs. The figure is found beneath the staircase.

Trade the items in to the merchant in the City of the Sun, and you will get some mysterious boxes.
Vantage Points
Air Combat Academy
Found near the main gate of the Embrace. To the north, you will find some big rocks, which you will climb. There you'll see the point.

Colorado Springs
Found near Devil's Thirst. North of the Tallneck, climb the tallest building in the city. You'll find the point on a ledge.

Explorer Museum
Found in Devil's Thirst. On the path north of the bandit camp, you can find the point on top of a pillar.

Bridal Veil Fails
Found near Daytower. Just south of the Two-Teeth bandit camp, if you come at it from the east, you can begin climbing the mountain. Keep scaling the mountain until you find the vantage.

Eagle Canyon
Found near Cut Cliffs. Before going down the stairs to Meridian Gate, head west and begin climbing up the cliff. Keep scaling up the cliff until you find the point. To find where you can climb, look up for the grapple branch.

Monument Valley
Found in the southwestern area of the map. Climb the big rock near the eastern path to the city. After climbing the rock, you will use the zipline, then you will find the point.

Bryce Orbital
Found near Sunfall.

Lake Powell

Faro Automated Solutions

King's Peak

Sterling-Malkeet Amphitheater

Denver Stadium
Коментарів: 4
Cylindryk 18 берез. 2022 о 9:30 
Ancient vessel southwest of Devil's Thirst - in the river... but where? O.o
Angent TTV 27 груд. 2020 о 4:50 