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Trinity Guide And Builds 👌
By ThePHiLsTeR [¬º-°]¬
Trinity is one of the most used warframes in the game, and used in so many team compositions. She's very worth your time. Get informed on her abilities and some working builds in this guide.
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Trinity is one of the most used warframes in the game, and used in so many team compositions. She's very worth your time.

Common Team Compositions That Include Trinity
  • Experience Farming
  • Resource Farming
  • Mod Farming
  • Credit Farming
  • Eidolon Captures
  • Pushing deep into endless type missions

This Guide Includes Builds For:
  • Providing energy for teams
  • Providing healing for teams
  • Providing up to 75% damage reduction for teams
  • Tanking

Abilities Overview
Well Of Life
  • Create a well of life on an enemy. Allies will gain health when damaging the target.
Energy Vampire
  • Allies will gain energy over time when enemies are marked with Energy Vampire.
  • Any damage taken while Link is active will be channeled to a nearby enemy.
  • Restore the health and shields of allies within Trinity's Affinity aura while giving them some damage resistance.
How To Get Trinity

Trinity's component blueprints are acquired from Pluto's boss, Ambulas, on Hades, Pluto.

Trinity Prime

Trinity Prime is currently vaulted, meaning her relics are no longer in drop tables. Her blue print parts can still be traded with other players. During periodic unvaultings, her relics are available for a couple months at a time.

Reward Tier
Recommended Farming Locations
Lith K4
  • Fortuna Bounty Level 5-15 | Stage 2-5 | 43% Drop Chance per stage (if none failed)
  • Hepit, Void (capture) | 12.50% Drop Chance
Meso D5
  • Fortuna Bounty Level 20-40 | Stage 2-5 | 43% Drop Chance per stage (if none failed)
  • Ukko, Void (Capture) | 12.50% Drop Chance
Axi S7
  • Fortuna Bounty Level 40-60 | Stage 2-5 | 43% Drop Chance per stage (if none failed)
  • Mithra, Void Rotation C (Interception) | 12.50% Drop Chance
  • Mot, Void Rotation C (Survival) | 12.50% Drop Chance
  • Aten, Void (Mobile Defense) | 6.25% Drop Chance
Neo N12
  • Fortuna Bounty Level 30-50 | Stage 2-5 | 43% Drop Chance per stage (if none failed)
  • Ukko, Void (Capture) | 12.50% Drop Chance
EV Trin
Purpose of Role
  • Provide energy for team
  • Provide healing for team
  • (Optional) Provide overshield for team (with mod Vampire Leech)
Common Team Compositions That Include EV Trin
  • Experience Farming
  • Resource Farming
  • Mod Farming
  • Credit Farming
  • Pushing deep into endless type missions
Important Note on Energy Vampire
Energy Vampire will leech the most energy with as low as possible duration and high power strength. Lowest possible duration of 13 can be achieved with max rank Fleeting Expertise and Transient Fortitude.

How To Make EV Trin's Job Easier
+Enemy Radar Mods can be helpful since you'll need enemies to leech off of and +Enemy Radar helps in locating them. You can swap mods from the following builds for a +Enemy Radar mod if you like. Also see section, "Macro For EV."

How To Check Teammates' Energy Levels

I like to check teammates' energy levels, so I know who needs energy. Teammates' energy levels are represented by the white bar just above their names.

Max Range General Purpose Build
This is my go-to build for EV Trin for general purpose. The ability will leech energy from enemies up to 70 meters away. Though max range isn't necessary, I find it very handy and makes EV trin's job easier. Many people love overshield. In that case, swap Augur Reach with Vampire Leech.

High Power Strength Build
Energy Vampire will leech up to 59 meters.

High Power Strength Umbral Build
Energy Vampire will leech up to 59 meters.

Survivability Build (High Shield And Overshield)
This is not a tank build, but an EV focused build with more survivability. For a true tank build, see section, "Tank."
Important: This build includes very high shields but low health and is geared toward grineer and corpus factions only. Many infested enemies attack with toxin which bypasses shields. One grineer enemy, Nox, attacks with toxin, but he is a rare enemy.

EV/Healing Hybrid Build
All EV builds are capable of healing with Trinity's fourth ability, Blessing. However, this build allows more spamming of that ability. Note: Blessing heals allies within affinity range which is base 50 meters. Information on how to increase affinity range is in section, "Bless Trin."

ESO (Elite Sanctuary Onslaught) Build For Pre-made Teams
This is the same build as the max range build. Playing as the EV role in ESO teams can be hard. Max range will definitely help as well as a macro (see section "Macro for EV").
Bless Trin
Purpose Of Role
  • Provide team-wide healing
  • Provide team-wide damage reduction of up to 75%
  • (Optional) Provide energy to team (not as effective as EV builds)
Important Mechanic To Blessing
Blessing's area of effect is not affected by ability range. Blessing is affected by affinity range, which is base 50 meters.

How To Tell A Teammate Is Within Affinity Range

Teammates who are within affinity range will have a 3-circle symbol displayed next to their names.

How To Increase Affinity Range
For general purpose, 50 meters is just fine, but if for some reason you need more range, here are some methods:
  • Vazarin's Mending Unity adds 25 meters to base for a total of 75 meters.
  • Fosfor Blau/Forfor Rahd are sold by Nakak in Cetus. These are gear items and boosts the affinity range to 200 meters. They last 120 seconds, but can be relaunched as many times as needed during missions.

What Blessing Affects Besides Teammates
Affected allies includes all Warframes, Companions, Eidolon Lures, summoned allied units such as Specters, allied Invasion units, Hostages, Kavor Defectors, Sortie and Arbitrations Defense Operatives, and Defense Objects.
  • On Defense Objects, Blessing restores up to 500 health over 5 seconds which does not stack with similar restoration effects. The damage reduction is also capped at 50%.

General Purpose Builds
Blessing will cost 25 energy, last for 20.5 seconds, and provide 75% damage reduction for allies. The exilus mod is optional. Important: To reach the maximum damage reduction of 75%, we need at least +50% power strength. A low rank Transient Fortitude will result in loss in damage reduction.

You can skip out on Transient Fortitude and go with Intensify and Power Drift for increased duration of 23.2 seconds at 72.5% damage reduction.

Vampire Leech
The mod Vampire Leech augments, Trin's second ability, Energy Vampire, to provide overshields. Vampire Leech synergizes with Blessing, since Blessing's damage reduction applies to overshields. However, I find it difficult to fit this mod in. For example, the duration on Blessing is already low and I am reluctant to uninstall duration mods. EV also depends on range. We can uninstall Narrow Minded which gives -66% range, but again duration takes a huge hit. We can take off energy efficiency mods, but the build will require a lot of casting as you'll have to spam EV to get any significant overshield. I just don't think it's very practical. Furthermore, EV really benefits from Fleeting Expertise. If you really want to use Vampire Leech, I will leave it up to your discretion.

Trick To Ev'ing As Bless Trin
Generally, Ev and Bless Trin are polar opposite builds. Ev's effectiveness depends on negative duration, and Bless Trin benefits from positive duration. However, there is a trick. If you cast EV on an enemy and immediately kill it, you'll gain full energy as if it fully pulsed 4 times. Therefor, you'll preferably want a weapon that will one-shot enemies.
Trin's Third Ability, Link
Unmodded Link tethers up to 3 enemies up to 20 meters away. While linked, she reduces incoming damage to herself by 75% and transfers 100% of incoming damage and Status Effects to the tethered enemies instead.

Abating Link

With the augment mod, Abating Link, Link will reduce tethered enemy armor by 45%. The percent is affected by power strength. To reach 100%, we need at least 223% power strength. The following solo builds have over 223% power strength, resulting in full armor strip. Abating Link is mostly only useful in solo play. If on a team, players can equip multiple Corrosive Projections, which makes Abating Link obsolete.

Solo Non-Umbral Build
Link will cost 116.25 energy, tether up to 3 enemies up to 23 meters away, provide 75% damage reduction, and last 21.5 seconds. Bless will cost 155 energy, last 18 seconds, and provide an additional 75% damage reduction. EV will cost 77.5 energy and reach enemies up to 28.75 meters away for the required energy.

Solo Umbral Build
Link will cost 97.5 energy, tether up to 3 enemies up to 20 meters away, provide 75% damage reduction, and last for 21.5 seconds. Bless will cost 130 energy, last 18 seconds, and provide an additional 75% damage reduction. Ev will cost 65 energy and reach enemies up to 25 meters for the required energy.

Multiplayer Non-Umbral Build
Multiple Corrosive Projections make Abating Link obsolete, so we won't be using it here. Link will cost 52.5 energy, tether up to 3 enemies up to 20 meters away, provide 72.5% damage reduction, and last for 21.5 seconds. Bless will cost 70 energy, last 18 seconds, and provide an additional 75% damage reduction. Ev will cost 35 energy and reach enemies up to 25 meters for the required energy.

Multiplayer Umbral Build
This build has similar stats to its non-umbral counterpart, except it has more health and an optional exilus mod of your choice. Bless will provide the full 75% damage reduction. Cunning Drift is good for more range.

My Thoughts On Trinity As A Tank
Most people, when they think of tanks, don't think of Trinity. However, Link combined with Blessing give her a ton of damage mitigation. Therefor, we can classify her as a tank. I personally recommend other traditional tanks, as Trinity's damage reduction is so dependent on her abilities. If her abilities were stripped from a nullifier, scrambler, or falling through the map, she becomes very flimsy like most caster warframes. Still, some people really enjoy playing Trin as a tank, so give it a try if it sounds interesting to you.
Eidolon Captures
There are so many build variations for Trinity for Eidolon captures, because there are so many factors such as your playstyle, your team's needs and builds, and strategies. If you're just getting into Eidolon Captures or just want something that works, this build will be fine. Otherwise, I suggest looking at other more in-depth guides on Eidolon Captures.
Cheap Builds
This section assumes that you're a new player.

The following builds require 1 orokin reactor and 0 forma and are for non-prime Trinity.

EV Build

EV/Healing Hybrid

Bless Build
Blessing gives you and your allies 72.5% damage reduction. It will cost 25 energy per cast and last for 19 seconds. You can swap transient fortitude for Intensify which changes the damage reduction to 65% and duration to 21.3 seconds.
Macro For EV
Many tenno who've played the EV role have gotten spammed from teammates, "EV, EV, EV," when they need energy. It can be fustrating when there's no enemy in site, or the enemies that do spawn immediately die.
Well, I've got this macro that'll solve the problem and when I implemented it into my gameplay a few years ago, I've never had a teammate complain since.

Do macros break the Terms of Service agreement and get your account banned?
The answer is yes and no. DE does NOT allow macros that fully automate gameplay. For example, a macro that farms items for you without you even having to be on the keyboard is full automation. I've used the following macro for a few years now and have not gotten banned. All it does is spam 2 for you. The following macro is NOT full automation.

  • Go to the website: https://www.autohotkey.com
  • Download autohotkey and install the program.
  • Open up a folder and right click anywhere in the folder and a drop down box will open up.
  • Mouse over New and click AutoHotkey Script
  • Name the newly created file Warframe EV.ahk
  • Right click on Warframe EV, mouse over Open with, and click Notepad
  • Copy and paste the Macro Code into Notepad
  • Save
  • Double click the Warframe EV file to run the script
Macro Code
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%



While Trigger=0

Send {2}
Sleep, 150



How To Use The Macro In-game
Mouse WheelUp activates the macro and will spam 2 for you. Mouse WheelDown will deactivate the macro. These controls can be edited to your liking. Just replace WheelUp and WheelDown in the Macro Code to what you want. When the macro is activated, all you have to do is swipe over general areas with enemies, and the macro will EV enemies for you.

Notes About "Send {2}" In Macro Code
  • 2 is the default key to cast Energy Vampire. If you changed default keys, then you'll have to change 2 in the script accordingly.
  • I am from the USA. Some keyboards in other countries use different keys. If so, you might have to change the 2 in the script to the appropriate key that casts Energy Vampire.
Draegan 11 Jun, 2020 @ 3:06am 
Yes, It's not an offensive build, more like a strict tank/heal build. I manage the lack of armor shreeding without ablating link with a slash proc melee/primary, or a fire/viral weapon. It works pretty well
ThePHiLsTeR [¬º-°]¬  [author] 11 Jun, 2020 @ 2:20am 
So is this for multiplayer only then? Because you skipped out on abating link and all that jazz
ThePHiLsTeR [¬º-°]¬  [author] 11 Jun, 2020 @ 2:19am 
Sounds good mate. I'll add it in and link your stream profile for credit.
Draegan 11 Jun, 2020 @ 2:17am 
May I suggest a build for Trinity tank ? As your tank build are lacking some survivability assets for HL missions.


Quick thinking+Primed flow got me from many bad situation when refreshing my link and a add 1531 Health to the base EHP putting her to 2338 base health for over 24k EHP with that build thanks to the 75%x2 DR (93% DR)

Rage or Hunter Adrenaline is very usefull to offset the need of spamming your 2 and, more importantly, allow you to get a "primer" when disrupted to oblivion by magnetic proc/Ancient disurptor/Leech for example. Essential in infested mission.

(I put growing power to help my fellow nuke/chroma frames but not essential and I switched handspring to prime sure footed since I take that screenshot)