Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Blend Bannerlord
27 comentarios
SlitherMan Activated 11 OCT 2022 a las 20:19 
reported for gay
Red_Monke 17 AGO 2022 a las 14:35 
this is pure cringe, reported
IvanGogh 14 JUN 2022 a las 5:37 
I like how drawing only girls is basically an art style now. Digital art is dying
Human72 18 MAR 2022 a las 13:59 
SME* to be precise. :(
Human72 18 MAR 2022 a las 13:58 
tried to see this vid but it is blocked in my country due tot he SMA stuff other issues. :( not even a VPN is helping me bypass this. :(
Paul 24 OCT 2021 a las 13:57 
And another weeb who likes something like dragonball or whatever! Why are the so many fucking weebs!
Paul 24 OCT 2021 a las 13:56 
Not a fucking weeb. A fucking weeb!
Red_Monke 9 OCT 2021 a las 6:17 
this is just cringe waifu stuff not cool anime like dragonball. this is just a product from a sad virgin who has never spoken to a girl in his life
Алексан♂door♂ 1 JUN 2021 a las 12:38 
это чё за мазафака мультик?
STEVEO46 31 MAY 2021 a las 9:38 
I can't keep up, I thought anime was cool now? Maybe I'm just old. Also how is posting art ruining something? Why can't people just be nice? This is why I hate teenagers, y'all try so hard to be cool, but you just sound like A-holes. When I was a kid I used to think nerdy stuff like anime and D&D were for losers too, but I'm a casual anime fan and I love D&D. All that "what's cool not cool" crap won't matter when your an adult, so just chill.