Sometimes Always Monsters

Sometimes Always Monsters

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Editing old save files to get the characters you want in Sometimes Always Monsters
By Squidy
If you would like to edit your cast of characters from Always Sometimes Monsters before playing the sequel then you're in luck! just follow this guide and you can have whatever cast of characters you would like in Sometimes Always Monsters
Editing old save files to get the characters you want in Sometimes Always Monsters
Hello there all, i figured since i was doing some save file editing that i would share what i've come across in regards to characters when importing your save file into the new Sometimes always monster's game. If you have your previous save file and wish to have a new character you absolutely can! all you have to do us use an rpg save editor (i used this one here[] ) and change around a few variables before bringing the edited save file into the new game. Now your character at the beginning will have the old sprite you were using BUT it'll change before the game starts. now to do this process you need to open up the editor, select your old save file and hit advanced and edit switches and variables go to the variables tab and then CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTERS. hit save and exit. you can now use the method here[] to bring in the old save file to the new game and you'll be all set~!

If you want to change your character or lover to being trans in the new game I am unsure if this will be successful or not but go to switches tab and kinda close to the bottom there will be some options where it says transchill transphobic transplayer translover you can check transplayer or translover or you'll have to have checked transchill then also check transplayer/translover. I'm unsure if you would then need to change the variable for player gender to 3 or another number or leave as is but so far all my testing has been unsuccessful..if anyone figures this out please let me know!

Last thing to note that THIS METHOD IS ONLY FOR SAVE FILES BEING BROUGHT INTO THE NEW GAME!! this won't change your current character in Always sometimes monsters..I mean it'll change the talk sprites in the old game but it won't change the walking sprites. I would not recommend doing more changes with the variables and switches as some of them can really ♥♥♥♥ with the game...a few like say making your character a smoker or not won't have much of an effect but if you un-check the wrong thing then your character's choices will be effected so do what you want with caution..i'm just here to show you how to get the cast of characters you want before you start your game in Sometimes always monsters. Also note that this method will not change your character mid game so choose wisely!! (however if someone does figure out how to do so mid game lemme know..cuz that would be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fantastic!!) You also cannot change the name of your previous player..or at least I have yet to figure out how to do so successfully (i'll update this if i figure out how to do so..again if you figure out how to do this LEMME KNOW i would love to learn how to do this).

Either way so without further adieu these are the character choices you can have in Sometimes Always Monsters and how to edit your old save file to get the characters you want in the new game with the program mentioned above

Lzxio 24 Apr, 2020 @ 4:10am 
Nice, thanks for taking the time to go through that stuff man.