The Void
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The Void - Full Walkthrough
Bởi Andrew
An in-depth guide for playing The Void. Includes a full walkthrough plus tons of extra info like tips, tricks, fight strategies, sister information, heart locations, behind-the-scenes mechanics of Color and more.
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This is an adaption of my original GameFAQs guide[].
While this Steam version includes most of the content, there's some extra stuff there you might like if you're a real fan of the game: extra behind the scenes data, an assessment of the story, in-depth info on the sisters, audio transcripts, detailed explanations of each glyph and more.

GameFAQs will always host the most up to date version of the guide, but I will do my best to maintain it here as well. Transferring everything here was tough, so please forgive any referencing errors.

Welcome to an in-depth guide for an amazing PC game called 'The Void'. My time playing made me think, feel and be inspired more than almost any other game I have ever played. I hope these are feelings you too will experience as you enjoy the game.

However, as you may already be aware, The Void is an incredibly difficult game with some very unusual features. Never fear! This guide is here to help you with some important knowledge, useful tips and explanations that will make your time with the game more rewarding and less frustrating.

If you've already played for a while and found the difficulty too high, you may wish to download an unofficial easy or medium patch[]. This patch was made by a member of the official The Void forums named Throdax. Easy is still no walk in the park, but may make the game more enjoyable for some. Still, I'd encourage to to persevere with the main game as it becomes much more balanced once you actually understand how to play.

Regardless of the difficulty you choose, make sure you take the old advice of 'save early, save often' (and in different files) as you can back yourself into a corner. Fortunately, the game also auto-saves every so often.

With all that out of the way, my last piece of advice would be to avoid overusing this guide. Experiencing the rough, unforgiving world of The Void is part of the experience. I've tried to avoid spoilers as often as possible, but some I had no choice but to mention. Take care!
The Brothers and Their Sisters
The Sisters and Brothers are the two key groups of NPCs in The Void. They have a very interesting relationship where they despise each other, but are forced to rely on one another. The Sisters rely on the Brothers for Colour to keep them alive, while the Brothers are forced to act as guardians to each Sister. Regardless of this codependent relationship, they all hate each other.

The Sisters
The Sisters are the key to The Void and to your chances of winning. There are eleven Sisters in the game, but only one that you will ultimately choose to save.

By feeding a Sister Colour you can fill her hearts and form a bond with her. However, each Sister belongs to a Brother. If you give a Sister too much Colour you will incite the wrath of the Brother that owns her. Early on this will lead to your death. Later on you will stand a chance against the demonic Brothers.

Filling one heart of a Sister gives you access to all her chambers. By filling two of her hearts you can pass through to the next Sister. If you fill the third heart you will incite the wrath of that Sister's Brother and be forced to fight them. You do not want to be doing this early on. Filling a fourth heart allows you to use the Breakthrough glyph (once you have it) and win the game.

You can choose any Sister that you like, but the game pushes you towards choosing either the first nameless sister or Ole. It's up to you whether you want to follow these paths or pick a different Sister entirely. I'd advise against aiding the Nameless Sister on your first playthrough unless you feel confident and use the easy patch. She requires more than double the amount of Colour than other Sisters do.

Many Sisters provide key information as you fill them with Colour, but there's no 'right' Sister to choose; all are equally valid options. Just remember that almost everyone in the Void will lie to you at one point or another.

For specific information on individual Sisters please refer to section 6. Each Sister has two favourite Colours that you can feed her to fill her hearts. Your progress in filling a Sister's heart can be seen on the Void map by hovering over their chamber or in the bottom left hand corner of the screen when interacting them.

It's actually possible to kill Sisters too. By feeding them poisonous Colour you will be given a warning. Do it again and it'll kill them. This means you will no longer be able to visit them and, if you haven't opened the way yet, won't be able to access their chambers. See section 6 for info on which Colours are poisonous to which Sisters. You can tell in-game by the sound effect of a rattlesnake when you click on the colour.

An administrative note: 'Death' is officially called the Nameless Sister. Other Sisters have nicknamed her Death and I use this name a few times in the guide to avoid confusion.

The Brothers
The Brothers are horrible, deformed creatures that have managed to rise from a hell-like existance called the Nightmare and enter the Void. They are part man, part machine, and show no mercy to their enemies. Each owns a specific Sister whom they both hate and must defend. The Sisters wish for the Void to die while the Brothers, who call it the Sleeper, want to revive it.

The Brothers worship Colour. In the nightmare there was nothing so beautiful and they were enraptured by it when they ascended into the Void. They obey a number of commandments that put protecting the Void and Colour above all else. Even the Sisters.

Strangely, the Brothers are described as being blind. This is a little unclear in the game as, even though they're said to be blind, some seem to be able to see you and one comments on how small you are. Regardless, there's no doubt the Brothers are metaphorically blind. They also cannot hear the voice of Colour.

To begin with, your task is to blend in with the Brothers and make them think you're one of them. Some side with you while others remain hostile. Eventually you may choose to take them on and destroy all of them, some of them, or simply continue to ally with them. Their movements and arrivals in the Void are random and change from file to file. The only constant is that Mantid appears to be a sort of spokesperson for them and Montgolfier is always your mentor (even though Caterpillar says he is).
Colour: Lympha and Nerva
Colour is the lifeblood of everything in the Void. Most importantly, it is your lifeblood. There are seven colours in total, each with their own benefits and personality.

Colours were intended to have negative effects too, but these were never actually introduced into the game. Therefore, the only negative effect of ALL Colours is that they damage realms of the Void. Disregard any information in the game that tells you otherwise.

You can obtain Colour from trees, fireflies, mines, and a few other locations. By placing Colour in your hearts you can convert collected Colour (Lympha) into usable Colour (Nerva). Once Colour is in the form of Nerva, it can be used to give life to objects and to fight enemies.

Sometimes you'll hear a voice whisper something to you when you acquire Colour. This is the Voice of Colour. The seven Colours are actually at war with each other and all hate each other. Towards the end of the game they speak to you individually and tell you not to trust the others. Each has its own personality.

Your Lympha palette is on the right side of the screen and your Nerva on the left. The bottom left hand corner of your Soul Obscura menu (press B) shows the effect of each colour in your body. You cannot increase any effect past 100% even if you add more of that Colour to your hearts.

The term used in the explanation of the Colour 'in the Void' means the more you use a certain Colour, the more is left floating around. You're encouraged by a couple of Sisters to keep the Colours in balance (you can see this in your in-game journal), but as the negative effects were not implemented, this is not at all necessary.

Keep in mind that some Colour must always be in at least one of your hearts to keep you alive.
The Effects of Colour
"Gold is the color of love, unity, respect and pity; the colour of dedication and self-sacrifice. Its gift is trust. The more gold you have inside you, the better the impression your gifts will make on Sisters."

Association: Trust
Fill Your Hearts When... donating Colour to a Sister.

Benefits: By filling your hearts with gold, the Colour you donate to a sister will be more effective. Always, always, always fill your hearts to 100% gold bonus before giving Colour to a Sister. Got that? ALWAYS! It will be the difference between a failure or a successful game.

Negatives: NEVER ACTUALLY IMPLEMENTED IN THE GAME. SEE ABOVE. The more gold that exists in the Void (ie. the more Gold you use) the more jealous the Brothers will be. They will be more likely to rip out the hearts of Sisters if you fill more than two.

The Maths: 100% trust (gold) bonus = 50% more effective use of donated Colour. So, for example, if you donate 100 Colour to a Sister she'll be filled with 150 at no extra cost to you.

"Emerald, or simply Green, is the colour of patience and self-control, the colour of awareness, the colour of greed, the colour of dedication to rest and balance. Its gift is defense. The more Emerald you have inside you, the less damage you will receieve from your enemy's blows."

Association: Defence
Fill Your Hearts When... you are preparing for battle.

Benefits: By filling your hearts with emerald you increase your defence. You will take less damage when hit by an enemy. Vital for boss battles.

Negatives: NEVER ACTUALLY IMPLEMENTED IN THE GAME. SEE ABOVE. The more emerald in the Void makes your glyphs less effective. More colour than usual will be needed to make them work.

The Maths: 100% defence (emerald) bonus = damaged redued by x1.75. So, if an enemy would normally deal 175 damage to you, you'll only take 100 damage.

"Violet - the colour of secrets, the colour of an anxious, uneasy charm, and of concern. An inquisitve, unkind and suspicious colour. Just like Silver, Violet is ethereal. Its gift is inspiration. The more Violet you have inside you, the less Colour you will need to bring life to inanimate matter."

Association: Inspiration
Fill Your Hearts When... you are growing trees.

Benefits: By filling your hearts with violet, the Colour used to grow trees will be more effective. Each drop of colour will be worth more than usual. ALWAYS make sure to do this before planting a tree as it will save a ton of Colour. Extract and Expose also cost less colour when you are filled with violet. Thank you to wea0 for the tip.

Negatives: NEVER ACTUALLY IMPLEMENTED IN THE GAME. SEE ABOVE. The more violet in the Void makes your attack strength less effective.

The Maths: 100% inspiration (violet) bonus = 50% more effective use of growing trees with Colour. So, if you grow a tree using 50 Colour, it will actually be filled with 75. This does not increase the maximum capacity of a tree, however.

"Azure - the colour of suffering and inner pain, but with an indispensable, strong shade of hope to it. The colour makes you more sensitive to time. Its gift is speed. The more Azure you have inside you, the faster you will move - both in the Void and in the Chambers."

Association: Speed
Fill Your Hearts When... you need to move faster.

Benefits: By filling your hearts with azure, you will run faster and be able to jump further.

Negatives: NEVER ACTUALLY IMPLEMENTED IN THE GAME. SEE ABOVE. The more azure in the Void makes more time pass when you leave a chamber.

The Maths: 100% speed (azure) bonus = 1.5x regular movement speed.

"Amber is the color of madness, the color of delight, of rapture one step away from possession; the colour of conscious, creative joy. It's not like crimson, though in their bursts of energy they have something in common. Its gift is metabolism. The more Amber you have inside you, the faster your hearts will process Lympha into Nerva."

Association: Metabolism
Fill Your Hearts When... you need to convert lympha faster.

Benefits: By filling your hearts with amber, Colour will be converted from Lympha to Nerva faster. Be careful with this, it will also kill you faster.

Negatives: NEVER ACTUALLY IMPLEMENTED IN THE GAME. SEE ABOVE. The more amber there is in the Void the more often the Brothers rob your gardens.

The Maths: 100% metabolism (amber) bonus = double rate of converting Colour in your hearts. Usually, you would convert (in a single heart) 100 drops of Colour per cycle. A full 100% amber bonus increases this to 200 per cycle.

"Crimson is the color of anger, the color of awareness of one's rightness. But although its main power is destruction, there is also creation in this Colour. Its gift is anger. The more Crimson you have inside you, the more damage your blows will deal in combat."

Association: Anger
Fill Your Hearts When... you are preparing for battle.

Benefits: By filling your hearts with crimson all your attacks will be stronger.

Negatives: NEVER ACTUALLY IMPLEMENTED IN THE GAME. SEE ABOVE. The more crimson there is in the Void the more aggressive Brothers will be, the more predators will appear, and the more damage all enemies will deal.

The Maths: 100% anger (crimson) bonus = 1.75x damage dealt with every attack.

"Silver is the colour of miracles and magic, of insanity, the colour of 'passionate states', the colour of an earned reward. This colour has a strong shade of surprise to it. Its gift is luck. The more silver you have inside you, the better chance you will have at random events."

Association: Frost (Wastefulness)
Fill Your Hearts When... you are using large amounts of colour.

Benefits: By filling your hearts with silver the world will take less damage when you use Colour. This means less predators will appear. I underestimated the usefulness of this early on, but you can massively reduce the amount of enemies that appear by filling your hearts with silver before mining, planting trees, or donating to Sisters.

Negatives: NEVER ACTUALLY IMPLEMENTED IN THE GAME. SEE ABOVE. The more silver there is in the Void the faster life will deteriorate. This means any trees you plant will wither faster than normal.

The Maths: 100% frost (silver) bonus = using Colour deals 50% less damage to the realm than it normally would.
Passage of Time
Time passes quite quickly when you are in the Void. When you're not inside a chamber you can watch the clock at the top of the screen. It will be displayed as x:xx. The first number is the current cycle you're in. The second number after the colon is the progress in the current cycle. Each cycle starts at 99 and ticks down to 1 before turning over to the next.

As time passes, Brothers will roam from place to place, cycles will pass, and the Colour in your hearts will be converted to Nerva. If you run out of Colour in your hearts, you will die, get a game over, and be forced to load a previous save. With Amber in your hearts this process occurs even faster.

If you want to speed time up, you can hit numbers 1-3 on your keyboard. Don't do this unless you have a specific plan, because making the most of your time is always vital. At the end of each cycle, there will be a 'world update' where Colour is semi-randomly added to different chambers in the Void. Early on the Colours coincide with the earlier Sisters, but are more randomised further into the game. This Colour is what you can find by killing enemies, harvesting mines and baiting critters.

It is important to continue to convert Lympha to Nerva through your hearts, but, unless you need a lot of specific Colour quickly, it is best to only fill one heart at a time so as not to waste Colour. Using the Donor heart (with the largest capacity of 75) is usually advised.

The other important thing to watch is how much Nerva of each Colour you have. If you continue to convert Colour in your hearts, but that Colour of Nerva is already full, the Colour will simply disappear and be wasted. You cannot afford to carelessly waste any Colour. Sister Death generally notifies you when this starts happening.

When in individual chambers, time stops. Lympha will not convert to Nerva and the only way you will die is if an enemy kills you. Before leaving a chamber you should always check what colour to have in your hearts and adjust it accordingly.

For more information about what happens in each cycle, check out the calendar in section 4 of this guide.
Creatures and Predators
As you play, you will inevitably encounter a small variety of creatures and predators that roam the void. Some of which can aid you, others that are out to harm you.

Predators, also known as parasites, come in a few different forms. As you progress through the game, and use more Colour, new, and more dangerous, predators will appear. They require more Colour to kill and do more damage to you. You can reduce their power and population by remembering to fill your hearts with a 100% silver bonus before planting trees or donating to Sisters.

Conditions for appearing:
-- 10% realm damage.
-- 7 cycles have passed.
-- Pre-generated in Bastion, Pharynx, Pangolin.

Jumpers are most likely the first or second predator that you will encounter. They're small, brown blobs that hop around on a thin leg. If you get too close they'll open their faces and roar at you. They only have a short range, but getting hit will cost you around 10 Colour.

They're fairly simple to avoid, but if you feel you need to kill one you'll usually need around 10-13 Colour. Mini-Jumpers appear in Pharnyx and Bastion very early on regardless of realm damage.

As a realm becomes more damaged (see the next section) larger Jumpers will appear. Aside from their comparatively larger size, they also take more Colour to kill.

Conditions for appearing:
-- 15% realm damage.
-- 7 cycles have passed.
-- Some appear for quest events.
-- Pre-generated in Lemna.

Ushan are the bat-like predators that fly around chambers. They tend to swoop down at you and deal around 10 Colour in damage. They can be a bit of a nuisance and can take you by surprise. They make soft schreeching sounds when nearby, so listen out for them.

Luckily, (if you can't avoid them) taking them out is quite a simple task. Just paint them with around 10-15 Colour and they're done for. No special glyph necessary.

There are smaller and larger versions of Ushan too. Smaller ones appear early on in the game in Death's chambers. Larger ones will only appear once a realm becomes damaged.

Conditions for appearing:
-- 30% realm damage.
-- 7 cycles have passed.
-- Pre-generated in Heathen, Worm, Bastion.

Shatun are one of the first major threats you'll encounter. These huge, fat, blob-like entities are both difficult to avoid (once they've cuaght you) and deal high damage. Early on in the game you'll encounter them automatically in Heathen and Bastion, but with enough realm damage they'll appear in other locations too.

Make sure to give them a wide berth whenever possible. Getting too close and getting their attention will make them chase you down relentlessly. They move quite slowly, but, don't let that fool you, they can suck you in towards them as well as attacking at a distance. If you get too close they'll deal damage and then fling you away.

If you do kill one, however, they almost always drop silver as a reward. If you're in need of some, it might be worth your time taking one down.

Conditions for appearing:
-- 36% realm damage.
-- 14 cycles have passed.

This revolting little flying insect imitate Colour plants. When you go to harvest one they spring out and attack, hovering at head-level. They're relentless in their assault and you'll want to dispatch them as quickly as possible.

The only way to determine if a plant is actually a Gnat is rather tricky. Before entering a chamber, mouse over it to see what Colours are inside. If you find a plant of a Colour that wasn't shown, it'll be a Gnat. You can also exit and then re-enter the chamber to see if the plant is still there. If it is, it's real. You won't have to worry about these until quite late in the game.

Scorpio (Treekiller)
Conditions for appearing:
-- 60% realm damage.

Scorpio are the most dangerous predators in the Void and will only appear when a realm is incredibly damaged. Scorpio are huge monstrosities that attatch themselves to the top of trees and begin to destroy them. If not killed quickly they will suck them dry of Colour.

Getting too close, or trying to use the tree, will cause the Scorpio to attack with a stabbing motion that deals a lot of damage. They can also drop a different type of smaller enemy that will chase you and absorb your Colour. These flower-like parasites are hard to kill too, so steer clear.

Scorpio require a very large amount of Colour to kill. I'm not sure of the exact amount, but it's more than forty (depending on crimson bonuses). If you end up with more than two in the same chamber (which is possible) it's pretty much a lost cause. After a full cycle has passed a Scorpio will actually kill a tree.

Critters come in two forms: fireflies and rats. They're harmless little animals that skitter around various different chambers. By catching them and right clicking on them you can draw out and absorb their Colour. You can get an idea of what type of Colour you will harvest from them by whatever Colours are prevalent on the chamber tooltip (mouse over it when in the Void).

Fireflies can be harvested by using the Donor glyph and drawing it in midair. Use as small amount of Colour as possible and a small ball will drop to the ground. If a firefly comes near it, it will be attracted to it and run over. As it's eating the ball, right click the firefly to harvest Colour from it.

You can also use the Bait glyph (see below).

These can also be harvested, but using the method above isn't as easy. To catch these critters easily you will need the Bait glyph. Drawing it creates a small golem which attracts them from all over the reservation. You need a large amount of Colour to make it last long enough to be worthwhile.

They do simply dig into the ground to escape though, so it is possible to drop a ball of Colour above where they dug and back off a little.

To save on Colour you can use the bare minimum for a Bait glyph and then draw Donor on top of it. This means that after the Bait golem dies, the creatures will stick around and feed on the ball of Colour you dropped next to it. This saves a lot of Colour and gives you more time to harvest them.

These bizzare, white creatures only appear in two different locations in the game: Heathen and Darkness. By painting them with enough Colour you can activate them and small pillars of light, which indicate a stalk-like plant called a mushroom, will appear around the garden or reservation. You can right click them to harvest Colour from them.

The Colour you obtain from them is reflected on the tooltip of a Chamber from the Void map. If you hover over a chamber with the mouse you can see what types of Colour are inside the chamber. The Colours shown there are what the Summoner will produce.

Colour Drops
In many different chambers you may encounter small, floating balls of Colour. These fade over time (sometimes then reappearing) and can hold large amounts of Colour. Harvesting them by right clicking is simple enough, but catching them can be quite difficult. After they appear, the longer you wait to catch them the bigger they get and the more Colour they give you. However, it's a tricky balance: they can disappear too quickly or end up too high or too far away to reach. Use the terrain to your advantage.
Realms and Chambers
The Void is made up of many different locations called chambers. Time does not pass while you are in a chamber and, apart from enemies, can be considred a safe place to rest. Chambers are grouped together in categories called Realms. Each Realm is under the jurisdiction of a Brother and his Sister. Some Realms are comprised of only three chambers while others have four or five. Some have gardens while others do not.

Brothers' chambers are quite different to the others as you can't actively explore them and are only used for speaking with their respctive owner. Sisters' chambers ocasionally hold hearts, but otherwise they're only used for talking and donating Colour to the Sisters.

All other chambers are classified as either Gardens, Reservations, or Mines. They're fairly self-explanatory, but I'll go over them anyway.

Gardens are filled with more trees than other chambers. These are the primary, and best, places to regularly harvest predictable and controllable amounts of Colour. They're the most important chambers when it comes to your survival.

The garden chambers are:
-- Fog
-- Moorage
-- Hull
-- Memory
-- The Caves
-- Bridge
-- Twist

Mines are much the same, but have nodes you can draw Colour from rather than trees. You will need the Expose and Extract glyphs before you can make use of them. Mines have enemies more frequently and have terrain that is more difficult to navigate.

The mine chambers are:
-- Pharynx
-- Hump
-- Bastion
-- The Wall

Reservations are similar to gardens, but house a smaller amount of trees and often have enemies in them to begin with. In some cases, but not all, they more frequently have critters and summoners present.

The Reservation chambers are:
-- Fireflies
-- Heathen
-- Pangolin
-- Lemna
-- Darkness
-- Worm

As you use Colour and progress through the game, Realms will inevitably become damaged. This causes predators to appear and, in extreme cases, the whole realm to die. The more damage a realm takes the less Colour that anything within it gives out. Obviously this is bad, so make sure to fill your hearts with silver to reduce the amount of damage done at all times. On the bright side, the weaker a realm is, the weaker it's Brother will be too. If a realm reaches 50% health then its Brother will warn you. At 30% they will attack you.

If you'd like to read more about the specifics of how this works and the maths behind it then check out the appendix in section 8 of the guide. If this is your first playthrough of the game, don't worry about it.

One thing worth noting now, however, is about Sisters' favourite Colours. If you use a Sister's favourite Colour in any chamber connected to her, it deals 20% MORE damage to the realm. Using a Colour poisonous to a Sister will deal 20% LESS damage to a realm. In other words, go against your instincts and DO NOT use a Sister's favourite colours in her own garden. Don't worry about this early on, but start taking it seriously around cycle 20 or so.
Useful Tips
If there's only one thing you read in this guide, then I would recommend this section. Well, I hope you read more than just this, though! It's quick and to the point, but provides a lot of valuable information.

Make Sure To...
+ Fill your hearts for Colour bonuses.
+ Remove Colour from your hearts to use/save it cleverly.
+ Harvest firefly creatures.
+ Save and load frequently.
+ Beat Brothers to your gardens!
+ Donate excess Colour to a Sister. Don't waste it!
+ Avoid enemies rather than killing them to save Colour.
+ Use glyphs to full power. Don't worry about 'overloading' one.

Make Sure to Avoid...
- Growing all your trees in a single garden in one cycle.
- Aimlessly wandering the Void.
- Fill more than two hearts of a Sister (unless you want to fight a Brother).
- Confusing which Sister is which.

Detailed Tips
1. Fill your hearts! Filling hearts with the right Colour (up to 100%--see the previous section) is more important than anything. It will allow you to use your Colour more efficiently and be less wasteful. If you don't do this properly, you will not succeed in this game. Silver and gold bonuses when donating Colour to a Sister wll make or break you.

2. NEVER grow all trees in a garden in one cycle. This will give you more Colour than you know what to do with for the first cycle or two, but subsequent cycles as the trees start to die will give you little. Only ever plant two to three trees in a garden per cycle unless you're trying to do something specific (ie. enter Turgor). Use as many gardens as you can.

3. You can take Colour out of your hearts. By clicking a heart you can remove Colour and put it back in your Lympha reserves. This is incredibly useful as you can fill your hearts for specific matters and then put it back without wasting it. Only fill one heart at a time for survival, unless you need specific Colour for something.

4. Make use of fireflies. After a few cycles have passed, fireflies will appear in certain chambers. By using the donor glyph you can drop small balls of Colour that attract them. Place them in their path, wait for them to approach the ball, then run up and right click them! You can harvest large amounts of Colour from them. The Bait glyph works too, but needs more Colour.

5. Save and load a lot, especially if you're not using the easy or medium patch. Save every time you enter or leave a chamber. If you make a mistake and waste a lot of colour then reload and try again. Make sure to use different files and don't delete the autosaves. Don't be afraid to restart your file. Learning from your mistakes in your first game will make your second far easier. Made a huge difference for me.

6. Don't needlessly wander the Void. Pause the game by holding control and plan exactly where you're going and how you're going to get there. Fill your hearts with Azure to move significantly faster, even when you draw a path with only little Colour.

7. If you see a Brother heading to one of your undefended gardens, beat them there! It may cost you quite a bit of Colour to get there fast enough, but weigh this against how much Colour you will lose if the Brother ravages the garden. You may not want to do this if you have to travel a long way. Setting traps is works too, but is a more Colour-costly option.

8. If you have excess Colour you need to get rid of, donate it to a sister. However, be careful you don't open more than two hearts of any sister early in the game. This will anger the Brothers. They may rip out the heart or simply attack you.

9. If possible, always avoid enemies rather than using Colour to kill them. Eventually they'll return anyway and the Colour is wasted. The only exception are the fat Shatuns; killing them mostly rewards you with silver. Kill them if you need it.

10. A number of the Sisters have almost identical names. Don't make the mistake of confusing them! You'd be surprised by how many people have had this problem.

11. Each glyph has a maximum amount of Colour it can make use of. Hawk, for example, is 32 drops. If you use more than this, the excess Colour is simply returned to your palette, so don't worry about over-using Colour in glyphs! This is the same for drawing paths to move around the Void. 20 Colour is the fastest you can move PER LINK. Put Azure in your hearts to move even faster.
Walkthrough: The tl;dr Version

Is the main walkthrough too long or intimidating? Maybe you're already half-way through the game and have played quite differently to this guide. This short version of the walkthrough aims to take you through point-by-point and help you through without holding your hand too much.

PLEASE NOTE: THIS WILL NOT BE AS HELPFUL AS THE MAIN WALKTHROUGH. It's very short-hand, which means a lot is left without explanation. Depending on your knowledge of the game and how your file is progressing, it might not do you a lot of good. Think of this as a general outline or checklist of what you need to do.

As with the regular walkthrough, this one assumes you'll also be doing a lot of your own gardening, mining and saving, not just when I prompt you. Make sure you're doing all those things. Events might also take place at different times, so even this short version won't be able to match your playthrough exactly.

Also, this guide doesn't cover the location of every heart, so please refer to the corresponding section for more details on that.

Finally, if you're having trouble with one particular section or are struggling and need more help, please take some time to read through the main guide! It's not boring, I promise!

1. Walk down the hill and pick you your first heart.
2. Walk around the other side of the tree and talk to the woman (the Nameless Sister) beneath it by painting her with Colour (left CTRL).
3. Collect Colour around her chamber, fill your heart, leave by walking into the water.

4. Go to Pharynx, collect Colour and the heart at the opposite end of the chamber.
5. Visit Firelies, collect Colour, grow one tree to capacity.
6. Visit Fog, grow at least two trees (one emerald, one gold) ensuring you fill them to maximum, or as close as you can get.

7. Return to the Nameless Sister and speak with her.
8. Return to Pharynx, Fireflies and Fog in order to dispatch the creatures there. Harvest/plant new trees if in a new cycle.
9. Go back to the Nameless Sister to get the Haste heart.

10. Spend the next cycle or so growing and harvesting trees in order to fill the Nameless Sister's first two hearts. Make sure you fill your own hearts will gold to 100% before donating.

11. Visit Uta, using emerald to fill just her first heart.
12. Visit Heathen, collect Colour and grow a few trees to maximum (in any combination of amber, violet, gold, emerald).

13. When Whaler tells you too, return to the Nameless Sister and remove a heart. Do not refill it (unless you're going for her ending).
14. Plant some amber and violet trees in Fog.

15. Get the Extract heart from Mantid when he approaches you.
16. Go to Uta to get the Expose heart.
17. Go to Pharnyx and harvest the Colour in the walls using Extract and Expose. The Nameless Sister will tell you if you missed any.

18. Harvest all available amber and violet in your gardens.
19. Go to Ava's chamber and fill at least her first heart.
20. Enter Bastion and mine the walls using Extract and Expose. Pick up the Heart beneath the tower.
21. Go to The Caves amd grow a number of trees (fill your hearts with violet first), including at least one full amber and violet. Crimson and silver will also be useful.
22. Ensure you've completed Mantid's mining task. Spend a cycle harvesting your gardens/mines and making sure you have at least one silver tree ready.

23. Warden will approach you to kill Pangolin. Spend time filling Uta's second heart.
24. Go north to meet Una and just fill her first heart. Pick up the heart in her chamber.
25. Go to Moorage, jump down the gap and find a heart underneath the rubble. Plant a crimson, emerald and azure tree to maximum.
26. Spend a cycle preparing for Pangolin: stock up on emerald and crimson to maximise your defence and attack in the coming battle.
27. Defeat Pangolin using the Web glyph. Find two hearts in his chamber.

28. Go north-east from Uta to Ire. Fill at least her first heart (both if you can, if not, do it later) and jump over the hedge from her tower to find a heart (fill your hearts with azure).
29. Go to Darkness and plant one tree of (depending on your needs): gold, amber, violet and another colour of your choice.
30. Around the 15th cycle or so, aim to have Ire's second heart full so the way is open.

31. Visit Ole and fill her first heart.
32. Go to Ole's Garden, Memory, and grow one full gold and violet tree, plus another two to three trees in different Colours you need.
33. Fill Ole's first and second hearts as you can.

34. Receive the task to kill Triton and Worm from Mantid during the 16th cycle.
35. Defeat Triton using the Web glyph and find the heart in his chamber.

36. Go to Ima's chamber, fill her first heart and collect the heart in her chamber.
37. Fill Ava's second heart then proceed on to Eli.
38. In Eli's garden grow a handful of trees, including a silver and crimson.

39. Receive a vision of the surface during the 19th cycle.

40. Defeat Worm using various battle glyphs.

41. Visit Yani and fill just one heart.
42. In Yani's garden plant a number of trees based on the colours you're lacking. Leave a few empty.

43. During cycle 21, when prompted, return to the Nameless Sister to collect lots of emerald and gold.
44. Make a firm desicion about which Sister you are planning to ascend and win the game with. Start prioritising (but not exclusively) farming their preferred Colours.

45. Ensure you have at least 10 hearts, plus Ordalia (check the Adit if you're missing it).
46. Start attacking the Brothers, if they're not attacking you already, and defeat them. Keep going until you have all 20 hearts, then you can stop if you wish.
47. Protect the Sisters, especially Echo from Patriarch, which is a scripted attack. You can let her die if you're not prepared enough.

48. Survive until the 30th cycle, stocking up on all Colours while prioritising those of your chosen Sister.
49. Fight Montgolfier (he will attack you) and claim your final 21st heart.

50. Spend a lot of time gardening and collecting Colour.
51. Fill all four hearts of your chosen Sister with her favourite Colours.
52. Fill all 21 of your hearts and your Nerva with any Colours.
53. Go to your chosen Sister, draw the Breakthrough glyph on her.
54. Watch the ending!
Walkthrough: Intro
One of the biggest challenges in writing a walkthrough for The Void is in how different each playthrough will be. Each time you play you will find that different Brothers appear at different times, you'll accumulate different amounts and types of Colour at different times, and you will spend time in different areas depending on which Sister you choose to give Colour to.

As a result, writing an all-inclusive walkthrough is very difficult. So, instead, this has been written as more of a general guide. It will cover tasks that you are given by Brothers and how to clear specific areas of the game. Once you get to a certain stage it's basically up to you what order you want to fight the Brother's in and how quickly it takes you to gather enough colour to do it.

Every now and then I will specifically tell you to manage a garden or make a save file. This guide also, however, works under the assumption you're doing some of your own saving and gardening too. Even if you follow this guide exactly you're going to end up with different amounts and types of Colour from me, so you may need to plant more/less trees of different Colours.

The guide also works under the assumption you're choosing Ole as your Sister as this is what the game pushes you towards. That won't really matter until the second half of the game. If you decide to pick a different Sister, this guide will still be useful, simply spend time in your Sister's gardens end-game instead of Ole's. If you want to save the first sister, I've provided some tips in the 'Endings' subsection.
Walkthrough Part 1: Awakening
The game begins inside Sister Death's chamber. Walk (or run, hold SHIFT) down the hill and towards the glowing light you were shown moments ago. Approach it and then right click it to pick it up. This is your first heart, the Donor heart. By using the Donor glyph you can bring objects to life by giving them Colour. This will be the glyph you use the most, but can also be the fiddliest to draw correctly. Take a look at section 7 for some tips on drawing it.

After the narration voice finishes the explanation, walk through the hole in the fence and around the other side of the tree. There you will find the first Sister of the game. She does not have a name and is known as the Nameless Sister. Sometimes, to avoid confusion, I refer to her in this guide by a nickname other Sisters use: Death.

By approaching her, holding down left Ctrl and then painting her with any colour, you can interact with her. Keep in mind that interaction colour is not actually used, so you won't lose any of it.

Once she has finished talking, you should explore her chamber. Scattered across the ground are small, colourful plants that you can harvest. Keep an eye out for these throughout the game. Look all around the rocks, down near the water, up on the big tree root you started on, and around the hills; Colour plants are sometimes up there too. There's quite a few to find and each little bit will help. Right click them to harvest.

Once you have at least 75 gold Colour from the plants,the Sister will tell you to fully fill your heart with it. Just like the demo video showed you before, hit B and click in your lympha palette to draw at least 75 gold Colour. Then click your heart to drop it in. Don't worry about getting the exact number; if you drop in more than a heart's maximum the left-overs are just put back in your palette. Nothing goes to waste.

Even after you've done that, search high and low for any other plants. Accumulating as much Colour as possible in this early stage will be a big help soon.

Once you're done, walk out into the water to be transported to the Void. This rule applies to every chamber: walking through a portal, falling into a chasm, or walking out into water will always return you to the Void. The only way to die is by running out of Colour in your hearts.
Part 2: Exploring Death's Domain
After the Nameless Sister explains the basic concepts of the Void to you, you're free to start roaming. At this stage, only the chambers belonging to her will be open to you. Don't rush straight to the garden, start with the other two.

First visit the mine Pharynx. Wander down either side of the hill and up the stairs. Turn around and find another set of stairs that lead to a large wooden structure in the middle of the chamber. Collect any plants you can find and

then drop off either end of the wooden platforms to the level below. Collect any remaining plants here.

Keep your eyes open for any other plants too. They'll almost be entirely green at this stage (which is excellent), though I have been lucky enough to find small amounts of silver on some playthroughs.

Once that's done, drop back onto the rock and continue all the way to the back of the chamber. Up the many flights of stairs is your second heart, Shell. This can be used to protect yourself from enemies. If you do spot any enemies (dark coloured blobs that hop around) make sure to avoid them for now. Keep your distance and just leave them alone.

Before going back to the Void, let's make use of our new heart. Open your Obscura by pressing B and you should spot your new heart inside your body. This means you can now convert two different Colours from lympha to nerva at the same time! Top up your Donor heart with gold if you can, and then fill up Shell to maximum with emerald.

Back in the Void, visit the southern-most chamber, named Fireflies. Explore all four levels of the structure and harvest any plants you can find. There are also three small trees here you can grow. One is under a staircase on the second floor, another on a small platform you can reach by dropping down from the floor above it, and the last is sitting near the wall of the top floor. Read the next section to find out how to grow trees effectively.

Make sure to keep at least one of your hearts full to stay alive while in the Void. You can monitor your health in the bottom left hand corner of the screen while you're in the Void. Keep converting all the emerald you have, but be a little more careful with the gold. Make sure to convert most of it, but keep some in reserve for something I'll explain shortly.
Part 3: Growing a Garden

Once that's done, visit the garden named Fog. This is one of the most important chambers early on and has tons of trees for you to fill with Colour. To grow a tree simply approach it and hold down left ctrl. Paint it with any Colour you want to interact with it. The camera should then zoom out and a picture of the Donor glyph will appear. Draw a large Donor glyph on the screen by holding down the mouse and painting with either gold or emerald; these are Death's favourite Colours.

Drawing the Donor glyph can be a tricky business. The game is very tempremental about what it will accept and drawing it wrong will work, but wastes Colour and won't grow the tree as successfully. If this is your first time in the game then practice on as many trees as you like and load the save game I asked you to make a moment ago. This allows you to understand how to draw the glyph without wasting valuable Colour.

The donor glyph is best drawn starting at the top of the screen, about two-thirds of the way to the right side. Draw almost vertically down and then slowly draw a large loop around over the top. Finish the tail slightly lower than the middle of the right side of the screen.

The next important thing to note about trees is the maximum colour they can take. When drawing the Donor glyph, observe a small, curved meter in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. As you add more Colour to the glyph this meter will rise. Once it hits the top the tree is full and any colour you keep adding will be useless. Don't worry if you overfill a tree because any extra Colour you used will just be put back into your palette.

Always try and fill a tree to bursting. It's better to have a couple of full trees than a dozen half-filled ones. Only grow gold and emerald at this point because they are the only colours of use right now. They are the two favourite Colours of the Nameless Sister and are used to open her hearts and progress further in the game. We'll grow other colours later.

How much Colour you've just collected will determine how many trees you will currently be able to grow. Whatever you do, DO NOT GROW ALL THE TREES. As time passes, trees will provide less and less colour in return. This means that for the first few cycles, you will have tons of colour, but soon enough the trees will start to die and you'll be left with nothing. For now, fully grow at least one emerald and one gold tree. If you have enough colour to spare then plant one more of each with as much as you can.

As you progress through the game, you may actually want to reverse this logic. Using a Sister's favourite Colours inside chambers connected to her actually deal more damage to them than other Colours. Each realm (interconnected chambers) that belong to a Sister takes damage over time as you use Colour. Favourite Colours deal more damage. The more damaged a realm is the more enemies will appear. Don't worry about this for now.

I've been informed that, early on, you'll mostly find Colour relating to the first three Sisters (Death, Uta, Ava). This was an intentional move by the developers to help you out at the start. Other types of Colour will start appearing as you progress through the game.
Part 4: Opening Death's Hearts
A quick note: during the 5th cycle (5:75 exactly), Ole will talk to you. It's quite common for people to then think that the game freezes or the camera gets stuck. Once her dialogue is finished, you'll be back in the Void. Right click and drag to move the camera back to you. Use the scroll wheel to zoom out.

Return to Death after planting the trees for your next task. She tells you that parasites have entered her chambers and it's your job to kill them. Head back to Pharynx and locate the enemies. They're small, brown creatures that hop around. Keep a few steps away from them and then paint them if blobs of Colour. Approximately 10-13 will be needed to kill one. Make sure you don't overuse Colour. Kill them both and then move to the Fireflies chamber.

If you've gotten to this stage quite quickly, or filled Death's hearts ahead of time, the game sometimes becomes confused about your progress on this task. On one playthrough Death started telling me about predators before giving me the task to kill them. In the end it doesn't matter, just make sure to keep track of which chambers you've already cleared.

At this stage, it's possible actual firefly creatures will have appeared. If not, they probably will on subsequent visits. They are small, hovering creatures with an orange light. They will run away from you if you get too close. By watching their movements carefully you can determine their paths. Quickly draw a Donor glyph with as little colour as possible to drop a ball of colour on the floor. If a firefly gets close enough, it will run over to the colour. This is your chance to approach it, right click it, and harvest colour from it. This can be a very effective way to increase your reserves. It can be tough at first, but you'll get used to it. It's important that you do.

The enemies in here are flying bats. There are two of them, so keep your eyes looking up. Deal with them in the same way as the Jumpers in Pharynx. You may have noticed that time slows down when you're drawing glyphs. Enemies, however, can still harm you during that time so attack from a distance.

Lastly, head to Fog and wipe out the lone bat to complete the task. If a full cycle has passed since you planted the trees you can harvest them by right clicking their trunks. Each cycle you can continue to do this, but they'll produce less and less Colour each time. Eventually they will wither and die, but can be revived a few cycles later. Planting a couple of new trees each cycle is generally the way to go. Don't worry about that yet.

With that done, return to Death. She will reward you with the Haste heart. By drawing this glyph you can move faster and jump further. It is an amplified effect of simply having Azure in your hearts (see section 2). Avoid using this glyph just to get places faster; be patient to save on Colour. Once you acquire some Azure, you can simply fill your hearts with it to move faster naturally.

With that explained, Death wants you to fill two of her hearts with Colour. By doing this she can open access to other areas of the Void. This is the same for all Sisters in the game. The catch is that each sister can only be donated one of their two favourite Colours. Donating any other Colour will either do nothing or poison them. You might want to experiment with this later for a different ending, but do not do it for now. Death's favourite colours are gold and emerald, so spend time in the Void converting the Lymhpa to usable Nerva and keep harvesting your trees each cycle.

If you want to speed things up a bit, press '2' while in the Void to speed time up. This means your lympha will convert to nerva at a faster rate. Make sure to keep an eye on your health so you don't accidentaly run out of Colour and die. Press '1' to return time to normal.

Before actually giving her any Colour, make sure to fill your hearts with all the gold you have, up to the 100% trust bonus. On your Camera Obscura screen you can check the bonuses in the bottom left corner. With a 100% gold bonus in your hearts, every drop of Colour you give to Death is worth 1.5 times as much! Make sure to do this every time you donate to any Sister, it's extremely vital.

If you happen to have any silver at this stage, then put as much as you can in your second heart. Silver reduces the damage done to the realm when performing any action that requires Colour. It's up to you if you want to put the silver back in your reserves after feeding Death. On one hand we'll need the silver in a few cycles for another Sister, but you might prefer to keep re-using it to reduce realm damage.
Part 5: Meeting Uta
Once you have opened Death's second heart, she will open the way to the two elder Sisters. At this stage DO NOT give any more colour to Death. It will be completely wasted due to an event later in the story.

Before leaving for Uta, quickly mouse-over Pharynx and Fireflies. At this stage, these two chambers will often have small amounts of crimson, violet and amber in the form of small plants. If they do, go harvest them first.

As you're moving around the void, try to make use of azure (or crimson, if you have it) because we won't be using these Colours for a little while yet. Don't use up emerald, gold, silver, amber, or violet unless necessary or to grow trees.

Head west to meet Uta first. Her favourite colours are emerald and silver. It's unlikely you have any Silver yet, but don't worry, the emerald we're already growing will be enough. Fill just her first heart as soon as you are able. Before giving her Colour, fill your own hearts with a 100% gold bonus. As previously mentioned, this means each point of donated Colour actually fills her hearts with 1.5x. If you do have silver then use the bonus to reduce realm damage rather than giving it to her.

Around the fifth cycle, and you might not be much furtherthan this time if you're playing well, Brothers will start to appear. Montgolfier and Mantid are fairly friendly by Brother standards, but Whaler can be a little more intimidating. They may talk to you, but don't fear them. Play by their rules (for now) and they are simply an annoyance at worst.

Next up, head into Uta's reservation, known as Heathen. If there are any large enemies here (there may or may not be yet) do not waste colour on them as they're slow and fairly easy to avoid. Make sure to keep a good distance away from them, however, because they can actually inhale to suck you towards them. Getting hit by them will drain a fair bit of your Colour. In these situations, Colour in your hearts works as your health. However, if you're desperate for silver, these enemies mostly drop some when defeated. Save before trying this so as not to waste Colour.

Grow a couple of trees with any emerald you have. If you happen to have come across silver then plant a single tree with it. I did in my file, but from what I've heard from others this is quite unusual. If not, don't worry. Once you have some crimson or violet then come back here and plant at least one. Both those Colours will be important soon.

Ignore the Pangolin chamber for now. At the moment it houses a dangerous boss that you won't be able to defeat. Don't worry, we'll deal with him later. If you have time, and amber or violet, return to your first garden, Fog. Harvest any trees you can then use all the Amber and Violet you have to plant no more than two trees. If you don't have any yet, do so once you have them.
Part 6: Heartbreaker
Depending on what cycle it is, Whaler has probably spoken to you by now. If he hasn't yet, continue to work on Uta's fist heart. If you've done that, read the next section and come back to this one once he has approached you.

He is angry that you filled Death's hearts and wants you to rip one out. Thankfully, it's not as bad, or violent, as it sounds. Return to Death and she understands your situation. She removes one of her hearts and gives it to you. It is the Torch heart that can light dark areas for you. If you choose to continue donating to Death later in the game you will now have to refill her second heart. This is inadvisable on a first playthrough as Death is the most difficult Sister to win the game with.

As a point of interest, you can refuse Whaler's task. If you do, he will fight you once time is up. Theoretically, he is defeatable without cheating. However you will need massive reserves of Colour and, as you have no attack glyphs yet, will have to rely on simply painting him. In short, just go pull out the heart. Even if you don't do it now you will have to do it later to acquire one of your own hearts.

DO NOT refill Death's second heart. This is a complete waste of Colour due to events later in the game. If you want her to be your chosen Sister we'll deal with that problem much, much later.
Part 7: Mantid's Mining Mission
Soon after your encounter with Whaler, you will meet Mantid. He is one of the more understanding Brothers and decides to set you a task to complete so you can begin your apprenticeship. You must visit two mines, Pharynx and Bastion, and mine colour from the rocks. He gives you the Expose glyph to break walls and expose veins of colour.

What he doesn't tell you, however, is that you will need a second glyph to pull the task off. Visit Uta and she agrees to help you just this once. She gives you the Extract glyph which allows you to pull colour from mines where you have used Expose. Keep in mind you must have filled her first heart or she will not help you.


Once you have both gylphs, head to Pharynx. Save beforehand so you can learn to properly use the glyph without wasting colour. Also, be aware that there's a bug that will stop colour veins being properly displayed. To fix it, quit the game and change your anti-alising graphics setting to 0. If you don't know what that is, don't worry. It's 0 by default.

Aiming the glyphs can be a little tricky. It's not so much where you draw the glyph that it aims, but rather where you're facing the camera. Gravity also affects it, so if you're standing quite far from a vein, aim a bit above it.

Each time you expose and extract a vein, Death will let you know if there are any more. Once they're all done, leave the chamber. You will be able to harvest their colour in the following cycle. Make sure to do so beause the amount they give is substantial and is usually amber or violet--helpful for Ava.

Next up, head north-east to Ava's chamber, but make a stop by your garden first to gather as much amber and violet as you can. Once you reach Ava's chamber, work your way through the structure to find the Sister. If you have spare gold in your lympha, make sure to fill your hearts with all of it. This will make your donations to Ava (and all Sisters) more effective so less Colour will be wasted. I know I keep mentioning it, but it's vital!

Fill just one of her hearts and leave the chamber. Now that Bastion is open, head over there and do exactly the same thing as in Pharynx. While you're there, you can grab another heart. From the entry point, wander around to the left until you can spot the glowing heart above a pit of enemies and beneath a tower. Keep following the path and enter the tower from the left side.

Go up the stairs, outside, and around onto the ledge. Drop down onto the heart to get it. From here you can jump around onto the ledge at the left side. If you fall into the pit with enemies there is a portal just beneath the heart, or you can flee to the tower in a secret exit around to the left side. This is also a good time to mention there is no damage from falling from high heights. So throw yourself off stuff as often as you please.

Next, go to Ava's garden, The Caves, and grow some trees. These trees can be found in cracks hanging from the ceiling. A few are quite well hidden so have a good look around! There are five in total.

If you have any violet Colour make sure to fill your hearts with it to reduce the amount of colour needed to grow trees. Doing this not only saves on Colour, but reduces realm damage too.

Grow two or three trees. Grow at least one violet and one amber if possible. Grow a silver too, if you have some spare. If you feel you're short on a specific Colour then plant a forth. By the time the trees here start withering we'll be off elsewhere so it won't matter as much. Leave the rest for another time. It's probably advisable to then remove the violet from your hearts before entering the Void so you can save it for later. No need to do this if you're already overloaded with Violet. Unlikely, but not impossible.

You might have noticed the log in the entry area of the Caves. This can be used as a trap to stop Brothers ravaging your garden. Most gardens have some sort of trap, but not all. At this stage, I wouldn't bother with it. If you see a Brother heading for the garden to ravage it, use 20 Colour to draw a path and fill your hearts with azure to easily beat them there. If you want to be more cautious then fill the trap by clicking on it. You need to fully fill it to make it active.

Once the next cycle comes around, go and collect the colour from both mines. Each vein provides a ton of colour, and, like trees, you can harvest them again in subsequent cycles.

Now that Mantid's happy (he may or may not actually talk to you), go and manage your gardens. Make sure to harvest any trees, plant some new colours and convert any spare Lympha you have. Your first garden should be completely (or very close to) planted by this stage. Something like 1-2 gold, 1-2 emerald, and a few trees of other Colours are a good idea. Hopefully you have some Silver by now. If you don't, don't panic as there's a good chance it will come along soon. If time is going by and none appears then go back to Bastion (save your game before entering) and kill some of the large blob monsters. They generally drop some silver. Make sure you have at least one or two trees planted with it somewhere for harvesting later.

The mining task must be completed by the END of the 10th cycle. In other words, you have until 11:99. If you still haven't done it, Mantid will attack you. You have virtually no tools at your disposal to beat him and unless you have tons of Colour, you will lose. Just finish the task. The time limit is more than generous.
Part 8: Pangolin
Around the time you finish Mantid's task, you will be approached by Warden. He doesn't like you at all, but issues you a test to kill the Pangolin in Uta's garden of the same name. This is your first boss fight, and it's rather fiddly and difficult.

Before heading to the fight there are two very important things to do. You have five cycles so don't feel too rushed. Firstly, fill Uta's second heart. If you've been properly managing your gardens then this shouldn't take more than one or two cycles. Once that's done, head north into the new areas. Meet Una in her chambers to find her favourite colours are Azure and Crimson.

Hopefully you took my advice earlier on and have at least a couple of crimson trees lying around along with whatever other azure you've planted/collected. Fill your hearts with gold before donating to Una and you'll need very little Colour in total to fill her first heart; should be easy. During filling her hearts she will mention you should visit Ire, Eli, and Ima for useful information. We'll be getting to that after dealing with Pangolin. Do not fill her second heart, it won't be necessary.

While you're in her chamber, face away from her and head left through the tunnels until you can't go left any further. Then turn around and head north in the direction of Una. In the top right corner of the chamber you should find a staircase. Head up and follow the path to find a new heart.

With that done, head to her garden, the Moorage. This ship-wrecked area holds the glyph you need to defeat the Pangolin. Jump down into the gap and look amongst the rubble. You should be able to see a glowing light under there. Approach it and walk into it to push some of the rock out of the way. Grab the Web heart.

While you're here, plant two or three trees. Ideally, plant one crimson, one azure, and one emerald. If you don't have enough, just make do with what you've got. There's a trap down near the heart if you wish to use it too. I'd probably advise against it at this stage. Wait until a garden is almost full before setting traps. If you're constantly having to reset them you'll be wasting way too much Colour.

Once you've wrapped that up, spend the next one or two cycles stocking up on crimson and emerald. If tou're planning to choose Uta as your Sister, then taking some silver along is a good idea too. If not, it's not a major issue. Convert any colour you want into Nerva too, but make sure you have plenty of crimson in your Lympha so you can fill your hearts when you fight the Pangolin. Once you feel ready, head over to Pangolin north of Uta.


There are two hearts to find in this chamber. This first is directly underneath the Pangolin. If you beat him first, it will have disppeared. Don't panic though, as you can get it after killing Brothers later in the game. If you think you can grab it during the fight, then wait until Pangolin is eating a smaller enemy before you run up to grab it.

The second heart is on the left side of the chamber. Follow the branches down and into a hollowed out tree. It sits in front of the exit portal and contains the Magnet glyph. This one may disappear too, but you can get it again later if it has.

Boss Fight: Pangolin

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)
-- Silver (Reduces realm damage)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Web

Look in the bottom left corner of your Obscura menu (B) and mouse over the wheel to see how much of each bonus you have. No need to fill past 100%, it won't do anything better. Fill the four colours mentioned above as high as you can. Remember, you can take the Colour back out of your hearts before leaving the chamber so you don't waste it.

So, here's the deal on this fight: Pangolin is a huge monster that drops from the trees above when something walks beneath him. From your entry point you should be able to see branches that are higher than the others. Standing along those two puts you in range of the Pangolin. Under no circumstances should you go anywhere near them. You will be eaten, lose a lot of Colour, and then thrown back into the Void.

If you watch carefully, you'll see Pangolin will also eat any enemies that walk beneath it. By using the Web glyph, you can turn those small enemies into bombs. When Pangolin eats one surrounded by a Web, he'll explode and take high damage. Damage will depend on how much colour was used to draw the glyph.

Your biggest problem will not be the Pangolin, but the large amount of parasites. If you're not careful they will constantly attack you and knock you off branches. This isn't a major problem as, even if you're knocked out of the chamber, the Pangolin will NOT recover health. However, any colour you've used to create Web glyphs will be lost. So, ideally, don't fall off. Learn what branches can be jumped from to reach others and get out of the way of enemies. With enough azure in your hearts you will have more opportunities to escape.

I found the best strategy was to spam Web glyphs with 30 drops of Colour as soon as the battle begins. Ideally, you want every parasite covered in a Web as soon as possible. That way, there's no risk of him eating one that hasn't been trapped. Web does wear off eventually, but only after a considerable (and I mean considerable) amount of time.

It's possible to damage him by drawing on him with Colour when he drops down to eat something. However, because of his shell, the damage is extremely minimal. Only resort to this if he has a tiny amount of health left. If you run out of parasites you can leave and come back in and they will have respawned.

If you're finding you're getting bumped off the branches a lot, you can try a slightly diffrent strategy. Instead of trying to Web all the parasites, just go for the ones heading within Pangolin's range. That way if you fall off you won't lose as much Colour. Ideally, if you fall off and lose a lot of Colour, just reload a save a try again.

Filling your hearts with azure allows you to make some rather impressive jumps between branches to get out of the way of enemies too. I hope your acrobatic skill are up to par! I actually found a very thin branch on the right side of the chamber very close to the highest branch extremely useful. If you stand all the way at the end of it, the parasites will never come within your reach.
End Strategy

If you're seriously having trouble with beating Pangolin there is another alternative, but I really wouldn't recommend it.

When Warden first gives you the task to kill Pangolin, you're actually under no obligation to kill it. However, once your time has run out, Warden will approach you and fight you. So, instead of preparing to kill Pangolin during those cycles, prepare to kill Warden. Later in the game he's not too hard to beat, but right now he'll be quite a challenge too. See the Brother fight guides section for a strategy on taking him out. Note that if you do it this way, some of the dialogue in the game will be innacurate and some events relating to the Brothers may occur sooner than they should. After trying this myself I never received the later mission to kill Worm and Triton, since I never killed Pangolin. Thanks to midboe from the official The Void forums for the tip.

Once he's beaten he'll release a whole lot of colour. Climb up near his corpse and you'll absorb it. Uta will congratlate you on your victory and say that Ole is waiting for you. She is our next target. During your travels you may meet the two roaming Sisters, Echo and Aya. Unlike the others, these two do not have a domain of their own. They pose no danger, but can be more difficult to track down if you need them.
Part 9: Detour Through Ire's Pond
Time to head to a new area! Head north-east through Uta's chambers to reach Ire's Pond. Ire seems to be much more fiddgity than other Sisters and can actually appear in three different locations in her chamber: inside either of the two structures on the pond or on the roof of the larger one. Once you've found her, have a chat and donate any amber and gold you have to her. Remember to fill your hearts with gold first to reduce the Colour you need. Silver too if you can.

We will need to fill both her hearts, but just focus on the first for now. Hopefully you're close to having enough to do it, but if you're short then do a bit of gardening and harvesting from nearby chambers. Once you've opened her first heart you can access her two chambers.

Avoid Lemna for now as there's nothing there worthwhile and a whole lot of danger. We'll be going there a bit later. Just go and visit Darkness which is very much like your first garden in appearance. Plant at least a full gold and amber tree. Planting a violet in preperation for Ole is a good idea and I'd recommend planting a fourth of a colour of your choice. Remember, don't grow too many trees in one go or it'll become a problem in later cycles.

Ideally, you want to have filled up Ire's second heart somewhere in the 14th or 15th cycle. If you're a bit behind, don't worry. Just keep focusing on making the most of the Colour you have. If Montgolfier has already approached you with the next task, don't panic. There's no requirement to visit Ole first, it's just recommended. So feel free to take another detour if you want.

As you fill Ire with Colour, listen to what she has to say. As Una advised you, she had new and useful knowledge that will give you insight into the Void and its inhabitants. It's up to you which Sisters you want to place your trust in.

I found I was a bit ahead of where I needed to be at this stage. I had enough Colour to fill both her hearts in the middle of the 14th cycle. I used this time to grow some extra trees and stock up on colour. I finally opened her second heart towards the middle of the 15th cycle. It's important to make use of Ire's Darkness garden as Ole only has a single garden in her realm.

Last thing to take notice of is a heart in Ire's Pond. Fill your hearts with at least 50% azure and climb the tallest tower. Face the nearest wall and look over the hedge. You should see the glowing heart. Taking a running start and leap off the tower and over the hedge. Don't accidently fall into the exit portal.

Once the way is open, head north to Ole's Cradle.
Part 10: Finding Ole
Technically, this is a completely optional task. If you're not planning to focus on Ole then there's not necessarily a need to visit her. However, opening her chamber does give you easy access to other Sisters so it's still advisable. If you choose to skip this step, the guide may not be as helpful from here on in. If this is your first playthrough, I'd highly recommend focusing on Ole.

Ole's Cradle is a mysterious, aging apartment. Travel down the hallways and check the rooms until you find the Sister who was born for you. If you took my previous advice and grew some spare violet trees you may already have enough Colour to fill her first heart. If not, go back and gather some gold and violet. Remember to fill your own hearts with gold to 100% before donating, plus whatever silver you can manage.

Make sure you listen to what she tells you. She mentions some new, very interesting concepts. Once her realm is open, head to her garden, Memory. There are no exit portals from the Cradle, just go back to the door you entered through and walk up to it to exit. You can try the piano in one of the rooms on the way out too! Paint it with colour and it will play some music!

Memory is an interesting garden with a plethora of trees. Definitely fill up at least one full violet and one full gold tree. I'd then advise planting another two to three trees with any excess colours you have. I then spent the next full cycle harvesting previous mines and gardens and ended up with a lot of Colour which will be helpful in the next section.

Once you have enough violet and/or gold, fill up Ole's second heart and she will open up access to the next areas.
Part 11: Montgolfier's Task Part 1 - Triton
During the 16th cycle, you will be approached by Montgolfier. He was impressed by how you defeated Pangolin and now wants you two defeat two other large parasites that threaten the Void. You have until the 30th cycle to finish them off which is far more time than you will need.

Somewhere around this time (unless he's already dead) Caterpillar will speak to you and warn you that some of the Brothers are unhappy with you. From this point on a number of them might attack you. Attacks are extremely infrequent (I was never attacked until much later in the game), but just make sure you're saving frequently in different files. If you're a bit short on Colour to be taking on bosses, then make use of gardens and mines

At the end of each cycle you may have noticed the splashes of Colour that appear on certain chambers. These chambers will have large amounts of that Colour in the form of fireflies, small plants, or mines. If they're close by or have useful colours, always head there.

For now, we're just going to be dealing with Triton as he's closer and easier. Return to Ire's chambers and enter Lemna, which you won't have been into before if you've been following the guide.


Boss Fight: Triton

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Emerald (Defence)
-- Silver (Reduces realm damage)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Web

This boss is very similar to the Pangolin fight. Luckily, it's much easier. The strategy is much the same: use the Web glyph on the bats so that when Triton eats them he will take massive internal damage. Like with Pangolin, you can also just attack him with colour when he appears. Avoid doing this as it's largely ineffective and a waste of colour.

From the entry point, Web the nearest bats. You'll want to hit each bat for 30ish drops of Colour in the glyph. If you're less confident on your drawing ability you can use less, but just be aware you'll be forced to re-enter the chamber so new bats will spawn. Don't worry, his health won't be restored.

Work your way down the rocky path to the bottom and try to Web every bat along the way. While you're on the rocks Triton can't reach you. By the time you get to the ground you're sure to have seeen the whale-like parasite emerging from the water to eat the bats. Alternatively, you can turn around fro the starting point and leap over the wall to reach the cave I'm about to mention.

From the bottom of the path, exmaine the rocky wall in front of you. Down the right side you should spot a crevass in the wall. Run over there and hide inside the cave. Triton cannot reach you in here and you're safe from the bats too. Plus, it gives a great view of the battle! While running across the ground before reaching the cave watch out for bubbling water; that's where Triton will pop up next.

Finish webbing any bats you might have missed, then just sit back and watch the show. Only attack Triton with colour if you're out of bats and he's almost dead. Once he's beaten he'll release some colour for you to collect. While you're in the cave you can grab a heart in there too.
End Strategy

If Triton is giving you trouble or you're struggling for Colour, there is another alternative you can try...

Funnily enough, Montgolfier will confront you for a fight during the 30th cycle regardless of whether or not you kill these two bosses. There's no additional punishment for skipping them entirely. Just be aware that taking this approach will lead to some inaccurate dialogue during cut-scenes and you won't be getting the full experience of the game. Recommended for a second playthrough or if you're desperate to get past these sub-bosses. Thanks to midboe from the official The Void forums for the tip.

Before leaving the chamber, return to the little cave and have a look around. Use the Torch glyph if you can't see properly. Hiding behind the wall is a new heart for you to take. Make sure to grab it! If it has disappeared, you'll be able to collect it later after killing enough Brothers. You can also grab it from your entry point by turning around and jumping over the cave wall.
Part 12: Acting on Una's Advice
With Triton out of the way, open Ole's second heart if you haven't already. Next, we're heading to another sister Una told us to seek out. Ima is in the next area after Ole so we'll start with her.

Ima's tower is the largest of all the Sisters chambers. The first time you enter you will be placed at the top of the tower. Firstly, find the staircase and take it as high as it goes, there's a heart at the top. Every time you enter the chamber after the first time you'll appear at the bottom and have a long walk up if you didn't get the heart. Ima is always at the bottom.

Fill up her first heart. If you've been following this guide you won't need to fill her second heart as Ava's chambers are already open. If you plan to have Ima as your chosen sister, then, of course, feel free to fill a second. Listen to her advice and the new information that she reveals.

Once you're done with her, it's time to explore her adjoining chambers. The Wall has little of interest at this stage, my own had nothing to mine at all yet. If yours does, feel free to stop by. Otherwise, just head to the garden, Bridge, and grow four or so trees.

Sometime around this point you may find yourself in a dream and transported to The Adit. Check the next section of the guide for more specific details on that sequence.

Now it's time to go to Eli, but you'll first need to fill Ava's second heart if you haven't done so yet. Once you have, head to Eli's chamber and meet with her. She can be found at the end of the long bridge leading to the blimp. Fill at least her first heart and she will explain the sacrifices needed to leave the Void and perform the Rite of Devotio.

If you have enough colour, fill two of her hearts now. If not, make sure to grow some silver and crimson in her nearby garden. Even if you have enough, explore her garden anyway. In Twist, grow at least a full silver and a full crimson tree. I personally grew two crimson, one silver, one azure, and one gold.

Make sure to have enough Colour for your next boss fight, because it's time to take on Worm. At this stage I was around my 20th Cycle, but don't worry if you're one, two, three, or even four cycles past that. If you're past the 25th cycle you may want to consider loading an earlier save and trying to do things faster.
Part 13: Dreams and The Adit
It's quite possible, depending on what cycle your at, you've already encountered this first dream. It seems to consistently happen at the start of the 19th cycle. Chase the ethereal girl through the back streets, up the stairs, and across the roof tops. Once you reach the end you will be transported to The Adit and more information will be given to you.

You can actually also fail to follow the girl by jumping off the roof which makes the screen go red and skips he rest of the sequence, but still takes you to the Adit. Thanks to a user by the name of Ares for sending me this info.

What you learn in The Adit is incredibly important. It's about how you can leave the Void and what you need to do so pay careful attention. It is now revealed that your goal is two collect all twenty hearts, plus your one true heart. You will need all of them, and have them all filled, if you want to leave the Void.

Once the dialogue is finished, walk your way down to the exit portal. You'll find the voice of Colour will be speaking to you more frequently now.

If you do not yet have the Ordalia heart, jump down into the middle of the chamber to the ground floor. There you will find Ordalia. If you have already picked it up at another location, however, then there will be no heart there at all.
Part 14: Montgolfier's Task Part 2 - Worm
Worm can be found in one of Eli's chambers of the same name.


Boss Fight: Worm
Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)
-- Silver (Reduces realm damage)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Web
-- Sleeper
-- Hawk / Wasp

This is by far the hardest of the three predator bosses. Luckily, however, there is an exceptionally easy way to take advantage of game mechanics and beat him. If you read the easy strategy and feel it's borderline cheating, then feel free to use the regular strategy. Keep in mind that it is a difficult fight. I personally found it to be the most difficult of the game.

The chamber itself is also notoriously confusing. At first I believed it was two valleys that ran parallel. In fact, it's more like a curvy triangle. There are three seperate valleys that are all connected at the triangle's 'points'. At these points Worm has tunnels that it retreats into. Each valley looks the same and trying to figure out where you are can often be difficult. Learning the layout of the arena is vital if you plan to use the regular strategy.

Turn your sound up too. Hearing certain noises may save your life. You can hear when Worm's moving, where he's moving, and if he's eating an enemy. This will greatly help your chances of survival.

Easy Strategy
You'll only need your hearts filled with crimson and silver for this strategy.

When you first enter the chamber you have a handful of seconds before the enemy right in front of you will be eaten by Worm. If you're quick, you can Web the parasite first to take advantage of the situation. About 25 colour will be the most you can infuse it with.

Wait for a minute or so as it takes quite a while for Worm to actually eat the enemy. Watch the damage meter at the bottom of the screen. His health does not replenish if you leave the chamber and come back in.

Now, if you exit the chamber and come back in, the parasite will have returned and the exact same sequence will take place. By repeating this over and over you can defeat the Worm without setting foot outside the entry area. Make sure to journey out there once to grab a heart on the opposite side of the chamber in a small cave.

Standard Strategy
This is a tough fight, so make sure you're filled with 100% emerald, crimson, and azure. There are three safe tunnels in the cave (one down each side) where Worm can't get you. Unfortunately, these tunnels are filled with constantly respawning parasites. The Shield glyph will be incredibly useful here to reduce damage done by them.

Worm travels from one of his caves at each point of the triangle to another by charging down a chosen valley. There is no way to avoid him apart from being inside one of the safe caves. I found he tended to alternate the side he charged down, but a developer explained to me there are actually certain triggers based on where you are and on where the chosen to predator to be eaten is. In short, it's hard to predict its movements.

You will need to approach this fight with a slightly different frame of mind from Pangolin or Triton. You can certainly web the parasites as they will explode when he eats him. The problem with this is that the Web will often wear off before he catches one and this is a massive waste of Colour. So, instead, you have two options: The first is to lure a paraiste from a cave into the valleys and then web it. This increases the odds it will be eaten. Alternatively, if you're quick, you can Web the parasite AFTER Worm has caught it. He sticks his head out of his cave to eat, so it's possible to Web the enemy then.

The final alternative is to tackle him in an outright way, but this will depend on what glyphs you have. You can draw Sleeper glyphs in the valleys for him to charge over as you can guarantee he'll move over them at some stage. Make sure they're fully charged with Colour. Similar glyphs will be just as effective. When he's chewing on an enemy he'll remain staionary so you can try hitting him with a projectile attack such as Hawk or Wasp if you have them.

If you find you're doing quite well, I'd recommend exiting the chamber about half-way through the fight and then saving before coming back in. Things can go south very quickly in this battle.
End Strategy

If Worm is giving you trouble or you're struggling for Colour, there is another alternative you can try. In this case though, first try using the easy strategy. It makes the fight so much simpler.

Funnily enough, Montgolfier will confront you for a fight during the 30th cycle regardless of whether or not you kill these two bosses. There's no additional punishment for skipping them entirely. Just be aware that taking this approach will lead to some inaccurate dialogue during cut-scenes and you won't be getting the full experience of the game. Recommended for a second playthrough or if you're desperate to get past these sub-bosses. Thanks to midboe from the official The Void forums for the tip.

If you didn't, or forgot, to get the heart I mentioned at the top, then you can still get it after killing enough Brothers later in the game.

Once you beat him, grab the colour he drops and exit the chamber.
Part 15: Yani - Last But Not Least
Now only one Sister remains for you to meet. Head north from Eli's chambers to reach the domain of Yani. Theoretically, you only need to fill one of her heart's to finish opening every chamber (because of your work with other Sisters earlier), but, if you can spare it, I highly recommend you fill two. She gives very, very important information about how the Colours are at war and their relevance to Turgor.

It was initially intended by the developers that you should be, as Yani mentions, keeping the Colours in balance. By pressing J and clicking on 'The Void' icon, you can see how in balance/out of balance the Colours are. However, due to time constraints, the negative effects of Colours and the way they are balanced were never actually implemented within the game. So, in other words, just don't worry about it!

Once done with Yani, take a visit to her garden, Hull, and plant many trees. I planted five or so this time around to use up excess colour and create Colour I was lacking. Just make sure to leave at least a few empty for future cycles.
Part 16: Selfless Act
At the start of the 21st cycle, the Confusion arc will begin. Sister Death will "give you all her colour" and die. You can get all the emerald and gold she leaves by returning to her chamber. If you wanted to save her, then it's not too late. You can revive her tree and then refill all her hearts. If this is your first playthrough then I'd advise against it as it is one of the most

difficult endings of the game.

To revive her, you must get Breakthrough, reach Turgor, revive her tree, refill all her hearts and then reach Turgor again. Instead, choose your favourite Sister and help her instead. If you really do want to save her, skip down to the very last section of the walkthrough for a strategy on how to do it.

By this stage I had plenty of Colour and had killed Triton and Worm. Depending on whether or not you're using the easy/medium patches then it's quite possible you're a little ahead of me or a long way behind me. If you're closer to the 30th cycle, you may want to skip Triton and Worm all together. It won't make things any harder, but it will save you some Colour and some time.

Now comes the time to make an important decision. Are you going to save a Sister and sacrifice yourself? Are you going to pick a Sister, but leave her behind when you ascend? Or will you side with the Brothers and kill the Sisters? Depending on your choice, the game will play out somewhat differently. From here on in the guide works under the assumption you are going to defeat the Brothers and choose Ole as your Sister. If you choose a different Sister the guide will still be useful, just go and visit your choice of sister instead of Ole and harvest different favourite Colours.

If you feel like you've had a good playthrough it's an excellent idea to make a new save file here. That way you can come back after you beat the game and try a different ending without having to start right from the beginning.

During this cycle, around 21:50, Aya will approach you and thinks that you killed Death to steal her Colour. She will give you the Vampire heart which allows you to drain Colour from Sisters and kill them. This closes off their realm so never use this glyph unless you're going for a specific ending that requires it.

Whatever your choice, get yourself ready. It's crunch time.
Part 17: Betraying the Brothers
If you don't have at least 10-11 hearts then go and collect some more. See section 7 on where to find them. You're also going to need a good amount of Colour in your Lympha and Nerva as well as a few gardens with reserve Colour. Take a cycle or two to try and get that all together.

When you feel you're ready, you can take on a Brother. To do so you must first have the Ordalia heart. This heart can show up in a number of different places, but, if you don't have it yet, can always find it on the bottom floor of The Adit. To use the glyph go and find a stationary Brother. Click on them to speak to them and then draw the Ordalia glyph on them to begin the battle.

Keep in mind you cannot fight your mentor, Montgolfier, yet. It's also going to be completely random (and dependant on your cycle) as to which Brothers will currently be in the Void. For this reason, you'll want to skip down the guide to section 5 which gives specific strategies for every Brother fight.

In case you've been skipping dialogue or haven't been filling two hearts of every Sister, the reason we need to kill the Brothers it to get their hearts. They are needed to reach the state of Turgor and/or to free a Sister. It is also suggested one of them may have your true heart.

Unlike previous bosses, you get a chance to fill your hearts in a menu before the battle begins. Take time to read the recommendations listed in the boss fight section as to what Colours are the most useful. The general rule is crimson is the most important, with emerald and azure close behind. You cannot access the Obscura menu during the battle, so take your time to prepare right.

When in battle with them, watch their Colour wheel in the top right of the screen. The colour in the outer-most wheel that's lit up will do more damage to them if you use it to attack. Make sure to watch this carefully as it can save you a lot of colour. Try to save the Colour on the inner-most wheel for the end.

Depending on what cycle you're in, it's possible some Brothers may actually attack you first, so be ready if you see one heading your way. I was attacked pre-emptively by Warden about two Cycles after I killed my first Brother, so make sure you're always prepared and are saving all the time.

Final note, once you have all twenty hearts the Brothers won't drop any more. If you missed any that disappear, such as the one below Pangolin, one of the Brothers will drop it for you. This also means you don't actually have to kill all the Brothers to win the game. All you need are your 20 + 1 hearts. Once you have 20, and the 30th cycle begins, Montgolfier will approach you for a fight and you can get your final heart.

I chose to kill them all partly to gather information for this guide and partly to put a stop to them ravaging my gardens. If you feel like you're running out of time or Colour then just kill enough for the hearts. You're under no obligation whatsoever to kill more than necessary. There's no bonus for doing so.
Part 18: Saving the Sisters
A few cycles after you killed your first brother (it was 4 for me), Aya will approach you and tell you her mistress is in danger from Patriarch. You have three cycles to kill the Brother before he kills the her.

It's actually not explained which Sister is her mistress. I think something was lost in translation here from the original version. To confirm, Aya's mistress is Echo. As the Voice of Colour recommends, it's advisable to save as many Sisters as possible.

Take one cycle (two if you need it) to stock up on Colour and then head for Patriarch. The boss strategy here is repeated in the Brother's Boss Fight section.

It's possible that if you've already killed Patriarch that this event may not occur or another brother might take his place. I have no information on those possibilities at this time. Also, if you decide not to save Echo, it actually doesn't matter that much as she doesn't control any chambers so no areas will be closed off. Personally, I'd feel somewhat guilty though.

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Hawk
-- Haste

In a somewhat surprising turn of events, Patriarch is one of the fastest Brothers. He can charge you down faster than you can run away, even with 100% Azure bonus in your hearts. So, this is where Haste will come in handy. Using it for short bursts will help you keep away from the Brother. Make sure to do so.

Don't bother trying to hide behind pillars, he can maneuver around them with ease. On the other hand, if you get too far away he'll start throwing chainsaw blades at you. So, the best thing to do is to try and get behind him by using Haste. When forced to turn around his speed severely slows so use this time to attack.

Hawk is by far the most useful glyph here. As Patriarch only ever moves in a straight line, a quick application of Hawk will be accurate and devestating. Move quickly, attack quickly, and you'll have him done with fairly quickly. If you don't have Hawk, Wasp will be less accurate, but will suffice. Sleeper is also a possibility.

This fight also has a somewhat secretive strategy. Scattered around the arena are light-grey Coloured rocks that look a bit larger and different from others. If you dot a rock with Colour, and then dot Patriarch, the rocks will spring to life and attack him. While he struggles with defending himself he'll stop moving which gives you a chance to attack. These rocks only work in this fight, but give you a huge window of opportunity.
End Strategy

You're advised to make sure to save the other Sisters too as the Brothers will start trying to kill them. I'm uncertain whether they attack as aggressively as Patriarch and I saw no evidence of Brothers rushing to their Sisters chamber until a few cycles later.

By this stage most, if not all, Brothers will have returned to the Void. Kill them as fast as possible (if you're planning to do so) before they can ravage your gardens and start killing Sisters. Constantly save to create a backup in case a Brother suddenly attacks you.
Part 19: Your One True Heart
This section corrosponds to when the Agony arc begins in the Cycle period. Hopefully by this stage you've defeated at least a third of the Brothers if you're planning to kill them all. If not, I hope you have good reserves of Colour in your gardens because you'll have no choice but to fight Brother after Brother if you want to save the Sisters.

When Agony begins you will see another dream of back streets, roof tops, and a girl made of light that you chase. Chase her across the roof tops until the dream ends. You will then be presented a disturbing vision of the Brothers deciding that the time has come to kill the Sisters before they can corrupt the Void any further. From now on they will target the Sisters one by one and, if you don't get there in time, they'll kill them.

The first Sister targeted for me was Ole. Needless to say I rushed to her side. The Sisters are chosen at random though, so any one of them may become a target. I'm not certain how long you have before a Brother will actually kill a Sister, but it's best to get there as quick as you can. It's unlikely you have more than one cycle. Grab some Colour from a garden because you will have to fight whichever Brother has come to end the life of the targeted Sister. This appears to be random so see section 5 for Brother fight strategies. Apparently not all the Brothers perform these execution tasks. Only the 'good' Brothers-- Triumphantor, Caterpillar, Patriarch, Mantid--will.

As previously mentioned (in case you missed it) you don't actually have to kill all the Brothers. Once you have your twenty hearts you can choose to continue killing them or simply ingore them unless they are a threat to the Sisters. However, you do need to kill Montgolfier. You can't initiate the fight so you have to wait until the 30th cycle when he will finally come and talk to you.

Boss Fight: Montgolfier
Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Hawk
-- Shell

Montgolfier isn't too much trouble. Don't go down the bottom as he likes to explode it about mid-way through the battle. I've been told you can actually use the explosion to damage him by employing Magnet. Considering he's not all that difficult anyway, that strategy seems a bit fiddly.

Stay on the walkway and continually hit him with Hawk. Using Wasp or Owl would be fine too, I personally prefer Hawk because it's faster and more accurate.

From time to time Montgolfier will throw a bomb and some other projectiles at you. They're difficult to dodge so just put up a brief Shell to deflect them. Each time you do enough damage to destroy one of his Colour wheels, a brief cut-scene will play that shows him weakening. Just keep pounding away to finish the job.
End Strategy

After beating him, jump down and pick up the Breakthrough heart.
Part 20: Breakthrough
Cycle 31 will begin the Breakthrough arc and you will have another dream. A huge revelation is revealed as you chase the girl through the streets. She can be a little bit more difficult to keep up with this time, but don't worry if you lose her, it doesn't change anything. At one point she ends up behind a fence, you can get in there by walking into it and pushing down a part of it.

Once back in the Void, you'll be told you only have five cycles left before no more Colour will enter the Void. In other words, the end of cycle 35 is your ultimate time limit.

To save a Sister you need to fill all four of her hearts and draw the Breakthrough glyph on her. Alternatively, you can fill your own hearts, go to The Adit, and simply ascend yourself. The next chamber you enter, Colour will speak to you and explain those options.

Whatever your decision, you need an insane amount of Colour, so get to it! Make the most of gardens, mines, fireflies, and focus on your preferred Sisters favourite Colours.
Part 21: Turgor
Now comes the end of the game where you must reach the state of Turgor. To do so, you must fill not only all 21 of your hearts, but your Nerva as well. It's not an easy task, but it's made significantly easier by one mechanic: once you have the Breakthrough heart, Colour no longer evaporates from your hearts. In other words, if your Nerva is full then Colour from your hearts will stop converting rather than being wasted.

First, focus on filling up Colours you already have a lot of. Don't worry about your hearts yet, make sure to completely fill up your Nerva palette in as many Colours as possible. Don't worry if you're a bit short on some as you should still have plenty of cycles in hand.

Now, go to whatever the nearest still useful garden is to your chosen Sister, or, if you're going to only ascend yourself, the nearest to The Adit.

Assuming you are planning to ascend a Sister, you also need to fill all four of her hearts, so make sure you do that before working towards Turgor. By this stage, accumulating the Colour for that should be relatively straight forward.


Because if you screw up, there's no going back. Begin completely planting the garden in whatever Colours you're missing to fill your Nerva. If you aren't missing any, then just pick two or three Colour of your choice. Make sure to draw the Donor glyph perfectly and fully fill out as many trees in those Colours as you can. If you can make use of two different gardens, go for it.

Leave the garden and speed up time to reach the next Cycle. Return to the garden and, hopefully, completely fill out your hearts. Dump as much Colour as possible from your Lympha into them. You don't have to fill your hearts with different Colours evenly. Watch the meter in the bottom left corner and build it up to the maximum 700. I hit 698 and that was fine, so do what you can.

Now, suck the rest of your gardens dry of colour. To reach the state of Turgor you need approximately 97% of your Nerva and hearts filled.


This allows you to go back and get a different ending without having to go through the trials of reaching Turgor again. So, for example, if you first choose to save a Sister you can reload this file and see what happens if you just go to The Adit and save yourself. Just remember whichever Sister you choose also needs all four of her hearts filled.

Approach your Sister and interact with them. Hold down Ctrl to paint and, if you have enough Colour to be in Turgor, the Breakthrough glyph will be displayed along with the Vampire and Donor glyph at the bottom. If it isn't, reload your previous save and try to make more Colour. If it is, draw it and complete the game.
Part 22: The Different Endings

There are many different endings for The Void. 13 in total, I believe, though many of them are quite similar to each other. Here's the full list:

"Bad" Ending
Difficulty: Easy

Requirements: None. Just be alive at the end of cycle 35.

Ending 1: Become the strongest Brother.

If you reach the end of the 35th Cycle the game will end regardless of your progress. There is a unique cut-scene for that ending where you remain in the Void for eternity. However, this is the only ending with no poem.

Just keep yourself alive until the end. It's pretty simple if you can get that far.

"Normal" Endings
Difficulty: Medium

Sisters Endings: Fill a Sister's hearts, reach Turgor and draw Breakthrough.
Save Yourself Ending: Reach Turgor, go to The Adit and ascend yourself.

Ending 2: Ascend Ole.
Ending 3: Ascend Uta.
Ending 4: Ascend Ava.
Ending 5: Ascend Ire.
Ending 6: Ascend Una.
Ending 7: Ascend Yani.
Ending 8: Ascend Eli.
Ending 9: Ascend Ima.
Ending 10: Ascend Echo.
Ending 11: Ascend Aya.

Ending 12: Ascend yourself.

Each Sister has a slightly different ending. The cut-scene and poetic dialogue varies slightly depending on who you choose. Likewise, choosing just to ascend yourself ends with a similar result, but showing you instead of the Sister. Make sure to turn your volume up, there are no subtitles.

Follow the main walkthrough, it will help you achieve any of these endings.

"Special" Ending
Difficulty: Hard

Requirements: After the Nameless Sister dies in cyle 21, you need to revive her tree by drawing Breakthrough on it once you're in a state of Turgor. Then you will need to fill all four of her hearts and draw Breakthrough on her.

Ending 13: Ascend Death (Namless Sister).

Her ending cut-scene is much the same as the other Sisters. It includes a unique cutscene and some poetic dialogue.

Achieving this endings requires significant effort and forward planning. It's best not to attempt this one on a first playthrough.

To save Death, you need to skip using Colour on anything that isn't necessary. There's nothing you can do to help her until the 30th cycle when you get the Breakthrough heart, but before then you need to have gardens full of emerald and gold for harvesting. Making use of traps might be worthwhile to protect them.

Early on in the game you will want to reduce damage done to Ire's, Eli's and Ima's chambers. You'll need them later on and won't want them filled with predators. If necessary, only fill a single heart of both these Sisters and don't even bother going through to Ole or Yani. Though since Ole and Yani's gardens have the largest capacity trees, you might want to go regardless.

After defeating Montgolfier and getting Breakthrough, you want to be in Turgor within just one cycle so make use of the Colour you've been storing up. Return to Sister's Greenhouse and interact with the big tree Death lives in. Draw Breakthrough on it and she will be revived. This action will have to major consequences for you:

1. Nameless Sister's realm will be destroyed. Her Garden becomes filled with Scorpios, making it a complete lost cause and useless to you.
2. All your Colour is taken. You are left with only a small amount in one heart and in your palette. Make sure you have a nearby garden ready to go in advance.

To produce enough Colour to fill Death's four hearts you will want to use Eli's, Ima's, or Ire's gardens instead. The reason for this is their trees have a very large capacity for Colour and you can get a lot more Colour each cycle than if you used Ava's or Uta's.

By cycle 33 or 34 you will need to have filled all Death's hearts. That gives you one or two cycles to reach Turgor again and draw Breakthrough on her. Very challenging, but not impossible.

"Both" Ending
There are often rumours that there is a way for both the player and a Sister to ascend together. This is not possible in the international version of the game. However, there is a console command in the game to view the "both" final ending, which unfortunately just crashes the game.

Also, there is a corresponding poem in the audio files called "both_final_poem" suggesting that perhaps at one point there was another ending, but it looks like it never made it to the final build of the game. Check out the Poetry Transcripts section of the guide to read the "both" poem.
Cycle Calendar
As the game progresses and the clock ticks down, different cycles will pass. This section aims to detail exactly what events occur during each cycle and at what point. This is an incredibly useful section that is best used alongside the main walkthrough. Trying copying and pasting it into a Notepad or Word file to save all the scrolling up and down you'd need to do otherwise.

First up is a brief table showing when each cycle begins. If you scroll down a little further you'll find the specific events that occur within each cycle.

Famine | 1:99 - 6:92
Commandments | 6:92 - 9:99
Feast | 8/9:99 - 21:99
Confusion | 21:99 - 26:99
Agony | 26:98 - 31:99
Breakthrough | 31:99 - 36:99 (Game Ends)

Needless to say, this section contains major game and plot spoilers. Proceed at your own risk.

IMPORTANT NOTE. One of the difficult things about writing this calendar was the slight variation in when a lot of events occur, and some of these are very hard to properly reflect in this format. It's possible some numbers will be slightly different on your file, but they should vary only by 1 or 2 ticks.

Likewise, you can effectively play the game a 'good' way or a 'bad' way (or somewhere in-between). 'Good' meaning you do everything the Brothers tell you to do and 'bad' meaning you disobey them. This massively affects what events occur and when.

"A man loses his soul only when it dies from a long hunger.

A hungry soul falls into the icy emptiness, where death awaits. But once in a thousand times, before disappearing forever the soul briefly lingers in the Void.

One can only get his soul back if it opens to Colour, accepts it, and understands its meaning and purpose. Then the soul will be able to turn death back, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Time Frame
Cycle begins: 1:99 (game start)
Cycle ends: 6:92

All events in Famine are consistent from file-to-file.

5:75 - Ole speaks to you.
5:30 - Brother Mantid arrives.
5:25 - Brother Whaler arrives.
5:20 - Brother Montgolfier arrives.
6:92 - Mantid approaches you and speaks about the commandments.

"Through their righteousness, the Brothers proved they were worthy of a place in the Void.

The Brothers climbed up from the depths, from a realm where Colour is unheard of, where the mind itself denies Colour's existence.

Their act of faith was great, and it earned them their paradise. And here they law Lympha of Colour, their image of a powerful god.

There is no greater reward for a true believer, than to become the keeper of heaven. The brothers have surely earned their reward and the power of their law is now nearly infinite."

Time Frame
Cycle begins: 6:92
Cycle ends: 9:99

The events in commandments are somewhat more complicated because this is when most of the tasks in the game take place.

6:75 - If you haven't filled Death's second heart, Montgolifer speaks to you with encouraging words.
6:75 - If you have, Whaler speaks to you and tells you to rip her heart out.
6:25 - If you haven't pulled out the heart, Death tells you to return to her chamber.
7:99 - If you haven't pulled out the heart, Whaler attacks you.
6:50 - Mantid gives you mining task and Expose glyph.
8:99 - New Brother (random) arrives.
- Caterpillar arrives.
8:41 - New Brother (random) arrives.
8:25 - New Brother (random) arrives.
xx.xx - Once you complete Mantid's task, Warden arrives and tells you to kill Pangolin.
11.99 - If you have not completed his task, Mantid attacks. Also, the FEAST cycle will not begin.

"Some see Colour as food. Others see it as fuel.

And some feel an autonomous will within and tremble, and think, and wonder -- can't it be pleased with a sacrifice?

Some are thankful to just keep the crumbs. Others spend while it lasts. But everyone wants the same -- plentiful Colour forever.

Can it be summoned? Can it be created? Is anyone given the gift to hear it and understand what it needs?"

Time Frame
Cycle begins: 9:99 (or 8:99)
Cycle ends: 21:99

9:50 - A new Brother (random) arrives.
- A new Brother (random) arrives.
10:99 - Echo approaches and speaks to you.
11:74 - Echo talks to you again.
12:25 - Patriarch speaks to you.
16:99 - If you have not killed Pangolin, Warden attacks.
16:95 - Montgolfier becomes your mentor. Tells you to kill Triton and Worm.
18:92 - Echo speaks to you for a third time.
18:13 - First dream of the surface. End up in The Adit.

"The one who refused the Colour is gone now, dissolved in the cold. Because when one loses one's soul, one loses the possibility of eternal life.

Who would willingly give away their Colour to someone else? What can be more frightening than death within death?

The Sister's silent death tore down every principle that the Void dwellers had come to blieve in.

It's taboo to give away Colour in the Void. Self-sacrifice is an unknown concept here.

But it's not the fact that such a deed is possible that enraged the Brothers and terrified the Sisters.

But the premonition that from now on -- it will be the only way."

Time Frame
Cycle begins: 21:99
Cycle ends: 26:99

21:99 - Death dies.
21:50 - Aya gives you the Vampire heart.
26:98 - Second dream of the surface occurs.

"There's a clear border between suicide and self-sacrifice, leading to a fatal emptying. Colour doesn't want a sacrifice.

Suicide is unacceptable. But the Rite of Devotio is inevitable when it comes to creating. Colour doesn't know pity.

The previous Limit must be drained completely, so there is enough meat for the incarnation of the next.

Only by this price everything new is created."

Time Frame
Cycle begins: 26:98
Cycle ends: 31:99

Note: Needless to say, the Sisters won't be targeted if all Brothers are dead. Sisters will be killed at slightly different times per file, but all within one cycle of being attacked.

26:98 - Brothers initiate a 'witch hunt' and start killing Sisters.
26:74 - A random Sister is targeted.
27:94 - A random Sister is targeted.
28:94 - A random Sister is targeted.
29:94 - A random Sister is targeted.
30:94 - A random Sister is targeted.
30:25 - Montgolfier challenges you to a battle for the Breakthrough heart.
31:98 - Third dream of the surface world occurs.

"Turgor, the ultimate state of tension, will turn a man into a drawn and tightended bow.

Is it possible that, through tremendous force, an arrow could be sent far beyond the Limits of this bow?

Is it truly possible that, even if the bow collapses from the monstrous shot, even if the cost is the bow's destruction, the arrow might pass beyond the point, where not even gravity retrieves it?

The answer to this question is -- no. Most likely, it's impossible."

Time Frame
Cycle begins: 31:98
Cycle ends: 36:99 (End of the game)

32:94 - A random Sister is targeted.
36:99 - The game ends and you remain in the Void.
Intro to Brother Fight Guides
This section details specific strategies on how to defeat each Brother. When possible, save before taking one on and have a muck around yourself first to figure things out. It's more fun that way. Then, if you need help, come here.

A quick note about all bosses: you can damage them simply by painting them with Colour. The downside is that it's generally pretty ineffective and wastes Colour. So do it to finish them off if you feel its necessary, but avoid it otherwise.

Watch their Colour wheel in the top right of the screen. The Colour in the outer-most wheel that's lit up will do double damage to them if you use it to attack. Make sure to watch this carefully.

After beating any Brother and AFTER exiting the arena, check your hearts. On some of my attempts I thought I had done well only to find out that I'd lost almost all of my Colour. Needless to say, it's worth trying again if you win but take heavy losses. Make sure to exit through the portal too, don't jump off the edge in arenas that allow you to.

Before progressing, there are two very important things you should be aware of. Firstly, filling your hearts with Silver (contrary to my previous belief) is not necessary. The arenas that you fight the Brothers in exist 'nowhere' and using Colour will not damage realms.

Secondly, the amount of health a Brother has is based on how healthy his realm is. If they're damaged he will have less health, if they're not damaged much then he will have more. If a realm only has 20% life left, a Brother will have his health halved. That's the lowest it can go. Destroying a realm, however, will not kill its Brother. Don't worry about this too much.

Lastly, there are a few hearts that disappear in the game if you don't collect them in time. Brothers will drop them if you missed them, so make sure to pick them up if you see one. Only Montgolfier will have your final 21st heart.
Brother Fight Guide: Caterpillar
"Caterpillar's keen and observant mind immediately promoted him to a special position within the Brotherhood. His accurate assessments helped to smooth the Brothers' shock when they first discovered Color. Now, Colors occupy all his attention and he is close to understanding their essence. His influence is great. Caterpillar watches over Ima."

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Hawk

First off, keep your distance! Being too close to Caterpillar, or any of his spheres, will drain your Colour at a shockingly fast rate and will quickly kill you. Occasionally he will throw some of the spheres that follow him at you. Quickly dodge these to avoid losing Colour.

Every now and then he will use an attack that sucks you in towards him. For reasons stated above you certainly want to avoid this. The best thing to do is stand near a pillar and hide behind it whenever he attacks. After he tries to suck you in he will push you away. If you're standing too close to the edge you'll be pushed off it and out of the chamber. This can be extremely irritating.

His major attack, which I only saw him do once in the three attempts it took me to beat him, is where he flies up in the air and lands on his tower. He then rolls all the spheres out over the arena. This can be a major problem as you need to keep away from all of them. Depending on how much damage you take from this, you might be better off reloading and trying again.

Until I realised to use Hawk, Catepillar was a huge pain. He spends most of his time moving around the arena and generally dodging your attacks. I first attempted to beat him with Wasp, but he'd frequently move out of the way and the golem would miss. Likewise, Sleeper can be useful, but his movements are a little too erratic to rely on it.

So, instead, charge up a powerful Hawk (32 Colour is the maximum) with a Colour that corrosponds to his weakness on the Colour wheel. Dot Caterpillar with a single drop of Colour and Hawk will rush towards him. If he starts moving and it misses him, dot him again and Hawk will turn around and shoot back at him.

Even though it's shown in this fight in the demonstration video, don't use Hysteric. You have to get close to Caterpillar to make it effective and it'll cause you more harm than do good.
Brother Fight Guide: Ironclad
"It's hard to tell who the Brothers were in the Nightmare, but Ironclad's past is undoubtedly involved with war. He's sure of his invincibility and thus feels no need for displays of savagery; he's slow, even lazy. He has a contemplative, yet practical mind. Ironclad watches over Eli."

Boss Fight: Ironclad

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Hawk
-- Magnet
-- Shell
-- Sleeper

I found Ironclad to require a lot more Colour to beat than other Brothers (and I've since had confirmation that he has the highest HP of them all). So make sure you have a bit more on hand than you'd usually take to these fights.

To start with, he appeared to drive around mostly randomly. He didn't really target me, so during the first segment just keep your distance and used a ranged attack such as Hawk, Owl, or Tumbleweed to attack him. Hawk is prefered just because it moves faster. Avoid Wasp as it doesn't home.

After taking away some of his health and his first colour wheel, he'll drop some of his guns on the ground. Run over to a corner of the arena (far away from them) and draw a 20-25 Colour Magnet. Then get away from it. Within a few seconds all the guns will be drawn to the Magnet and, as long as you don't approach that corner, won't be any threat to you.

From the second stage of the fight, he seemed to target me. Keep away from him and repeat the same strategy for the first stage. Use Shell if you need to block the bullets he fires or Haste if you need to get out of the way faster. Once he drops his last guns, draw another magnet in another corner and both sets of guns will rush towards it. Apparently ritual can also be used to destroy them, but this would be much more time- and Colour-consuming.

In the final stage he will constantly drive towards you and fire one large cannonball. I attempted, in vain, to dodge the cannonballs, so draw a quick Shell just before they hit you and you won't take damage. During this stage continue to use Hawk or Sleeper to attack. Ritual works too, but the time it takes to set it up, and the risk of him driving out of it, didn't seem worth it.
Brother Fight Guide: Mantid
"Mantid is the head of the phratry, high commander and guardian of the Commandments. He has the last word on any disputes. He's ruthless, yet fair. He decides on the Brothers' duties and makes sure they are done. Mantid watches over Uta."

Boss Fight: Mantid

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Hawk / Wasp
-- Shell

As long as you're paying attention (and can draw Shell) Mantid is easy. The fight can basically be divided into two phases. During the first, Mantid will be mostly invincible. When his colour wheel is gray, don't bother attacking as he won't take any damage. Eventually, a Colour sphere will appear on the ground and Mantid will go over to it to absorb it. He is vulnerable during this time. The downside is that he heals himself as he sucks the Colour.

Throw all your might into attacking him with your fastest glyph: Hawk. Continue to repeat this strategy while keeping away from him. Don't worry, he's slow. If you don't have Hawk yet, Wasp is viable as he doesn't move.

After he finishes absorbing Colour he will shoot a bomb at you and become invincible again. The bomb tends to miss you the first time, but it will turn around and come back at you from behind. You can't continue to dodge it so use Shell to protect yourself and let it explode on you.

Once you damage him enough that he's lost two of his three colour wheels, he won't absorb Colour anymore. Instead he'll just fire off the bombs and this is the only time he can be damaged. The window of vulnerability is short so shoot off a couple of Hawk's and then get ready for the bomb.

At any time you can right click the balls of Colour he uses and take it yourself. Doing so while Mantid is still alive is significantly more risky than it's worth, but if there's one left after he's dead, then nab it!
Brother Fight Guide: Montgolfier
"Firm and infinitely strict on himself, Montgolfier was magnanimous and kind to others. He was charmed by the Sisters' heavenly beauty and always had faith in his entrusted Sister, Ino. After Ino's breakthrough, he refused to harm her, yet he did not come to her defense. He was exiled from the Void, sent back into the Nightmare for his criminal negligence and disobedience."

Boss Fight: Montgolfier

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Hawk
-- Shell

Montgolfier isn't too much trouble. Don't go down the bottom as he likes to explode it about mid-way through the battle. I've been told you can actually use the explosion to damage him by employing Magnet. Considering he's not all that difficult anyway, that strategy seems a bit fiddly.

Stay on the walkway and continually hit him with Hawk. Using Wasp or Owl would be fine too, I personally prefer Hawk because it's faster and more accurate.
Brother Fight Guide: Patriarch
"Reasonable, experienced and open-minded, Patriarch has rightfully earned his reputation as the wisest Brother. And though he is less intelligent than the impudent Whaler, and less powerful than the determined Mantid or the relentless Tyrant, Patriarch's authority is unquestionable. Patriarch watches over Una."

Boss Fight: Patriarch

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Hawk
-- Haste

In a somewhat surprising turn of events, Patriarch is one of the fastest Brothers. He can charge you down faster than you can run away, even with 100% Azure bonus in your hearts. So, this is where Haste will come in handy. Using it for short bursts will help you keep away from the Brother. Make sure to do so.

Don't bother trying to hide behind pillars, he can maneuver around them with ease. On the other hand, if you get too far away he'll start throwing chainsaw blades at you. So, the best thing to do is to try and get behind him by using Haste. When forced to turn around his speed severely slows so use this time to attack.

Hawk is by far the most useful glyph here. As Patriarch only ever moves in a straight line, a quick application of Hawk will be accurate and devastating. Move quickly, attack quickly, and you'll have him done with fairly quickly. If you don't have Hawk, Wasp will be less accurate, but will suffice. Sleeper is also a possibility.

This fight also has a somewhat secretive strategy. Scattered around the arena are light-grey Coloured rocks that look a bit larger and different from others. If you dot a rock with Colour, and then dot Patriarch, the rocks will spring to life and attack him. While he struggles with defending himself he'll stop moving which gives you a chance to attack. These rocks only work in this fight, but give you a huge window of opportunity.
Brother Fight Guide: Pit
"Pit took the place of Montgolfier and carried out the execution of the deranged Ino. Though reserved by nature, he performed this terrifying duty without question, but the crime has left him marked for life. Despite the Brothers' admiration for his sacrifice, he hasn't forgiven himself."

Boss Fight: Pit

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Hawk
-- Repulse
-- Sleeper

Pit is a rather unusual fight compared to the others. While he's above ground he remains stationary and, apart from jigging up and down, won't move at all. He won't appear until a few seconds into the battle, so be prepared. He'll drill up through the ground and start shooting bullets. Immediately draw the Repulse glyph (with no more than 25 Colour--that'll be enough) and stand by it until he goes back underground. This will perfectly protect you from his attacks.

Once he goes back underground he'll vanish for a few seconds before popping up in a different spot. Just apply the same strategy and draw the Repulse glyph. The whole battle will continue like this so just keep it up.

The one problem with the Repulse glyph is that it also repulses any golems you draw. So unless you're standing right in front of Pit, avoid using Owl, Tumbleweed, or Wasp. They'll shoot off in a different direction away from your Repulse golem. I found Hawk was useful because, even though it too is repulsed, you can then put a drop of Colour on Pit and it'll redirect towards him.

If you're drawing Repulse perfectly, you'll barely need to move so having Azure in your hearts isn't all that necessary. If you have some to spare, sill use it just in case.

One of the developers suggested a slightly different strategy. Instead of standing right next to your Repulse golem, put it behind you so you're standing between it and Pit. This allows you to use Glyphs normally and still be protected. Apparently, with this strategy, glyps such as Wasp will actually be repulsed INTO Pit at a faster rate. I haven't tried this myself.

You can also use sleeper as he remains in the same place for long periods of time. Thanks to wea0 for the tip.
Brother Fight Guide: Triumphator
"The only Brother who is not too serious about himself and his situation. Artistic by nature, he plays the role of a dim-witted, pompous fop - but, behind this disguise, he conceals an outstanding mind and a strong character. Triumphator watches over Ire."

Boss Fight: Triumphator

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Wasp
-- Shell

Triumphator will teleport around the arena as the battle plays out. I'm not sure if this was a bug or an intentional game mechanic, but I couldn't use Hawk on him. I could draw the glyph fine, but it wouldn't home. So Wasp became my most effective option.

For most of the battle, if you keep your distance then Triumphator will pose no real threat. Stand about mid-range and throw out plenty of Wasps at him. Follow him around as he teleports, but don't get too close as he'll step on you dealing at least 40 damage to your Colour.

Towards the end of the battle he'll start to blow his horn. As soon as this occurs protect yourself with Shell, using 20ish Colour, to completely block the attack. Otherwise just keep focusing on taking him down.
Brother Fight Guide: Tyrant
"He was the first to see the Sisters as a source of danger and laid down harsh rules of conduct with them. Unlike Pit, he took pleasure in carrying out the bloody job. Powerful, fierce, uncompromising, mutilated for the murder of a Sister, he took the role of an informal leader alongside Whaler, right after the Extermination."

Boss Fight: Tyrant

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Ritual
-- Owl / Tumbleweed

Tyrant is one of the more easily predictable Brothers in terms of his attacks. The whole battle he will just roll around the arena in the same direction, occasionally stopping to spin on the spot. When he does this, green gasses will be released on the ground in random areas. Stay out of this at all costs as it will drain your Colour as a nightmarish rate.

If you find yourself stuck in the gas and unable to move, it means you've already died and the hit points just haven't caught up with you yet. Feel free to reload at this point and try again. Thanks to madmarten for confirming this: (

Attacking him can be a bit more annoying. Avoid Hawk as you'll be wasting Colour to constantly redirect it as it misses. And it's going to miss a lot. I found the best strategy was to start the battle by releasing a couple of Tumbleweeds and an Owl golem. It may take a while for them to hit him, but they home automatically so you can just leave them alone and let them do their thing. You can also release them when you stand right in front of him for a much greater degree of accuracy. Just be careful not to get run over!

I found Ritual to be a huge damage dealer here. Make a massive triangle that takes up the whole arena and put 30-40 drops into each of the three points. You can use less than that if you don't feel confident using it. If you can match the ritual to his colour wheel you can beat him in only a handful of uses of this glyph.
Brother Fight Guide: Warden
"Unspeakably fierce and terrible, Warden has been known to scare even his Brothers. Like many of those with a sadistic nature, his words appear kind, even tender, and he is careful and unhurried in his actions. He appeared in the Void just recently, and many thought of this as an ominous sign. Warden watches over Yani."

Boss Fight: Warden

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Owl / Tumbleweed
-- Shell

Warden is going to be either really easy or very frustrating. All it depends on is whether or not you have the Owl glyph. If you do have Owl then that's all you'll need. If not, you're going to have to rely on Wasp or Hawk, but you're going to be missing a lot and wasting a lot of Colour.

Warden swings around from the roof, but don't be fooled. He has other means of reaching you. Firstly, stay on the walkway and don't jump down. Warden can reach you easily if you're at the bottom. He mostly attacks by raising bone spikes on the walkway so unless you're drawing a glyph make sure you're never standing in the one place for too long.

Sometimes he'll swing at you and can trap you in his cage. If this happens draw Shell and hope he won't kill you. I once found myself inside his cage even though he didn't visibly swing at me. Not sure why this happened.

So, in short, keep on the walkway, keep moving, and keep drawing Owl. Use that advice and you'll have him down quickly. Tumbleweed can actually work too if you make it powerful enough. Warden takes up enough space that the glyph will hit him before it falls to the ground. Use whatever you have.
Brother Fight Guide: Whaler
"Proud, self-confident and straightforward, Whaler is the embodiment of the best and worst qualities of a champion. He's the boldest and most insolent of the Brothers. Only he would take the liberty of talking to his entrusted Sister, merely for amusement. He has equal standing with Mantid, but he has no desire for power - only independence. Whaler watches over Ava."

Boss Fight: Whaler

Fill Your Hearts With:
-- Crimson (Attack strength)
-- Azure (Movement speed)
-- Emerald (Defence)

Useful Glyphs:
-- Owl
-- Hawk
-- Shell

The battle begins with just Whaler. Throw a few Hawks at him to get started and you'll soon see floating heads arrive in the arena. As long as you keep away from Whaler he's not an immediate threat. The heads can be more of a problem. They can breathe fire to get you from a distance or charge you down at close range. Being hit by either will drain a lot of Colour from you. Shell can be handy if you end up backed into a corner.

DO NOT attack Whaler when he's collecting heads. His colour wheel will gray out and he won't take any damage at all. Instead, turn your attention to said floating heads. If Whaler manages to accumulate four of them over the course of the battle you will be thrown from the arena and forced to start over. It only takes about ten drops of Colour to destroy one using the Owl glyph. Once Whaler starts drawing the heads in (it's obvious, he starts glowing), draw Owl glyps four or five at a time to destroy them.

Don't use Owl or Tumbleweed to attack Whaler as most of the time they'll hit the floating heads instead. Use Hawk for good accuracy and the ability to redirect your attacks.

When Whaler has no heads he'll move more slowly and won't even be able to detect you unless you're right in front of him. As he accumulates heads he becomes both stronger and faster, but his defence is also lowered. In other words, he takes longer to kill if he has no heads. So make a management decision about how you want to fight him. Letting him have one or two heads might be a good option to save Colour if you're feeling confident.

A slightly alternate method, suggested by wea0, is to simply run away until Whaler obtains two heads. Start attacking normally at that point and, once he gets a third head, finish him off with a full-powered ritual as he'll take extra damage. This is a little risky.
Heart Locations
If there is a heart somewhere inside a chamber, a special sound effect will play when you enter the chamber and continue to loop. It's an unusual sound, so listen carefully for it. Thanks again to Halfgild Wynac for the tip.

Here's the legend used throughout this section:

[???] - Provides different glyphs file-to-file.

[Constant] - Always the same glyph on every file.

[Missable] - This heart can be missed after certain events, but will be dropped by a Brother later. To be clear, NO hearts are permanently missable.

Nameless Sister's Chambers
Sister's Greenhouse
-- Donor: Collect when you begin the game. (Constant)
-- Haste: Given after clearing Death's chambers of enemies. (Constant)
-- Torch: Given after pulling out Death's second heart. (Constant)

-- Shell: All the way at the back of the chamber up some stairs. (Constant)

The Adit
-- ???: This heart will be Ordalia if you have not yet picked it up. If you already have it, a heart will not appear here at all. It can be found by jumping into the middle section of The Adit and on the bottom floor. Don't worry about coming here early in the game to pick it up. Wait until you're sent there automatically. You won't need Ordalia before then anyway.

Uta's Chambers
Uta's Grove
-- Extract: Speak to Uta after obtaining the Expose heart. (Constant)

-- ???: On the highest branch, beneath where Pangolin swings. (Missable)
-- Magnet: Head left from the entry point until you're on the west side. Follow the branches down to the left towards the edge of the trees. This heart is hidden in a hollowed-out tree near an exit portal. (Constant)

Ava's Chambers
-- ???: Follow the path around to the left and into the tower. Climb the stairs and walk out onto the ledge. You should be able to see the heart below you. Just jump down and grab it.

Una's Chambers
Una's Smithy
-- ???: From the entry point, head north as if you were going to Una, but stay as far to the right as possible. In the top corner you should find a staircase leding to this heart.

-- Web: Down the chasm between the two pieces of land is a lot of rubble. Looks for a glowing light beneath it and physically push your way in to the heart. (Constant)

-- ???: Look up to the right side of the mine and you should see some very high ledges with the heart on top. Head towards the back of the area, closer to the heart, and use the Magent glyph. Stand beneath the glyph and it will hopefully pull the heart down to you. This can take a few goes so make sure to save before you enter as not to waste colour. My successful magent golem was drawn with 20 Colour.

Ire's Chambers
Ire's Pond
-- ???: Climb the tallest structure in the pond and fill your hearts with Azure. Face the hedge to the north and taking a running leap over it to reach the heart.

-- ???: On the bottom level is a cave inside a rocky wall. Only a few steps inside it is the heart. Use the Torch glyph if you can't see properly in the dark. You can also grab it simply by jummping behind the cave wall from your entry point. (Missable)

Ole's Chambers

Ima's Chambers
Ima's Tower
-- ???: Follow the staircase all the way to the top to find it.

-- ???: Beneath the large bridge on the ground level is some rubble. Shove it out of the way and you'll find the heart.

Eli's Chambers
-- ???: This heart sits in a small cave on the side of the chamber. From the cave where you enter head around to the right, then do a sharp left turn into another valley. The heart sits in a small cave on the right side of the wall. (Missable)

Yani's Chambers

Other Locations
-- Around the 21st cycle, Aya will give you the Vampire heart.

-- Expose: Mantid will automatically give it to you when he approaches you with a mining task.

-- Your final, and 21st, heart will be dropped by Montgolfier when you defeat him. He can only be challenged when he approaches you in the 30th cycle.

Brother Arenas
-- Any hearts that are missable will be dropped after you defeat Brothers. This could be as few as one, or more than three.
Have a question? Then I have the answer! Well, I don't necessarily have the answer... However, there's a good chance that this section can help you out anyway! Even if you don't have a question yet, you may find this section useful for tips. There are some spoilers, so read at your own risk!

Q. Is the English/American release censored?
A. No. The only thing that has confused some people is that the first Sister did not have chains in other releases. These chains can be removed by feeding her Colour, the same as every other Sister.

Q. Why does it say, "You should have drawn the Donor glyph. Now some of your Colour is gone in vein."?
A. The game can be very temperamental about accepting this glyph. Take a look at the previous section for tips on drawing Donor correctly.

Q. After Ole talks to me in the 5th cycle, the map gets stuck! What's up?
A. The camera has just moved and zoomed in. To fix it so you can see yourself again, right click and drag anywhere. Use the scroll wheel to zoom out.

Q. I'm constantly running out of Colour! What can I do?
A. Firstly, figure out why you're losing Colour. Are your gardens too empty? Are your gardens withering too quickly? Are you wasting it killing predators? Are you filling your hearts to save Colour in the appropriate situation? Take a look at the Useful Tips in section 2 of this guide for plenty of Colour-saving tips.

Q. Is anything in the game permanently missable?
A. Nope. Some hearts can be temporarily missed and will disappear, but can be acquired by beating Brothers later in the game. This includes all three hearts in the Pangolin, Lemna, and Worm boss chambers.

Q. I forgot what I'm supposed to do next! How can I find out?
A. Hit J to open your journal. Here you can find all the info on glyphs you've acquired, tasks you need to perform, and information given to you by Brothers and Sisters. It isn't written perfectly, but it should at least jog your memory.

Q. The icon on a chamber indicates there's a lot of Colour there, but when I enter it I can't find any at all! Where is it?
A. The icon shown on the map does indicate the amount of Colour in a chamber. However, it doesn't indicate what form it's in. It may be in mines, it may be in trees, or it might even be in balls of light or critters like fireflies. Have a good look around and you should find something.

Q. There are so many predators in the chambers! Can I do anything about it?
A. If you're at that stage, it's probably too late. Whenever you plant a tree or donate to a Sister make sure you fill your hearts with 100% silver. This will reduce damage done to each realm and can stop predators appearing. If the enemies have already appeared then the damage has already been done.

Q. Are traps worth using to protect your gardens?
A. Generally not, no. As long as you're paying attention to where Brothers are moving around the Void, you should be able to beat them in a race back to a garden and harvest it before them. Fill your hearts with Azure and draw a path using the maximum 20 Colour. This will allow you to move around the Void at a lightning pace and beat the Brothers anywhere. This is a huge Colour saver compared to using between 50-100 for a trap, but there is some level of risk.

Q. Is it possible to save the first Sister?
A. Yes. After she dies go back to her garden and revive her tree. To do so you need to be in the state of Turgor and have the Breakthrough heart. Then refill all four of her hearts just as you would for any other Sister.

Q. Can you continue to ally with the Brothers to the end?
A. Sort of. It's theoretically possible to avoid killing them all except for Montgolfier. To do so you would have need to have picked up every single missable heart. If you missed any that disappear then you'll need to kill a Brother for them to drop it. There's no different ending for leaving them all alive.

Q. If I attack one Brother, does that make them all angry?
A. Surprisingly, no. Brothers are united in title only and actually work solo. Kill one, two, three, it doesn't matter. The only time they'll attack you first is if you fill more than three hearts of a Sister, damage a realm below 30%, or at a certain point very late in the game.

Q. What happens if you kill the Sisters?
A. If you, or a Brother, kills a Sister then you will no longer be able to interact with her. If you haven't yet opened access through her chambers then you will have permanently locked yourself out. If you've already done that then there's no real penalty for it. Obviously, if you kill them all then you can't win the game.

Q. I read that you can ascend two Sisters. Is this true?
A. No, this is not possible. Even if you fill the hearts of more than one Sister, you can only draw the Breakthrough glyph on one. Confirmed by the developers.

Q. I beat the game, but I don't understand the story. What's the deal with it?
A. The story is told through tiny bits of information throughout the whole game. The most significant pieces of plot come during the dream in the 31st Cycle and an explanation at the start of the 34th Cycle.

If your question wasn't here, try looking for it on the official FAQ on the Ice-Pick Lodge forums:
Appendix: Realm Damage Calculations
The Brothers, Sisters, and realms are all intrinsically linked. What happens to one will affect the others in some way. Most importantly, hurting one will hurt the others. Realms are damaged by the use of Colour when inside a chamber. Every time you use Colour, whether it be for fighting, growing trees, donating to Sisters, mining, or whatever, the Realm will take a small amount of damage. The more Colour used the more damage it will take. You can massively reduce this by filling your hearts for a 100% silver bonus before doing anything major and I highly recommend that you do. Likewise, using the gold bonus when giving Colour to Sisters or violet when growing trees will lower the amount of Colour you need to use.

When you begin the game, everything will be at 100% health: both Brothers and their Realms. A Sister's health works differently and is based on how many of their hearts are filled. If, for example, you fully fill all four of Ole's hearts (with a 100% silver and gold bonus) her realm will take about 36% damage. This is unavoidable. If you plant trees in her gardens or fight enemies then it will take even more. Dramatically more if you didn't use the Colour bonuses. Don't let this put you off though, using gardens nearby Sisters is essential to winning.

Here's a quick reference on how some of the things you'll do in the game damage a realm. Don't worry about it too much as you'll have to do all these things throughout the game anyway. Just make sure to make use of the silver bonus.

Damage dealt to realms per drop of Colour: 0.02%

Using a Sister's favourite Colour | 20% increased realm damage (x1.2)
Using a Colour poisonous to a Sister | 20% decreased realm damage (x0.8)

Donating Colour to a Sister | Colour used x1.5
Attacking an enemy | Colour used x1.25
Growing a tree | Colour used x0.75
Drawing Breakthrough | x1,000,000 (kills realm)

Quick example to explain the table: You draw the Hawk glyph using 30 emerald Colour while inside one of Uta's chambers. This means you will deal 0.72% damage to her realm. I'll break it down so it's easy to see:

0.02% per Colour + Increased favourite colour damage = 0.024% per drop. 0.024% per drop of Colour x 30 Colour used = 0.72% damage dealt.

If you've gone down the path of reviving Sister Death, you might be scratching your head at the Breakthrough damage because you have to draw it twice. When you first revive her tree, it actually DOES destroy the realm. The realm drops below 0% health. This doesn't actually eman anything except an insane amount of predators (including Scorpios) will appear.

As you probably noticed, you're actually better off using Colours poisonous to a Sister when growing trees in gardens or reservations connected to them. This will greatly reduce the amount of damage you deal to their realm and stop more dangerous enemies appearing.

Now, Realm health affects three important things. The first is the strength of a Brother. As the Realm a Brother resides in takes damage, that Brother will become weaker and have less health, making him easier to defeat in battle. The maximum amount of health a Brother can lose is 50%. This occurs if a Realm only has 20% health left. There's no way to see Realm health in game, so you'll have to take a guess based on how many enemies there are. Which leads me to my next point...

As a Realm becomes more damaged, more enemies will appear within it. Jumpers and Ushan appear quite early on along with some Shatun that appear not based on realm damage, but because their numbers and locations have been pre-programmed. As the realm takes damage the amount of predator's will rise and new, more dangerous, speicies will appear.

At 40% health, Scorpios will appear (see predators section). These are the final enemy to appear due to realm damage. You can actually stop them appearing at all if you've been very careful with your use of the silver bonus in your hearts and depending on where you've grown certain Colour trees.

The last of the three major things is Colour generation. Damaged realms will produce less Colour in everything from trees to mines to fireflies. The exact amount is calculated by this formula:

Colour Generated (%) = Domain Health - 1.2%

As mentioned earlier, nothing actually happens if a realm hits 0% health. Of course, many predators will have appeared by that time and you can end up with as many as three or four Scorpios in the one garden, which is a major problem.

At 50% realm damage a Brother will warn you. If it drops to 30%, and the Brother that lives there is still alive, he will attack you. If you get the warning at 50% and are planning to do more in that realm then you may want to attack the Brother first so you're not surprised later.
Appendix: Boss HP & Sister Colour Capacity
The following data has been pulled from the game files and has not been tested. Please remember that depending on realm damage and the Colour in your hearts you may kill enemies faster, fill Sisters with more Colour and take less damage.

Boss Health
Bosses have a pre-determined maximum health when the game begins. For the predator bossess (Pangolin, Triton and Worm) this number will not change. For the Brothers, however, as their realm takes damage their health will be reduced, making them easier to defeat.

Pangolin: 600
Triton: 600
Worm: 750

Caterpillar: 400
Ironclad: 650
Mantid: 350
Montgolfier: 500
Patriarch: 450
Pit: 550
Triumphator: 300
Tyrant: 200
Warden: 400
Whaler: 500

There is an additional boss called "Doppleganger" listed, with a base HP of 100, but he must not have been added to the final game. Interestingly, Doppleganger is also listed as the Brother for the Nameless Sister, leading to the suggestion that he is you, the player.

Sister Colour Capacity
Each Sister requires the same amount of Colour to fill her hearts. Below shows the required amount of each heart as well as the overall total. Note that by using favoured Colours and by filling your hearts with the right Colours you can reach capacity using less Colour.

First Heart: 200
Second Heart: 400
Third Heart: 800
Fourth Heart: 1,000

Total: 2,400

Tree Capacity
Like the Sisters, the amount of Colour you can give to a tree depends on a few factors. With enough Violet in your hearts you can fill a tree with *more* Colour than you actually give it. Likewise, drawing the Donor glyph poorly will result in the tree tacking in *less* Colour than you actually give it.

Trees will return varying amounts of Colour depending on how much you filled it, and they can eventually be used up and produce no more Colour.

Tiny | 15 Colour capacity | 45 Colour return over 2 cycles | 3 cycle cooldown
Small | 40 Colour capacity | 93 Colour return over 5 cycles | 5 cycle cooldown
Medium | 75 Colour capacity | 225 Colour return over 5 cycles | 5 cycle cooldown
Large | 125 Colour capacity | 343 Colour return over 5 cycles | 5 cycle cooldown
Huge | 150 Colour capacity | 375 Colour return over 5 cycles | 5 cycle cooldown

*Colour return assumes you draw Donor correctly and fill the tree with the maximum amount of Colour.

Trees will continue to produce Colour across their life cycle. Whether you go back to harvest from it every cycle or wait until its final cycle, the amount of Colour you get as a return will be exactly the same. The most profitable cycle of a tree (ie. when you get the largest Colour return in one go) is the first one after it has grown. The amount grows smaller from there.

In addition, the Colour return numbers listed above are a maximum. Even when drawing the Donor glyph correctly I sometimes received one or two less Colour than the maximum in total, though I'm not certain as to why this was the case.
Version History Notes
Corresponds roughly with Version 1.80 (February 4th, 2022) of the GameFAQs version[]. Transferring the guide from there to here was a huge job, but I hope to bring over some of the missing sections in the future.

Thank you for reading this guide! I hope you found it helpful in better understanding the beautiful and mysterious game that is The Void, and in achieving victory.

This guide is the result of over 100 hours of research, writing, editing and, of course, playing the game to better understand it. If you have found this guide useful, please consider:
  1. Recommending/liking this guide on Steam.
  2. If you're feeling especially generous, you can also donate via PayPal through a link at the top of the GameFAQs guide[].
Thanks very much for your time and I'm so glad if any part of this guide has helped you to enjoy this game as much as I have.
22 bình luận
1600 frogs 21 Thg10, 2023 @ 3:51pm 
Something I ran into on my first playthrough that I noticed wasn't in the guide: Haste is missable. I'm not sure how, but the quest from Sister Death didn't go through correctly for me and I picked up Haste later from a random locational drop. Unsure if this was related to a bug or not.
barteusz 3 Thg06, 2023 @ 8:29am 
Yes, I'm sure her hearts were filled from the beginning. I even started new game but still, all hearts filled. I was unlucky, because I've got A LOT of bugs:
- all hearts of Nameless Sister filled
- no mission from Nameless Sister (about killing creatures in her garden)
- no missions from Brothers (about killing big monsters)
- never got vampire glyph from Aya
- got only 20 of 21 hearts (even when killing all five Brothers)
- never got magnet glyph
- Montgolfier didn't want to fight with me
- couldn't revive Nameless Sister (because her tree never died)
- couldn't ascend myself (some bug with drawing Breakthrough)

I think a single bug created whole avalanche of more bugs.

So I think I missed a lot of content from the game unfortunatelly.

But thanks to your walkthrough and cheat codes I managed to finish the game :steamhappy:
Andrew  [tác giả] 2 Thg06, 2023 @ 2:37pm 
Hey barteusz, the game can be buggy, so it may be a bug. Are you certain her hearts are already filled? That definitely shouldn't be happening.
barteusz 12 Thg05, 2023 @ 1:50pm 
Great walkthrough, thank you for that amazing work!
I must admit that I have problem at the beginning. First Sister starts with all hearts already filled and never give me quest to kill parasites in near locations. Should I ignore that and just focus on another Sisters?
Andrew  [tác giả] 12 Thg01, 2023 @ 10:32pm 
Hey Red, thanks for your message. Could you please email me at scrawlknight[at]gmail[dot]com with a few examples of what you'd like to use (mainly whether you're looking to actually reproduce sections of the guide in its entirety or merely as a source of information) and the URL of your website? Thanks!
Lungblossom 11 Thg01, 2023 @ 1:50am 
hey there, i added you a while back to ask you a question but i can just ask here - ive been planning on making a fansite for the void and i wanted to ask you if i could use some of the information in your guide (with credit, of course) on the site
Andrew  [tác giả] 12 Thg08, 2022 @ 4:47pm 
Hey Zalugar, thanks for your comments! It's been a while since I've played, so let me do some digging on Tyrant and I'll update the guide with what I can find.

On Warden, from memory, once you're in his cage it's too late to draw. You need to draw Shell as he's swinging towards you to stop being captured. I think the whole thing is quite glitchy though: sometimes he doesn't swing and still catches you, for example.
Zalugar 11 Thg08, 2022 @ 9:26pm 
Hey your guide's been great, but I have something I wish you would specify on it.

Specifically, how you challenge Tyrant. Unlike most the brothers, he doesn't have a chamber you can just go to challenge him. I finally figured out how to do it by waiting for him to attack an untrapped garden. Didn't try this earlier simply because when I did this with another brother much earlier, he told me to go away and it automatically booted me out of the room. Might've been because I didn't have the Ordalia glyph then.

Oh, and I tried drawing Shell after Warden caged me...and I just couldn't. I couldn't actually draw any glyph or even just hit him with splashes of color. The camera also wouldn't lock when drawing so it might've just been a bug all around.
Andrew  [tác giả] 3 Thg02, 2022 @ 10:21pm 
Sorry, yes, you're right about the non-Brother bosses, I have shown that in a confusing way. I'll update.

The other numbers should be correct. I haven't tested, but I pulled them straight from the game files.
Double Dark 3 Thg02, 2022 @ 9:49pm 
I still don't think the realm's health affects Pangolin/Triton/Worm. They had full health bars, unlike the brothers. It's possible that Web does 2 damage per color, though. That would explain why Pangolin/Triton had 600 health. My estimate on Worm included crits, so I might have calculated wrong.