Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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How to Boop the Snoot?
Tekijältä Wolfman_TTV
Hey bois and gurls, snoot boopers and Piggies, this guide is created for you!
Everything about snoot booping from survivor's and killer's pov! How to charm every nice Piggy and snoot booper?
Wish you a nice reading, kisses! /Lady Piggy
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Part for survivors who are thinking about boop a random Piggy their first time:
1. What exactly means "boop the snoot"?
It means to crouch as survivor. If Piggy crouches too instead of stab you with her assasin blade then she is probably saying one of those 4 things:
  • "Hmm... What do you want from me?"
  • "Umm.. Hey.."
  • "Boop? :3"
  • "Uuuu.. What do you have for me? UwU"
And it's permission for you. She is letting you boop her.
So it's very simple, look: you crouch, Piggy sees this, crouches too and then you need to point at her nose. It's boop the snoot, now you can use this knowledge to make some Piggies happy! Go ahead, they are gentle.. ~~

"Sniff sniff.. oink! Aw, what a nice toolbox and flashlight, thank you!"
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2. Piggy stabbed me when I crouched, w-why? (◕︵◕)
Oh dear, unfortunately this Piggy doesn't respect snoot booping, she is just mad or she wanna kill everyone for the reasons. Buuut there still is hope, look at those situations:
  • if she instantly downed you then it means she won't let you boop the snoot and is gonna just kill you like every else killer,
  • if she downed noodled her head like "yes" or crouched on you/crouched and roar = "Ohh, nice. Wanna boop me? Maybe later, now go on the hook."
  • if noodled like "no" = "No! You can't boop me, prepare to die! Oink! >:3"
  • if she just looked at you after down you, she probably is just confused but there always is a chance she will become your friend if you try to be nice for her (give one or more items etc).
3. Boop the snoot isn't a meme!!
A) "Snoot booping is a cool meme."
Yes, it's so cool and positive thing in our lovely wonderful DbD. But many, maaaany people thinks it's a meme. No, it isn't, really. In this way you're showing the Piggy some nice intentions. I will tell more about this later.

B) "Snoot booping is a so annoying and cringy meme."
Don't care about people who are saying something like that, my snoot booping friends. The most often people like that are sad try hards who can't take fun from this game anymore in any other way than play for 32k BPs as survivor and the killer. DbD sometimes is a one big cringe so don't even try to understand why they are bothered by snoot booping, you'll get headache, ouch!

4. Killer is happy, Piggy is happy.
I'm gonna tell you about 3 types of Piggies right now, take a look:
A) Piggy - common nice Piggies who respects boop the snoot, they are noodling their heads when you boop them, they are telling you:
"Aw, thank you, hatch for you!"
B) Rawr Piggy - they are enjoying snoot booping with roaring to show you it's pleasure for them and show friendship. They are saying:
"Roooar! Roar roar! UwU"
C) Queen Piggy - Piggies who fully understand snoot booping. Why? Because if you boop them, they are raising their heads. Thanks to this, from survivor's pov he sees he is booping her snoot in the perfect way. They also roar and sometimes noodle with heads. They mean:
"Oh, good good, boop me, my precious.. ^w^"

All of those 3 types of Piggies are respecting boop the snoot, it's a lot. That's why you should try it with every Piggy, you'll find nice ones, don't worry!

5. Don't abuse snoot booping too much.
Well, you shouldn't boop the Piggy like milion times, no one like touchi touchi too much.. UwU You can't make Piggy feeling uncomfortable, she will be start stressing a lot because she has to respect eeeevery boop.
Instead, you can boop her a few times and everytime when you meet her again. Also, you can shake your head after boop instead of boop her again.
Some of them can be little dangerous cuties if you abuse snoot booping too much, so respect their feelings please! >:3

"On the old road we found redemption, together..."
Part for elite of survivors called "snoot boopers" who wanna know more things about boop the snoot:
1. Early game boop.
So match just started. You're seeing Jigsaw Box next to your spawn and you're happy because you got a Piggy. If you wanna boop her so much, you can go looking for her. The best moment to meet the Piggy is just instantly come there, where she downed someone. You can crouch in the close distance to get her attention when she is picking someone up. Then she hooks this survivor and sees you still waiting in crouch there. If she is a nice Piggy, she will crouch to let you boop her.
Let's assume you booped her, congratulations! What now? Well, it's depending on this Piggy's will. Two situations:
A) If she doesn't care about early game pressure, she will go to catch other survivors. But please, don't unhook survivor right after she left you, wait a moment with it, don't unhook him right in front of her snoot after you booped her, it's rude and ungrateful.
B) If she cares, then you can be expecting stab. Okay, she appreciated your boop but she wanna put you on the hook. What now? Well, you can fight with her and start running. Then she can be pretty mad but still depending on this Piggy, you never know. Second option - go to the hook and show her that you wanna be hooked. For Piggy it means:
"Aww, what a wonderful puppy.. ^w^"
Two survivors on the hook right after start of the match is quite awkward but hey, don't worry. You're her puppy, you shouldn't sabo your team but you can make this match a little bit easier for her, she'll appreciate it, trust me.

"You gave me 3 toolboxes and booped me so nicely in the early game, now it's time for your reward, oink! UwU"

2. Middle game boop.
Depending on situation:
A) If Piggy is loosing, she can be a little bit agressive. If you see she is in doubt, troubles, doesn't want to hook you but she have to do it, then go let her hook you (not to the death hook), it'll help her a little. And before it, you can boop her to show friendship. She should be okay and feel relief because she has more pressure to win the match. Anyway, boop if she is loosing = give her a free hook. And remember - if she seems be merciless loosing Piggy, better just run away.
B) If Piggy is winning the match, it's much more easier. She is just chilling and she is happy about how is her match going. Especially in this moment it's amazingly good thing to make her your friend with snoot booping. Now you can boop her whenever you want. After start of the chase, when she finds you. Only end of the chase moment is a little bit bad moment to boop her. She could be mad about your looping.
But still, winning Piggy in the middle game is a great moment to boop her and make her friendly to you. Take that opportunity! ❤

3. Endgame boop.
Endgame can be sometimes a lot more complicated. Still depending on situations:
A) Piggy displeased the Entity. She can be mad about this and will farm you with her ambush dash attack and even try to kill you (at the gate). But she also may enjoy her boops being a killer who took her fail like a true man. Then you can play around with this Amanda, she is like:
"Sooo bad match.. TwT Well, at least this survivor is nice and wanna make me feel better. :3"
And again - Piggies have feelings, carry about them!
B) Piggy won the match. For example: everyone are dead and you're looking for the hatch. She finds it before you, close it and then she finds you while patrolling the gates. If you can't open it in time and see she is coming, you can crouch and then try to boop her, she may has a mercy. Chances for get the mercy during endgame are the biggest if you didn't do that before.
If the hatch is open and she finds you during searching for it, then you can try to boop her, chances are the same like in the first option. Don't run, just give up, you won’t find the hatch during a chase anyway, take that risk, it's worth.

"Do you wanna boop me? Go ahead, my handsome boi.. ~"

Important pro snoot booper tip - the earlier you boop her, the bigger are chances to make her your friend and let you escape later. It works like this for Piggies:
"Ooo, I like him/her, need to remember about give him/her more friendly attention."

4. Every killer is other person in real world and every from them personally has his own favourite survivor. But some survivors are liked by the most of the killers. I mean these survivors are the cutest (based on global opinion, most playing characters, own experience):
  • Dwight Fairfield,
  • Feng Min,
  • Kate Denson,
  • Jane Romero,
  • Steve Harrington,
  • Yui Kimura.
Playing one of them may give you extra chances to make Piggies more friendly to you. Keep it in mind! It really works. So dear, now you know - play these cute survivors!! UwU

Another pro snoot booper tip:
Personally, I love Steve and Yui the most. But the cutest snoot boop survivor is Kate. She looks so silly and incredibly adorable when she is booping Piggy, it may make you to yell "awwww" for the real!

5. #TwoNotOfficialPiggyTeams ^^
Every nice Amanda belongs to one of two Piggy teams in my opinion:
A) #IRespectSnootBooping
They are a Piggies who respect boop the snoot and let you live if you booped them. But they can be impatient, get mad easily so you need to be careful. Don't do any objectives in front of her face (except searching a chest to give her an item). It doesn't mean they are bad/evil Piggies, don't even think like that! >:3
They are just playing fair and actually wanna play the real game instead of letting someone boop them and then see how these survivors are doing a gen right in front of her snoot. Be careful, be nice, don't do stupid things and she is gonna be okay with you.
B) #SnootBoopersForever
Piggies who even are looking for survivors to get boop. If the Pig is playing as the Trapper for a moment, then she will immediately switch character to Amanda if she notices survivor called "snoot booper" in her lobby. And she'll play normally but very gentle for this snoot booper, see? Piggies are so cute and nice, carry about them! They deserve for it.
If more than one survivor booped her during match, she is going to farm them and let you all gens and escape. So.. It looks like this:
#SnootBoopersForever Piggy + 4 snoot boopers in the early game = farming and a looot of love! It's so cute, someone still thinks that DbD is a horror survival game?

"Little angel and little demon Piggy together, best friends forever!"
Part for all Piggies who respect snoot booping:
1. Why?
You ask me why I'm creating part for Piggies knowing that most of the time, everything depends on them? Good question, point for you, my reader. The reasons are simple:
A) Some of Amanda's players sometimes are confused - what should they do in THIS and THIS situation? I will describe those situations in this guide so hey, my Piggy, you can get here more knowledge about respecting boop the snoot!
B) I know that nice Piggies are enjoying snoot booping a lot so I guess, this guide is a warm thing for their hearts, just sit here and read calmly, let's chill, let's become friends. ❤
C) Some of them can be unexperienced with snoot booping and wanna start doing this, well, this guide is number #1 for you! Umm.. I mean, I hope it is. ;3

"I had Ghost Face daily ritual but there is a Meg called "Boop the Snoot". Hmm.. okay, it's Piggy time!"

2. Know your puppies-boopers and choose your side!
A) You ought to read part for survivors too if you didn’t do that before. It'll help you in making relations with them much more easier.
B) Are you #IRespectBoops or #SnootBoopersForever team? Decision belongs only to you, my dear. What makes you feel more comfortable? Playing a real game and be out of control of snoot booping or be a little Piggy who gives allllll the love for her snoot boopers?
If you don’t know what I'm asking about - don’t worry. You can read about Piggy teams in the part for survivors.
Deciding for which team you belong, helps you with correct reaction when someone boops you. It's pretty important.

"There we go! ^^"

3. Someone booped me.. But he is doing weird things. What now? I'm confused - Don't be their toy-fun-thing!
It's really complicated and uncomfortable moment for every Piggy. What should you do is depending on what this survivor is doing. Let's take a look at some situations which happened after survivor booped you:
A) He is t-bagging you.
"Haha, silly Pig, I touched your snoot, now eat my butt!"
Common toxic survivor, just kill him if you can, there is no point for being nice to him.
B) Clicky-clicky.
"WOW, EZ boop your snoot, eat my flashlight!"
The same problem as with t-bagging. Kill.
C) He took away item from you.
"Gimmeeee gimme! I wanna this cool item!"
NO. Items are gifts, don't let him take it away from you. First you should:
  • threat him with roaring,
  • hit him,
  • and if even it doesn't work, hook him,
  • kill him if still doesn't want to give you your item back.
Taking your item away from you is very rude. Make them to give it back! >:3
D) He is vaulting pallets, windows, jumping into the locker and out of it, failing skillchecks all the time and it's annoying.
Looks like he/she wanna get your attention, go check it. If still didn’t stop doing this after you came there, just hook him. If already dead on hook, it depends only on you what are you gonna do with him.
E) He is sabotaging his team.
Hey! It's not fine. Snoot booper shouldn't make the match harder for you but also can't doing stuff like this, this is unfair and reportable.
Showing where they are, sandbagging etc.
But it also depends on you. Actually you like it or not? If you do, then fine but if don’t, you should hook him and show with your head that he can't doing something like this, maybe he will understand.
F) He became too altruistic.
Let's assume survivor booped you and you let him go somewhere. You hook other survivor and he immediately is back and unhooking in front of your mask or during a chase he is bodyblocking you for other survivor. What now?
Well, he is using you to farm etc. He knows he is quite safe and still is pretending that he is your friend. Well, bodyblocking is fine I would say. Because he can't just let his teammate die, I understand them and respect it. But farming and other too altruistic things are not and will not be respected.
That’s why I said before in part for survivors that waiting before unhook is nice for the Pig, snoot booper should know that, so don't worry, Piggy.
So too altruistic survivors who booped you, actually are playing a normal game but taking this opportunity you're very nice for them. Just also play normally and kill them like the normal survivors because they are just greedy survivors who used you and snoot booping.

"Aww, you booped my snoot, what a little dirty secret code user.. okay then, lemme carry you to the hatch, my Yui!"

4. What survivors can do after they booped your snoot?
Alright, so you found a one snoot booper. You're friendly to him so now he can do more things than a common survivor is able to do. But you shouldn't let him for some things anyway. Let's take a look at those laws of snoot boopers and let's explain that too:
A) Pallet stun - if snoot booper wants to stun you with the pallet/Head On to farm points then it's very, veeery rude and using Piggy as the farm-points-thing. Don't let him do that! Show him with your head "NO, u can't hurt me with that pallet!!" if he is still trying to stun you, then he isn't friendly, just rude and stupid.. Then he just should become a common survivor in your eyes who should be killed like everyone else.
B) Farming objective points - the match is gonna end, all 3 survivors are sacrificed and you want to give your snoot booper the hatch. Buuut... He doesn't want to take it but he goes away to repair last one or two last gens. Like.. Really? Wasting 80 seconds of Piggy's time just for 1250 points? Please.. Literally using the fact that Piggy is nice. If he doesn't want to take the hatch, just hook him. Unless he wants to show you something interesting, then sure! I personally love it when survivors are showing me cool things in game. :3
So there are two important laws of snoot puppies-boopers. It they're breaking them then it means they're fake friends who just want to use Piggy's kindness to farm points! Keep it in mind, my dear.

5. What snoot booping is for the DbD's community?
It's a very healthy thing for the players of Dead by Daylight, snoot booping made this game so friendly and fresh for me, it makes survivors' and killers' hearts warmer and just letting them to have this wonderful feeling of being a kind player... Hope you all who read that guide think the same like me, thank you for your time and for all goods which you're gonna do as the Piggy/snoot booper, have a good one. ❤

"Life & Death, Day & Night, Boop & Snoot, the true harmony."
My special thanks:
Thank you all for your comments, nice words and support, you can't even imagine how happy made me comments like "now I'm gonna find survivors who are gonna boop the snoot, thanks!" Love ya all, my lil cuties.. ~

I also wanna mention about the BEST Piggy cosplayer in the entire DbD's community who created for me this amazing thumbnail... Here you can find her cosplays, don't forget to follow her UwU!!

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107 kommenttia
Wolfman_TTV  [tekijä] 22.10. klo 8.05 
Based, booping is an amazing way of making good friends in DbD! :whiteward:
Many players think u are friendly but not booping da piggie, I think it's only cuz other killers are so mean, survi too afraid for a boop, trying keep the distance
But guys trust me, sooner or later you will achieve the boop and maybe make sum friends
Wolfman_TTV  [tekijä] 7.10. klo 22.12 
New players usually might not know about it but fear not, sooner or later someone will boop you. :lunar2019piginablanket:
Bigthicc6969 7.10. klo 15.42 
I play as pig a lot I try to initiate the boop but everyone just runs in fear. The pig just wants some love
Wolfman_TTV  [tekijä] 29.5.2023 klo 7.14 
I need no more comments on my profile but if that makes your day better.. Also I'm just curious which part of my profile ya gonna appreciate ngl. :thehook:
Hyperion 28.5.2023 klo 18.11 
If you +rep me on my profile and say something like good Dead By Daylight player, really good killer etc... I will do the same for you :)
d4wid CASE.GIFT 9.4.2023 klo 7.13 
co do chuja
madzaza 9.3.2023 klo 0.26 
i just wanted to play dbd
Wolfman_TTV  [tekijä] 24.11.2022 klo 0.13 
That's really the best way to counter the Piggy. Especially against the cute Piggies!
KloudX 23.11.2022 klo 20.45 
i just asked a pig counter